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The Witch of Blackbird Pond Character Poem You will write a nine-line poem about one of the characters

from The Witch of Blackbird Pond using the format listed below. You may choose any character from the book EXCEPT Kit you can write about Hannah, Nat, Prudence, Matt, Judith, Mercy, John, or anyone else! Line 1: Characters name Line 2: The people they associate with friends, family, groups, etc. *maybe include HOW they interact do they get along? Do they fight? Line 3: Adjectives describing the character Line 4: Begins with: Lover of . . . Line 5: Begins with: Who feels . . . Line 6: Begins with: Who fears . . . Line 7: Begins with: Who would like . . . Line 8: Where they are from and where they are going Line 9: Repeat first line or use a nickname

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