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Feminism & Fatal Attraction a backlash Movie Objective: show how a theory such as Feminism can apply to a media

text (in thiscase Fatal Attraction, Adrian Lyne 1987)

yall of you must be able to show you can incorporate the keywords below into sentences ymost of you should be able to show that you can extend your sentences & argument ysome of you should be able to base a longer argument around the keywords; using balancing words: whereas, on the one hand, on the other hand , however. nevertheless, although

Feminism & Fatal Attraction a backlash Movie


female archetypes crisis of masculinity anti feminist backlash avenging witch iconography binary opposites Catharsis Todorov s3 part narrative structure

STARTER Discuss- 2 mins why would feminists find the values &ideollogy of Fatal Attraction objectionable?

female archetypes crisis of masculinity anti feminist backlash avenging witch iconography binary opposites catharsis Todorov s 3 part narrative structure

1. how convincing is the ending? (effect on audiences; catharsis = cleaning , purifying ; providing relief from fear or pity) 2. are the women represented positively or negatively? 3. are the men presented positively or negatively? 4. which narrative theory is illustrated by the film? 5. Which female archetypes does Alex Forrest embody? 6. How does intertextuality work in the film? are any other texts and stars referenced?

female archetypes crisis of masculinity anti feminist backlash avenging witch iconography binary opposites catharsis Todorov s 3 part narrative structure

7. Who is the real hero/ heroine of the film? 8. Which values and ideologies emerge as dominant ? 9. Pick out aspects of Iconography, connotation and common signifiers in the film, Are the signifiers iconic, indexical or symbolic? 10. Is Alex Forrest a heroine, a victim or a villain? 11. are there any pro feminist aspects? 12. Pick out anti feminist aspects. Is it purely a backlash, anti-feminist movie?

female archetypes crisis of masculinity anti feminist backlash avenging witch iconography binary opposites catharsis Todorov s 3 part narrative structure

female archetypes crisis of masculinity anti feminist backlash avenging witch iconography binary opposites catharsis Todorov s 3 part narrative structure

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