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2. Period f responsibilitl,. o Airn of lvatch at l. For the safetl'of life anCirropefty sea. environment 2. Plevention pollutionof the marine of 2. EXPLAIN ROUTINB WATCH KEEPING - TAKING OVER AND ACCEPTTNGA WATCH (CKL) officer in chargeof the watch shouldnot hand over the watch to the The Engineer thatthe latteris obviouslynot officer ifhe hasreason believe to relieving engineer in of capable carryingout his dutieseffectively which casehe shouldnotify the chief engineer cer accordingly. offi until he has exatnined the The relievingengirreer ofilcer shouldnot takeoverthe r.vatch in accordance with his orvnobservations. room log and checked tliat it is engine regarding; lie Prior to takingovcr tlte rvatch shouldsatisfyhinrself irrstructions the chief engineel of officer. oldersarrcl special 1. Standing t a b p 2 " T h e n r e r r r b eos h i s r i ' a t c h r ea p p a r e n t l y ' f i r l l l ' c a p ao fl e e r f b n n i n gl r e i rd L r t i e s rf effbctivelv. personnel involvecl hazards. and potential 3. Natureof all rvorlibeingperfbrrnecl, 4 . L e v e la n dr v h c r e p p l i c a b l e , a or in tanks.slop tanks,reserve i. the conditionol'rvater residues bilge.ballast tanks,and tanks,fresh rvatertanks,sewage for of thereof. requirernents useor disposirl contertts ii. special facilities. the storage applicable conditions fuel in all fLrel of 5. Level and rvhere o 6 . C o n d i t i o n n d m o d eo f o n e r a t i o n f a Variousmain anclauxiliarysystenls, c e I r 4 o n i t o r i na n dc o n t r o l o n s o l e q u i p r n e n t , g b iii. A u t o l n a t i c o i l e rc o r r t r o l s . l i, ed c s 1 . P o t c n t i a l la d v e r s e o n d i t i o n r e s u l t i n gl ' o r rb a du ' e a t l t e Lc e ,c c l n t a u r i n a to r y rvater. shallorv l t o r d 8 . R e p o r t s f e n g i n e o o n rl a t i n s s e l a t i n g o t h e i ra s s i g n ed u t i e s . a s e 9 . A v a i l a b i l i t y f f i r e f i g h t i n g p p l i a n c ea n ctl h e i rt n o s tc f l ' e c t i v u s e . o In port:(CKL) s t l . A r r yp o r tr e g t r l r t i o np e l t u i n i u gt r Ship afflucnts, f-irefi ghtingrequirernents, iii" S h i pr e a d i r t e s s . t s 2 . L i n e so f c o r r n r u n i c a t i o n a i l a b l e e t w e e nh es h i pa n ds h o r e i d ep e r s o n n e l , av b p o r ta u t h o l i t i e s . irrcluding


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in relatingto changes speedor directionofoperation are Bridge orclers ii. m i m m e d i a t e liy p l e m e n t e d . underconstant plantand auxiliarysysteuls 2" Shouldkeepthe nrainpropulsion until properlyrelieved. supervision are gearspaces and steering toursofthe machinery thatadequate 3. he shouldensure of madelor the purPose or malfunctions breakdowns, equipment and observing reporting i. adjustments, routine or performing directing ii. tasks' upkeepand any othernecessary required iii. from equipment resulting of the effects damage to 4. Takethe actionnecessary contain fire, floodingetc. breakdown, type of fire of that all metnbers the watchare familiarwith the location, 5. Ensure to safetyprecautions be observed. useand the various their fightingequipment, conditions. hazardous any 6. Oi1.eci othermemberof the watchto inforrnof potentially of in personrrel the eventof incapacity any watchpersonnel' l. Arrangeior substitute and spaces be ableto administer in hazards the rnachinery 8. Be awire of potential f i r s ta i d . ot the despite presence operations space for to 9. Continue be responsible machinery spaces. officer in the machinery chief engineer in 10. Cheik i'dicator diagra'tsto obtainpowerand pressures cylinders. In port: w 1. Be familiar ith Ship'sballastsystelrand its controls i. to response the and and alarmsystems the appropriate All ship boarddetection ii. of activation thosesystellls. 2. Be awareof a C a r g oo P e r a t i o n sn d i. watersuPPlie Operational ii. condltlons or for the 3. Be readyto prepare ship and its machinery stand-by elllergency a sr e q u i r e d .

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Heshould damage' to measures prevent soundthe alarmandtakeall possible l. ln eprergelcies, to relating 2. Be awareof cargoofficer'sneeds of in required the loadingand unloading the cargo' Equipnrent l. stabilitycontrolsystems. Ballastand othership ii. 3.EnsurethatprecautionsaretakentopreventaccidentsordamagetotheVartous electrical lrydraulic and pneumatic of systen'ls the shiP. Mechanical


The bridgeshouldbe irnmediately notifiedin the eventof 1. Fire. in reduction ship'sspeed. spaces may cause that in 2. Of impending actions rnachinery failureor stoppage ship'spropulsion of systern. 3. Imminentsteering power. in of 4. Any alteration thegeneration electric 5. Any othersimilar threatto safety. wherepossible shouldbe accomplished Thisnotification beforechanges madein are orderto affordthe bridgethe maximumavailable time to takewhatever actions are possible avoida potential to marinecasualty. 6 . E X P L A I N N A V I G A T I O N I N C O N G E S T E DW A T E R S . The engineer officer in charge shouldensure ofthe rvatch that l. All machinery involvedwith the maneuvering the ship can immediately placed of be in rnanual nrodes operation of whennotifiedthatthe ship is in congested waters. 2. An adequate reserve por.ver available steering. of is tbr 3. Emergency steering and otherauxiliaryequipment readyfor irnmediate are operation. 7 . E X P L A I N N A V I G A T I O N D U R I N G R E S T R I C T E DV I S I B L I T Y . Duringnavigation restricted in visibility.the engineer officer in charge the rvatch of should L Ensure pemanentair or steam pressure fog soundsignals. a for 2. Be readyto respond any bridgeorders. to 3. Ensure that auxiliarymachinery usedfor ntaneuvering readilyavailable. is 8 . W T I E N D O Y O U C A L L C H I E F E N G I N E E R ?( W F L ) I. Whenengine damage malfunctions or occur. 2. Whendamage breakdown propulsion or of machinery, auxiliaryrnachinery, rnonitoring governing and systems occur. whenhe is in doubtas to what decision lneasures 3. In emergencies in situations or or to takesuchas engineroom flooding. 4 . The engineer otl-icelin charge the watchshouldin additionnot hesitate take of to i m m e d i a ta c t i o n . e 9 . E X P L A I N W A T C H A T A N U N S H E L T E R E DA N C H O R A G E . The engineer officer in charge the watchshouldensLrre of that L Periodicinspection nrade all operating is of arrdstand-by machinery. 2. Main and auxiliarymachinery maintained a stateof readiness. is in 3. Measures takento protectthe environment are from pollutionby the ship. 4. All darnage controland fire fightingsystems in readiness. are IO. ENGINE ROONI WATCH KEEPING ROUTINtis. NIAII,']EIYGINE


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5. 6.

CylindercoolingwaterF.W. outlettemperatures. Turbochargers. air filters(clean) pressure air discharge cooling waterF.W. outlettemperature gas exhausf temperature inlet / outlet Lubricating flow, inlet/ outlettemperature. oil Oil levelin L.O. gravity tank for T/C L.O. draintank for T/C

Middleplatformlevel l . S c a v e n ga i r c o o l e r e i. Air inlet/ outlettemperature. lt. S.W. inlet/ outlettemDerature 2 . c y l i n d e ru b r i c a t o r l i. oildelivery

oil levelin cylinder tankfor lubricator oil


Rockerarnt lubricator


ii. oil levelin feeder tank oil 4. M/E scavenge space drains( crackopen) 5 . O i l l e v e li n M/E governor M/E governor amplifierunit Bottomplatforrnlevel L Piston ooling il c o l. returntemperature ii. oil flow in sightglasses 2. Feelterrperature of crankcasedoors thrustbearing casing 3 . R u n n i n g e a rn o i s el e v e l 4. Line shaftbearing t. telxperature ii. oil level 5. Stern tube L.O. tenrperature L.O. pressure O i l l e v e li n L.O. draintank for S.T. UpperL.O. gravitytank



2. 3.

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Level in camshaft lubricating tank oil Camshaft lubricating pump oil mechanical sealfor leakase ii. bearingternperature pressure iii. discharge

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FUEL YALVE COOLING l. Oil levelin fuel valvecoolingoil tank 2. Oil temperature fuel valves to 3. Fuel valvecoolingoil pump i. mechanical sealfor leakage ii. bearingtemperature iii. discharge pressure JACI(ET WATER SYSTEM l . M a i n a n da u x i l i a r y . W . c o o l e r F F.W. inlet/ outlettemperature ii. S.W inlet / outlettelnperature 2 . F . W e x p a n s i otn n k l e v e l a 3 . M a i n F . W . c o o l i n go i I p u n r p i. mechanical sealfor leakage ii. bearingtemperature iii. discharge pressure LUBE. OIL SYSTEM l. Pressure differential across fllters 2 . O i l l e v e li n i. M / E L . O . d r a i nt a n k ii. LorverL.O. draintank for M/E stuffingbox 3 . M a i nL . O .c o o l i n g i l p u m p o i. mechanical for leakage seal ii h e r l i n sl e r n n e r a t u r e iii. d i s c h a r gp r e s s u r e e 4. Purifier i. oil levelin worm gearhousing / ll. bowl speed oil flow lll waterdischarges oil content for iv. oil inlettelnperature pressure suction and discharge vi. s l u d g ea n k l e v e l t vii. rvater operating tank level 5 . L . O .c o o l e r L.O. inlet / outlettemDerature




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bowl speed oil flow / for waterdischarges oil content oil inlettemperature pressure suctionand discharge vi. sludge tank level vii. watertank level operating 3. Fuel oil viscosity/ temperature engine to 4. Back washF.O. secondarv filters 5. F.O.primarypump i. Mechanical sealfor leakage ii. Bearingtenlperature iii. D i s c h a r e le l t e r ' t 6. F.O.settling and service tanks i. Drain water fi'om tank ii. F.O.temperatr-rre i i i . O i l l e v e li n t a n k PURIFTER ROOX( (WFL) l. F.O.supplylirres leakage fbr 2. Steam linesand valvesfor leakage 3. Operating water leakage 4. Purifierroom air supply 5. Checkthatthe exhaust is running fan 6. Loadon purifiermotors AIR SYSTEMS (tr/FL) l. Air compressors l. oil levelin crankcase ii. f-eel ternperature crankcase of iii drain inter-coolers after-coolers and iv. L.P and H.P discharge pressure L.O. pressure, deliverytemperature air vi. Coolingwatertemperature pressure and 2. Drain water frorn i. rnainair reservoir ii. controair reservoir l iii. s h i ps e r v i c e i r r e s e r v o i r a iv. compressed oil separator air pressure pump up if low ) ( 3. Main air reservoir 4. Onereservoir shouldbe kept closedat full pressure while the otheris in G STEERING EAR(t',FL)

ii. iii.






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linkage steeringgearand its connecting A visual inspectionof the between navigatingbridge and the of Operatiorr the meansof comnrunication gearcomPaftment steering from the system 9. Check for leakage are slidingsurfaces properlylubricated 10. Checkthat nipplesor centralgreasingsystemare full and fhat the individualgrease I l. Check providinglubrication


AUXILIARY BOILER (WFL) l. Blorvthroughthe waterlevelgauges. telnperature 2. FeelF.D. fan bearing 3 . B o i l e rd r u m waterlevel i. testwaterlevelalarms ii. pressure stealn iii. (cleanbrightflame,no sparking of ) 4. Cornbustion firel in furnace 5. Fueloil supplylinesfor leakage ( 6. Fueloil temperature I l0 deg C ) / pressure tank 1 . Oily drain inspection level i. o c h e c kf o r t r a c e s f o i l ii. 8. Steamlinesand valvesfor leakage 9. Boiler blow dorvnlinestemperature 10. Boiler safetyvalve linesterrrperature I l . B o i l e rf e e dp u r n p s sealfor leakage mechanical i. tetnperature bearing ii. pressure discharge iii. c stnoke olor 12. Funnel 13. Carryout boiler watertests ECONO]IIISER p 1 . B o i l e rw a t e rc i r c u l a t i n g u n l p glandsfbr leakage tentperature bearing ii. pressure discharge iii. inlet / outlet gas 2. Exhaust temperature gas droP 3. Exhaust pressure ELECTRICAL PLANT t-eel l. All rrtotors, 2. bearingtemperattlre

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4. 5.

Load on lighting and navigationcircuits for status Purnps and dieselgenerator stand-by

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C0NTROL ROOM PANEL (WFL) l. Alarm enunciators stateenunciators 2. Equipment roont temperatures 3. Provisionrefiigerated 4. Boiler drum remotelevel indicators for 5. Pumpsand dieselgenerator stand-bystatus FRESH WATER GENERATOR (CKL, U/FL) l. Condensate level in condenser 2. Temperature change across ( l. h e a te x c h a n g e r7 0 - 6 2 : 8 d e gC ) tl" c o n d e n s e r ( 3 0 - 3 6 - 6 d e g C) 3. Shelltenrperature 4 . V a c u u n(r7 2 c n o f H g ) quantity 5. FreshwateroutpLrt ( 6. Salinonreter readings 4 - 6 p.p.m.seasalt) l. Over flows ll'ornF.W. tanks(Donrestic ) pumps 8. Ejectorand condensate i. glandsfor leakage ii. bearingternperature i i i . d i s c h a r gp r e s s u r e e DIESEL GENERATOR l. Oil level in clank case,R/A L.O. tank level 2. Lube oil pressure temperature / I 3. Coolingwatertemperaturepressure 4. Rockerarm L.O. pressure aftereachunit 5. Erhaustgastenrperature 6. Turbocharger l. air filters pressure ii. air discharge gas iii. exliaust temperature inlet/ outlet iv. l u b r i c a t i no i l l e v e l g 7. Inletair temperature 8. Seau,ater circulation tlrrouglr coolers plessure / equiprnent leakage 9. Fuelinjection for 10. Feeltemperature ofcrank casedoors I 1. Govelnor il level o


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i. ii. iii. 4. i. ii. iii. 5. 6. 7. 8.

( ( suctionpressure 3 bars)/temperature 0 degC )/ ( ( pressure 12 bars)/ temperature130deg C max. ) Discharge a L . O . p r e s s u r(e k g l c m 2 ) / t e m p e r a t u r e( 4 5 d e gC ) ( 6 0 d e g C r n a x .) Coolingwaterpump sealfor leakage mechanical temperature bearing pressure discharge shaftsealfor leakage Conrpressor : Oil separator checkthat the oil return line is warmerthan the crank case, of space Temperature the refrigerated runninghours Cornpressor

MISCELLA]VEOUS l . B i l g ea n do i l y b i l g el e v e l s 2. Potableand sanitarysystemhydrophores 3 . F i r ea n dG . S .p u m pp r e s s u r e D l l . WHAT OBSERVATTONS O YOU MAKE IN CONTROL ROOM? (WFL) t. M.E. L.O. SYSTEXT L . O .i n l e tT . t. B e a r i n g . O . i n l e tP . L ii. o P i s t o n o o l i n g i l i n l e tP . c iii. L . O .f i l t e r i n l e tP . iv. Camshaft L.O. inlet P. T / C L . O . i n l e tP . vi. ) Punrp lllurk M . ER . P . M . i. T/C R.P.N4. ii. 3. M.E. COOLING IYATER SYSTE\T C o o l i n g . W . i n l e tP . F i. T C o o l i n g . W .o u t l e t . F ii. SeawaterT. iii. P F . V .c o o l i n g i l o u t l e t . o iv. C o o l i n g . W .a i r c o o l e ri n l e tP . S AIR SYSTE]IT 4. ]IT.E. Starting ir P. a i. r M a i na i r r e s e r v o iP . ii. T/C scavenge outletP. air iii. air Scavenge rranifoldP. iv. controlair P. to PG governor' Speed P. Controlair reservoir vi. S h i ps e r v i c e i r P . a vii.

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i. Gen.EngineL.O. outletT. ii. Cen. EnginecoolingF.W. outletT. 7. STEAM GENERATI]VG SYSTEM i. SteamT. ii. Steam drum P. iii. Exh.Gaseconomiser Header P. : -1

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3. 4.

To drive pneumatic tools. Paintspraying equipmerrt.

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2. WHAT PRESSUREIS REQUIRED FOR EACH OF THE COMPRESSED AIR USES. l. 25- 30 Kgf / cmZ. 2. SKgf/cm2. 3. SKgf/cm2. 4. 4Kgf/cm2. 3. NAME 2 TYPES OF AIR COMPRESSORS l. Reciprocating 2. Rotaryvane 3. Rotaryscrerv 4 . L i q u i dr i n g 4. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. LIST ANY SAFETY FEATURES FOUND ON AIR COMPRESSORS L.P. and H.P. safetyvalve. Jacket waterburstinsdisc or relief valve Compressor at trip L.O. low pressure Coolingwaterhigh temperature Conrpressed outlet(H.P.) air high tenrperature LIST THE MOUNTINGS ON AIR RESERVOIR A i r i n l e tv a l v e A i r o r r t l ev a l v el o r r n a i ne n g i n e t Air outletvalvefbr A/8, controlair, ship service air p F u s i b l e l L r g(sm e l t a t l 2 I d e gC ) Drainvalves Safety valve Pressure gaugeconnection isolating valve




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6 . H O W A N D W H Y I S M O I S T U R E R E M O V E D F R O M C O M P R E S S E DA I R ? B e c a u s eh er n o i s t u l en a i r w i l l c a u s e t, i l. lt rvill rvash oil film off the cylinderwall the 2. Starting system air explosion e l 3 . E x c e s s i vc y l i n d e ri n e l a n dp i s t o n i n g w e a r r 4. Corrosion 7 . I S T H E R E A N Y R U L E G O V E R N I N GT H E S I Z E O F M A I N E N C I N E STARTING A I TT RESERVOIRS?





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or by roomto be displaced rveakened in CO2discharged theengine 2. lt will cause "' withair mixing " .."/' sucrtoN AND DELT'ERy oF 9. wHAT ARE THE RESuLTS sLUGGTSH VALVES?
1 v , . S l u g g i ss u c t i o n a l v e : h throughthe defective Partof the air drawninto the cylinderwill be returned i. suctionvalveduring the first part of delivery stroke. sULtlUIl Vdlvg Utlllllg rllg tllJ(

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valve: delivery Sluggish

duringthe deliverystrokewill return and Partof the air compressed delivered i. stroke. to thecylinderdtrringthe first part ofthe suction A 10. WHY AIR COMPRESSORS RE PRONETO VALVE TROUBLE? frequent. are andthe valvemovements extremely onceeveryrevolution L It operates valvewearand breakage. fiom the oil causes 2. Carbondeposits of 3. Due to presence foreignparticles.


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T N D I 'I . w H A T A T T E N T I O N O T H E A I R B O T T L E S E E DD U R I N G H E " WATCH? should 'bloln' periodically. be L Thedrain thereceiver on

lI t l_ a ) L f I l| ,.l llt lI t-_

1 2 . W H A T A R E T H E L I K E L Y C A U S E SO F L O W D E L T V E R Y F R O M A N A I R COMPRESSOR? volume. clearance L lncreased o a v a 2 . S l u g g i s h p e n i n g n dc l o s i n g f s u c t i o n n dd e l i v e r y a l v e s . o pistonrings. pastcompressor i. Leakage 4. Too high coolingwaterinlettemperature. 5. Too high air inlet temperature. 6 . D i n y a i r i n l e ts t r a i n c r s . rJ. WHAT TypE oF vALVES IS FITTED oN AIR coMPRESSoRS? platetype non-return valves. Springloaded 14. WHY CONTROL AIR DE-HYDRATOR IS FITTED? virtuallyall traces orderto rernove In controlair dehydrator, is filteredand dried ir.r air impLrrities. and of oil, nloisture, atmospheric 1 5 . w H y J A C K E T C O O L T N G t S N E C E S S A R Yr N A I R C O M P R E S S O R S ? the L It lorvers rvorkdone conrpressing air. the in were ' problems, which could ariseif the ternperature 2. Prevents lot of mechanical a uncontrolled.

