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Project #1 Interview Request and Questions

Adapted from a project by Dr. Charlotte Thralls

Develop a letter requesting an interview from someone who is currently working in your desired field or a field you are interested, as well as a list of questions to use in the interview. This project will prepare you for Project #3: Interview and consists of two parts. For the first part, you will compose an email requesting an interview. The second part will require you to develop a set of questions that you will use for your interview. The focus of your interview will be to learn how someone in your intended field uses digital writing in the workplace and how you may be required to use digital writing in your future career.

Due Dates
Different parts of the assignment will come due at different times. Review the class schedule for planned due dates and the class blog for any changes.

Required Technologies
DropBox GoToMeeting Convore ELI

Part I Interview Request

Your interview request should be formatted as an email that you will actually send to the person you intend to interview for Project #3. As mentioned above, your interviewee should be someone who is working in your desired field or a field in which you are interested. The interviewee should hold a position that you could potentially attain after graduation or within a few years of graduation. You should not interview someone that you already know. Audience For this part of the project, determine your first choice for someone to interview and direct your interview request towards them. Visit for help writing a request specifically focused towards your interviewee. We will also go over this in class. (Note: You may have to send several interview requests before you find a willing candidate. If this is the case, you will be able to use your request from this project as a template. However, additional requests should be made specific for each individual.)

Part II Interview Questions

This part of the project will involve writing a list of questions to use in your interview for Project #3. Remember when writing your questions that your focus is on learning about the connections between your interviewee and digital writing. Your interview should last at least 30 minutes, but no more than an hour. Plan your questions accordingly. Audience 1. Your Interviewee. Be sure to craft your questions so that your interviewee will clearly understand the questions and be prompted to provide meaningful and thorough answers. Questions that can be answered with yes or no will generally not be useful prompts.

2. Your Peers. In this case, we will define your peers as students who either have the same major as you or may be interested in your major, but have no real knowledge of digital writing in the workplace. Craft your questions so that you will have interesting and meaningful information to provide these peers in Project #3.

Review the class schedule for specific dates related to these activities. Also check the class blog on a regular basis for any adjustments to the schedule. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Discussion. Class discussion through Convore where we will answer any questions about the project. Rough Draft. Submit your rough draft through ELI for our peer review. Your rough draft must be at least 75% complete to receive credit. Discussion. We will have another class discussion through Convore to decide what type of feedback would be most helpful from the peer review. ELI Review. I will set up a peer review based on our class discussion in ELI and assign review groups. You will be required to provide meaningful feedback for the members of your group. Discussion. We will have a GoToMeeting where we will discuss the ELI Review, highlight areas of excellence, and go over areas that need improvement as you move forward with the project. Revision Strategy. Use your group members responses to your writing as well as the class discussion in GoToMeeting to develop a Revision Strategy in ELI. Final Draft. Your final draft will be submitted to me through DropBox. You must use the file name [Your Initials]Project1FinalDraft. The file extensions .doc, .docx, and .pdf are acceptable. If I were turning this in, my file name would look like CERProject1FinalDraft.doc, CERProject1FinalDraft.docx, or CERProject2FinalDraft.pdf 9. Project Analysis. This will also be submitted directly to me through DropBox. You must use the file name [Your Initials]Project1Analysis. The file extensions .doc, .docx, .xls, and .pdf are acceptable. If I were turning this in, my file name would look like CERProject1Analysis.doc, CERProject1Analysis.docx, or CERProject1Analysis.pdf If you do not use the correct file names, I may not receive your final draft or project analysis and you will not receive credit. If it does not appear in my DropBox, I did not receive it. It is your responsibility to use the correct file name and an appropriate file extension.

7. 8.

This project is worth a total of 100 points. Points will be awarded according to the following guidelines: 1. Rough Draft (10 points) Automatically receive 10 points if you turn in a substantial rough draft (at least 75% complete). Feedback for your group members in ELI. (15 points) 15 points
Provides sophisticated, detailed, and significant feedback for each group member.


11 points
Provide useful, slightly less-detailed, meaningful feedback for each group member.

8 points
Provides at least some useful feedback. Additional feedback may be somewhat vague or of little value for revision strategy.

5 points
Provides some level of feedback for each group member.

0 points
Does not participate in review or provides inappropriate feedback.


Revision Strategy through ELI (10 points) 10 points 7.5 points

Uses feedback from ELI review to develop a meaningful revision strategy. Evidence of its use in constructing final draft.

5 points
Creates a revision strategy that uses at least some feedback. Some evidence of its use in final draft.

2.5 points
Submits some form of revision strategy that may or may not use feedback from ELI Review. Little or no evidence of its use in final draft.

0 points
Does not submit a revision strategy.

Selects meaningful feedback from ELI review to develop a sophisticated revision strategy. Clear evidence of revision strategy in final draft.


Final Draft Interview Request (20 points) 20 points 15 points

Email has a clear layout. Writer displays consideration of chosen audience and relationship with that audience. Request is mostly designed for and directed to specific audience. Request considers most points of Writing a ReaderCentered Request.

10 points
Email has a somewhat awkward layout. Writer displays some consideration of chosen audience and relationship with that audience. Request is somewhat vague and unspecific. Request considers some points of Writing a ReaderCentered Request.

5 points
Email shows little thought for layout and formatting. Writer displays little consideration of chosen audience and relationship with that audience. Request is vague and unspecific. Request does not consider Writing a Reader-Centered Request.

0 points
Does not submit a final draft of Interview Request

Email has a clear and sophisticated layout. Writer displays obvious consideration of chosen audience and relationship with that audience. Request is clearly designed for and directed to specific audience. Request clearly considers all points of Writing a ReaderCentered Request.


Final Draft Interview Questions (20 points) 20 points 15 points

Interview questions show consideration for both the interviewee and the information needed to address audience of peers. The questions should result in an informative interview of the appropriate length. Interview questions reflect most points discussed in Crafting an Interview

10 points
Interview questions may not consider one of the audiences. The questions show some lack of sophistication but may result in an informative interview of the appropriate length. Interview questions reflect some points discussed in Crafting an Interview

5 points
Interview questions show little or no consideration of audience. The questions are simplistic and will not likely result in an informative interview of the appropriate length. Interview questions reflect none of the points discussed in Crafting an Interview

0 points
Does not submit a final draft of Interview Questions

Interview questions show careful consideration for both the interviewee and the information needed to address audience of peers. There are a significant number of well-crafted questions that will result in an informative interview of the appropriate length. Interview questions reflect all points discussed in Crafting an Interview


Project Analysis (25 points) Review requirements for project analyses on class website.

Dont Forget to Review Class Schedule and Blog for Due Dates!

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