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Lee M.

Thurston High School


Comparative Anatomy Independent Study Grading

Weekly Assignments/Assessments/Tasks: 1. Research upcoming animal dissection. Grading: Zero points provided. Student responsibility and necessity for completing dissection. 2. Complete 1 animal dissection [including: dissection, photography, website posting, posting of website explanation]. Grading:
Dissection Requirements - Student is to use scalpel, tongs, scissors, box-cutters, and gloves to dissect the specimen. - Student must complete the dissection within 4 school days. - Image of whole animal. - Image of opened animal. - Image of organs (as a group). - Image of individual organs. 1 page / animal dissected Clear / logical title All pages/links accessible All images/text organized Points Possible Zero pts.


4pts [1pt/req.]


4pts [1pt/req.]

Photography Posting

Comparative Anatomy / Physiology Explanations

- Image of whole animal posted to website 1pt - Image of opened animal posted to website. 1pt - Image of organs (as a group) posted to website. 1pt - Image of individual organs posted to website. 10pts (# of organs will vary) - Must include captions underneath each photograph to identify image. 10pts - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human digestive system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human cardiovascular system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human respiratory system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human urinary system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human nervous system (including the senses). - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human skeletal system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human muscular system. - Accurate + complete comparison of animal vs. human reproductive system. - Comparison of animal vs. human digestive system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human cardiovascular system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human respiratory system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human urinary system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human nervous system (including the senses) posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human skeletal system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human muscular system posted to website. - Comparison of animal vs. human reproductive system posted to website. Comments:

23pts [please see requirements for breakdown] 32pts [4pts/req.]

Explanation Posting

8pts [1pt/req.]


__________ / 67pts

Lee M. Thurston High School


3. Read 1 chapter from Your Inner Fish. Grading: Zero points provided for the actual task of reading. The reading is required to submit the reading summary. 4. Type a summary for completed reading of Your Inner Fish Grading:
Requirements Pages Read Summary of Reading - Clear listing of pages read within text. - Begins with a listing of main ideas from reading. - Follows with a more detailed discussion of reading content. - References any diagrams/images used in the reading and their significance to the content. - Concludes with personal insight/questions regarding content read.

post to website.
Points Possible 1pt 8pts [2pts/req.]

Posting of Summary

- Entire summary (see above) posted to website. - Summary should be linked as part of a web-page titled Your Inner Fish. - Summaries should be posted per chapter, including each chapter with its own web-page. Comments



_________ / 11pts


Quiz (including content from: dissection, dissection research, Your Inner Fish reading). Grading: The quiz will be provided as a 15-30question assessment composed of multiple choice questions and one-essay prompt. The quiz will be graded 100% on accuracy, not completion/effort. Points will vary depending on assessment content.

6. Discuss dissection findings, and summary from Your Inner Fish with Ms. Rozema (may be completed after school, during flex, or via Twitter). Grading: Zero points will be received for this. The discussions/meetings will however be essential to the students comprehension and completion of each enlisted task.

Lee M. Thurston High School


Semester Final Assessment: - Create an informational portfolio containing: o Excerpts from Your Inner Fish relating to content from individual animal dissections. o Photographs from individual animal dissections. o Detailed explanations comparing the anatomy/physiology animals dissected and humans. o Description of missing organ systems, based off of human function/s. o Timeline displaying evolution of dissected animals, and specific organ systems/physical traits (discussed in Your Inner Fish). - Grading:
Requirements Excerpts from Your Inner Fish - Must include formatted citation underneath each excerpt. - Must include a logical/relevant title for each excerpt. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a rat. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a cat. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a fetal pig. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a fetal horse. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a shark. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a frog. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of an earthworm. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of an octopus/squid. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a crayfish/blue crab. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a mudpuppy. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a perch fish. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a turtle. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of a pigeon. - Including an excerpt relating to/supporting the unique anatomy/physiology of an iguana. - Must include each of the following, per animal dissected (rat, cat, fetal pig, fetal horse, shark, frog, earthworm, octopus/squid, crayfish/blue crab, mudpuppy, perch fish, turtle, pigeon, iguana): a) Image of whole animal. 1pt b) Image of opened animal. 1pt c) Image of organs (grouped together). 1pt d) Image of individual organs. 10pts (# of organs will vary) e) Captions underneath each image. 10pts - Must include each of the following, per animal dissected (rat, cat, fetal pig, fetal horse, shark, frog, earthworm, octopus/squid, crayfish/blue crab, mudpuppy, perch fish, turtle, pigeon, iguana): a) Accurate + complete comparison of nervous system, between animal and human. b) Accurate + complete comparison of cardiovascular system, between animal and human. c) Accurate + complete comparison of skeletal system, between animal and human. d) Accurate + complete comparison of respiratory system, between animal and human. e) Accurate + complete comparison of muscular system, between animal and human. f) Accurate + complete comparison of digestive system, between animal and human. g) Accurate + complete comparison of urinary system, between animal and human. h) Accurate + complete comparison of reproductive system, between animal and human. - Detailed description of unique organs, tissues, and cells included within the lymphatic system. - Detailed description of unique functions of the lymphatic system as a whole. - Detailed description of the unique functions of the individual organs, tissues and cells, within the lymphatic system. - Detailed description of unique organs, tissues, and cells included within the endocrine system. - Detailed description of unique functions of the endocrine system as a whole. - Detailed description of the unique functions of the individual organs, tissues and cells, within the endocrine system. - Timeline should begin with the date of the age of earth (in millions of years ago). Points Possible 42pts [3pts/excerpt]

Photographs from Animal Dissections

23pts [please see requirements for breakdown]

Comparative Anatomy / Physiology Explanations

32pts [4pts/req.]

Description of Missing Organ Systems

24pts [4pts/req.]

Timeline of


Lee M. Thurston High School - Timeline must include the following events/dates: a) First prokaryotic organism b) First eukaryotic organism c) First multicellular organism d) First aquatic/terrestrial plants e) First amphibians f) First insects g) First fish h) First reptiles i) First birds j) First mammals k) First flowering plants l) First humans - Timeline must also have the 14 animals dissected, inserted onto the timeline at their appropriate locations. - Appropriate increments should be used to mark every so many millions of years ago, working towards present time (on the right side of the timeline). Comments:


Animal / Organ System Evolution



_________ / 149pts

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