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RECIPROCATING COM at intervals valvesmustbe exarnined regular Compressor the 1. Dismantle valve. fluid usinga soft brush. 2. Cleanall partswith a cleaning of 3. Checkthe condition all components especially for i. wear ii. damage the seatface to iii. the plates iv. fatigue ofsprings 4. Repairall partsandreplace parts, all which are worn or showany cracks. 5. Reassemble valve. the ( I7. HOW DO YOU RUN UP AN AIR COMPRESSOR? WFL) l . O p e na l l v a l v e s n t h e a i r p i p e . i 2. Checkthe oil level in the crankcase. 3. Remove one of the valvesin eachcylinderand inserta little oil into the cylinder. 4. Turn the compressor few revolutions. a 5. Ensure that the coolingwateris re-circulating. 6. Open blow-off valveson coolers'waterseparators drain off all moisture.Close to period. the valvesafter a shor-t 7. When starting L.P. suction the valvemustalwaysbe in the openposition. This is donernanually automatically tneans pneumatic or by of controls. 8. Checkload on dieselgenerator. 9. Norv, startthe compressor. RUN]VIIVG l. Whenthe compressor well underway, is i. L . P .d i s c h a r g e :. 5 t o 5 K g f / c m 2 . 4 ii. H . P .d i s c h a r g e :5 t o 3 0 K g f / c m 2 . 2 2. Duringoperation, openthe blorvoff valveson the coolers'waterseparators a for momentat intervals. STOPPII,IG 1. Openthe blorv off valveson the coolers'water separators slightlyto drain off all moisture. 2. Setthe unloader leverin the verticalpositionand stopthe printetnover. 3. Closethe charging valveon the air bottle. 4. Then openthe blow off valveson the coolers'waterseparators fully I8. WHAT ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK YOU WILL CARRY OUT ON MAIN AIR COMPRESSORS? l. Cleanair inlet f-ilter and oil filter. 2 . C l e a na n d i n s p e cs u c t i o n n dd i s c h a r gv a l v e s . t a e


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motors. bearings electric on Grease


19. WHAT ARE THE CAUSESAND PREVENTION OF STARTING AIR SYSTEM EXPLOSION? (WFL) CAUSES l. Continuous leaking a defective of cylinderair-starting valvewhile the engineis operating. 2. Cylinderair starting valvesstickingin the openpositionduringmaneuvering. 3. Discharge Iubricating mist to air starting of oil system from air compressors. DETECTION l. By localoverheating the air starling of valvepipe. ACTIO]V L The main enginemustbe stopped andthe air starting valveshouldbe changed immediately limit the darnage. to PREVENTION l. Air starting maintained lubricated. valvesrnustbe correctly and 2. Oil in the systenr must be kept in a minimumby i. regular drainingand ii. goodair compressor maintenance.


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Liquid / Liquid / Solidsseparation Cleanoil Dirry oil ---------water Sludge 2, CLARIFICATION: L i q u i dI S o l i d s e p a r a t i o n s Cleanoil Dirty oil --------Sludge 2. EXPLATN LIQUID FLOW IN PURIFTCATION. 1. From the inlet, the dity oil florvsthrouglrthe distributorinto the spacebetweenthe bowl discswhereseparation takesplace. Waterand sludge will movetowardsthe bowl periphery. 2. The waterleaves bowl by the outletthroughthe gravitydisc and the paringdisc. the 3. The cleanoil is movedtowards bowl center the and proceeds the outletthrough to the levelring and the paringdisc. the 4. The gravitydisc deternines freewaterlevel in the bowl andthe positionof the interface. 5. The levelring deternrines fi'eeoil levelin the bowl. the purnps 6. Parinsdisc is stationery wheel,which dips into a liquid ring confinedin a rotarypaft and paresout liquid. 3 . W H Y D O Y O U P U R I F Y F . O .A N D L . O . ? B y p u r i f y i n gh eF . O . . t L Largedecreases maintenance in costsofinjectorsand exhaust valves. 2. Wearon fuel pumpsis very muclrreduced. 3. CylinderIinersarenot subject the abrasive to actionofsnrall particles ofsolid matter, rvhichare normallypresent oil. in 4. Redr.rced specificfuel consumption. to oil indefinitely that costsare very so 5. lt is possible usethe lubricating practically muchreduced. . I . W H Y A R E T H E H E A V I E R F U E L O I L S U S E DT O D A Y M O R E D I F F I C U L T TO SEPARATE? L As the density ofthe oil increases, difference the separating the in forcesbetween the oil, the fbreignrnatter andthe u,atelis leduced.The ability of the centrifugal purifierto functioncorrectly theninrpaired. is 2. Limits(0.991)on the density the fuel oil are fixed by the density, rvill haveat it of the operating temperature ofthe centrifugalseparator. 3. The operating tenrperature the separator of mustbe lessthanthe boiline point of u'aterdueto ploblernof loosing waterseal. the

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positioncan be adjusted exchanging gravitydisc. the by 6. EXPLAIN FACTORS INFLUENCING SEPARATION. l. Viscosity Densirydifference(specificgravity ratio) Separating temperature Rateofthroughput Optimumutilizationof machine Positionof interface o i l v i s c o s i r a n dd e n s i t y y throughputand back-pressule gravity disc


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Operatingwater tank is kept full and shut-offvalvesare open. Control valve aheadof the pump is slightly opento preventthe pump from running

-5 . Re-circulation tank has beenarranged. to



dry. separator tank are open. and 7 . Valvesbetween

STARTING l. Staftthe motor and after sometime, 2. Checkthe speed, checkthe load on purifiermotor. 3. Closethe bowl by opening valvefor bowl closingoperating water. Wait for some ten seconds until the bowl is closed. Filling cannow takeplace. FILLING l. Openvalveand add sealing liquid. 2. Closethe valvewhen sealing liquid is visiblein wateroutlet pipe. 3. Set3-wayvalvefor supplyof un-separated to the machine. oil 4. Seta suitable flow with controlvalveahead the pump. Checkwith flow meter. of 5. Checkthe separating temperature. BOWL DISCHARGE DaRING OPERATTON CKL) 1. Shutoffthe supplyofun-separated oil. 2. Displace oil by opening valvefor addingsealing the the liquid for about l5 to 20 secs.Thenclosethe valve. 3. Openthe valvefor bowl openingoperating water. Wait in this positionuntil an emptying soundcan be heard. Closethe valve imrnediately afterthis. 4. Wait someten seconds until the bowl is closed. 5. Refill the bowl. STOPPING AFTER SL(IDGE DISCHARGE l. Openthe valveand add sealing liquid. 2 . C I o s e h ev a l v ew h e nl i q u i di s v i s i b l ei n w a t e ro u t l e t i p e . p t 3. Stopthe motor. 4. Apply the brake. 5. Closethe valvefor the bowl closingoperating water. 6. Release brakewhenthe bowl hasstopped. the 8. EXPLAIN THE WORKING PRINCIPLE OF PURIFTER. l. Separation takesplacein a bowl of self-cleaningtype. Cleanoil and separated wateraredischarged continuously underpressure built in paringdisc pumps. by 2. The separated sludgeis discharged intermittently while the sepafator runningat is full soeed.








6. As a clarifier for oils containingsludgeand a very small quantityof water which is discharged togetherwith the sludge. 9. STATE THE ALARM FUNCTIONS OF PURIFIERS. Purifiermotor trip at: l. High pressure oil outlet in 2. Low pressure oil outlet in 3. No discharge 4. High oil temperature after pre-heater 5. Low oil temperature after pre-heater 6. Emergency stopping vibration or 7. Logicallywrong signalfrom purifier IO. WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE EVENT OF PURIFIER OVERFLOW? (cKL, WFL) A. Heavyphase contains light phase L The quantityof sealing liquid is too small 2. Sealing and displacement waterflow solenoid valvedefective 3. The valve in the light phase outletis closed 4. The throughput too large is 5. Back plessure high too 6. The operatingtemperature the purificationoil has changed of 1 . A gravity disc with too large a hole diameterhas beenchosen B. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (). Sludge contains rruch process too liquid T h e b o r v li s n o t e n t i r e l y l o s e d c The sealring aroundthe slidingbowl bottomdoesnot seal Drain nozzlein operating slideis clogged Valve plugsdefective (closed Borvlclosingoperating watersolenoid position) valvedefective Bowl openingoperating watersolenoid (openposition) valvedef'ective Bo'uvl hood sealring defective Defective operating slidesprings Operating watertank is ernpty 10. The process liquid is not turnedoffduring sludge discharge

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l t . E X P L A T N I N T E R F A C E C O N T R O L P R O C E D U R E .( C K L , W F L ) l. After ensuring gravitydisc for the fuel beingpurifiedis fittedto the that the correct purifier, machine started the is up. 2. As soonas the rvater sealhasbeenestablished the dirly fuel supplied the and at gradually correct telnperature throughput and rate,the back-pressure increased is until thewaterdischarge contains sorne oil.

(l iii. correctthroughput Kg / cm2) ensures maximumoperatingefficiency. a iv. most suitableback-pressure

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12. GIVE INTERFACE CONTROL SUGGESTIONS. just outsidethe oil between and watermust be correctlypositioned l. The interface efficiency. disc stackin order to obtainmaximumseparating 2. The biggestgravity disc,which doesnot causebroken water seal,is the most suitable. (oil) will resultin movingthe interface outwards, on 3. A backpressure lighterphase is if the bowl periphery. Conversely back pressure appliedto the heavierphase towards (water) will move inwards. the discharge, interface of irrespective viscosityis 98 deg C. temperature separating 4. The nraxirnum of problems inefficient is operation the purifier. of 5. The main cause poor combustion l'his can often be tracedto an incorrectgravity disc and incorrectadjustmentof tl-re interface control. I 3 . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SI F L I G H T P H A S E C O N T A I N S H E A V Y PHASE? c l l . S e a l i n gi q u i d i s s u p p l i e d o n f i n u o u s l y . outletis closed. 2. The valvein the heavyphase is 3. The throughput too large. 4. Back-pressure too low. is sludgedischarges. 5. Longerintervalbetrveen is 6. The sludge space overfilledor clogged. has 7. A gravitydisc with too smalla hole dianreter beenchosen. I 4 . E X P L A I N T H E V A L V E P O S I T I O N SO F A L . O . P U R I F I E R . BOIVL OPEl,i, SLLlDGE DISCHARGE water:ON l. Borvlclosingoperating openingoperatingrvater:ON 2. Bor.vl water:OFF and displacentent 3. Sealing Time: Till the reportis heard,i.e.the sludgeis throrvnout of tlreborvl. 4. Status BOII/L OPEN rvater: ON l. Bowl closingoperating water:ON operating 2. Borvlopening O n 3 . S e a l i n g n dd i s p l a c e m e wta t e r : F F a is mechanism emptiedthrough till 4. Status Tinre:For 5 - 6 seconds, the discharge slide. drainnozzlein the operating BOWL CLOSED water:ON l. Borvlclosingoperating water:OFF operating 2. Borvlopening




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3. 4.

Sealing and displacement water:OFF StatusTime: I 2 hours. Sealingliquid is presentin the purifier.


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2. Bilge and ballast. 3. Cargooil pumpson oil takers. l 4 . F i r e a n dg e n e r as e r v i c e . 2 . D E S C R I B ET H E P R I N C T P L E F O P E R A T I O N O F C E N T R I F U G A L O PUMPS. punrp,the pressure developed is principally by the action ofcentrifugal In centrifugal force and the flow throughtlie impeller is radialy outwards. 3. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. N A M E T H E M A J O R C O M P O N E N T S O F C E N T R T F U G A LP U M P S . Pump casingand cover Impeller Top and bottomcasingring + lockingpins Coupling Purnpshaft G l a n d' p a c k i n g. l a n t e r n i n g r Neck bushand bottornbush Water servicepipesto stuffing box, bottom bush

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4. WHAT POINTS WOULD YOU CHECK WHEN OPENING UP A CENTRIFUGAL PUMP FOR OVERHAUL? l. Porver supplyto the pump hasbeenisolated. 2. Suction and discharge valvesareshut. 3. The glandnutsare rernoved the gtandliftedclearoff the studsand secured. and 4. Pressure the Iine hasbeenreleased. in 5 . W H A T P O I N T S W O U L D Y O U C H E C K D U R I N G I N S P E C T I O NO F C E N T R I F U G A LP U M P ? l. The rotor and rotor shaftarefirst exarnined. Give narticular attention to: i. rotor sealing surfaces i i . g l a n dp a c k i n g o c a t i o n l i i i . r o t o rb l a d e s iv. journal surfaces ofthe bearings 2 . Exanrine impellercasingringsand impellerfor i. wearand erosion ii. clearances betrveen them usingfeelergauges If thereis considerable wearon glandpackinglocation, new packingsleeves fit on the rotor shaft. A Mechanical seal/ glandpacking - adjusted replaced. or journal surfaces the bearings Examine for of i. condition and clearance o . Exarnine purnpcasingfor

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7. HOW WILL YOU START A CENTRIFUGAL PUMP AFTER AN OVERHAUL? l. Ensurepipelinesare free from dirt or other foreign matter. seal. 2. Add a little lubricant the glandpackingor mechanical to valveis shutand suction valve is fully open. 3. Checkthatthe discharge 4. Vent any trapped from the pumpby means the air cock. air of 5. Turn the pump shaftby lrandto ensure that it is free to rotate. 6. Startthe motor and checkthe rotationof pump. 7. Slowlyopenthe discharge valve. valve and stopthe motor. 8. To stopthe pump, shutthe discharge 8. WHAT IS THE REASON FOR STARTING CENTRIFUGAL PUMPSWITH THE DISCHARGE VALVE CLOSED? l. By starting pump with the discharge the valveclosed, powerdemand the madeby the pump on the pump motor is keptto the very minimum. 2. After the pump has startedand the momentaryhigh motor currentdemandhas stabilized, discharge the valve is opened. 9 . L I S T T H E F A U L T S A S S O C I A T E DW I T H C E N T R I F U G A L P U M P S . l. Failureto staft i. Powersupplyto the pump beingisolated. ii. The shaftassembly may be seized. 2 . F a i l u r eo p r i n t e t i. leakage the pump gland at for ii. all joints shouldbe checked tightness pressure 3. Failureto nraintain required discharge i. purnprunningat a speed belownorrnal ii. choked uclion trainer s s l i i i . a n a i r l e a ki n t h e s u c t i o ni n e iv. excessive wearon the impellercasingrings 4. Excessive noiseor vibratiorr i . c a v i t a t i o n u et o u n s u i t a b ls u c t i o n o n d i t i o n s d e c i i . l o s so f i m p e l l e r a l a n c e b bushliner worn excessively iii. pump neckbushor bottornbearing I O . W H Y A R E C E N T R I F U G A L P U M P SU S E D F O R T H E S E A A N D C O O L I N G WATER SERVICES? l. They are snall and light for the volumes waterthey can handle. of ringsand glandpacking, thereis no mechanical 2. Exceptfor pump bearings, casing contact between fixed and movingpartsof the pump. So wear is limitedto the parts the mentioned. necessarv verv small. is 3. Maintenance

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12. HOW IS AIR DEALT WITH IN A CENTRIFUGAL PUMP? 1 . For smallpump:purgingcock 2 . For largepump:selfprimingpump
13. STATE PUMP CLASSIFICATION. pumps l. Centrifugal 2. Axial flow propeller pumps positivedisplacement 3. Reciprocating pumps 4. Rotarypositive pumps displacement 5. Ejectors I4. 1. 2. 3. 4. W H A T C A U S E ST H E M O T O R T O R U N H O T ? Excessive casingring clearance. Liquid heavier and more viscous tlranrating. Stuffingboxestoo tight. Headlorverthanratingallowingpumpto handle too rnuchliquid. Defects motor. in


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1 5 .N A M E 3 T Y P E S O F P O S I T I V E D I S P L A C E M E N T P U M P S ? t . Reciprocating punrps 2 . Gearpump 3 . Screrv pump 4 . Lobe purnp 5 . Vanepurnp purnp 6 . Eccentric
I 6 . D E S C R I B ET H E P R I N C I P L E O F O P E R A T I O N O F R E C I P R O C A T I N G PUMP. 1. The purnpis doubleacting,that is liquid is admitted eithersideof the piston to whereit is alternatively drawn in and discharged. I 7 . W H Y A R E P O S I T I V E D I S P L A C E M E N T P U M P P R E F E R R E DF O R LUBRICATING OIL SERVICES? l. Their characteristics ntoresuitable are purnps. thanthoseof centrifugal 2. Beingof positivedisplacement theyare inherently priming. type self I8. WHAT POINTS WOULD YOU CHECK WHEN OPENING UP A POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP FOR OVERHAUL? l. Exarnine i. all nrovingparts ii. oiston








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19. WHY IS AN AIR VESSEL IS NEEDED ON A RECIPROCATING POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMP? variationsduring discharge. 1. To dampenout the pressure pressure 2. As the discharge rises,the air is compressed the vessel,and as the in pressure falls, the air expands. energyis thus storedin the air and returnedto the systemwhen 3. The peakpressure the pressure falls. 20. WHAT INSPECTION WILL YOU CARRY OUT ON POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT LUBRICATING OIL PUMP? l. In gearpumps: End and radialclearances the rotorswithin their housing. of 2. In pumpswith helical form rotors: Examine i. surfaces ofthe helices the rotors on ii. contactpatternbetweenthe rotors helices iii. non-uniformityof contactindicates unequalwear in the rotor bearingswhich rvill requirecorrection 2 I . L I S T T H E F A U L T S A S S O C I A T E DW I T H R E C I P R O C A T I N G P U M P . l. Gradual reduction outputover a prolonged in period. General wear andtear of movingparlsespecially i. Suctionand deliveryvalves ii. Pistonringsand cylinderliner 2. Reduction outputover a relatively in shoftperiod i. breaking, stickingor disassembly the suction of and / or discharge valves ii. chokedsuctionstrainer 3. Purnprefuses staft to i. misalignment any partsreplaced of ii. ringstoo tight,glandstoo tight iii. foreignobjectrnayhaveleft inside i v . i n c o r r e c t ls e tv a l v eg e a r y


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circuits are dead. shouldbe lockedopen or altemativelya "NOT TO 2. Switchesand circuit breakers BE CLOSED" noticeattached. the 3. Wherea fusehasbeenremoved, nranworkingon the eqLripurent thejob is until finished shouldretainit 4. The circuitshouldbe checked with a suitable voltageindicator. 2. WHAT PRECAUTIONS YOU WILL TAKE BEFORE WORKING ON STORAGE BATTBRIES COMPARTMENT? (WFL) l. Space thoroughly ventilated. testedand tbund safe. 2. Atnrosphere 3. All equipment be usedis of approved to type. personin attendance entrance. 4. Responsible at 5. Any type of openflameshouldbe prohibited. 6. All battery connections shouldbe kept cleanand tight. 'l . The batterychargesand all circuits fed by the batteryshouldbe switchedolf rvhen leads beingconnected disconnected. ale or rubberglovesand protective apronshouldbe rvom rvhenacid is handled. 8. Goggles, 3 . W H A T I M M E D I A T E A C T I O N W I L L Y O U T A K E I N C A S E SO F ELECTRIC SHOCK? ACTIO]V l. Switchotf the current 2. Renrove inluredperson the fiom the danger zone. with suitable fire extinguishers. 3. Putout any fire, rvhichmay havestarted 4. The alarrnshouldbe raisedand the bridgeinformedimmediately. 5. Deterrrine natureof injuries. the and thatthe patientis n a state i. lfthe respiration circulation functioning and are mustbe laid flat on his backand his legsshouldbe raised of shock, injuredperson the position). up so that bloodflows backto his body (recovery (mouthto mouth l0 / failLrre, beginartificialrespiration ii. In caseof respiratory nrin.). and circulatory failure.begincardio-puhnonary iii. ln caseofrespiratory and resuscitation (5 cornpression I inflation). That is Mouth to mouthresuscitation (60 in in the flrst place(16 - l 8 / min.),as rvellas lreartmassage the second - 90 / min.). in is here,because absence the ofoxygen supplyresults the deathof Speed ofessence the braincellsafterabout4 minutes. 1 . W H Y I S I T U N S A F E T O E N T E R A N E N C L O S E DS P A C E W I T H O U T T A K I N G A D E Q U A T E P R E C A U T I O N S ?( W F L )

