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Klein-Gordon Equation a relativistic (that is satisfying the requirements of the theory of relativity) quantum equation for particles with

zero spin. Historically, the Klein-Gordon equation was the first relativistic equation in q uantum mechanics for the wave function of a particle. It was proposed in 1926 b E. Schrdinger as a relativistic generalization of the Schrdinger equation. It was also proposed, independentl , b the Swedish ph sicist O. Klein, the Soviet ph sicist V. A. Fok, and the German ph sicist W. Gordon. For a free particle, the Klein-Gordon equation is written This equation is associated with the relativistic relationship between the energ and the momentum p of a particle 2 = p2c2 + m2c4, where m is the mass of the p article and c is the speed of light.

The solution to the equation is the function (x, , z, t), which is a function o nl of the coordinates (x, , z) and the time (t). Consequentl , the particles d escribed b this function have no other internal degrees of freedomthat is, the are spinless (the -meson and the K-meson are of this ty e). However, analysis of the equation indicated that its solution differed fundamentall in ph sical mean ing from the ordinar wave function, which is considered as the probabilit ampl itude of detecting a particle at a given point in space and a given moment in ti me: (x, , z, f) is not determined uniquel b the value of at the initial moment (such an unambiguous relationship is postulated in nonrelativistic quantum mech anics). Furthermore, the expression for the probabilit of a given state can take on not onl positive values but also negative values, which are devoid of ph sical mea ning. Therefore, the Klein-Gordon equation was at first rejected. However, in 19 34, W. Pauli and W. Weisskopf discovered a suitable interpretation for the equat ion within the scope of quantum field theor ; treating it like a field equation analogous to Maxwells equations for an electromagnetic field, the quantized it, so that became an operator.

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