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Deacon J- Gretost New Apostolic Church USA Richard C. Freund August 21, 2002 ALL DISTRICT MINISTERS IN THE USA My dear Brothers: It is my great desire that we observe the anniversary of September 41" in all of our congregations. To quote Mayor Bloomberg of New York, we wish “to have... observances that are simple and powerful, that honor the memory of those we lost that day and that give...people...the opportunity to remember and reflect.” To this end, | am enclosing a copy of the Divine Service held by our Chief Apostle in Atlanta on September 16, 2001. We shall use the text which he used out of Matthew 15:28, “Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” Would you please be so kind as to distribute copies of this letter and the Service to all the Ministers who will be officiating in the midweek Service on September 11 The Service shall begin in the normal fashion, with the opening hymn, prayer, text and greetings. After the choir song, the officiant shall serve for a few moments, expressing what the Spirit moves in his soul regarding September 11. He should then say something to the effect of, “In memory of those souls who lost their lives, let us rise for a minute of silence.” After the minute of silence has been observed, the officiant should offer up a brief prayer and then go on with the Service. All quests should be openly invited to Holy Communion. After Communion with the congregation, the District Apostle Helpers will celebrate Holy Communion for the Departed. It would not be inappropriate to close the Service with a patriotic hymn, such as “God Bless America’, which may be sung by the choir or by the congregation as a whole. The things we wish to emphasize are compassion and a soft, openhearted approach in order to bring peace and comfort. This would also be a good opportunity to invite quests into our midst so that they can look into our spiritual family. With special love and greetings from our Chief Apostle, in which | gladly join, | remain Yours, Richard C. Freund P.S. Brothers, since we want to encourage guest attendance on this evening, the length of the Service shall not exceed 45 minutes. District Administration Office

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