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rooms for co2, rooms,batterylockers,and storage 2. pump rooms,compressor Halons. 3. Ballasttanks,doublebottomtanks. duct keels' spaces' inter-barrier 4. Coffer dams,void spaces, vessels' tanks,pressure 5. Fueltanks,sewage trunks. 6. Cabletrunks, PiPe blower spaces. gasplant scrubber, 7. Inert 6. WHAT INSTRUMENTATION IS AVAILABLE TO ASSIST IN MEASURING ANYoFTHEHAZARDSTHATCOULDBEFOUNDINANENCLOSED SPACE?(WFL) l. Oxygencontentmeter(analyzer) gas (combustible indicator) 2. Explosirneter staintubes 3. Chemical O 1 . W H A T I S T H E P U R P O S E , F A P E R M I TT O W O R K ? to l. permitto work setsout the rvorkto be doneand the precatttions be takenin doing it. procedure. and pre definedsafety ofan organized basically 2. lt consists hazardsarld showsthe correct sequence the foreseeable 3. It forms a clear record of all and of operations precautions. 8 . W H A T A R E T H E M I N I M U M P R E C A U T I O N SY O U M U S T T A K E I } E F O R E E N T E R I N G A N E N C L O S E D S P A C E ?( W F L ) of person shouldmakean assessment the space' l. A competent shouldbe identilled. of officerto takecharge the operation 2. A responsible shouldbe identifled' hazards The potential 3. for and secured entry' 4. The spaceshould be prepared ofthe spaceshouldbe testedusing oxygenanalyser The airnosphere 5. 'perrnitto work' system shouldbe used. 6. A beforeand duringthe entryshouldbe instituted' 7. Procedtrres 9.STATE6|MPORTANTFEATURESTHATSHOULDBESHowNoNA PERMIT TO WORK. (WFL) l. Record Work to be done(descriPtion) in Authorized ii. Person charge o o Period f validitY f Permit iii. Autholizingofficer iv. I-ocation (names) Crew detailed vi. ENTRY INTO ENCLOSED SPACES








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and illumination adequate. 6. Access '1 to . All equipment be usedis of approvedfype. is 8. When breathingapparatus to be used, is Familiarityof userwith apparatus confirmed. Apparatus beentestedand found to be satisfactory. has ii. MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT or ensure l. Beforeworkingon machinery equipment, of Removedfrom serviceand isolatedfrom sources power or heat(steam). personnel All relevant informed. ii. displayed. iii. Warningnotices HOT WORK l. Ifhot work is to be carriedout. ensure materialand gasfree l. Areasclear to dangerous ii. Ventilation adequate. in iii. Equipment good order. in iv. Fire fightingappliances good order. material Adjacentspaces clearof combustible and gas free.(loh vol HC - LFL, v. l 0 % v o l F I C- U F L ) 10. NAME PERSONAL EQUIPMENT FOR PROTECTTON. l. Headprotection: safetyhelmets. protection: muffs ear 2. Hearing goggles. facialshields, 3. Faceand eyeprotection: protectiveequipment:breathingapparatus. 4. Respiratory gloves, safetyshoes. 5. Iland and foot protection: safetysuits,safetybelts. 6. Body protection: lifejackets,life buoys. against drorvning: 1. Protection II. WHAT CHECKS WILL YOU CARRY OUT ON BREATHINC APPARATUS? (CKL) gaugeand capacity ofair supply. l. Pressure audiblealarm. 2. Low pressure 3. Facemaskair supplyandtightness. I2. WHAT IS THE GENERAL EMERGENCY ALARM SIGNAL? or Seven more shorlblastfollowedby one long blaston the ship'swhistleor sirenand operated bell. additionally an electrically on 13. WHAT PRECAUTIONSWILL YOU TAKE BEFORE WORKINC ON AUXILIARY MACHINERY? from sources power. from service and isolated of l. Removed 2. The starting valveor sirrilardeviceshouldbe secured. air








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MAINENGINE? l. Main engine turninggearshouldbe engaged a warningnoticedisplayed the and at position. starting 2. Cut off startingair. 3. Beforethe mainengine turninggearis used, check: i. Indicatorcocksare open It. All personnel clearoffthe crankcase offany movingpart ofthe engine. are and lll. Chainblocksand engine room cranearenot attached any ofthe runnins to gear. iv. The deckduty officerhasconfinnedthatthe propelleris clear. 4. Ifa hot bearing beendetected a closedcrankcase, has in Do not opencrankcase until 20 minutes afterstopping engine. When the opening keepclearoffpossibleflantes. up, ii. The opened crankcase shouldbe well ventilated expelall flammable to gases. 5. Before main engineis restafted, A responsible engineer officershouldcheckthat the shaftis clear. Duty deckofl'icershouldconfirmthatthe propeller clear. is I 5 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U T A K E W H I L E T A K I N G C R A N K S H A F T D EF L E C T I O N ? l. Whenever possible, a gaugethat shorvs use negative readings compression in and positive expansion. on 2. Watchthe arxperage the engineis turningto get an ideaof resistance turning. as ro Any sudden changes reading in shouldbe investigated imrrrediately. I 6 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U T A K E B E F O R E W O R K I N G O N BOILER? l. Personnel shouldstandclearoffhot vaporwhen doorsare opened. 2. No person shouldenterany boiler until: i. All rnountings isolated are safelyfronrany live feedor steatn. ii. Cooledsufficiently. iii Adequately ventilated. iv. Atmosohere tested and found safe. personshouldrentainin attendance entlance, 3. A responsible at rvhilepersons remain inside. I 7 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U T A K E B E F O R E W O R K I N G O N S T E E R I N GG E A R ? ( W F L ) l. Work shouldnot be doneon steering gearwhena ship is underway. 2. lf it is necessary wolk whenthe vessel at sea, to is The ship shouldbe stopped.

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2. Piston i. Screwholesfor lifting boltsin pistoncrownshouldbe cleaned. ii. Threads checked. 3. Eyeboltsshouldbe checked ensure to that i. They havecollars ll. are Threads in good condition iii. Eyeboltsare screwed hard down on to their collarsbefore lifting. I9. WHAT PRECAUTIONS WILL YOU TAKE WHEN WORKING BELOW FLOOR PLATES. l. Lifting handles shouldbe used. 2. Warningnotices shouldbe displayed. 3. The openings shouldbe i. Effectively fencedor guarded. ii. The areawell illuminated.


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20. WHAT PERIODIC SAFETYROUTINES WILL YOU CARRYOUT? I. |. generator E.mergency ii. Emergency compressor air iii. Emergency fire pump iv. All life boatengines
period Run for a reasonable Checkfuel oil, lubricating coolingrvater oil, supplies and tank levels parameters. Checkall operating 2. CO2 cylinder storoge room (CKL) l. V i s u a l l ye x a n l i n e d . ii. Testthe alarmand checkthatthe machinel soace pumps stop. 3. One smoke detector irt eoclr circuit Testto ensure operation correctindication the alarmpanel on Fire puslr buttott alarnt sltoultl be tesled Mocltinery space uentilutors or skyligltts Operatedand greased.


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Fire extinguishers Fire hoses and nozzles In their correctlocation. Checked ensure to they areoperable. Defective hoseor nozzleshouldbe replaces Entergency butteries

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Guidesshouldbe checked.



2 I . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U T A K E B E F O R E E N T E R I N C A REFRTG RATED COMPARTMENT? (WFL) E chamberwithout first infornringa responsible L No personshouldentera refrigerated officer. 2. lfrefrigerant leakage known or suspected, is then ensure: thoroughlyventilated. i. Space ii. Atmosphere testedand found safe. 22. EXPLAIN THE PRINCIPLE OF EXPLOSIMETER. gasindicator The conbustible consists a Wheatstone of bridgewith cr.rrrent supplied from a battery. i. When the bridge resistances balanced, curent flows throughthe meter. are no ii. One resistance a hot filamentin a combustion is chamber. l. An aspirator bulb and flexibletubeare usedto draw a gassampleinto the chamber. 2. The gasrvill burn in presence the red-hotfilamentcausing temperature the of the of filarrentto rise. 3. Riseof ternperature increases resistance the filamentand this change the of of resistance unbalances bridge. the 4. Current flow registers the meter,which is scaledin percentage the lower on of flammable lirnit ol P.P.M..for hvdrocarbons. l. HC: 2.1 - 9.5 (LFL - FIFL)for hydrocarbons ii. 02: ll -21 % dangerous I.G:3-8%of02inl.G. iii. 5. False readings likely when, are i. is Oxygencontent the sample low (< I l %) of t ii. i n e r tg a si s p r e s e no r . iii. with rich mixtureabovethe lower flammable limit. 23. EXPLAIN THE PRINCIPLE OF OXYGEN ANALYZER. (WFL) L Oxygenis paramagnetic. a magnetic So field is intensified the presence by of oxygen and its intensity will vary with the quantityof oxygen. 2. Most othergases diamagnetic. are 3. Thusglassspheres filled with nitrogenand mounted atthe endsof a barto form a dumb-bell will tendto be pushed from a strongsymmetrical, out non-unifonn magnetic field in which they arehorizontally suspended. 4. Whenthe surrounding contains gas oxygen, dunrb-bell the spheres pushed are furtherout ofthe freld due to the change produced the paramagnetic oxygen. by 5. Torqueactingon the dunrlr-bell proportional the oxygenconcenlration is to and therefore restoring the force necessary bringthe dumb-bell to backto the zeropositionis alsoproportional the oxygenconcentration. to




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bottom. 3. Accurate calibration obtained using, is by i. pure nitrogenor CO2for zero checkand ii. Normal air at2loh oxygenfor span. 25. WHAT ARE CHEMICAL STAIN TUBES? EXPLAIN IN DETAIL.


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i. Stop ii. Mainengine iii. Auxiliary engine iv. F.O. prirnarypump v. Fuelvalvecoolingoil punrp v i . M a i n L . O .p u m p vii. L.O. pump for camshaft, turbocharger, sterntube viii. Engineroom fans,forcedand induceddraughtfans ix. Purifier room exhaustfan x. Accomnrodation fans 2. Close quick closingvalves i. Engineroom skylights, ii. Funnelventilators, ventilator dampers, blowerflaps,exh. Fan flaps i i i . A l l o p e n i n g ls e n g i n e o o r n o r 3. Opendoor to release lockerfor engine room CO2 fire extinguishing system.This will autonratically startalarmsirenin engine roorn. 4" OpenCO2 master valveto engineroom. i. Pull all valve leversin release pull CO2 release lockeroutwards, handle, where-after CO2 gaswill fill engineroom in about2 minutes. 5. Proceed CO2 roornand checkthat all CO2 cylinders engineroom havebeen to for released. Ifnecessary openextraCO2 cylinders hand. by 6. After a fire, take carethat all machinerypafts havebeencooled before ventilating engineroom. 7. Before enteringengineroom after CO2 fire extinguishing, a breathingapparatus use with lifelineattached. Cany a safetylampand an insulated axe. fire 2 . E X P L A I N C O 2 F I R E E X T I N G U I S H T N GC A R G O S P A C E S .( W F L ) 1 . L o c a t e s p a c e i n f l r e .e s u r e t h a t n o b o d y i s l e f t i n f i r e s p a c e o p v e n t i l a t i o n a n d B St . block all air passages. 2. Openstopvalveoutsidehold on fire. Checkthat,thosestopvalvesfor all other holdsareclosed. 3. OpenCO2 master valve in CO2 room nrarked "CO2 TO CARGO SPACES". 4. Thenopenby hand,required numberof CO2 cylindervalves. 5. Usewaterhoses coolingdown accessible for decksand bulkheads tendingto be overheated. for 6. Takecarethat nobodygivesaccess air to fire space openinghatches by for inspection. 7. CO2 gasshouldremainin fire space a minirnurn 48 hours. Do not ventilate for of space until vessel reached has harborwheresufficient fire assistance available. is juclgement intervals 8. Release additional CO2 gasaccording best to at depending on nature to harbor. offlre and distance nearest W 9 . l n d i c a t i o n(s F L ) ?

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4. With the use of cornpressed the CO2 distributionpipes could be blown through air, accordingly. 5. Weighthe CO2 cylinders. 4. EXPLATN CO2 FLOODING SEQUENCE.(WFL) l. The machinery space SECTORVALVES and STARTING VALVES are opened andtheOPERATINGHANDLE pulledto openthe headvalveson the pilot cylinders. 2. Gas from the pilot cylinders,on enteringthe operatingcylinder pushes working the pistondown, thus operatingall the cylinderheadvalvescoupledto the wire. 3. Gasthen flows into the ntachinery spacevia the CO2 rnain,sectorvalve and various distributors. 5. GIVE A LIST OF FIXED FIRE EXTINGUISHING INSTALLATIONS. l. A pressurized rvater spraying system. 2. A fire smothering CO2 installation. 3. A fixed foarninstallation. 4. A fixed system discharging Halon 1301(BTM) 6. EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS IN THE EVENT OF FIRE IN PURIFIER ROOM. A fire in its first few rninutes be readilyextinguished. can Promptand correctactiorr is essential. 1. Iffire breaks ut o i. Tlre alann shouldbe raised. ii. The bridgeshouldbe infbrmedimmediately. iii. An atternpt shouldbe madeto extinguish limit the fire usingsuitable or portable extinguishers by smothering fire. fire or the 2. Limitingthe fire i. All openings the space to shouldbe shutto reduce supplyof air to the fire. the ii. Any fuel linesfeedingthe fire or threatened it shouldbe isolated. by iii. Cornbustible materials adjacent the fire shouldbe removed. to and fumes, 3. If a fire is filling witlr snroke any personnel properlyequipped not with rvithout breathing apparatus shouldget out ofthe space delay. 4. Usewaterhoses coolingdown accessible for decksand bulkheads tendingto be overheated. precautions 5. After a fire hasbeenextinguished, shouldbe takenagainstits re-ignition. spontaneous

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H2SO4 Acid
bottle (454Gms.) Sodium bicarbonate 3. Chemical foarn sulphate water (7 t/zL) + (8 Sodiumbicarbonate %) + Foamstabilizer(3 %) 4. Mech. Foam water (9 L) + AFFF (270 ml.) 3 % conc.

(57Gms.) Aluntinium (t y,L)



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5. D.C.P.

A. Ammoniumphosphate B. Sodium/ potassium (6 bicarbonate Kg.) CO2 (60 Cms.) C. Sodium/ potassium barium / Chloridemixture + Magnesiumstearate preventpowder to from caking 4.5 Kg. at 5l bars

6. CO2

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7. Hafon B.C.F. 7.0 Kg. at l0 Kg I cm2 EXTINGUISHER l. Soda cid a

EFFECT Cooling


2. ChemicalI M e c h .F o a m B l a n k e t i n s

3. D.C.P. 4. CO2

Inhibiting Envelopng with CO? and Dilutingthe supplyof Oxygerr



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5 . H a l o nB . C . F .E n v e l o p i n g , Breaking chainReaction the Inhibiting




andthe deck-isolating stopped valveclosed. 9. WHAT CHECKS W|LL yOU CARRY OUT ON CO2 CYLTNDER? (WFL) : l. Checkpressure 52 bars 2. Weigh the CO2 cylinderand if a weight differenceof 10 Yoor more is observed,it shouldbe sentfor recharging. i. Weiehtof CO2 sas : 45 Ks. : 154 g. K ii. Weightfull :109 Kg. iii. Weightenrpfy 3. An ultrasonic radioactive or levelindicator detector could be usedto checkliquid level.


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1 0 . E X P L A I N C H E M I C A L S I N F I R E E X T I N G U I S H E R S .( W F L ) l . W A T E R- C O 2
i. Outer containercontains9L of water. ii. 60 gms.of CO2 cartridge" iii. Discharge time 60 sec. l. S O D A- A C I D i. Outercontainer contains: 454 gms of sodiunr bicarbonate mixed in waterto make9L of solution. ii. 57 gms of sulphuric acid bottlein cage. iii. Discharge time I 1/,- 2 min, range6 m. 3. CFIEMICAL OAM F o/o i. Outercontainer contains: %o 8 sodiumbicarbonate and,3 foarnstabilizer mixedin waterto nrake7 % L of solution ii. lnnercontaitrer contains: % aluminium l3 sulphate mixed in rvater make 1 t/z to L of solution iii. Discharge time rvithin 1 t/zmin, range6 m. 4 , M E C H A N I C A LF O A M i. Outercontainer contains: 270 ml of 3 o/o cono.AFFF mixed in waterto make 9L of foamsolution. ii. 120gns of CO2 cartridge. iii. Discharge time withinI min (about50 sec). 5. DRY CHEMICALPOWDER i. Outercontainer contains Kg. Of sodiumbicarbonate 4;5 rnixedwith very small quantityof magnesiunt stearate. ii. 60 gms of CO2 cartridge. i i i . D i s c h a r gtem e w i t h i n l 5 s e c . i 6. CO2 i. 4.-5 Kg. CO2 at 5l bars. ii. Discharge tinre20 sec. 7. HALON



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the 2. Strike the knob or plungerlocatedin the cap to actuate piercing mechanism, the which in turn breaks sealing discof the cartridge. 3. Direct the jet at the baseof the flame,with a side to side rapid sweepingmotion. I2. HOW DO YOU OPERATE CHEMICAL FOAM EXTINGUISHER? L Pull the plunger,rest it on the notch provided and 2. Tum the extinguisher overshaking well, to ensure mixing of the two liquids, the rvith a finger blocking the outlet nozzle. 3. Direct the foam to somenearlyvefiical surfaceso that the foam runs down the side andblankets liquid. the 4. Whereno vefticalsurface available, is adjustthe distance suchthat the discharged foam falls gentlyon the liquid surface. I3. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. G I V E T H E D I S C H A R G E T I M E O F F I R E E X T I N G U I S H E R S .( W F L ) D . C . P- 1 5 s e c . . H a l o n- l 7 s e c . C O 2- 2 0 s e c . Mech.foam - 50 sec. WaterCO2 - 60 sec. Sodaacid i chem.foam - 1 Vzmin. 1 3 6 - Lc h e m .F o a m- l 5 n t i n .




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I 4 . W H A T E A C H F I R E D R I L L S T I A L L C O N S I S T SO P T l. Reporting stations to and preparing the dutiesdescribed the musterlist. for in 2. Startinga fire pump using at least2 jets of waterto show that the systemis in proper w o r k i n go r d e r . 3. Checking i. Fireman's outfitsand otherpersonal rescue equipment. ii. The relevant communication equipment. iii. The operationof watertightdoors,fire doors and fire dampers. iv. The necessary arrangements subsequent for abandonment ofthe ship. I5. WHAT EACH ABANDON SHIP DRILL SHALL INCLUDE? 1. Repofting stations to and preparing the dutiesdescribed the musterlist. for in 2. Checking i. That the cretvare suitablydressed. ii. That life jacketsarecorrectly donned. J. Loweringofat leastone life boatafterany necessary preparation laLrnching. for A +. Starting and operating life boatengine. the 5 . Operation davitsusedfor launching rafts. of life


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The larger dropsmust float upwardby their buoyancy.

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2. DESCRIBE THE PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION OF THE OILY WATER SEPARATOR FITTED ON YOUR LAST SHIP. PRINCIPLE: The gravity differentialbetween and water. oil globules 1. In oily watermixtures oil exists a collection almostspherical as of of the various sizes. 2. The force actingon sucha globulecausingit to move in the water is proportionalto in the difference weight betweenthe oil par-ticle and a particle of water of equal volume. pr F s : - - - D 3 ( R H O w- R H O o )g 6 force Fs : separating D : D i a .O f o i l g l o b u l e The resistance the movement the globuledepends its to of on 3. i . size i i . viscosity the liquid of 4 law line flow. by Stokes For smallparticles moving understream Fr:3pi muvD to Fr : resistance movement nru: Viscosityof fluid v : terminalvelosityof particle D : d i a .O f o i l p a r t i c l e Fs : Fr 5. Duringseparatiorr, velocityof oil globuleis 6. The terrninal g Risingvelosity,v: --- (RHOw - RHOo) D2 l8 mu is 1 . High rate of separation favoredby i . Largesizeof oil globule. tenrperature the system. of i i . E,levated line florv. i i i. Laminaror streanl 3 . E X P L A I N T H E O P E R A T I O N O F O I L Y W A T E R S E P A R A T O R S .( C K L , wFL) A. Priorto opefation l. Openthe follorvingvalves. the i. The valvebetween bilgepump andthe separator the ii. The valve between I and Il chambers valve iii. The overboard oil outletvalves(to heatthe accurnulated in the oil iv. Stearlinlet and condensate collecting charnber 30 deg.C. to neter valveto oil v. Cleanwater flr.rshinq

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2. Changethe seawater valve to the bilge valve, so that the bilge water may be fed into the separator. 3. Continue operation. the of C. Stoppage operation 1. Beforethe bilge is emptied, stopthe bilgepump. 2. Feedseawater into the separator a post purge for about 5 - 10 minutes. for It is essential keepthe separator of waterevenwhile the runningis full 3. to suspended. 4. EXPLAIN CONTROL OF DISCHARGE OF OIL FROM CARGO TANK AREAS OF OIL TANKERS. A. Wirhin 50 N.M. from land l. No discharges exceptcleanor segregated ballast. B. Outside special a areaand morethan50 N.M. from land l. No discharge excepteithercleanor segregated ballastor when i. The tanker is en route and, ii. the instantaneous of discharge oil doesnot exceed litres/ N.M. and rate of 30 (for existingships)or iii. the quantityofoil discharged doesnot exceed1/15000 1/30000(for new shipsor tankers)of the total quantityof cargowhich was carried on the previousvoyage. iv. The tankerhasin operation, oil discharge an monitoring and controlsystem and slop tank arrangements. C. Within a special area 1. No discharges exceptcleanor segregated ballast. D. Special areas: relation its oceonographic ecological In to and conditionand parlicularcharacter its traffic. of L the Mediterranean sea 2. the black sea 3 . t h e B a l t i cs e a 4. the gulfs area 5. the gulf of Aden 6. the Antarctic 7. Red sea 8. UK and NW europe 5. EXPLAIN THE CONTROL OF DISCHARGEOF OIL FROM MACHINERY S P A C E SO F A L L S H I P S .( C K L , W F L ) Beforedischarging bilgesfrornmachinery Marpol 13 ll8 regulations spaces, mustbe strictly followed. A. Whenthe ship is at morethan l2 N.M. from land l. No discharge exceptwhen i. the ship is proceeding routeand en

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ii. The oil contentof the effluentis l5 lessand iii the shiphasin operation, oil discharge an monitoring and controlsystem, oily waterseparating filteringequipment; or and iv. On oil tankers, bilge water doesnot originatefrom cargo pump room bilge, the or is not mixed with oil cargoresidue. C. Any wherewithin a specialareas No discharge exceptwhen the ship is proceeding route en The oil content the effluentwithoutdilutiondoesnot exceedl5 p.p.m.and ii. of ltl. The ship hasin operation filteringequipment oil with automaticl5 p.p.m. stopping device. And, iv. On oil tankers, bilge waterdoesnot originate the from cargopumproom bilge or is not mixedwith oil cargoresidue. D. Antarctic 1. All ships o discharge. n

6. EXPLAIN MARPOL 73 /78 REGULATION FOR DISPOSALOF GARBAGE A NNEX - V Distance Outside special areas Insidespecial area from land

Typeof garbase

0-3 N.M.



