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_ Courtly Malquig ; AYRES, Compofed to 5. and 6. Parts, for Violins, Comforts, and Cornets, wy lown Apson. _CANTVS_ LONDON? Printed by 7:5. ot lob Browne, and areto be fold in S.Dun- ans Church yacd in Flcerftrect. TO THERIGHT HONO™ and iudicious Fanorer ofall good Arts and Learning, Georce, Marqueffe of Buckingham , Lord bigh Admzrall of England , Vilcount Yilliers, Baron of Whaddon, Matter of bis Marestizs Horfe, Knightof the moft aoble Order | ofthe Garter, Gentleman ot his Highnelle Bedicbam. der , and one of bis moft honourable Prinie-Connced Right Noble, and mofthonoured 1 ORD, AGS orang Here are three Vertues, (Goodueffe , Truth, and Newnefft) 4 Fy which as they embolden a Worke, and make it an va- bluthing Offering at the Nobleft altar: Sodoe they al- fo preferue from Taxation the Prefenter 5 and from dif- paragement, the Preteéfor : All which ({ hope) will be 4 found in thefemy poorelabours. Ihauelong ferued that Excelent Miftris ,and Msiden-Science of Muficke : and to teftifie, that I no more. {corne to. weare her Linery in wublique, then to honour her in my heart; I hauc here publithed to the general 1ye, this my feruice towards her. They areall (for the moft part) Cewrsly Ma/= guing Ayres, framed onely for Jn/truments; of which kinde, thefe are the firft that hane beeneeuer Printed: Atwhich,fhould any curious Carper caft his venome, I will onely flop bis mouth with his owne Ignorance. And (right Noble Lord) Ihave thus fought your honourable Patronage, meerely out of the carneft de~ fireof my heart, which bath long endeanoured (in fome efpeciall way) to ex- preffe,and gine fome ignall how much honour your goodneffe : If your Lord- thip Gn your true Nobleneffe) thall be bu plealed to beleeue, that I fpeake Truth, there cannot but {pring from that beliefe, many excellent fruits : And amonglt others, the exceeding joy-and-comfort-which.my_ poore felfe fhall reape, by remembring bow I'haue (hereby ) in fome meafire difcarged my prefent Obligation of Duetie , and taken a bappie incouragement for a future feruice; As alfo, given content*to {0 true andnoblea Gracer of all good Intenrs, - i Tour good Lerdfhips moft faichfub, and bumble Honcurer, LA

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