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Oleh : JASNI LADIN Msc in PEES (MSU, Mich.), Dip. In Coaching (Uni. Of P.E., Budapest, Hungary), B.Ed. In PE (UPM, Msia)

Fungsi Otot Rangka


Menyokong badan Melindungi Pergerakan Simpan Mineral Bentuk sel darah

Jenis tulang


Tak sama bentuk Pendek

Klasifikasi Sendi

Tak bergerak sutur kranium

Klasifikasi Sendi

Separa gerak Sendi pivot

Klasifikasi Sendi

Bergerak sendi engsel

Jenis Sendi Bergerak


Lesong Engsel Pivot Kondoloid Pelana Gelungsur

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Planar joint between the navicular and second and third cuneiforms of the tarsus in the foot.

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Hinge joint between throchlea of humerus and throclear notch of ulna at the elbow

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Pivot joints between head of radius and radial notch of ulna

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Saddle joint between trapezium of carpus (wrist) and metacarpal of thumb

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Condyloid joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of the carpus (wrist)

Jenis Sendi Bergerak

Ball and Socket - Shoulder

Ball and socket joints between head of femur and the acetabulum of hip bone

Tisu Penghubung


Tisu Penghubung


Tisu Penghubung


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