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All plastics including synthetic --Prohibited-rope, fishingnets, garbage baqs. Dunnage. ---------Prohibited it will float----lining, if Packing rnaterials. Food Groundor wastes. Prohibited Comminute d Other garbage including Prohibited Groundor Paper Comminute products, d rags, Metals.






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1. Distance from land 0 - 4 N.M. prohibitedunlessship has in operationa sewage i. Discharge treatmentplant approvedby the administration standards to developed I.M.O. and the effluent does by not produce visiblefloatingsolidsor discoloration the surrounding of water. 2. Distance from land4 - l2 N.M. prohibitedunlessthe ship has in operationa sewage i. Discharge treatmentplant to comminuteand disinfectthe sewage a type approvedby the administration. of from landover 12 N.M. 3. Distance i. From holding tanksat a moderaterate when ship is en route and proceedingat not lessthan4 knots.Procedures be approvedby the administration. to NOTE: I . Faecal coliformsshouldnot exceed 250 / 100 ml. 2. Total suspended solidscontent shouldnot exceed mg./l 50

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8 . D E S C R I B ET H E P R I N C I P L E O F O P E R A T I O N O F T H E B I O L O G I C A L SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT FITTED ON YOUR LAST SHIP. 1. The treatmentplant usesa tank, which is divided into 3 watertightcompartments. i An aerationcompartment ii. Settlingcompaftment iii. Chlorinecontact compartment 2. In an aeration compartment, whoseexistence aidedby aerobicbacteria is atmospheric oxygen,which is pumpedin, digestsewage. 3. In settlingcompaftment, activatedsludgeis settledout from the sewage. the 4. In chlorinator, sewage treated kill any remaining the is to bacteria and then it is discharged. POINTS l. The activated sludgein the settling tank is continuously recycled and buildsup. This sludge mustbe discharged every2 - 3 monthsonly in a decontrolled for area. 2. Tablets placedin the chlorinator are and requirereplacement they are usedup. as 9 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SM U S T T H E W A T C H K E E P E R T A K E T O E N S U R E THAT OILY WATER SEPARATOR DISCHARGE OVERBOARD IS CLEAR? (cKL, WFL) 1. At suitable intervals, cockscanbe usedto asceftain levelsof oil and water test the as approximately a checkfor the automatic detection. 2. Ensure correctfunctioning automatic p.p.m.stopping of 15 device.




2. Open and closewater cock to checkthat the water cock connectionto the boiler is clear. 3. Openand closestearn cockto checkthatthe steam to cock connection the boiler is clear. 4. Closethe drain. 5. Openthe watercock. Water shouldthen graduallyrise up to the top of the gauge glass. glassshouldfall to the level of the 6. Openthe steam cockand the waterin the gauge 'rvater the boiler. in 2. WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF ABNORMAL WATER LEVEL. A. Ifthe rvaterlevel falls to an extentwherethe sas/water heattransfersurfaceis reduced. l. The steam pressure tendto fall. will 2. The fuel burningratewill be automatically increased restore steam to the pressure. 3. The heatingsurfaces rvill distort. 4. The brick rvorkwill get darnaged. will be warpedand, 5. Casings partswill leak. 6. Pressure B. For tlrehigh waterlevel conditiorr. l . T h e b o i l e rw i l l p r i n e . 2. The carry over ofwater will danrage superheater hazardthe turbines. the and 3. WHAT ARE THE THINGS TO BE CHECKED BEFORE TAKING WATER IN THE BOILER? A. Whenrvater cock is opened and waterdoesnot flow up the gaugeglass. l. Waterlevel:Below the watercock connection the boiler to 2. Filling: It is unsafe put feedwaterinto the boiler. to B. Whenrvater cock hasbeenopened, rvater the flows to the top of the gaugeglass, and rvhenthe steamcock is opened, water florv down and oLltof the gaugeglass. the l. Waterlevel:Between watercock connection the boiler andthe bottomof the to the gaugeglass. 2. Filling: lt is safeto put feedwaterinto the boiler. C. I f afteropen the watercock,whenthe gaugeglassis full of water;the steamcock ing is opened the waterdoesnot descend the glass, and in I " Waterlevel:Above the steam cock connection the boiler. to 2. Filling:Thereis a danger prirrirrgthe boiler if any additionalfeed is put into of it. 4. NAME THB BOILER MOUNTINGS. 1. Safety valves.





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7. 8. 9.


Pressure connection valve. Air vent cock. Blow down valves i. Scumblow-down ii. Bottomblorv-down 10. Running down or drainvalves. I l. Sampling valve. 12. E.G.E.steam raisinscirculatins valves.




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5. HOW WOULD YOU USE THE SURFACE BLOW? l. Raise waterlevelin the boilerto abovethe scumpan. the 2. Open the surfaceblow-down valve quickly and close it; when the water level in the gau-ee glassceases drop. to 3. Blow out the gaugeglassand notethe condition the waterwhich appears the of in gauge glassafterblowing it. 4. If there are any signsof floating matterrepeatthe surfaceblow-down until the water showsclean. 6. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF BOTTOM BLOW-DOWN VALVE? L For removingsedinrent. mud, bits of scaleetc.,from the bottornof the boiler. 2. To reduce concentration impurities the boilerrvater. the of in i. By removingsomeof the impurewaterthroughthe bottomblow, and replacing \\ rti\\r trrr',\ 'rr,\l \\
\\ \\\'ii' Jur! \\htul .

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7. EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF OILY DRAIN INSPECTION TANK. ofthe water,dueto a leak in the offuel oil on the surface l. Ifthere is any appearance to tank is inmediatelydrained the bilge until the troubleis heater, inspection the remedied. type oil filter is a most importantsafetydevice. tank with cascade 2. Observation the as damage an explosion, it prevents oil frorn or serious protecting boilersagainst the gettingcarriedover into the boiler. 8. 1. 2. 3. WHAT COLOR SMOKE INDICATES? A Efficientcornbustion: light brownhazeat the stack. lnsufficient Black smoke. air: air: Excess White smoke.

9 . D E S C R I B ET H E L A Y O U T O F T H E A U X I L I A R Y B O I L E R . Type: l. AQ3 Aalborgverticalwatertubeboiler, 7 2. workingpresstlre bar.


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4. Shellcrownplate 5. Uppel tubeplate i. largecenterbar stay 6. Lower tube plate 7. Furnace crown i. Smallcenter stay. bar

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cylindricalfurnaceor fire box Ellipticalflue pipe Smokebox Baffle plates Uptake

1 0 .N A M E T H E B O I L E R A U X I L I A R I E S . 1 . F.D. fan 2 . F.O.pumpsand fuel burningequiprnent. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

II. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. F.O.heaters F.O.burners Feedpurrps pumps E.G.E,. circulating Sootblowers pressrrre reducing Steam valves HOW WILL YOU CARRY OUT SOOT BLOWING? The stearrr to the sootblowershouldbe thoroughly drainedofl'moisture. line Blow steanrline down well beforeoperating. Never stop rotating soot blower while steamis flowing throughthe unit. for Have a regularschedule operatingsoot blowers. Regular inspections shouldbe madeto sootblowernozzles.




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I2. EXPLAIN HYDRAULIC TEST ON BOILERS. l. Hydraulic test is carriedout i. After rnajorshellrepairs examination ii. Whentestingin lieu of an internal 2. Whencarryingout hydraulictest, i. The safetyvalvesare gagged. ii. All valvesare firmly closed. shouldbe appliedby rneans iii. It is preferable usewanr waterandthe pressure to of a smallram handpump. : iv. Maximunrpressure 1.25to 1.5X workingpressure. shouldbe appliedgradually and heldat the requiredlevelfor about 3. The pressure his has onehour.until the surveyor courpleted examination.


(LAC) i. 25 Ltrs.of liquid alkaline cleaner ii. 5 Ltrs of liquid coagulant 4. Fill up the boiler with waterto normalworking level and at the sametime add 2i3 of (LAC andliquid coagulant) the chemicals graduallyup to 7 KglCm2 5. Fire the boiler raisingthe pressure pressure 7 KglCm2, 6. Upon reaching of i. Bottom blow down at intervalsof 2 Hrs., ii. Blow down from waterwall headers intervalsof 3 Hrs. Eachblow down at shouldbe approximately on the gaugeglass. 2" 7. Raisethe water level by the feed pump after eachblow-down procedureand at the same time addthe remaining LAC and liquid coagulant l/3 dividedequallyby l0 blowdownsover l2 hoursperiod. 8. Fire the boiler againto raisepressure 7 KglCm2, and repeatprocedure6 & 7. to 9. When boiling out procedureis cornpletedafter 12 Hrs. period, fire shouldbe secured boilerallowedto cool down. and 10. Whentemperature steam of drum dropsto 65 deg.C., the solutionshouldbe dumpedoverboard. 14. HOW DO YOU START AN EXHAUST GAS BOILER? l. Ensure adequate make-up feedis available and checkboiler waterlevel is maintained. 2. Openair ventson economiser headers. 3. Circulate pumpgland. coolingcoils on circulating 4. OpenE.G.E.steam raisingcirculating valves. pump. 5. Opensuction and discharge valveson circulating pump. 6. Startcirculating l. Expelall air and closeair ventsor.l econontiser headers. 8. Testcasing/gas trunk drainsfor water leakage. 9. Repeat ventingto expelresidual air air. 10. Whenmainengineis stafted and powerlevelincreases, equalise steampressures. pressure stable. I l. Light off boilerfiresrvhensteatn is 12. Purgeboiler furnaces with air for 3 to 5 minutesand stop forced draughtfan. 1 3 . K e e pg o o db o i l e rw a t e rl e v e l . 1 5 . H O W W I L L Y O U S H U T D O W N A N D S E C U R EA B O I L E R . l. Carryout sootblowing if permissible. 2. Change combustion controlfrom automatic manual. to 3. Change fuel supplyto dieseloil. 4. Shutsteam offfuel heaters traceheating. and 5. Closeburnersupplyvalvesand main fuel shutoff valve. 6. Purgeboiler turnaces rvith air for 3 to 5 nrinutes; stop forced draughtlan. '1 . Closestearn stopvalveson boilerwhenpressure reduced. is





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2. Startclosingthe boiler blow-down valve when the pressure low enough,and is when it is down to the desiredvalue,the valve must be closeddown tightly and the ship sidevalveclosed. 3. Allow as muchtime aspossible the boilerto cool down and looseall its for pressure, when the pressure atmospheric, and is openthe air vent and gaugeglassdrains pressure to ensure insideboiler is atmospheric. I7. HOW WILL YOU DETECT BOILER'TUBE FAILURE? A. Slightleakage a boilertubemay be difficultto traceas the escaping of water is vaporised and is unlikely to be seenamidstthe funnel gases. Such leakagemay be suspected by l. Unusually high rnakeup feedrequirements. 2. Boiler watersampling readings not as expected. are B. In the eventofa tuberupturing, l. Indications i. Noise ii. Furnace flamedistorlion iii. Appearance offunnel gases iv. Lossof waterlevel 2. The Engineer's alarmshouldbe operated call assistance fuel shutoff to and from the burnersofthe affectedboiler. 3. The forced draughtfan must be kept running. 4. The boiler steamstopvalve shouldbe closed. 5. Maintainnormalwaterlevelin the defective boiler until the boiler coolsdown. 6. If the amountof leakage exceeds flow capacity the water level indicator, the of discontinue feedwatersupply. the 7 . Lift the safetyvalvesof the boiler to reducethe pressure quickly only if it seemslikely that the steamleakage will endanger personnel. 8. Stop the forced draughtfan after the steampressure decreased. has 9. Whencool, the boiler shouldbe emptied throughthe bottomblow down valve. 1 8 . W H A T W I L L Y O U D O T FT H E R E I S P R E S E N C EO F W A T E R I N F U E L OIL? A. Indications l. Unstable flame shape 2. The flame beingextinguished 3. Fluctuating fuel oil pressure B. Causes l. From contamination whenthe fuel was delivered. 2. From water enteringthroughtank ventsin rough weather. 3. Failureof steamheating coils in the tank. 4. Careless ofwash deckhoses. use



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fuel oil rail to discharge contaminated fuel to the wasteoil tank. 5. Clreckfurnaceis clearof un-burntfuel, purge furnaceand re-light boiler fire. 6. Operatesoot blowersas soonas possibleafter boilers are on normal loads. 7. Identify sourceof water in contaminated tank and drain off water. I9. WHAT SAFETY DEVICES ARE PROVIDED FOR BOILER CONTROL PANEL? (WFL) A. Water l. High, low andtoo low waterlevelin boiler drum. 2. Low nrainfeed waterpressure. 3. High condensate feedrvater and salinity. B. Steam l. High superheater steam outlettemperature. 2. Hish steam pressure. 3. Lorvpressure burnerstearn in assistance lines. C. Fuel 1. Enrergency trip. 2. Forceddraughtfan failure. 3^ Oil burnermotor failure.'4 . O i l p u m pm o t o rf a i l u r e . ' 5. Flamefailure. 6. High and low oil temperature. 7. Boiler fuel oil inlet low pressure. D. Oily drain inspection tank rvithcascade type filter. 20. EXPLAIN BOILER SOOT FIRES. lgnitionof an accumulation sootrich in carbonwhensupplied of with the necessary oxygencan be the source fire sufficiently of intense rneltand burn steel. to A. Causes l. Poorcombustion. 2. Operating low powerfor prolonged periods. at 2I. EXPLAIN HYDROGENFIRE. l. Whenoverheating a superheater to insufficient due of steanr circulation very is severe, tube rnaterial the rnayigniteat about700 deg.C and burningin the steanr producefree hydrogen. 2. The iron u,ill continue burningin steamindependently any supplyof oxygen of fionr the air. produced the reaction 3. The hydrogen by will burn,on cominginto contact with air. 4. Oncesucha fire has startedthereare Iikely to be 2 fires burning instantaneously i. Iron burningin steatn i i . H y d r o g e n u r n i n gi n a i r b


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2. Suddenadmissionof air to a fuel rich burnermav well oroducethe sameresult. B. Prevention purgingbeforeignition l. Ensureadequate 2. Failureto obtain ignition at tlre first attemptrnustbe followed by adequate purging. 23. WHAT WILL YOU DO IF THERE IS A FIRE IN EXH. GAS BOILER? is ,A. If sparking reporled if the observed or temperature is say l4 deg.C at the rise falls funnel,the enginespeedshouldbe reduceduntil sparkscease and the temperature with the enginepower. Thereafterspeedmay be again increased to a level consistent porverlevel. are to at until the conditions observed be norrnal the required rise is say If the funneltemperature continues rise or if the observed to temperature P;. 28 deg. C it indicates that a fire is present. l. The mainengineshouldbe stopped immediately. 2. Watercirculation shouldbe maintained thereis an evidence internal unless of leakage. 3. The outside the casingmay be cooledwith waterif thereis a risk of of overheating. 4. Do not usesootblowersor applywaterto the fire. 5. lnspection doorsshouldnot be removed wlrilea fire is burning. 6. Water may be usedinsidethe casingfor cooling purposes only after any fire is extinguished. 1. The unit must be thoroughlycleanedand a careful inspectionmade for water leakage. 24. HOW WILL YOU PREVENT FIRES IN ECONOMISERS? l. By maintaining i . G o o dc o m b u s t i o o f f u e l i n t h e r n a i n n g i n e . n e ii. Circulation waterthrouglr unit. of the exhaust economiser gas clearof sootdeposits 2. By keeping by i. Waterwashing. ii. Regularuseof soot blowers. 25. WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTSOF EFFICIENT OIL BURNING IN A BOILER? pressure. l. Proper arnount ofoil at sufficient 2. Proper anrount air rvith minimurnexcess (20 %). of air 3. Properatomisation good mixtureof air and oil. for 4. Properoil temperature. 5. High furnace temperature.


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2. registerallows entry of a strongblastof whirling air, which catches oil fog, the wherecombustion mixeswith it and enters furnace the takesolace. 27. EXPLAIN THE OPERATION OF COMBUSTION SYSTEM.(WFL) will A. The electric circuitsystem l. Heatup and circulate fuel. the 2. Purge combustion the space ofunburntgas. pressure. 3. Ignitethe flameand by controlling naintain the steam it, B. Operation 1. Ensure makeup feedis available i. Adequate and ii. Boiler waterlevel is maintained. 'lhe 2. When the boiler is stafted,cuffent is suppliedfirst to the fuel heater. electric heating elements thermostatically are controlled. 3. Whenoil in the heater reaches required the atomising temperature, another thennostat switchesin the fan and oil circulatingpurnp. 4. Air frorn the fan purgesthe combustionspacefor a set tirne. process period. This 5. The recirculation takesplaceduringthe entirepre-purge ensures the oil in the burneris hot andthin enough atomise. that to 6. After the pre purgeperiod,a voltageis appliedto the solenoid valve I which closes. e 7 . O i l p r e s s u rb u i l d su p a n do p e n s h ep i s t o n a l v ei n t h e b u r n e r a tl 0 t o l 2 t v I(g/Cm2. 8. The oil reaches nozzle,gets atomisedand ignited by a spark from porlable the electricigniter. in 9 . The oil which penetrates to the piston spacereturn back to the tank via the leakage line. oil 10. At furtherloadingofthe boiler,a voltageis appliedto the solenoid valve2 which opens. I 1. The fuel now alsoreaches nozzle2 and the burneroperates the with full load. The fan damperis operated the same at time to adjustthe air deliveryto the requirement. 12. The solenoids controlled a pressure are bv switchactedon bv boiler steam pressure. 28. HOW WATER LEVEL IS CONTROLLED IN A BOILER? 1. Water level is rnaintained a feedpump controlled a float operated by by ON/OFF switch. is 2. The float chamber fittederternalto the boilerand connected pipesto the by steam and waterspaces.Thereis a drainat the bottomof the float chamber. 3. A similarfloat switchis fined to activate alarmand shutdown in the eventof low an water level because float chambers and gaugeglasses at the water level. are 29. LIST FUEL BURNING FAULTS.


