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Manufactured Rousing ~eans any and all forms of modular, unitized or prefabrlcated houslng as well as mobile homes wh1ch are brought to and assembled on a build1ng site, placed on a foundation, and t1ed into all cOliventlonal and necessar-r util1ty systems and wh1ch are 1ntended to be used as a permanent dwel11ng unlt. Manufactured housing does not include hous1ng or mob1le homes wh1ch are fully constructed on the s1te. Mobile Home means a single complete and livable prefabricated unit, transported on wheels, and requ1r1ng connec t t on to water, power and sewage dlsposal systems for proper occupancy_

Non-~onform!~Z Build1ng or Structure means a bu1ld1ng the use of wh1ch 1n whole or 1n part does not conform regulations of th1s Ordinance.

or structure, to the use

Non-conform1ng Use means a. use in any bu i Ld Lng or structure which does not conform to the use regulations of this Ordinance. Record lot means land des1gnated as a separate a.nd distinct parcel in a deed legally recorded and filed 1n the Registry of Deeds, Carroll County, New Hampshire. Right of way means and includes all town. state ann federal hlgh~ays and the land on either side of same as covered by st&tutes to determine the widths of the rights of way. For purposes of set-back and yard requ1rements, it. also includes any private way used as a means of access to two or more residential! institutional or commercial build1ngs. Sand Fit means any place where sand 1s ~lned, worked from the premises for the purpose of sale or use. Shoppl rg Ce nter or rJ8.11 means any Lo t retall businesses are conducted.

or removed



(2) or more

Sign means any advertlse~ent, annour.cement, direction or com~unlcat10n produced 1n whole or in part by the ccnstruction, erection. affixing or plac1ng of a structure on any land or or.any other structure or produced by pa Lrit ng or or. po st Lng or placing any i printed. lettered, pictured, figured, or colored material on any build! ng, structure or surface: prov i ded , however, th~ t s 19ns placed or erected by the Precinct, Town, State, or Federal Government for the purpose of show i ng street names or traffic regula t Loris or for ocher muni c 1pal or govern:nenta1 purpose s shall not be included here1n, nor shall this include slgns which are part of the archltectural design of the structure.







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