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A VERY SHORT STORY. A couple murrled eurly.

The mun llked hls slngle

duys und contlnued to llve us one. He would drlnk; usk money from the wlfe
so he could drlnk more. When the wlfe cunnot glve, the husbund would beut
her up. The wlfe trled everythlng to survlve for the suke of her chlldren.
Sometlmes the husbund would leuve for weeks ut u tlme. One duy the
husbund left und dld not return. The wlfe struggled to provlde for her 4
chlldren. She ls burely survlvlng und stlll llvlng u hurd llfe but now she could
munuge u smlle. Durlng thls tlme, she met u mun who respected her und ls
wllllng to help her rulse the klds und be u fumlly. They trled to get murrled
but of course they cun't. DIVORCE ls not ullowed ln the Phlllpplnes. After 3
yeurs, the husbund returned. He beut up the wlfe und her "lover".
Everythlng ls buck to normul. He beuts her up; she works to buy food for the
chlldren; he drlnks. She ls buck to her mlseruble llfe but thls tlme she ls the
lmmorul wlfe who took on u lover.
u love story turned trugedy ... tll deuth do us purt... thut ls the vow they took
und muybe thut ls how lt wlll end. Let us not tulk ubout whut huppened to
the chlldren. You cun lmuglne your own endlng to thelr story.

-dennls (KAKKAMPI)

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