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l. Cause i. Low air pressure 2. Action i. Increase supplyto furnace air L. Black smokewith black streaksin oil spray. l. Cause i. Dirfy fuel atomisers ii. Carbondeposits air registers -n on 2. Action i. Increase supply air ii. Change tomisers a D. Hissingand spluttering fires of l. Cause i. Waterin fuel 2. Action i. Drain and changeover fuel suction E. Atomisers carbonised tip on 1. Cause i. Fueltoo hot 2. Action i. Adjust fuel temperature 30. HOW DO YOU ADJUST A BOILER SAFETY VALVE? Type:Full lifting springsafetyvalvewith closedspringhousing. l. Safetyvalvesmust be set at a pressure exceeding Yo abovethe approved not 3 workingpressure the boiler. of 2. Verily the accuracyof the boiler pressure gauge. 3. Eachset of valvesthen adjustedindependently usinggagswith the main steamstop valveofthe boiler closed 4. The pressure was broughtup to within 0.2 or 0.3 bar of the desired blow off pressure. 5. Arrangements werethenmadeto keepthis pressure constant whilst the valveswere beingadjusted. 6. At this stage.the compression of the valve that was lifting was screweddown nut until the valve seated. 1. The valve was subsequently adjustedin turn by slackingback its compression nut until the valve lifted. 8. The compression was then screweddown sufficientlyso that, when the valve nut ,'vas spindle lightly tappeddown,the valvereturned its seatand remained to closed. 3I. WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF OIL OR GREASE IN BOILER WATER? Oil or grease boiler watercauses in

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BOILER? l Scalein a boiler fbrms an insulatinglayer on the water side of the heatingsurfaces. 2. This insulatinglayerof scaleresiststhe transferof heatfiom the fire and hot gases the water,and the heatwhich would normally passinto the water conrbustion to remainsin the metal and heatsit. 3 . If the layerof scaleis sufficientlythick and resiststhe transferof heat sufficiently, the metalwill overheat, becomerveakand bag, blisteror rupture. -33. HOW SCALE IS FORMED? L When a steambubble is formed on a heatingsurface,all the saltsin the bubblewilt flow toward the hottestpaft, which is the heatingsurfacemetal. 2. Sinceslightlysolublesaltsbecome insoluble high ternperatures, at scalewill be forrnedat the baseof the bubble. 3 . Whenthe bubbleleaves heating the surface, ring of scales left. Theserings a is interlaceand scaleis formed. 34. GIVE A LIST OF CHEMICALS AND MINERALS THAT CAUSE PROBLEMSOF A BOILER SYSTEM. A. Source f corrosion o L CO2 2. Oxygen i. chloride B. Source scale of l. Calciunt 2. Magnesium 3. Silica C. Source solidscontent of l. Sulphate 2. Chloride 3. Nitrate 35. WHY DO YOU MAINTAIN HIGH ALKALINITY IN BOILER WATER? (CKL) l. The mostcommonchemicals calciumsaltsaresodiurn usedto precipitate and disodiumphosphate). j]fgipha1g{Tri sodium phosphate 2. Thesechemicalsreactrvith calciumsaltsto fonn tricalcium phosphate, flocculent a precipitate. in 3. To ensure thatthis reaction takesplace.a high alkalinitymustbe maintained the boiler. properly. 4. At a pH of 9.5 or less,the calciumsaltsrvill not be precipitated 5. Magnesium readilyprecipitated the alkalinityof boiler wateras sludgein the is by form of magnesium hydroxide.



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To give aikalinity and minimise aorosion i. Sodiumhydroxide ii. Sodiumcarbonate 3 . To conditionsludge(coagulants) i. Starch ii. Sodiurn alunrinate iii. Tannins A To remove tracesof oxygen i. Mechanical deaerator ii. Sodiumsulphite iii. Hydrazine To reducerisk ofcaustic crackins i. Sodiumsulphate ii. Sodium i(rate n 6 . To reducerisk ofcarry over offoam i. Anti foams 1 . To protectfeed and condensate systems from corrosion i. Filrningamines ii. Neutralisingamines 2. 37. HOW IS SCALE FORMATION PREVENTEDIN A BOILER? By addinga solublechemical the boiler waterwhich will reactwith the calcium to sulphate, most conrmonscaleforming salt,to form a highly solublesalt and a the hannless sludge. A. For low pressure boilers i. Calciumhydroxide(lirne) (soda) ii. Sodiumcarbonate (caustic iii. Sodiumhydroxide soda) + Na2CO3 CaSO4 Na2SO4 chenrical scaleformingsalt solublesalt sludge B. For high pressure boilers i. Tri-sodiumphosphate ii. Di-sodiumphosphate

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3CaS04 3Na2S04 forming scale salt

boiler compoundsludge soluble alt s

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C. Coagulants thenaddedto prevent are sludgefrom stickingto the boiler surfaces.


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To control sludgeformation and preventionof carry over with the steam. 39. DEFINE THE TERMS: CARRY OVER, PRIMING. l. Carry over: Phenomenon water dropletsbeing carriedover with the steaminto of the steam syslem. 2. Prirning:Contamination the steamby the injectionof grossquantitiesof water. of of i. Remedy:Corect chemicaltreatment feed water and boiler water shouldbe canied out. 40. WHY DO YOU TEST BOILER WATER DAILY? and Aim: To controlthe chemical treatment blow-down. saltsin the water. l. Hardness: the sum of calciumandmagnesiunr is 2. Alkalinity: acidiccorrosion i. To prevent ii. To assist the precipitation calciumand magnesium in of salts. 3. Chlorides rateof blorv-dorvn i. To calculate leakage into the steam space. condenser ii. To determine iii. % blorv-down Cl in Feedwater X 100 / Cl in Boiler water 4. Sulphite in concentrations the boiler waterto be surethat i. To maintain residual sulphite is scavenged. all oxygen + 02 ii. 2Na2SO3 l 5 . p H ( n o r m ap H : 1 0 . 5 ) i. As a checkon alkalinitytest neutral, t 7 means pH morealkaline ii. pH - 7 means solids 6. Total dissolved complete i. To ensure boiler watercontrol ii. To determine blow-downrate. 4 1 . W H A T A L L T E S T S A R E D O N E O N B O T L E RW A T E R ? ( C K L ) F o rw a t e rt u b eb o i l e r s p t o 1 7 . 5b a r u l. Alkalinityest t n i . A l k a l i n i t y o p h e n o l p h t h a l e(i1 5 0- 3 0 0 p p m a s C a C O 3 ) t ii. Totalalkalinitl iii. Caustic alkalinity(75 -200 ppm as CaCO3) test(300 ppm CaCO3) 2. Chloride t 3 . S u l p h i t ee s t( 5 0 - 1 0 0p p m a sN a 2 S O 3 ) 4. Plrosphate (30 - 70 ppm as PO4) test test 5. Hardness (5 pprnCaCO3) ( 6 . p H v a l u e 1 0 . 5- l l ) '7. oxygentest(0.02Cm3 / Litre for feedtvater) Dissolved

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2. The forced draughtfan must be kept running. , . 3. If the water level is betweenthe water cock connection the boiler and the bottom to of the gaugeglass,it is safeto put feed water into the boiler. 4. If the water level falls to an extentwherethe gas-water heattransfersurfaceis reduced; pressure tendto fall. Thenthe boiler steamstopvalve shouldbe steam will closed. 5. If the operatingboiler is exhaust boiler, it is safeto put feed water into the auxiliary boiler. 6. The boilersmustbe immediately secured until the waterlevel is established and corrected. 43. EXPLAIN CONVERSION FROM CaCO3. l. From CaCO3to ppm i. Nacl X by 1.17


ii. cl

X b y0 . 7 1

iii. NaOH X by 0.80 From PO4 to ppm i. P2O5 X by 0.75



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardness T.D.Solids content Chloride Alkalinity Phosphate

Increases Increases Increases Decreases Decreases


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45. W H A T I S T H E P E R M I S S I B L E C H L O R I D E L E V E L ? ( C K L ) ppmCaCO3 (chloride U p t o 1 7 . 5b a r s level) L Scotch 3000 2. Verlicalfire tube l 200 3. Package 300 4. Water tube 300
B. 17.5 31bars L Water tube


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4 6 . W H A T I S T H E P E R M I S S I B L EA L K A L I N I T Y T O P H E N O L P H T H A L E I N ?

P-alkalinity Caustic

1. Scotch 300- 700 l 50 - 500 - 500 - 400 2. Vertical tube300 fire 150 3. Package 150 300 75 -200


3. 4.

Package Watertube




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l. Suctionand discharge valvesfor ejectorpump 2. Overboardvalve for ejectorsystem 3. Inlet and outletvalvesofsea coolingwaterto condenser 4. F.W. tank filling valve B. Closethe followingvalves 1. Closeinlet and outlet valvesofjacket cooling water to heatexchanger. 2. Vacuumbreakervalve 3. Testcock 4. Drain valve from the heatexcharrger 5. Freshwater discharse valve STARTING pump is stafted l. The ejector and it shouldbe ascertained the pumpyields a that pressure 4 - 4.5 kglcm2 of 2. The evacuation the plant is now startedand at the sametime the heatexchanger of is autornatically rvith the correctamountof feed water. fed 3. Whenthe vaclrum metershowsaboLrt 90% vacuum, jacket coolingwater is the circulated throughthe heatexchanger, thusstarling boiling in the heatexchanger.

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(cm Vacuum of Hg) 73.66 50.8

point(deg. Boiling C) 26.4 11.46


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4. SwitchON the salinometer. This unit rvill functionautomatically oncethe alarm levelhas beensetat 8 ppm seasalt. 5. Whenthe evaporation condensation and havecommenced the condenser and is quanerfull of produced water,the condensate pump is started about fi'esh and the freshwater discharge valveopened.When F.W.G is well underway, checkall parameters. operating STOPPING l. Stopjacket coolingwatercirculation throughthe heatexchanger closethe inlet and andoutletvalves. purnpis stopped 2. Thenthe condensate andthe freshrvater discharge valve closed. 3. The ejectorpump is stopped valveopened. and the vacuumbreaker 4. Finallythe heatexchanger emptied seawaterby openingthe drain valve at the is of bottomofthe heatexchanger. 5. Thenthe inlet and outletvalvesofthe seacoolinqrvater condenser closed. to are

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1. 2.

Main engineis operatingat full speedaheao. Starting iravailable tengine. a a

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order A. Full astern l. Move i. fuel leverto STOPposition. ii. reversing lever(telegraph) ASTERN position. to iii. fuel leverto START positionfor a few seconds breakthe enginespeed. to iv. fuel leverto STOPposition. 2. Check i. Enginerpm is reduced. 3. Move fuel lever1oSTART position. 4. Check i. Carrshaft in ASTERN position. is ii. Engineis lotatingASTERN on air. 5. Move fuel leverto MAX. position. 6. Checkenginespeed ASTERN increasing. in 7. Find bestfuel notchpositionto avoidpropeller fuel supply cavitation.Reduce slowly. B. If engine fails to start l. Move i. Reversing leverto AHEAD position. i i . F u e ll e v e rt o S T A R T p o s i t i o n . 2. Checkengineis rnovingAHEAD on air. 3. Move i. fuel leverto STOPposition. ii. Reversing leverto ASTERN position. C. When Engineis operating full astern, at l. Start i. Standby dieselgenerator. ii. Mainair colnpressors. 2. Initiatechange ovel to Dieselfuel supply. 3. Adjust M/E jacket coolingwaterand lub. oil ternpel'atures. 2. WHAT ACTION WILL YOU TAKE IF THE ENGINE ROOM IS FLOODING? I. Stage L In caseof failureof watersystems the Enginerooln,correctactionmay in enable rvaterintaketo be contained. the Il. Stage

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2. Take main enginecontrolsfrom bridgeto machineryspaceand reducespeed. pumpsto bilgemain duty includingEmergency 3. Divert all available bilge injection. 4. Attemptsmust be madeusing all availablestaff to locatethe sourceof the floodingand carryout emergency repairs. IV. Stage A. If the flooding is suchthat low level auxiliary machinerymay be subrnerged or low leveldieselgenerators may be partlyimmersed, then; pumps. l. Closeall nonessential suctions sea and related 2. Opencircuitbreakers the main switchboardto all low levelnonessential at machinery. auxiliary 3. If the water level falls, selectiveopeningof seasuctionsmay indicatethe defective service line. or 4. lf not the main engine mustbe stopped, turninggearengaged and usedwhile the ILrbricating punrpkept in service. oil V. Stage A. If the floodingcannot contained be beforethe pumpson bilge duty are submerged, boilersmustbe secured all machinery the and shouldbe shutdown. 3 . W H A T S E R V T C E S N D E Q U T p M E N TA R E S U p p L t E D P O W E R F R O M A THE EMERGENCY SWITCH BOARD? The emergency generatormust be ratedto provide power for the driving rnotorsof l. The emergency bilge pump. 2 . F i r ep u n r p s . gear. 3. Steering 4. Watertight doors. 5. Fire fightingequipment. Services l. Emergency lightingfor occupied areas. 2. Navigationlights. 3. Communicationsystems. 4. Alarm systems. 5. Electrical controldevices the operation mainmachinery. in of 4. WHAT ACTION WILL YOU WILL TAKE IN CASE OF ENGINE ROOM .BLACK OUT'AT SEA. l . M o v e m a i ne n g i n e o n t r o l so ' S T O P ' . c t 2" Operate Engineers' alarmto call assistance. 3. Startstandby dieselgenerators nranually. 4. Checkrequired voltageand frequency available, synchronise closediesel and generator circuit breaker. 5. Mains lightingrestored, emergency lightsoff.

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v. L.O. pumP. vi. Turbocharger vii. Sterntube L.O. PumP. viii. GovernoramplifierL.O. pump. pump. ix. Boiler watercirculating x. Boiler feed waterPunrp. xi. Fuelvalvecoolingoil PumP. xii. Fueloil primarypunP. fans. xiii. Engineroom suPPlY xiv. Main air / controlair compressors. no and ensure unsafeconditionsexist. Accept alarms. 7. Checkcontrol consoles 8. Inform bridgethat power is available. g. Reset main engineSLOW DOWN / SHUT DOWN controls. 10. Inform bridge that Main engineis readyfor normal operation. speedto normal' I l. Restartmain engineand increase controls. 12. StarlF.O. purifierand resetautomatic ship and galleypowersupply' waterpurnpand restore fresh I 3. Startdomestic good any plantdef'ects. 14. Identifyand make

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2. STATE THE DESIRABLE PROPERTIES OF A FUEL OIL. 1. High calorificvalue. 2. A minimumof water,sediment, sulphur, sandand otherimpurities. 3. A fluidity suchthat it canbe pumpedwithoutlreating too much. it 4. The oil shouldnot be too slow burningso as to cause delayed ignitionin the engine cylinder. 5. The oil shouldburn completelywithout leavingany carbonresiduein the form of ashor soot. LIST THE SAFETY DEVICES FITTED ON FUEL OIL SERVICE TANKS. Fueloutletvalves Air pipes Thermometers 4 . Overflowpipes 5 . High level,lorv level and high temperature alarms. l. z. 4 . W H Y D O S O M E S H I P SM A N E U V E R O N A D I E S E L O I L ? Maneuvering dieseloil on l. Ensures the fuel lineswill not get clogged. that 2. Givesmorepositivestarlingand reversing. heavyoil temperature As inadequate causes l. Pooratomisation combustion. and 2. Increased wear of cylinder liners and rings. 3. Deterioration ofexhaustvalveseat. 5. WHY FUEL IS PREHEATED TO l0 - l5 cStBEI-OREINJECTION? Aim: l. To ensure correctatornisation combustion. and preheating, is too high viscosity Inadequate that causes, l. Pooratomisation cornbustion. and 2. Increased wear of cy'linder linersand rings. 3. Deterioration exhaust valveseat. of pressures 4. Results too lrigh injection in leading excessive rnechanical in to stresses fuel oil system. 6 . W H Y I S I T N E C E S S A R YT O A T O M I S E T I I E F U E L I N A D I E S E L E N G I N E CYLINDER? In orderto enable fuel charge go throughthe variousstages to ofcombustionin a very a for srnall tinreinterval,it is absolutely essential it to be brokendown to minutelysmall droplets.

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To pressure. | . overcome contpression lhe 2. atomisethe fuel and distributeit in a desiredmanner. 9. WHAT TYPE OF FUEL OILS WERE IN USEON YOUR SHIP? l. Marinedieseloil(MDO) : i. Viscosify l3 cSt at 40 deg.C = ii. Separating temperature 40 deg.C : 0.84 gravity iii. Specific 2. Hearry Fueloil (lFO 180) : i. Viscosiry 180cSt at 50 deg.C : ii. Separating temperature 90 to 98 deg.C gravity: 0.98 iii. Specific Note: l. I cSt: I mrn2/sec : 2. I stokes 0.001nr2lsec 3. mu : N-sec/m2 IO. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN HIGH GRADE AND LOW GRADE FUEL. High gradefuel. l. Reduced ignitiondelay 2. Rapidrise in pressure 3. High peakpressures earlyin cycles 4. Reducedexhausttemperatures Low gradefuel. l. Extended ignitiondelay 2" Slow rise in pressure 3. Low and retardedpeak pressures 4. Elevatedexhausttemperatures leadingto T/C surging 1 I . W H A T D O Y O U U N D E R S T A N DB Y T H E T E R M V A R I A B L E I N J E C T I O N TIMING? Variable injection timing is a form of fuel pump control enablingan engineto operate pressure with the designed maximumcylinderfiring or combustion from approxirnately 75 0zo poweroulputto rnaximrrm power. Advantages: l. The strengthdesignedinto the crankshaft and other importantparts is better utilised. 2. Improves thermalefficiency. 3. Lowersspecificfuel consumption. Methods: l. By loweringthe pump barrel. 2. Early closingof suctionvalve.

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throughthe actualburning This is known as ignition delay or ignition lag. 3. Duringthis periodthereis no risein pressure within the cylinderdue to combustion. 4. lgnitiondelay i. Mixing period. ii. Interactionperiod. I3. EXPLAIN DIESEL KNOCK. If the ignition delay is very long so much fuel can accumulate that the rate of pressure rise is almostinstantaneous. Sucha situationproduces extremepressure differentialsand violent gasvibration known as "Detonation". Remedyby" pressure. I. lncrease compression in 2. Retteratomization. 3. Cood turbulence. I 4 . S T A T E I M P O R T A N T P R O P E R T I E SO F F U E L O I L S A N D T H E I R SIGNIFICANCE. L Viscosity 2. Density 3. Pourpoint: Demandfor heating steam. 4. Carbonresidue: fouling. Deposits, Fouling,slow burning. 5. Asphaltcontent: wear in cylinderliners. 6. Sulphur: Corrosive 7. Silicaand alumina:Wear,abrasive wearof fuel injection eqnipment. High temperature corosion of exh.valvesand seats. 8. Sodiumand vanadium: 9. Ash content: Abrasivewear. 10. Fuelcornpatibility: of Incompatibility blended fuels. 15. DEFINE, FLASH POINT, POUR POINT, AND ULLAGE. Flashpoint: The lowesttemperature which a tiquid gives off sufficientgasto fornr a at gas of flammable mixturenearthe surface the liquid. Pourpoint:The lowesttemperature which a petroleum will remainfluid. at oil abovethe liquid in a tank. Ullage:The depthof the space I6. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '7. S T A T E P R E C A U T I O N S T O B E O B S E R V E DW H E N B U N K E R I N G . All scuppers shouldbe plugged. Tank air pipesshouldbe clear. Drip traysmustbe kept underthe ship-shore connection. pipe is securely place. in Ensure blank at opposite end ofcrossover Be fully conversant with the layoutof pipes, tanks,and valvesetc. Know how much oil is needed eachtank. in bunkersfrorn different sourcesin different Every effort nrustbe madeto segregate tanks.



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13. Know discharge rate of pump supplyingyou. 14. Soundings shouldbe takenat frequentintervals. 15. Havepump sloweddown whentoppingoff. NOTE: L The bunkersampleshouldbe retainedfor at least90 days. 2. Maintain the bunkertank temperature 35 deg. C to avoid possibility of wax at formation,settlingtank temperature 45 deg.C, servicetank temperature 85 deg. C. at at 3. The max.density fuel is 0.991at l5 deg.C. of 4. Whenmachines working in series, first maclrine are the shouldbe setas a purifier andthe otheras clarifier. I 7 . W H A T C H E C K S W I L L Y O U M A K E F O R F . O .T A N K S ? l. Drain water from tank. 2. Check; i. F.O. temperature ii. Oil level in tank iii. The freemovement float of 3. Tank air pipesshouldbe clear.


