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"It's torn all of us up," said neighbor Amy Tyree.

"Anytime you have a loss of a young child, it just tears the community to pieces."

tear up verbo transitivo 1 (papel) romper, hacer pedazos: she tore the letter up into a thousand tiny pieces, rompi la carta en mil pedazos 2 (una planta) arrancar de raz

Principal Translations tear up vtr (rip to pieces) romper en mil pedazos vtr I'm going to tear up the letter you wrote me. Voy a romper ese traje en mil pedazos, cmo se me ocurrira comprarlo? vulgar hacer mierda vtr tear up vi informal (become teary-eyed) lagrimear vi If he sings a sad song, I'm going to tear up for sure. Esa cancin siempre me hace lagrimear. fam llenrsele los ojos de lgrimas a uno fr hecha Esa cancin hace que se me llenen los ojos de lgrimas.

10. I think Im allergic to this new washing powder. Ive got 1. Are you feeling ok? I know youve been working really
run dow n a rash

all over my body.

hard lately and you look a bit . 2. I fell over playing football last week and felt a sharp

in my knee.
allergic to

3. My girlfriend is red and green peppers. 4. The World Formula One Grand Prix champion was

in a crash yesterday.

5. It has been scientific proven that smoking your health. 6. When I bend down and stand up quickly, the blood

rushes to my head and I feel . 7. I cut myself with broken glass and I had to have

. 8. Please lets sit down for a while and have a rest. Weve

been walking for hours and Ive got on my feet. 9. The neighbours little boy fell out of a tree and was taken

to hospital with a


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