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My biography

Name: Ana Cristina Cabral Medeiros Roias Age: thirty-six years old Nationality: Portuguese Adress: Ribeira do Crancha, st, 25 Ponta Gara Parish: Vila Franca do Campo Marital Status: married Im a student at APRODAZ Professional School in a accounting course.Im studying again because I want to finish my high school and taking this course. In the last two years I was at home without a job. I have been working in Bermuda for seven years. I was a caregiver and housekeeper. In the future, when I finish my course, I would like to find a job in as an accouter. On my free time I like listening to music, watching TV and go out with my family on weekends. I like to do handcrafts like crochet and cross stitch but I dont have time now.

Ponta Delgada, 14 de Janeiro de 2011 Formador: Olga Machado Formanda: Ana Cristina Roias

ESCOLA PROFISSIONAL DA APRODAZ Rua dos Mercadores n 76, 9500-092 Ponta Delgada Telefone 296 285 461 Fax 296 285 463 E-mail:

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