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2. Presence inorganic of acid. 3. Presence water, especiallyin influx of seawater,as the chloride ions also act as of an inorganic acid. Signsof deterioration precipitation purifiermultiplies. l. Sludge in 2. Smellof oil becomes acridor pungent. 3. Color of oil becomes dark in sightglasses. 4. Machinedsteelin crankcase becomes coffee brown by thin layer of lacquer. peelsoffor blisters. 5. Paintin crankcase 6. Excessive carbonis fbrmed in piston cooling chamber. 2 . H O W W I L L Y O U D E T E C T P R E S E N C EO F W A T E R I N O I L ? l. By dervformation on the sight glasses. 2. Milky appearance. 3. By immersing body (glass metal)heated 200 - 300 deg.C in an oil sample, a or if to hissing, wateris present. Removalof water l. By continuous purification. 3 . E X P L A T NA N A L Y S T SO F L U B E . O r L . ( W F L ) l. Specific gravity 2. Flashpoint: Givesan ideaof contamination with fuel oil. 3. Viscosity; Risesby, Oxidation. i. ll. Contamination with heavyfuel oil or water. Decreases B. by, D i l u t i o nw i t h f u e l o i l ( d i e s e l ) . i. 4. Total acid number(TAN): This is the total content organicand inorganic of acidsin t h eo i l . of 5. Strongacid number(SAN): This is the total content inorganic acidsin the oil (sulphuric acid). TBN: Givesremaining 6. Alkalinity (Total basenumber) alkalinityin oils. 7 . Water:Permissible to 0.2 V:o. up 8. Conardson carbon: Residue i. from incomplete cornbustion fuel. of ii. Crackedlubricating oil. 9. Precipitation number:Amountof insoluble ingredients the oil. in 10. Ash content: of Consists wearnarticles. sandand rust. 4 . W H A T A R E T H E P R O P E R T I E SO F T E L E M O T O R F L U I D ? properlies. l. Good lubricating


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5. WHAT ARE THE PROPERTTES OF L.O. FOR REFRIGERATION COMPRESSORS? L Good chemical stability. 2. Good thermalstabilitv. 3. Los viscosity. 4. Low wax content. 5. Low pourpoint, 6. Moisturefree. 6. HOW WILL YOU DETERMINE OIL/WATER LEAKAGE INTO CRANKCASE? Fuelcontamination l. Increase oil level in the tank. in 2 . S r n e l l o ft h eo i l . 3. Increase oil viscosiry caseof H.F.O.contamination. in in 4. Decrease flashpoint. in (CKL, WFL) Watercontanrination L Increase oil level in the tank. in 2. Suddenincrease ofpressuredifferentialacross by-passfilter. the

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2. The pumpswill be in the no-deliverystateuntil a rudder movementis requiredby a signalfrom the bridge telemotortransmitter. receiver cylinderwill thennove, this will resultin a movement the 3. The telemotor of floatingleverwhich will movethe floatingring or slipperpad of the pump,causing a pumpingaction. 4. A returnlinkageor huntinggearmounted the tiller will reposition floating on the leverso thatno pumpingoccurswhenthe required rudderangleis reached. 2. WRITE A NOTE ON RUDDER. Use:To steerthe ship Area: LengthX Depthof ship

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Aspectratio: Depth:2

60 or 70



l. A rudderwith all of its areaaft of the turning axis is known as unbalanced rudder. 2. A rudderwith a srnallpart of its areaforward of the turning axis is knorvn as semi balanced rudder. 3. When more than 25 % of the rudderareais forward of the turning axis, there is no torqueon the rudder stock at ceftainanglesand suchan arrangement known as a is balanced rudder. 3. WHAT CHECKS YOU WILL CARRY OUT ON THE STEERING GEAR BEFORE LEAVTNG PORT. (WFL) A. Within 12 hrs.beforedepafture, ship'ssteering the gearshallbe checked and tested. The testprocedure shallincludethe operation of gear. l. The rnainsteering 2. gear. The auxiliarysteering The renrotesteeringgear control systems. 3. positions 4. The steering located the navigating on bridge. powersupply. The emergency The rudderangleirrdicators relation the actualpositionof the rudder. in 6. to gearpower unit failurealarms. 7. The steering 8. The rernotesteeringgear control systempower failure alarms. 9. Automaticisolating arrangements otherautonratic and equiprnent. B. The checks and testsshallinclude l. The full movement the rudderaccording the required of to capabilities the of gear. steering 2. gearand its connecting A visualinspection ofthe steering linkage. 3. The operatiorr the means communication of of between navigating the bridge gearcompartment andsteering C. Emergency steering drills shalltakeplaceat leastoncein 3 months. Thesedrills shallinclude l. Directcontrolfrorrrwithin the steering gearcompartment. procedure 2. The cornmunication rviththe navisatins bridee.

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stock. ii. which is solidlyaftached the ship's The rotor is ableto move in a housing to slructure. 2. i. Chambers formed between vaneson the rotor and the vanesin the are the housing. ii. will vary in size as the rotor movesand can be pressurised, Thesechambers sincesealingstripsare fitted on the moving faces. i. Thus by supplyinghydraulicfluid to all the chambers the left of the moving to vaneand drawingfluid from all the chambers the right, the rudder stock can be made on to turn anti-clockwise. ii. movement and are Clockwise will occurif pressure suctionsupplies reversed. 4. i. Three vanesare usualand permit an angularmovementof 70 deg. ii. The vanesalsoactsas stopslimiting ruddermovement. by deliverypump and controlrvill be 5. The hydraulicfluid is supplied a variable electrical. 6. A reliefvalve is fitted in the systemto preventover-pressure. 5. HOW WOULD YOU OPERATE THE STEERINGGEAR LOCALLY ON YOUR LAST SHrP.(WFL) 1. The bridgeshouldbe innrediately notifiedin the eventof imminentsteering failure. 2. Change over of controlmethodshouldbe donein the zeropositionof rudderangle. 3. The connectingpin shouldbe insertedinto position for control ofthe steeringgear by Trick Wheel from within the steeringgearcompartment. the 4. Checkthe operation the means cornmunication of of between navigating bridge and the steeringgear compartment. 5. The direct control from within the steeringgear compartment. 6. The full movement the rudderaccording the required to capabilities the of of rudder. gearpowerunit failurealarms. 1. The steering turn 8. The rudder shouldbe moved hard over to hard over using eachpower unit ir.r beforecutting off the power to test the audibleand visual alarrnson the bridge. 9. At the sametime checkthe rudder angleindicatorsin relationto the actualposition provided. of the rudderusingthe communication system the 10. Veri[' thatthe light providedon the bridgeto indicate runningmotor of the powerunit is working. I 1. Checkthe steering positions located the navigating on bridge. 6. WHAT SHOULD BE THE ACTION OF THE NAVIGATING STAFF D U R I N G S T E E R I N GG E A R E M E R G E N C Y ? ( W F L ) l. Duringemergency, navigating staffwill not know which powerunit is defective. the

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on Steering can thencontinue the good unit.

7. HOW DO YOU TEST THE OPERATION OF ALTERNATIVE POWER SUPPLIES? i. Isolatethe directsupplyline or switch boards. the Open the breakerbetween main and emergency


generator powersupply the to and starting theemergency of 2. Check automatic the gear. steering GEAR?(WFL) OF 8. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS AtR lN STEERING causes, compressible 1. Air being
units. lncorrect balance between operation. ii. Time lagsand irregular 2. Indication, i. Dcfeclivesteering. Jerkyoperation and, ii. gauges. Jumpingat the pressure iii. it air get into the systenr, may be removedby purging at the air release 3. Should valves. giving faultysteering thentotallyempty 4. Shoulda largequantityof air gain access and recharge. 5. Follow safetyprocedure. 6. Inform CIE andbridee. 8. HOW DO YOU CHARGE ROTARY VANE ACTUATOR? (WFL) l. Chargingshouldbe donein the zeropositionof the rudderangle. with the name are that the positionof all valvesin the system in accordance 2. Ensure plate on the steeringgear. over from telemotorto local control by hand 3. The steeringgear shouldbe changed of to wheel within the steeringgearcompartment control movements the steeringgear. tank. 4. Checkthe oil level in the replenishing 'Ihe rotaty vane actuatorshouldbe chargedthroughthe stop valveson the unit with 5. valveopen,and i. the by-pass and on the purnps. valveson the actuator througltthe air release ii. air vented tank mustbe kept toppedup duringthe operation. L The replenishing fluid is escaping, to 2. When its levelceases fall and only air-free valvesand the by-passvalve shouldbe closedand i. tlre air release ii. to all valvesreturned their normalrunningpositions. 3. Under local control, the steeringgearshouldbe run slowly from hard over to hard times over several i. usingone pump andthenwith the other, to that all air has valvesareperiodically opened ensure whilst the air release ii. beenreleased.



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steeringgear checksand tests,and emergency steering drills.








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Csuses: lgnition of the dry carbondepositsettlingin the upperpart of the scavenge box may be caused by. l. Prolongedlow-by. b 2. Slow burningin the cylinder. 3. Blorv-back through scavenging the pofts dueto too largeresistance the exhaust in system. Indicaliotts: I " Decrease engine in speed. 2. Irregular runningof the engine. 3. Surging ofturbochargers. 4. Increase exhaust in temperatures ofcorresponding units. 5. High localtemperature scavenge in trunks. 6. AIarrn by temperature sensitive probesfitted to scavenge systems. 1. Sparksand smokeemittedfrom scavenge drains. 8. Smokeirr exhaust gas. Prevenliorr: l. I(eeppistonrings in good orderto prevent blow-past. 2" Cleanscavenging beltsas oftenas possible. 3" Keepthe exhaust portsclearofcarbondeposit. 4. Do not let one cylinderunit be appreciably overloaded compared as with the others. frIeosures: l. Settlte cylirrder lubricator maximumdelivery. Closethe scavenge to drails. Cut out the fuelpump by lifting and lockingthe roller guide. Intbrm chief Engineer. 2. Slo,w dorvnirnrnediately, bridgeforpermission stop. Stop if permitted. ask to 3. Whenengineis stopped, stoppulxpsfor fuel oil and nozzlecooling. 4' Apply fire extinguishing equipmentto scavenging the box. Closebutterllyvalvesin the air duct afterblowers. ,5. Do not openscavenging befbreflre is extinctand siteof fire cooleddown box b e l o w 1 0 0d e g .C . W h i l e o p e n i n g p , k e e pc l e a ro f p o s s i b l el a n r e s . u f 6. Cleanall scavenging boxesofdry deposit and sludge. 1 . C l e a na n d i n s p e c t , A. Pistonrodsand cylindcrIinersconcerned for i. Surface condition ii. straightness i i i . a l i g n u r e n tI.f g o o dc o a tr v i t hl u b eo i l . B. Stuffingbox and bottornof scavengin,q for cracks. If good,repeat box t n s p e c t i o n s r i n gt u r n i n g . du 8. Ifthe pistonhavingcaused fire cannot overhauled once,porvero1 the the be at affected cylinderrrray haveto be reduced shutoffrvhenthe engineis restarted. or 9. lf the heating the box walls hasbeenconsiderable. nearest bolts shouldbe of the tie re-tightened the alignnrent and ofthe camshaft bearinss shouldthen be clrecked.


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oil-air mixture. Couses: Hol spots tlue to, pistonrod gland (stuffing box). 1. Overheating bearings, of 2. Sparksfrom pistonblow past. 3. Fires in spaces adjacent the crankcase. to 4. Loweringof flashpoint of lubricating by contamination oil with fuel oil. Delectiort: Deteclion of hot spot by, l. Enginenoise. in 2. Increase terrrperatures. 3. Smelland appearance dense of white oil mist. 4. Temperature sensitiveprobesfitted nearthe bearingoil returns. 5. Crankcase mist detector. oil Elintinutiort: By, l. Propermaintenance, lubrication and oil condition. 2. Maintaining high flashpoint of lubricating oil. 3. When startingup after repairs,"FEEL OVER" moving partsat suitableintervals. 4. Discover nristin time and avoidhot spots. oil Note: L Crankcase explosion doorslift at 5 kN/m2 or 0.05 Kglcm2. 2. Temperature hot spot,min. 360 deg.C. of fuIessures: l. Slorvdorvniurmediately, bridgefor permission stop. Stop if permitted. ask to 2. Whenengineis stopped, stoppumpsfor fuel oil andnozzlecooling. 3. Openskylightand prepare fire fightingequipment. 4. Do not opencrankcase until 20 minutes afterstopping engine. the 5. i . S t o pl u b r i c a t i n o i l p u m p . g ii. Cut offstartingair, engage turninggear. iii. Take off all lowerrnost doorson one sideof the crankcase. 6. Locatethe hot spot. i. Feelover all slidingsurfaces. ii. Look for squeezed bearing out metaland heatdiscoloration. iii. Feelover alsoceilingofcrankcase. iv. Make similarsearch thrustbearing. in 1. Prevent furtherheating by, i . M a k i n ga p e r r t t a n e ne p a i r . rt i i . P r o p e ru b r i c a t i no i l s u p p l y . l g iii. Satisfactory conditionof the frictionalsurfaces involved. 8. Startlublicating punrpand checkoil flow fi'omall slidingsurfaces, oil while turning the engine with the turninggear. onerevolution 9. Stopandfeel over,especially frictionalcomponent the that caused heating the should felt over. be


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rnisplaced sprays. 2. Improperatomisation, fuel penetration. 3. Pooror excess 4. Incorrectfuel tenrperature. injection timing. 5. Incorrect 6. Insufficient supply. air Il crcoles: l. High exhaust temperatures. 2. Danrage exhaust valves. to 3. Scavenge fires. 4. Overheating the Engine. of f 5 . D r o p i n m a x i m u r ni r i n gp r e s s u r e . 6. Lossof thermalefficiencv. 4. WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE EVENT OF EXHAUST VALVE LEAK? Detectiott: l. Riseof exhaust temperature. pressure the respective 2. Fallingof the compression maximumcombustion and of cylinder. Actiort: L Exhaust valve shouldbe changed immediately limit the damage. to 2. Fuelpump roller guideshouldbe lifter. 5. WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE EVENT OF GOVERNOR FAILURE? 1. The governorwill reducethe fuel pump deliveryto zero in caseof failure of governor pump or of the oil supplyto the amplifiercylinder. oil 2. To permit starling and runningwith the governorcut out, changeover to EMERGENCY. 3 . W h e n t h e g o v e r n o r i s c u t o u t , n o p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t r a c i n g i s a t h a na n e u v e r i n g M d. shouldthereforebe performedwith specialcareparticularlywhen sailing in hard weather. 6 . W H A T W I L L Y O U D O I N C A S E O F P I S T O NR I N G B L O W P A S T ? Indicatiott: l. Riseof exhaust temperature. pressure the respective 2. Fallingof the compression maximumcombustion and of cylinder. 3. Sparksand smokeemittedfrom scavenge drains. ports. 4. Inspection the pistonring conditionthroughthe scavenging of Ctuses: 1. Due to collapse otherwise intactpistonrings. of Acliott:

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7. WHAT ACTION WILL YOU TAKE IN THE EVENT OF TURBOCHARGER L.O. PUMP FAILURE? Aclion: 1. The main engine shouldbe stopped. 2. lt takes l0 minutesbeforethe T/C L.O. gravity tank is empty which is sufficientfor lubricationofthe turbochargers until theseare stopped. 8. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF TURBOCHARGER SURGING? Turbocharger will surgedue to abnormalchangein eitherair or exhaustgas flow to or from the turbocharger. l. i. A suddenreductionin enginespeedwith the corresponding drop in demandfor air. ii. If an engineis operated with one or more units not producingpower. iii. Malfunctionin the fuel system. iv. Rapidvariations engineload. in 2. Fouling A. On the air side i. Intakefilter ii. Impeller iii. Diffuser iv. Chargeair cooler pofts v. Choked scavenge B. On the exh.gasside i. Chokedgrids ii. Nozzle ring i i i . M o v i n gb l a d e s iv. Exh. gasboiler 3. Scavenge fire or bearingdamage. Actiott: l. Reduce enginespeed andpower. 2. Waterwashthe turbocharger removefouling. and 9. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF KNOCKING AND WHAT ACTION WILL YOU TAKE? Causes: 1. Faultyfuel injection(too earlyinjection). 2. Piston ooling il failure. c o 3. Cylinderlubrication inadequate excessive. or 4. Bearing learances cessive. c ex Acliott: l. Ifsoundclearlyemanates from a cylinder, shutofffuel from cylinderand check,


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I O . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SO F P I S T O N O R C Y L I N D E R L I N E R OVERHEATING? Csuses: pistonorjacketcooling. l. Inadequate 2. Inadequate cylinderlubrication. 3. Cylinderoverloaded. 4. Badly worn rings or liner. 5. Misalignrnent. Actiort: Check. l. Pistoncooling oil outlettemperature flow. and jacket cooling water outlet temperature. 2. Cylinderlubrication, 3. Checkpower by indicatorcard and balancecylinderpower. 4. Reduce loadon cylinderuntil it is overhauled checkcomponent to alignment. 5. Engage turning gearsoonafter stopping. 6. Checkfuel valvesfor properactionand spraydirection. I I . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SO F E X C E S S I V EW E A R O F C Y L I N D E R LINERS? Causes: l. Inadequatecylinderlubrication. 2. Useof incorect cylinderlube oil. jacket coolingwatertelnperature. 3. Improper 4. Improper fuel oil purification. 5. Faultyfuel injection. 6 . O v e rl o a d i n g f t h ee n g i n e . o Actiort: Check, L Cylinderlubrication. 2. Alkalinityof cylinderlubricant usedis compatible with the sulphurcontentof fuel in use. 3. Jacket coolingtemperature. 4. F.O.purification. 5. Fuelinjector operation. 6. Porver indicatorcard and balancecylinder power. by I 2 . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SO F P I S T O N R I N G B R E A K A G E ? Cuuses: l. Rings i. Faultyfitting. ii. Excessive wearof ringsor ring grooves. iii. Useof incorrect rinss. 2. Badlyworn liner. 3. lnadequate cylinderlubrication. Aclion:

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l . F a i l u r e f l u b eo i l p u m p . o 2. Insufficient in the L.O. draintank. oil 3. Oil temperature high. too 4. Excessive bearing clearances. 5. Oil filter choked. 6. Failure lubeoil pipe or coupling. of Action: l. Sfowdown immediately, oil pressure if falls below 1.2Kglcm2,STOPengine. 2. Checkoil temperature L.O. sumptank level. and 3. Examine crankcase, checkall bearing fastening piping. and 14. WHAT ACTION WILL YOU TAKE IN CASE OF BEARINGS RUNNING HOT? Csuses: l. Lube oil pressure low. too 2. Obstruction lubeoil supply. in 3 . F a i l u r e f l u b eo i l p i p e o r c o u p l i n g . o 4. Bearingclearances srnall. too 5. Bearing danraged. 6. Dirt or metallicparticles bearing. in Actiott: l. Cut offfuel from affectedcylinder and observetemperature trend to ensure continued operation safe. is 2. Avoid overloading otherunits. 3. Stopengineirnrnediately examine and crankcase. I5. EXPLAIN EMERCENCY RUNNING WITH CYLINDERS OUT OF ACTION. Case: Pistott, crossheud,connecling rod, utrd lelescopepipes ore out. Procedure: l. Cut out the fuel punrpby lifting and lockingthe roller guide. 2. Putthe exhaust valveout of actionso thatthe valveremains closed. 3. Dismantle starting pipe and blankoff the main pipe and the controlair pipe. the air 4. Dismantle pistonwith pistonrod and stuffingbox, crosshead,connecting and rod crankpin bearing. 5. Blankoff the stuffingbox openingwith 2 plates. 6. Blankoff the oil inlet fronrthe telescopic pipe. 7. Setthe cylinderlubricator to'Zero' delivery. Staning afterputtingcylinders of action. out Beforestartingcheck, 1. Oil flow throughthe bearings. 2. The tightness blankedoff openings. of


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I6. WHAT ARE CAUSES AND INDICATIONS OF OVERHEATED PISTON? Ceuses: 1. Pistoncoolingoil failure. 2. Inadequate cylinderlubrication. 3. Cylindersoverloaded. 4. Badly worn ring or liner. 5. Increased internalfriction in engine. 6. Faultyfuel injection. 1. Occurrence ofafterburnins. Ittdicutions: l. Engine oise. n 2. Decrease enginespeed. in 3. Rise of exhaustand piston cooling oil temperatures. 4. Riseofjacket coolingwateroutlettemperature. gas. 5. Smokein exhaust Mertsures: 1. Slow down immediately withoutstopping. 2. Setthe cylinderlubricators maximumposition. to 3. Cut out the fuel pump by lifting and lockingthe roller guide. 4. After the engineis sufficientlycooledit can be stopped. 5. Engageturning gear soon after stopping. 6. Check fuel valvesfor proper action and spraycondition.

