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!"#$%&"'( Noith coast of Italy
Almost continuous foi the past
2u,uuu yeais.
Laigest eiuption of the last hunuieu
yeais occuiieu in 19Su, anu iesulteu
in the ueaths of seveial people anu the
uestiuction of houses by flying
volcanic bombs
Nost iecent laige eiuption began in
2uu2, causing the closuie of the islanu
to non-iesiuents foi seveial months.
0n S Apiil 2uuS, a stiong explosion
fiom the summit ciatei ejecteu iocks
that ieacheu uinostia village,
uamaging some houses.
Lava flows that aie funneleu by the
Sciaia uel Fuoco to the sea; the most
iecent of these occuiieu in 2uu7.
/%$%,/( Active
1"!#$'")%0-*( Stiatovolcano
*+,-%&"')%0-*( Stiombolian
.*&2.%)$3"1*)/*$)!*1*!( 926m)
'Sciaia uel Funco' (Stieam of fiie')
hoise-shoe shape that has foimeu
wheie lava flows.
Stiomboli emeigeu fiom the sea in
appioximately 16u,uuu BC.)
2 villages: San Baitolo & San vincenzo

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