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Date=18 /04/09

data newae; set ae; newae=0; if aecev= mild then newae=newae+1; run; data newae; set ae; retain newae; if upcase (AESEV)='mild' then newja=sum(newja,1); run; data newae; set ae; retain newja; if upcase (AESEV)='mild' then newae+1; run; data Mild Moderate Severe; set Ae; if upcase (AESEV)='MILD' then output Mild; if upcase (AESEV)='MODERATE' then output Moderate; if upcase (AESEV)='SEVERE' then output Severe; run; proc print data=Ae; var USUBJID AESEQ; FORMAT AESEQ DATE9.; run; proc contents data=AE; RUN; DATA man; set Ae; Newaa=INPUT('01APR2009',DATE9.); FORMAT Newaa DATE9.; RUN; DATA man; set Ae; Newaa= INPUT(AESTDTC,YYMMDD10.); FORMAT Newaa DATE9.; RUN;

Date=18 /04/09

DATAFILE= "C:\Documents and Settings\STATISTICS\Desktop\New Folder\mandar\ae.xls" DBMS=EXCEL REPLACE; SHEET="AE"; GETNAMES=YES; MIXED=NO; SCANTEXT=YES; USEDATE=YES; SCANTIME=YES; RUN; Date=20/03/09 libname polly "C:\Documents and Settings\PGDASS\"; *AWELICH KEVHA DATALA ANDHAR; data polly.glen; col1="75 "; col2="1 9 5 "; run; proc print; run; proc print data=glen; run; proc contents data=glen; run; libref.glen; run; Date=27/03/09 libname clinical "D:\mandar_koshe_SAS\clinical"; *abe; proc contents; run; proc print; run; proc print noobs ; var USUBJID AEDECOD; RUN; proc print ; var USUBJID AEDECOD AESEQ; RUN; proc print data= ; var USUBJID AEDECOD; where AEDECOD = 'Pyrexia'; run;

proc print data= ; var USUBJID AEDECOD; sum AESEQ; run; proc print data= ; by USUBJID AEDECOD; sum AESEQ; run; proc sort data= out=clinical.ae1; by AEDECOD; run; proc print data= clinical.ae1 ; var USUBJID AEDECOD; sum AESEQ; by USUBJID AEDECOD; run; proc freq data= clinical.ae1 ; tables AEDECOD;

proc princomp cov data=Sn1; run;

libname dada "D:\mandar_koshe_SAS\dada"; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID; format AESTDY DOLLAR2.1; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID; format AESTDY DATE9.; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID; format AESTDY DOLLAR4.; run; proc format; value BP -10-120='low' 121-400='high';

run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID AESTDY; format AESTDY BP.; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID AESTDY; format AESTDY BP.; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID AESTDY; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var AESTDY BP.; run; data new dada.AE ; set dada.AE; format AESTDY BP.; run; proc print data=dada.AE; var USUBJID AEDECOD (AEBODSYS); run; data abc; set dada.AE; newA = AEDECOD ||'('|| AEBODSYS ||')'; run; data add; set dada.Ae; mandya1= compress(newA,''); run; data add; set Ae; newA =Trim(Left(AEDECOD))||'( '||Trim(left(AEBODSYS))|| ' )' ; RUN;

libname foam "D:\mandar_koshe_SAS\foam"; proc sort data =foam.AE out= foam.AE1; by AEDECOD; run; proc freq data=foam.AE1; table AEDECOD; where AEDECOD='Pyrexia'; title 'respirotry'; footname 'hospital'

run; proc sort data=foam.AE out=foam.AE1 NODUPKEY; by USUBJID AEDECOD; run; proc freq data= foam.AE1; tables AEDECOD; where AEDECOD like '% respiratory %'; run; proc print data=foam.AE label; label USUBJID='toon'; run; data Severe; set foam.AE; where AESEV= 'Severe'; run; data Severe; set foam.AE; data Severe; set foam.AE; where upcase(AESEV)='SEVERE'; run;

Date= 23/05/09
roc contents data=ae; run; proc print data=ds; where DSTERM like 'DISC%' and DSDECOD like 'Adv%'; run; proc freq data=ae; tables AEACN; run; proc print data=ae; where AEACN like 'PERM%'; run; proc sort data=ae; by USUBJID; run; data newae; merge ae ds; by USUBJID; run; proc print data=newae; where (DSTERM like 'DISC%' and DSDECOD like 'Adv%') or AEACN like 'PERM%'; run;

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