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6. Air starting valves:If leaking, they arehot. 7 . Pressures temperatures: arenormalfor the enginespeed. and All 8. Lubricatorsfor cylindersand rockerarms:All are working, delivering correct dosage. 9. Crankcaseoil mist detector. 2. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO KEEP THE F.W. OUTLET TEMPERATURE FROM THE M/E AT ABOUT 8l deg.C.? l. A lowertelnperature to sulphur due content the fuel,may cause in condensation of sulphuric acid on the cylinderwalls. 2. A highertenrperature impedesthe formationof an adequate lubricatingoil film on thecylinderwall. Both results high cylinderwear. in 3. WHAT MAINTENANCE WORK IS INVOLVED IN KEEPING M/E IN GOOD ORDER? A. Combustionnraintenance, involves l . P i s t o n i n gr e p l a c e m e n t . r 2. Air irrlet,exhaust and fuel valvechanges overhaul. and 3. Cleaning i. Turbocharger inlet filtersand blading. air i i . S c a v e n ga i r c o o l e r . e por1s. iii. Scavenge iv. Attendingto instrumentation with cornbustion. associated B. Bearingadjustment nraintenance corlectalignment all runningparts. and of in l. Bearingexamination adjustments and 2. Attendingto lubrication and coolingservices. of frames, 3. Examination bed plates, coversafetydevices etc. 4. WHAT FACTORS WOULD YOU CONSIDERIN DECIDING WHETHER TO O P E NU P A C Y L I N D E R U N I T F O R O V E R H A U L A N D R E U S E ? Overhaul: program, l. If the engineis operated maintenance cylinderunits undera planned shouldnot be opened until the required up numberofoperatinghourshasbeenachieved. 2.. If aftertakingindicator cardsor checking cylinderpressures with a maximum pressure pressure low due to leaking indicator, is established the compression it that is pistonrings.overhaul ofthe unit shouldbe arranged the earliest at opportunity. Reuse pistonrings: of pistonringsremoved from a piston,tlrewear rateof l. In deciding rvhether reuse to the pistonring mustbe known. 2. It is thencompared the rnaximum to wearallowedin the pistonring to establish the expected remaining. life remaining 3. If the expected life is foundto be lessthanthe programnedhours betrveen of overhaul the cylinderunits,the ringsmustbe scrapped.


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Procedure: l. Cleanthe coolingwatersystem. 2. Use de-ionized distilledwater. or 3. Add the corrosioninhibitor (only nitrate/ boratebased). 4. Carry out regularchecksof the cooling water systemand the condition of the coolingwater. Nante of irthibilors: l. DEWT NC - Drervameroid U.S.A. 2. CWT DIESEL QC2 - VecomHolland. 6. EXPLAIN RUNNING IN OF LINERS AND RINGS. A. 1. The engine speel / Ioad sltonld be increasedgraclually, i. For a new engineor after ii. Renetval renovation or oflarge bearings. iii. Renewal renovation cylinderlinersor pistonrings. or of 2. Sequence: i. Increase enginerpm to 80 Yoin the courseofthe first 2 to 4 hours and the rnaintainthis speedfor 6 hours. ii. Afterthis 8 to l0 hoursrunning, increase full rpm is effected the to stepwise duringthe follorving12 to 14 hours,giving a totalrunningin periodof 20 to 24 hours. B. l. If only one or two cylinders / bearings ltuve been reneteedor renoviled. i. The fuel pump index for the cylinder(s)in questionis decreased 25 %oand by the engine run up nornrally. ii. The indicesconcerned gradually increased duringan intervalof20 to 24 hours. iii. Throughout wholerunningin periodof 20 to 24 hours,the cylinderoil the dosage shouldbe at the maximumlevel. 7 . E X P L A I N F E E L O V E R S E Q U E N C EO F M A I N E N G I N E . lf the conditionof the nrachinery uncertain (i.e.,afterrepairs alterations) feel is or the over sequence shouldalwaysbe follorved. L After l5 to 30 minutes runningon SLOW. 2 . A g a i na f t e rI h o u rr u n n i n g . 3. At seaafter I hour runningat service speed. The engineis stopped,the crankcase openedand moving partsare felt over on sliding is surfaces. Feel: 1. Main, crankpinand crosshead bearings. 2. Pistonrodsand stuffinsboxes. 3. Crossheadshoes. 4 . T e l e s c o p ip i p e s . c 5. Chainsand bearings the chaincasing. in 6 . C a n r s h a f te a r i n g o u s i n g s . b h 1. Thrustbearinqs.




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causes to 2.5 deg. rise ofexhaust gastemperature. 2 2. Ineffectiveair coolers. 3. Foulingofair andgaspassages. 4. ImproperF.O.purification. (checkchain tension) 5. Wrong positionof camshaft. B. In single cylinders l. Defective fuel valves. 2. Leaky exhaust valve. 3. Blow-by, leaky combustion chamber. 4. Wrong positionof fuel cam. 2. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF EXHAUST TEMPERATURE DECREASE? l. Decreased scavenging temperature. air 2. Air in fuel pumpsand fuel valves. 3. Spindlein fuelvalve sticking. 4. Fuel pump plungerstickingor leaking. 5. Suction valve in fuel pump defective. 3 . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SO F E N G I N E R P M D E C R E A S B ? l. Pressure beforefuel pump too low. 2. Fuelvalve or fuel purnpdefective. 3. Waterin the fuel. 4. Fire in scavenging box. 5. Increased internalfriction in Engine(seizure ofa piston). 6. Slow down or shutdown. 7. Fueloil characteristics. propeller. 8. Foulingof hull or darnaged 4 . G I V E A N A P P R O X I M A T E HEAT BALANCE?


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I. 2. 3. 4.

BHP gas Lossin exhaust L o s st h r o u g h . C . W . J Lossthroughsystem oil

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A. Maxintum pressure too low, compressionpressure correcl.

1. Check i. Fuelvalvesfor properactionand spraydirection. ii. Fuel is injected too late. iii. The fuel carnshouldbe advanced. B. Moxinum pressure too Itigh, contpressiortpressure correct.




ii. Leaky exhaustvalve. iii. Scavenge supplytoo low. air iv. Fouling of exhaust systemand / or air intakesystem. 6 . E X P L A I N P E R M I S S I B L ED E V I A T I O N S . When thesedeviates I . Mean indicatedpressure: more than 0.5 KglCm2 from the nreanvalue,adjustment fuel pump index shouldbe made. of pressures: 2. Maximum pressures compression and When thesedeviates more than 2 KglCm2 from the meanvalue,the causeshouldbe found and corrected. pressure divided by scavenging pressure ratio: 3. Compression air (L02 Kg/Cm2) + pressure Barometricpressure Comoression pressure f Barometricpressure Scavenge Gives valuableinformationabout, i. Tightness alteration the compression and of space the individualcylinder. of ii. Ratio is between to 35. 28 rise 4. Coolingoil: The temperature across pistonshouldnot exceed deg.C. the 20 5. Coolingwater:The temperature across engineshouldnot exceed15 deg.C. rise the 6. Pressure drop across F.O.& L.O. filter: Whenthis exceeds KglCm2 the filter 0.5 b should e cleaned. between 1. Temperature difference S.W. inlet and scavenge outletof air coolertoo air large(Limit 20 deg.C) i. Air coolerfouled. (limit 50 %) 8. Pressure drop across T/C air filter increasing i. Air filter fouled. (limit 50 %) 9. Pressure drop across sideof air coolerincreasing air i. Air sideof coolerfbuled. difference across coolertoo large(limit 8 deg.C) air 10. S.W. temperature i. Waterflow too small.










2. CamshaftL.O. low pressure 0.4 Kglcm2. 3. T/C L.O. gravitytank low level. 4. Overspeed 120rprn. M/E sltut down (Additional) high tenrperature, deg. C. 85 l. Thrust bearingsegment M/E slow down: l. Main L.O. low pressure 1.2 Kglcm2. pressure 0.6 Kg/cm2. 2. Camshaft L.O. Iow 3. Cyl. coolingF.W. outlethigh tenrp.- 80 deg.C. 4. T/C coolingF.W. outlethigh tenrp.- 80 deg.C. 5. Pistoncoolingoil outlethigh temp.- 75 deg.C. bearingL.O. high temp.- 70 deg.C. 6. Crosshead hf/E slor tlown (Additional) l. Scavenge boxeshigh temp.- 150deg.C. air 2. Thrustbearingsegment 85 deg.C. 3. FreshrvateracrossM/E - 0.5 bar. 4. Pistoncoolingoil outlet- Non flow. 5. Main bearings 70 deg.C. 6. Crankshaftbealings 70 des. C.

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2 . L I S T T H E S A F E T Y DEVICES FITTED TO M/E. NAXIE LOCATION l . R e l i e fv a l v e s Combustionclramber 2 . R e l i e fv a l v e s Crank case 3. Reliefvalves Scavenge spaces 4 . Reliefvalves Fuelpumps& systems 5. Reliefvalves Startingair system Turninggear 6. Interlocks 1 . Shut dor'vn Lub/Cooling systems 8 . S h u td o w n Varioussystems 9. Shutdown Bridge 10. Overspeed trip Engine I l. Oil mist detector crank case probe Bearing returns 12. Temperature oil probe Scavenge 13. Temperature space(90)

PROTECTION pressure Excessive Explosion High pressure High pressure pressure Excessive Preventstarting Low pressure High/Low temp. Communicationfailure Governor failure Hot running parts Excessive temp. Scavenge fir'e

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3. LIST SAFETY DEVICESIN THE STARTING AIR SYSTEM OF M/E. l. Non returnvalve. 2. Springloadedsafetyvalve. d 3. Bursting iscs. 4. Flametrap.


somehigher speed. 5. WHAT DETECTORS ARE FITTED TO THE CRANKCASE? (WFL) oil 1. Crankcase rnist detector. probesfitted to bearingoil returns. 2. Temperature probes. 3. Pistoncoolingoil outlettemperature radiant 4. Infra red or ultra violet flame detectors detecthot soots. Fire releases to energyin the form of i. infra red radiation, i i . v i s i b l el i g h t , iii. ultraviolet radiation. probesfitted to thrust bearing. 5. Temperature i. Main, alarmat 70 deg.C ii. crankpin, and iii. crosshead bearingL.O. outlets. reliefvalves. 6. Crankcasepressure 6. WHAT DETECTORSARE FITTED TO COMBUSTION CHAMBER? l. Cylindersafetyvalve.


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4. Valve to distributor closed. to startingsystem. 5. No air pressure pneumatic 6. Masterpilot valvenot actuated all. at 2. WHY ENGINE TURNS TOO SLOWLY OR IRREGULARLY ON STARTING AIR? 1. Low air pressure air bottle. in 2. Piston valvesin starting distributor air sticking. valvein cylindercoversdefective. 3. Air starting 4. Faultytiming of distributor. 3. WHY ENGINE TURNS ON STARTING AIR BUT NO FUEL OIL IS INJECTED DUE TO TOO LOW FUEL PUMP INDEX? movement maneuvering gear. l. Sluggish of 2. Incorrect adjustntent gear. ofmaneuvering 3. Failures governorarnplifier. in 4. Regulating pressure governor low. air to too shutdown functions. 5. Due to uncalled 4. WHY ENGINE TURNS ON STARTING AIR BUT NO FUEL IS INJECTED D U E T O F A I L U R E S I N F U E L S Y S T E M ? ( F ' U E LP U M P I N D E X O K ) l. Air in fuel pumpsand valves. 2. Pressure beforefuel pump too low. 3. Suctionvalve in fuel pumpsdefective. 4. Worn out fuel pumps. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WHY WHEN FUEL IS INJECTED,BUT IGNITION FAILS? W a t e ri n f u e l o i l . Fuelvalvesor atomizers defective. pressure Compression duringstarting lessthan22 Kglcm2. Too lateinjectionof fuel. Viscosityof fuel is too high.


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6. WHY FIRST IGNITIONS ARE TOO VIOLENT. SAFETY VALVES ARE OPENING? l. Enginecylinders scavenged not sufficiently. 2 . O i l h a sc o l l e c t e d n p i s t o n r o w n . o c gear. 3. Sluggish movement re_s:,ulating of 4. Fuel pump indexraised high. too 7 . W H Y E N G I N E S T A R T S B U T S T O P SA F T E R F E W R E V O L U T I O N S ? l. Regulating pressr.rre air fails.

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3. Whetherpiston rings are intact,not worn too much and free in their grooves. 4. During the inspection, cooling water shouldbe circulatingso that possible the intemal leakagenay be discovered. 2. WHAT CHECKS WILL YOU CARRY OAT ON CRIINKSHAFTS? Look for, l. Surface damage ofjournals. 2. Cracksat fillet radii,oil holesor otherareas wherestress concentrations occur. 3. Slipped shrinkfit by reference marks. 4. Ovality. 3. HOW WILL YOU CARRY OUT CRANK CASE EXAMINATION? A. Oilflow l. While the purnpis still runningandthe oil is warm,seethat oil is flowing freely from all i . c r o s s h e ap i r rb e a r i n g s . d ii. crankpinand main bearings. iii. camshaft drive trainbearings. iv. chaindrive spraypipes. 2. The oiljets shouldbe of unifornr thickness direction. Deviations and may be a signofsqueezed metalor cloggedup oil grooves. 3. Observe sightglasses at i. Pistoncoolingoil outlets, i i . t h et h r u s t l o c k , b iii. the highest point of the chaindrive. Ensure that an adequate amountof oil is flowing. B. Oil pan L After the pump is stopped, bottomof the oil pan shouldbe searched the for fragurents bearingmetal. of C. Bauring cleoronccs. l. Checkall bearing clearances with feelergauges. D. Ruttttittg gear fastenings. 1. Checkchaintension and adjustifnecessary. 2. Exarnine lockingdevices, boltsand nutsin the crankcase re-tighten all and if necessary.



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of Displacement enginealignmentand / or shaftingalignment'


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2. WHAT OBSERVATIONS WILL YOU MAKE WHILE TAKING CRANKSHAFT DEFLECTION? undercompression readings that showsnegative use l. wheneverpossible, a gauge (0.15to 0'68). positiveon expansion and Any to as 2. Watch amperage the engineis turning to get an idea of resistance turning' immediately' in changes readingshouldbe investigated sudden 3. HOW WILL YOU TAKE CRANKSHAFT DEFLECTION? CrankPosition 1. Near bottom (Port) : X :P 2. Port :T 3. Top :S 4. Starboard :Y 5. Near bottom (starboard) :B 6 . B o t t o m( X + Y ) 1 2 : V from verticalrnisalignmentT B Deflection P - S: H Deflectionfrom horizontalmisalignment To check, underthejournal, I . Ovality and clearances i. C:T+B ii. D:P+S the C and D shouldbe nearlY same.

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4. Detection waterleakage of into L.O. surrrp. 5. Sudden drop in L.O. pressure. 6. Sudden rise in L.O. tentperature. 1. Sudden rise in engine rpnr. 8. Abnormal rise in C.W. temperature. 9. Stoppage C.W. supply. of 10. Abnormal rise in exhaust temperature. gas 1l. Sudden drop in T/C rpm. 12. Detectionof damage working parts. to 2. HOW WILL YOU PARALLEL AN A/C GENERATOR WITH OTHER SETS ALREADY ON LOAD. L The speed the incomingmachine of mustbe adjusted until its frequency is approximately equalto that ofthe generators alreadyconnected the busbars. to 2. The voltagemust be adjustedto correspond with that of the busbars. 3. The paralleling switchmustbe closedas nearlyas possible the momentwhenthe at two instantaneous voltagesare in phaseand equal in magnitude. 4. The governorsettingsofthe generators adjusted achievekW load sharing. are to 3. WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF GOVERNORS? L A governoris usedto maintain Enginespeed within certain prescribed limits throughout operating the powerrange. 2. In additionto speed control,moderngovernors alsoprovideothercontrolfunctions suchas load controland fuel linritations which will protectan enginefrom adverse operating conditions. 4. EXPLAIN SYNCHRONISATION. A. Using Synchroscope L Whenthe voltages in phase, pointerremains l2 o clock. are the at 2. The dial is markedFAST and SLOW with appropriate arrowsto indicate whether inconring is the rnachine runningtoo fastor too slow. 3. lt is good practiceto lravethe pointer rotatingnot fasterthan one revolution in 5 the FAST direction andto initiateclosingwhenthe pointeris at about I I o' clock. 4. In this way with the machine slightlyfastit will immediately assume load, whereas switched if wlrenrunningslow it rvouldtakea motoringloadtvhichnright possibly powerrelay. operate reverse the B. Synchronising the sequence by method l. The mornent synchronize whenthe key lamp(at the top of the triangle)is to is dark and the othertwo larnps equallybright. are 2. Switchoff the synchroscope immediately aftersynchrorrisation.





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(0.5 Kg/Cm2) 3. Cool. S.W. low pressure 4. Rocker arm L.O. low pressure (0.3 KgiCm2) C. Auto slurt, syttchro, load chonge at, (1.2 KglCm2) 1. L.O. low pressure 2. Cool. F.W. high temp.(70 deg.C) 3. Preferential trio. 6. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I 0. NAME A/C GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEMS. Preferencetripping. powerprotection Reverse voltage protection Under Over voltageprotection Over currentprotection Instantaneous over currentprotection Loss of excitation Dillerentialprotcction Earth fault protection Distribution networkorotection




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7. HOW WILL YOU START AN AUX. ENGINE? L Checkoil level in i. crankcase ii. R/A L.O. tank iii. Turbocharger bearings L.O. iv. GovernorL.O. v. Fuel valvecoolingoil tank 2. CheckF.W. expansion tank level 3. The linkagebetrveen governorand the fuel pumps shouldbe checkedfor the freedomof movementand the whole systemlubricated. 4. StartL.O. primingpump,whenL.O. is circulating, turn the enginemanuallythrough 2 revolutions makesurethat nothingis fouling. to c n F 5 . E n s u r e i r c u l a t i o o f S . W a n dc o o l i n g . W . ,F . V . c o o l i n g i l . o 6. Ensurestarlingair reservoiris fully chargedand drain water liom startingair system. 7. Turn the engine slowlyone revolution starting with openindicatorcocks. on air 8. The engineis then started and run on NO LOAD for 2 minutes. / Rockerarm L.O. 9. Check,L.O. temperaturepressure. / C.W. temperaturepressure, pressure. 8. WHAT WOULD HAPPENIF YOU ATTEMPTED TO CONNECT AN'OUT OF PHASE'ALTERNATOR TO THE MAIN BUSBARS? l. The largecirculating current may trip eachgenerator circuitbreaker. 2. The largeforcesmay physically damage generators their prime movers. the and 3. Resultis blackout.



3. The phasedifferencebetweerr incomervoltageand the bus bar voltagemust be the w i t h i na c c e p t a b llem i t s . i 2. HOW WILL YOU COMMISSION AUXILIARY ENGINE AFTER DECARBONISATION? L OpenD.O. valveson the engine and venteachelement the fuel filter. of i. Prirne pipe and injector. eachpump,injection 2. The linkagebetween govemor and the fuel pumpsshouldbe checkedfor the freedomof movementand the whole systemlubricated. 3. Checkthe L.O. sumpleveland startL.O. primingpump. When L.O. is circulating, turn the engine manually through2 revolutions makesurethat nothingis fouling. to 4. Openappropriate valvesin the seawaterand freshwatercirculatirrg system.Ensure S . W .a n dc o o l i n gF . W . i s c i r c u l a t i n g . 5. Ensurestartingair receiveris fully chargedand openthe startingair inlet valve. 6. Turn the engineslowly one revolution on startingair with open indicator cocks. 7. The engineis then staftedand run on no load for 3 - 5 minutes. After which the engineis stopped,crankcase openedand moving pafts are felt over on sliding surface. is 8. The sameprocedure repeated is after I hour running. 9. If major components suchas pistonringsand linershavebeenrenewed duringthe increase engine(speed) overhaul, the loadgradually 80 ohinthe course the first 2 to of 4 hoursand maintain this load for 6 hours. 1 0 . A f t e r t h i s S - l 0 h o u r s r u n n i n g , t h e i n c r e a s e t orlprm ( l o a d ) i s e f f e c t e d i n s t e p s i ll duringthe following 12 - 14 hours,giving a total nrnningin periodof 20 - 24 hours. I l. On steady full load,check; i. rraxinrumfiring pressure, ii. exhausttemperature. iii. Any discrepancy shouldbe rectifiedby adjustment the tirring or rack setting to of the fuel pumps. 12. Whenthe engineis stopped L.O. primingpump shouldbe starled and run for l5 up - 20 minutesin orderto allow the pistons cool slorvlyand evenly. to 3 . N A M E T H E 3 - P H A S EA L T E R N A T O R I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N l. Ammeter 2. Voltmeter 3. Watt meter 4. Frequency rneter 5. Synchronisingdevice 4. WHY A.V.R.IS REQUTRED? generator l. The alternating current supplying loadhasa considerable a voltagedrop resulting frornthe loadhavinga lagging powerfactor'. 2. Therelbre exciterin nraintaining alternator voltage, tlre the tnustvary with the load currentand alsothe oowertactor.


