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High School English Long Test 1rst Quarter

Story Elements
o Setting
o Time and Place of the action of the story o Influences the mood of a story

o Characters
o Types of Character According to their Development 1. Round/Dynamic/Major Character y The story revolves around this character y The character changed y He experienced the most conflict and most action 2. Flat/Static/Minor Character o Types of Character According to their Roles 1. Protagonist y Main role y Ex. Snow White 2. Antagonist y Against the person with the main role y Ex. Wicked Witch from Snow White

o Plot
o Sequence of events in a story

1. Exposition y The introduction of setting, situation and main characters y Ex. Once upon a time there was once a 2. Rising Action y The event that introduces the conflict y Story becomes interesting 3. Climax y The point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point with the most action 4. Falling Action y Shows the effect of the climax 5. Resolution y The point when the conflict is resolved y Shows the moral of the story

o Conflict
o Struggle between opposing forces o Types of Conflict 1. Internal

Weaverly Lee

High School English Long Test 1rst Quarter Character vs. Himself o When he has to make a decision (debating with himself) o Should I do this/that? Doesnt know his identity 2. External y Character vs. Another Character o Forces of Nature (diseases, death, fate, destiny) o Supernatural Beings (Gods, monsters) o Society (group of people) Ex. Stranger vs. Town Government vs. Rebels

o Point Of View
o From which the story was told 1. First Person y The story is told by the protagonist y Using pronouns (I, Me, We) y Ex. Twilight-Bella 2. Third Person y Follows only one person 3. Third Person Omniscient y Seeing all, hearing all y Dictates the characters, which story is told

o Theme
o Message or general idea that the author is trying to convey o Dictates what kind of characters, setting and conflict o Should be in a statement form

Weaverly Lee

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