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Modified risk factor Life style Multiple sex partner Drug user

Exposure to infected body fluids

Non-Modified Risk Factor Age Sex Race

Infection with HIV retrovirus

HIV invade nuclei of helper Tlymphocytes (CD4 surface antigen)

Continuous HIV replication

Destruction of T-lymphocytes

Destruction of T-lymphocytes

CD4+ cell count

CD4+ cell count

Category 1:CD4+ cell T lymphocytes cell count 500 mm3 or greater

Category 2: CD4+ cell T lymphocytes cell count 200 mm3 to 499

Category 3: CD4+ cell T lymphocytes cell count less than 200mm3

Loss of minimal number of Cd4+ T cells (necessary to maintain sufficient immune response) Severe immune system suppression Ineffective Protection Social Isolation


Proliferation of Pneumocystis carinii in the lungs

Candida Albicans

Infection of the lungs occur

Inflammation of the Alveoli

Decrease capacity for diffusion


P. carinii Pneumonia


Weight loss

Ineffective Breathing Pattern

Imbalanced Nutrition less than body requirements

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