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Sehingga 500 perkataan Practical 2: Food Test. Objective: 1. To test the presen non-reducing sugars, proteins a Materials and apparatus:

Practical 2: Food Test. Objective: 1. To test the presence of starch, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, proteins and lipids in food samples. Materials and apparatus: Iodine solution, Benedict solution, sodium hydrogen carbonate solution, 20 % sodium hydroxide solution, hydrochloric acid, 1 % copper(II) sulphate solution and food samples (unknown to students). (A raisin / dates solution, B pounded groundnut, C milk D honey syrup and E-mayonaise ) The food samples can varies. Test tubes, test-tube holders, beakers, Bunsen burner, dropper, wire gauze, tripod stand, white tile and filter paper. Procedure: 1. Five samples of food labeled A, B, C, D and E are prepared. 2. Food tests are carried out to determine presence of starch, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, proteins and lipids in these food samples. Results: Food sample Test for Procedure Observation Inference A B C D E

Objective: 2. To determine the vitamin C content in various fruit juices. Problem: Do imported fruits contain more Vitamin C than local fruits? Material and apparatus: 1.0 % dichlorophenolindophenol solution (DCPIP), 0.1 % ascorbic acid solution, freshly prepared guava juice, papaya juice, mango juice, orange juice, kiwi juice and lime juice, specimen tubes, syringes with needles (1 ml and 5 ml), beakers, gauze cloth and knife. Procedure: 1. 1 ml of 1.0% DCPIP solution is placed in a specimen tube using a 1 ml syringe. 2. The 5 ml syringe is filled with 0.1 % ascorbic acid solution. 3. The needle of the syringe is placed into the DCPIP solution.

4. The ascorbic acid solution is added drop by drop to the DCPIP solution. The mixture is gently stirred with the needle of the syringe. The ascorbic acid solution is continuously added until the DCPIP solution is decolourised. The volume of ascorbic acid solution used is recorded. 5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated using freshly squeezed guava juice, papaya juice, mango juice, orange juice, kiwi juice and lime juice. The volume of fruit juice required to decolourise the DCPIP solution in each case is recorded. 6. The results are tabulated. The percentage and the concentration of Vitamin C in each of the fruit juices are calculated using the formulae given. Results: Solution / fruit juice Volume of solution / fruit juice needed to decolourise 1 ml of DCPIP solution Percentage of Vitamin C in fruit juice Vitamin C concentration in fruit juice 1 2 3 Average 0.1% ascorbic acid guava juice papaya juice mango juice orange juice kiwi juice lime juice Calculations: Volume of 0.1 % ascorbic acid used to decolourise DCPIP = x cm Volume of fruit juice used to decolourise DCPIP = y cm x cm 0.1 % ascorbic acid ( concentration of 1 mg / cm3) can decolorise 1 cm of DCPIP and y cm of fruit juice concentration of k mg / cm can decolourise 1 cm of DCPIP so, the quantity of ascorbic acid in x cm of ascorbic acid 0.1 % = quantity of ascorbic acid in y cm of fruit juice

Hasil terjemahan Praktikal 2: Ujian Makanan. Objektif: 1. Mengukur kehadiran kanji, gula penurunan, tidak gula penurunan, protein dan lipid dalam contoh-contoh makanan. Bahan-bahan dan radas: Larutan iodin, Benedict penyelesaian, penyelesaian hidrogen karbonat natrium, 20 penyelesaian natrium hidroksida %, asid hidroklorik, 1 tembaga %(II) penyelesaian sulfat dan contoh-contoh makanan (tidak dikenali kepada pelajar). (SATU kismis / penyelesaian tarikh-tarikh, B ditumbuk kacang tanah, C memerah D sirap madu dan E-MAYONAISE ) Contoh-contoh makanan boleh berbeza-beza. Menguji tiub-tiub, pemegang-pemegang tabung uji, bikar, penunu Bunsen, penitis, kasa dawai, pendirian tripod, jubin putih dan kertas turas. Prosedur: 1. Lima sampel makanan melabel A, B, C, D AND E disediakan. 2. Ujian-ujian makanan dilaksanakan untuk menentukan kehadiran kanji, gula penurunan, tidak gula penurunan, protein dan lipid dalam ini contoh-contoh makanan.

Keputusan: Sampel makanan Ujian untuk Prosedur Pemerhatian Inferens SATU B C D E

Objektif: 2. Untuk menentukan vitamin C kandungan dalam pelbagai jus-jus buah-buahan. Masalah: Adakah buah-buah yang diimport mengandungi lebih banyak Vitamin C daripada buah-buahan tempatan? Bahan dan radas: 1.0 penyelesaian % dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP), 0.1 penyelesaian asid askorbit %, sediaan segar jus jambu batu, jus betik, jus mangga, jus oren, jus kiwi dan jus limau, tiub-tiub spesimen, picagari-picagari dengan jarum-jarum (1 ml dan 5 ml), bikar, kain kasa dan pisau. Prosedur: 1. 1 ml 1.0% penyelesaian DCPIP diletakkan dalam tiub spesimen menggunakan satu 1 picagari ml. 2. 5 picagari ml mengisi dengan 0.1 penyelesaian asid askorbit %. 3. Jarum picagari dimasukkan ke dalam penyelesaian DCPIP. 4. Penyelesaian asid askorbit ditambah titis demi titis bagi penyelesaian DCPIP. Campuran adakah dengan lembut bergoyang dengan jarum picagari. Terdapat penyelesaian asid askorbit secara berterusan menambah sehingga penyelesaian DCPIP ialah decolourised. Jumlah askorbit larutan asid terpakai direkodkan. 5. Steps 1 untuk 4 diulang menggunakan segar menekan jus jambu batu, jus betik, mangga jus, jus oren, jus kiwi dan jus limau. Jumlah jus buah memerlukan kepada menyahwarnai penyelesaian DCPIP dalam setiap perkara direkodkan. 6. Keputusan-keputusan adalah menjadualkan. Peratusan dan tumpuan Vitamin C dalam setiap jus-jus buah-buahan adalah dikira menggunakan formula diberi. Keputusan: Penyelesaian / jus buah Jumlah penyelesaian / jus buah hendak kepada menyahwarnai 1 penyelesaian ml of DCPIP Percentage of Vitamin C dalam jus buah Tumpuan Vitamin C dalam jus buah 1 2 3 Purata 0.1% asid askorbit jus jambu batu jus betik jus mangga jus oren jus kiwi jus limau Pengiraan-pengiraan: Jumlah 0.1 asid askorbit % pernah DECOLOURISE DCPIP = x cm Jumlah jus buah pernah DECOLOURISE DCPIP = y cm x cm 0.1 asid askorbit % ( tumpuan 1 mg / cm3) boleh decolorise 1 cm of DCPIP and y cm tumpuan jus buah k mg / cm boleh menyahwarnai 1 cm of DCPIP demikian, kuantiti asid askorbit dalam x cm asid askorbit 0.1 % = kuantiti asid askorbit dalam y cm jus buah

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