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Unidad 7, leccion 1 Demonstrative adjectives: used to represent this / that / these /those in reference to the item and speaker

Pointing out things close to you: Masculine Singular Plural este (this) estos (these) Feminine esta (this) estas (these)

Pointing out things that are far from you: Masculine Singular Plural ese (that) esos (those) Feminine esas (that) esas (those)

Pointing out things farther away: Masculine Singular Plural aquel (that over there) aquellos (those over there) Feminine aquella (that over there) aquellas (those over there)

Deportes: Ingles Running / track Basketball Baseball Wrestling Biking Espanol atletismo baloncesto / basquetbol beisbol lucha libre ciclismo

Ski Soccer Football Gymnastics Golf Scoop ball Swimming Tennis Volleyball

esqui futbol futbol Americano gimnasia golf jai alai natacion tenis volibol

Extra: Ingles Ride a bike To play dominos To do exercises To go fishing To take a hike To go horseback riding To go jogging To go mountain climbing To perform a play To play rugby To run To (ice) skate To go sailing Espanol montar en bicicleta jugar al dominos hacer ejercicios ir s pesca hacer una caminata montar en caballo trotar hacer el alpinismo actuar en una obra jugar al rugby correr patinar pasear en barco de vela

To walk To take a walk To waterski To windsurf Camping

caminar pasear hacer el esqui de acuatico hacer surf a vela el camping

Leer: to read - read (past tense) Subject Yo Tu El Ella Ud. Nosotros Ellos Ellas Uds. Conjugation lei leiste leyo* leyo* leyo* leimos leyeron* leyeron* leyeron* Meaning I read You read He read She read It read We read They read They read (fem) They read

Creer: to believe believed (past tense) follows the same as the above Oir: to hear heard (past tense)

PractiCAR to practise - practised (past tense) Subject Yo Tu El Ella Conjugation practique* practicaste practico practico Meaning I practiced You practiced He practiced She practiced

Ud. Nosotros Ellos Ellas Uds. Buscar to find found

practico practicamos practicaron practicaron practicaron

It practiced We practiced They practiced They practiced (fem) They practiced

Tocar to play played (instrument) Calificar to mark marked Comunicar to communicate communicated Criticar to criticize criticized Chocar to collide collided Dedicar to dedicate dedicated Explicar to explain explained Sacar to take took

JuGAR to play - played (past tense) a sport Subject Yo Tu El Ella Ud. Nosotros Ellos Ellas Uds. Pagar: to pay paid Conjugation Jugue* jugaste jugo jugo jugo jugamos jugaron jugaron jugaron Meaning I played You played He played She played It played We played They played They played (fem) They played

Llegar to arrive arrived EmpeZAR to begin - began (past tense) Subject Yo Tu El Ella Ud. Nosotros Ellos Ellas Uds. Comenzar to start started Almorzar to lunch lunched Cruzar to cross crossed Utilizar to utilize - utilized Conjugation Empece* empezaste empezo empezo empezo empezamos empezaron empezaron empezaron Meaning I began You began He began She began It began We began They began They began (fem) They began

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