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Tadays lecture
Various details (improvements) about CKKW and MLM

NLL corrections Inclusive mode for highest multiplicity sample Simplified MLM

Literature: S. Catani, F. Krauss, R. Kuhn, B.R. Webber, JHEP (2001) 063 S. Hche, F, Krauss, N. Lavesson, L. Lnnblad, M. Mangano, A. Schlicke, S. Schumann, hep-ph/o602031

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Quark-antiquark pair production

R4 IQ , tM = 2


dm2 3


dm2 Gq IQ 2, m2 M Gf Im4 M F IQ 2, t m2, m4 M 3 3 4

2 2

m2 3 m4


Gf Im M =

1 as Im2 M Nf m




IQ , t
2 2

m2, 3

2 m4 M

= Dq IQ


Dq IQ 2 tM 2 Dq Im1 tM

Dq Im2 tM 1

D g Im2 tM 3
2 D g Im4


Dq Im4 tM Dq Im4 tM = ADq IQ 2 tME D g Im2 tM Df Im4 tM 3

2 2 2 2

Df Im4 tM = ADq Im4 tME D g Im4 tM


Algorithm: 1. "Gluonic" vetoed parton shower in the direction p q + p q evolves from m2 (gluon was born) to mq q (pair was born), g so that m2 > mq q g 2. Two quark vetoed parton showers in the directions
2 2

Simplified algorithm: 1. Two quark vetoed parton showers in the direction p q and p q evolve from m2 to t. g

It corresponds to the replacement CA to 2 CF in the coherent part, but overall contribution is NLL

p q and p q evolve from m2 q to t. q

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Highest multiplicity sample

Common problem is that jets above resolution scale tini are produced by ME-generator.

Thus number of jets at tini is always smaller than Nmax maximal parton multiplicity

The solution for CKKW (for highest multiplicity sample n = Nmax ):


1. Generate n-parton event by ME-generator with kT > tini 2. For the construction of Sudakov factor use m2 (minimal nodal value of kT ) instead of tini n 3. Run PS with veto kT > m2 n
2 2

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MLM-like algorithm
CKKW 1. Obtain n-parton event by an ME-generator IkT > tini )

MLM-like 1. Obtain n-parton event by an ME-generator IkT > tini )


2. Run kT -clustering algorithm to find nodal values 9m2 = Q 2 , m2..,m2 } 2 3 n 3. Reweight the event: w = as Im2 M .. as Im2M Aas Itini ME 3 n

2. Run kT -clustering algorithm to find nodal values 9m2 = Q 2 , m2..,m2 } 2 3 n 3. Reweight the event: w = as Im2 M .. as Im2M @as Htini LDn-2 3 n

n -2

F IQ 2 , tini m2, .. m2M 3 n

4. For each final state paton find the node where the parton was born mborn. 5. Generate n parton showers in the directions of the primary partons, so that the inital condition for each PS is mborn
2 2

4. For each final state paton find the node where the parton was born mborn. 5. Generate n vetoed parton showers in the directions of the primary partons, so that the inital condition for each PS is mborn
2 2

6. Run kT -clustering algorithm to find all jets at the resolution scale tini 7. If all the jets match primary partons then accept the event, else reject everything and go to step 1.

Each event generated by ME with reweighting yields a showered events

Some events generated by ME are rejected that is equivalent to the CKKW reweighting sH0L sn n

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MLM-like algorithm

jet found

Matched, accepted

Mismatched, rejected

MLM doesn't use analytic Sudakov factors nor vetoed PS. (rejection probability is Sudakov factor calculated by MC-integration)

ME-generator can produce sample with another (relaxed ?) separation among partons (like DR jj > Rmin). Then one can use simple jet cone algorithm with cone size Rmin to find jets.

If the distance between the parton and the jet centroid is smaller than Rmin , the parton and the jet match

Mismatched, but can be acepted for highest multiplicity sample

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