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3. Inductive capacitive or loadscombined with resistive loadsproducelaggingor leadingpower factor which havevalueslessthan one. so power consumed voltageX currentX powerfactor. 4. The ratio betweentrue and apparent power is termedas the power factor Powerfactor: True power / apparent power: kW / kVA The currentwave form lagsbehindthe voltage. P : 1.732X V I Cos(phi)Watts 6. EXPLAIN A/E 5OO HOURS INSPECTION ROUTINE. l. Clean i. T/C air filters, ii. L.O., F.O.and iii. rocker arm L.O. filters. 2. Drain and renew i. R/A L.O., ii. T/C bearingL.O., iii. GovernorL.O. 3. Inspection lappingof and i. Inlet and exhaust valves, ii. air starting alves. v 4. Inspection of i. fuel injectors, ii. valvegearand crankcase. 5. Check,valvetappetclearance. 7. EXPLAIN A/E 6000 HOURS INSPECTION ROUTINE. 1. Clean i . L . O .c o o l e r , ii. air cooler. 2. Renewal fuel atomizers. of 3. Inspection of i. Piston, ii. pistonrings, iii. big end bearing, iv. one main bearine. 4. Check i. fuel pump timing, ii. crankshaft deflection.





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i. startingair system, ii. pneumaticstartingsystem water. for 3. Lubricatebearingsand rod connections maneuvering for gear. 4. Staft L.O. pumpsfor i. Main engine ii. Carnshaft iii. Turbochargers iv. Govemoramplifier,and checkpressures Main engine 5. Reset SLOW DOWN / SHUT DOWN controls. 6. Checkthat lubricatorsfor cylindersand rocker armsare filled with oil and that they respond handpumping. to 7. Lubricateall cylinderswhile turning the enginewith the turning gear. 8. StartMain S.W. and F.W. pumpsand checkpressures. 9. Switch on Electricequipmentfor maneuvering system. | 0. Start i. F.O.primarypump. ii. Fuelvalvecoolingoil pump and checkpressures. I l . V e n t a l l f u e lv a l v e s 12. Setstoppistonvalve in "SERVICE" positionand openair supplyto prreumatic startingsystem. 13. Turn enginevery slowly onerevolution starting with openindicatorcocksas on air againstdarnage a safeguard from liquid which might havecollectedin one of the cylinders.Watch if liquid is emittedfrom indicator cocksduringslow turning. 14. Closeindicatorcocksor valves. 15. Inform bridge that engineis readyfor starting. 2 . H O W W I L L Y O U P R E P A R ET H E M A C H I N E R Y F O R S E A ? Deparlure porl l. D.O. settlingand service tanksto be kept full. 2. Keepboth air bottlesfully pressed. well in advance. 3. Try out all 3 generators 4. H.O. service tank temperature be brought normaland tank to be drainedoff to to water. 5. Controlsto be tested and clock to be synchronised least2 Hrs. prior sailing. at 6. Main engineto be blown throughand tried out both from Enginecontrol room and bridgeat leastI Hr. beforesailing. generator load. 7. At leastone hour beforesailing,put standby on recordfollowingreadings. 8. At standby i. M.E. counter. ii. M.8., and A/E F.O. flow meter iii. Boiler F.O. flow meter


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iii. Boiler F.O. flow meter iv. M.E. Cylinderoil flow meter gradually. 12. Open steamto M.E. fuel oil heaters and bring up temperature reaches 85 deg.C. change to 13. Whenthe temperature over Main engine H.O. and to recordF.O. flow meterreadingon changeover. gradually normal. 14. Bring up M.E. speed to over seasuction LOW. 15. Change to Arrivsl Port l. D.O. settling and service tanksto be keptfull. 2. Keep both air bottlesfully pressed. well in advance. 3. Try out all 3 generators 4. H.O. servicetank temperature be broughtto normal and tank to be drainedoff to water. 5. On receiving2 hrs. notice from bridge, i. Shut offboth fi'eshwater generators drain offthe heatexchangers. and generator load. ii. Put standby on iii. Change to over seasuction HIGH. 6. At I Hr. noticefrom bridge, gradually that F.O.temperature i. Conrmence so reducing F.O.temperature the dropsto 85 deg.C within half an hourstirne. ii. At the sametime commence reducing M.E. r.p.m.gradually that the so speed80 r.p.m. in half an hourstime. broughtto maneuvering iii. Change over to D.O. exactlyat half an hourstime afterreceiving1 Hr. notice of so that the engineis run sufficientlyon D.O. beforethe commencement maneuvering. RecordM.E. fuel oil flow meteron change over. recordthe folloling readings. 7. At standby i. M.E.counter. ii. M.E., and A/E F.O. flow meter i i i . B o i l e r F . O .f l o w m e t e r iv. M.E. Cylinderoil flow meter to 8. Setthe cylinderlubricators Maximumposition. 9. After finishedwith engineis given,carryout the following; i. RecordM.E,.counter, M.E., and A/E F.O. flow meter,Boiler F.O. flow meter. M.E. Cylinderoil flow meter. pump and shutoff all valves. ii. Stopboiler watercirculating iii. Change to over calorifierheating ELECTRIC. inlet valve. iv. Shutoff steamdumpingcontroller v. Open M.E,.indicator cocks. vi. Change overjacketcoolingwatersystem warmingup line with auxiliary to system.


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the handleis madewhen the furbocharger tachometer showsthat the speedis sufficient. 4. Experience will show the time requiredfor rotationon startingair for eachplant. 5. Check that the desireddirectionof rotation is obtained. 4. HOW DO YOU PREPARE M.E. FOR VOYAGE? l. D.O. settlingand servicetanksto be kept full. 2. Keep both air bottlesfully pressed. 3. Try out all 3 generators well in advance. 4. H.O. servicetank temperature be broughtto normal and tank to be drainedoff to water. 5. Disengage turning gear,checkthat it is locked in 'out' position. 6. Crack open i. Scavenge drainsand ii. Stuffingbox drains. 1. Drain off i. startingair system, ii. pneumaticstartingsystemfor water. 8. Lubricatebearingsand rod connections maneuvering for gear. 9. StartL.O. pumpsfor i. Main engine ii. Carnshaft iii. Turbochargers iv. Governoramplifier, and checkpressures 10. ResetMain engineSLOW DOWN / SHUT DOWN conrrols. I l. Observe sightglasses at i. Pistoncoolingoil outlet ii. T/C bearingL.O. outlet iii. The thrustbearing point of the chaindrive. iv. the highest 12. Checkthat lubricators cylinders for androckerarmsare filled with oil and that they respond handpumping. to 13. Lubricate cylinders all while turningthe engine with the turninggear. 14. StartMain S.W. and F.W. punps and checkpressures. 15. The temperature the coolingF.W. outletfrom the M.E. shoutdbe broughtup to of 60 deg.C. 16. Srvitch Electricequipment ntaneuvering on for system. 17. Setstoppistonvalve in "SERVICE" positionand openair supplyto pneunratic startingsystem. 18. Stan i. F.O.primarypump. ii. Fuel valvecoolingoil pump and checkpressures. 1 9 . V e n ta l l f u e lv a l v e s .


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25. Inform the bridge and turn the enginevery slowly one revolution on staftingair with open indicator cocks. 26. Closeindicator cocksor valves. 2l . M.E . shouldbe tried out both from enginecontrol room and from bridge at leastone hour beforesailing. 28. At leastone hour beforesailing,put standbygenerator load. on 29. Inform bridge that engineis readyfor starting. 5. HOW DO YOU SHUT DOWN M.E. IN PORT? l. Ensure that i. the telegraph at 'Finished is with Engines' and ii. the fuel leveris at'Stop' position. 2. Closethe starting valvesand isolate controlair to the engine. air the 3. Stop F.O. primary pump and shut off steamto i. F.O.heater and ii. Fuel pipe heater tracerlines. 4. Engagethe turning gear and openthe indicatorcocks. 5. Changeover i. Jacketcoolingwatersystem warmingup line rvith auxiliarysystem. to ii. Main S.W. and main F.W. coolingpumpsto auxiliaryS.W. and auxiliaryF.W. coolingpumps. 6. Openall drain cocksof i. Scavenge receiver air ii. Scavenge spaces glands iii. Diaphragm iv. Starting manifoldand air v. Exhaust svstem. sas 7 . By-pass Main L.O. and Main F.W. coolers. 8 . Stop i. MainL.O. ii. Canrshaft L.O. and iii. Governorarnplifier L.O. pumps. 9. ContinueL.O. purification at least12 hrs.afterthe M.E. hasstopped. for 10. Checkconsumption all L.O., F.O.,and otherconsumable of (Feedwater,J.C. water). I l. Any adjustments needed improveefficiency to mustbe carriedout. 12. Clean i. Scavenge coolersand air ii. T/C air filters. 13. At regularintervals M.E. shouldbe turnedover by the turninggear,whilst operating the cylinderlubricators hand,with L.O. punlpsin operation. by

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pistontravel or in trvo enginerevolutions. i. In a 2 strokecycle engine,the cycle of eventsis accomplished 2 strokesof in the piston travel or in one enginerevolution. 2. Particularlyat high speeds exhaust the valve of the 2 strokecycle enginemust open relatively earlierthanthat ofthe 4 strokecycleengine, ifreasonable scavenging ofthe cylinderis to be obtained.This results in i. Lower utilisationof the energyin the burnedgases. ii. Poor fuel economy. 3. The separate exhaust and intakestrokesofthe 4 strokecycle provide greater opportunityfor the dissipation heatfi'om critical partssuchas the piston and of pernritthe 4 strokecycle engineto run at higher speeds essentially than the 2 stroke cycleengine. 4. In general largecapacity the low speed are diesels predominantly the 2 stroke of cycle rype,while the high speed,lower capacityengines tend toward the 4 strokecycle. 2. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF TURBOCHARGING? l. Turbochar_eingthe term usedto indicate is thatthe weightof air supplied the to engine hasbeenconsiderably increased. 2. This allowsmore fuel to be usedper strokewith a consequent in increase engine outputpower. 3. Turbocharging had the effectof loweringthe specific has rveight dieselengines of Le., morepoweris obtained ton of engine per weight. 3 . W H A T I S T H E C O N S E Q U B N C EO F T H E T A P P E T C L E A R A N C E B E I N G TOO SMALL AND TOO LARGE? A. Too much clearance causes l. Latevalve opening. 2. Early closing. 3. Noisy operation. B. Too little clearance causes l. Early opening. 2. Lateclosing. complete 3. May prevent closure. 4. HOW DO YOU COMPARE CROSSHEAD AND TRUNK PISTON ENGINES? A. Trunk pistonengines l. Requires headroom. less 2. Their rvorkingpafts are fewer. 3. Much lesscostlvto Droduce. B. Crosshead ensines

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5. EXPLAIN ADVANTAGES OF UNIFLOW SCAVENGE OVER CROSSSCAVENGEDENGINE? l. The crossscavenged enginecannottakethe advantage ofan increase thermal in efficiencyby increasing stroke/ bore ratio. the 2. Reduces specificfuel consumption. the 6. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF PISTON RINGS IN A COMPRESSION IGNITION ENGINE? I. For sealing gases the abovethe piston. 2. For spreading evenlyaround circumference a cylinder. oil the of 3. For controllirlg alnountof lubricating passing or down the cylilder wall. the oil up 7. WHY DO YOU TAKE PISTON RING CLEARANCE? Ifthe ring gap is inadequate; L The ring may break due to a restrictionon its free expansion. 2. It may scuff the liner due to very heavywall pressures. 3. It may cause largeincrease liner wear. a in Ifthe verticalclearance insufficient; is I . It may breakor jam in the grooveon one sideand eventually allow blow past. 2. Pistonseizure. 3. Scavenge fires. 8. WHAT IS A STERN TUBE AND WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE? l. The stern-tube bearings suppofithe overhanging weightofthe propellerand screw shaft. 2. The load on thesebearingsis transfered on to the stern-tube which is suppoftedby the stern-frame and the internalpartsofthe ship's structurearoundthe aft peak. 3. The forrvardend of the sterntube houses sterngland which preventsseawater the passingthroughthe sterntube and into ship, and also oil leakagefrom the sterntubes. 4. The sterntube bearingsare fitted j ust behindthe sterngland neck bush and at the aft end ofstern tube. 9, WHAT IS A THRUST BEARING AND WHAT IS tTS PURPOSE? l. The thrustfrornthe propelleris takenup by the mainthrustbearingwhich transmits the thrustto the ship'shull and causes shipto be propelled the directionofthe the in thrust. 2. Tlre main thrustbearingis alwaysfitted at the main engine crankslraft. 3. The thrustbearingis mostcommonlyof the tilting pad type. 4. This type of bearing buildsup an oilpressure between white metalfaceof the the thrustpad and the thrustcollar whenthe shaftrevolves.


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end-chock bolts. I1. WHAT ARE THE TIE BOLTS? 1. Bed plate, A-frames,scavenging box, coolingjackets are tightenedtogetherby air means tie bolts. of 2. Its lower nuts bearagainstthe bed plate crossgirders. The uppernuts are tightened against uppersideofthe coolingjackets nreans the by ofhydraulictools. I2. EXPLAIN CHAIN TRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT? A chaintransmission arranged drive; is to gearand fuel pumps. l. Camshaft valveactuating for 2. Governor 3. Starting distributor air 4. Cylinderlubricators. I3. 1. 2. 3. WHY A-FRAMBS ARE PROVIDED? To support cylinderunits. the They are positioned the uppersideofthe bed plate. on It carriesscavenging box and coolingjacket. air




I 4 . D E S C R I B E C Y L I N D E R L U B R I C A T T O NO F A D I E S E L E N G I N E ? In cylinderlubrication, oil is fed throughfrom 8 - 10 smallopenings the cylinder the in wall, usually locatedabout the level of the secondring from the top of piston when at B.D.C. This oit is supplied a smallpurnpto eachline which measures amountof by the oil used(70 TBN oil). I 5 . H O W I S C R O S S H E A DA N D G U D G E O N P I N B E A R I N G S A R E LUBRICATED? L The rnainIubricating pipesor systensupplies to crosshead oil directlyby telescopic link sr.vinging connections. Excess thenpasses oil to i. Bottomend bearirrss. ii. Guides. iii. Piston ooling. c pin 2. For gudgeon bearings, oil supplyis madeby way of oil holesin the crank the shaftto the bottom end and then throughthe connecting rod. I6. l. 2. 3. WHAT ARE SCAVENGESYSTEMS? Loop scavenge. Crossscavenge. Uniflow scavenge.

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WATER COOLING l. Telescopicglandsare usedto conveythe water directly to and from the piston. 2. The sealingglandsand standpipes for thesepassthroughthe diaphragm to a casing which completelyisolates them ffom the crankcase. 3. A separate pistoncooling water systemincludingpumpsand heat exchanger will be necessary. I7. WHAT ARE THE METHODS OF TURBOCHARGING? l. Pulse system i. AIlows rapidacceleration 2. Constant pressure system.


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4. To give betterrudder action. 5. To give the ship betterseakeepingqualitiesin rough weather. 6. To trim the vesselso the depthof water forward is suchthat the possibility of pounding damage reduced a minimum. is to 2. WHY PROPULSION OF SHIPS DONE BY LOW SPEED ENGINES? Cavitation, forming and burstingof vapourfilled cavitiesor bubbles,can occur as a the resultofpressurevariationson the back ofa propellerblade. The resultsare, l. Lossofthrust. 2. Erosion the bladesurface. of 3 . V i b r a t i o n n dn o i s e . a 3. WHAT IS A BTLGE INJECTION VALVE? IIOW IS IT USED? l. A bilge injectionvalveis fittedto the end of a branchline connecting with the main seawatersuctionline. 2. Screwdown non-returntype. 3. This valveenables largemain seawatercoolingpumpto be usedas a bilge the punp in an emergency. 4. I. 2. 3.


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WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS WITH BILGE PUMPING SYSTEMS? Choked uction trainer. s s Leaksin the bilge pipirrgdue to internal and external corrosion. Sealfailureat strainer casinsor mud box covers. W H A T R O U T I N E I S N E C E S S A R YF O R E F F I C I E N T B I L G E P U M P I N G ? Regularcleaning rlud boxesand suction of strainers.



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6 . W H A T I S T H E P U R P O S EO F T H E B I L G E S Y S T E M ? To removelooservaterfronrmachinery, boilerand cargospaces.Pumpsare; 1 . B a l l a sp u m p s , t 2 . M a i n S . W .p u m p s , 3 . F i r ea n dG . S .p u r n p s , 4 . B i l g ep u m p . 7 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U O B S E R V E D U R I N G B A L L A S T I N G ? L Carefullyobserve trirn,stabilityetc. (D.B. tanks). 2. Avoid hull damage due to tank pressurisation 3. Tank air pipesshouldbe clear. 4. Use only minimalamounts estuary of andriver waterfor ballastpurposes. 5. Ballasting deballasting or operations mustbe started only afterreceiptof written instructions the Chief Engineer from the Master. to 6. Doublebottorntanksmustbe filled up by gravityflow.

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PROBLEMS I ' Sealfailure at strainercasingor mud box covers: When the coversare removed for cleaning,they must be carefullyreplacedwith a newjoint or gasket. 2. Leaksin the bilge piping due to intemal or externalcorrosion i. To locatethe leak,eachpipe is then back flooded by filling with water under pressure from the sea. ii. The leak is rhenrepairedwith a soft rubber patchand a pipe clip to blank off the holeand prevent ingress. air iii. Chokedsuction strainer:Regular cleaning mud boxesand suctionstrainer. of



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2. Lengthyrunningtimes. 3. Lack offrost on suction pipe. 4. Higherlevelofsuperheat the refrigerant in vapourleaving evaporator the and the compressor. 5. High and/ low pressure cutouts operate. B. Over charge l. High evaporation condenser and pressures. 2. Very sensitive expansion valve working. 3. Excess froston suction pipe. C. Air in system l. High discharge ternp. and pressure. 2. Incorrect condenser evaporator and temp.differentials. 3. Inetticient working/.iumpingofgaugepointers.
lt. l)itl-\'('()n(r(.lt\c.l.ol'irrsullic'i('nt('()r)linl,.rv:r(t,r.((.h1.)

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l. High discharge pressure H.p. cutout. / 2. Incorrcct condenser temperature differentials. E. Oil in cooling oils c l. Incorrect condenser evaporator and temp.differentials. 2. Excess fi'oston suctionpipe. F. Chokedexpansion valve I. l ligh condenser pressure. 2. Low evaporator pressure L.p. cutout. / 3. Inefficient working. G' Moistul'e the system:Moisturetendsto freeze the expansion in on valve causing; l. High condenser pressure. 2. Lorv evaporator pressure. 3. Excess frost on expansion valve. 2. HOW WILL YOU OVERCOME FAULTS IN REFRIGERATION SYSTEM? A. Undercltarge: The additional refiigerant shouldbe adnritted a liquid at a poilt in as the low pressure part ofthe system beforethe evaporator whenthe systenr running, is until the desired operational conditions obtained. are B. Overcltarge: The excess igerant ref shouldbe discharged an emptyrefrigerant into bottle. c. Air in the refrigerant:The air will tendto accunrulate the condenser. in 1 . S t o pt h e m a c h i n e . 2' Isolate condenser, maintain florv of coolingwaterfor I or-2 hours. the but the 3. After prolonged cooling.the conderrsed refi'igerant shouldbe at the seawater temperatufe. 4. If the corlesponding temperature the pressure to gauge readingis higherthan theseawatertemperature thenair is present. 5. open the purgevalveon 1he top ofthe condenser discharse air. to the

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suspected, leak test is necessary confirm and locatethe fault. a to F. Oil in the system l. Confirm that the requiredspecification the oil is corect. for 2^ Checkoil separation for correctfunctioning. unit 3. The charge the system in shouldbe pumpedinto the receiver and the surfaces in contactwith the refrigerant, i. Chemicallydegreased, ii. Flushed and driedwith compressed air. 4. Beforerecharging, systemshouldbe purgedwith refrigerantto removeair the andmoisture. C. PartialBlockageat the regulator l. The filtersshouldbe checked ascertairr contamination. to anv 2. The regulator valveshouldbe i. isolated, ii. dismantled, iii. cleaned, iv. reassembled, and v. purgedwith refrigerantbefore running. 3. EXPLAIN THE FUNCTION OF THERMO-EXPANSIONVALVB. 1. To controlthe quantityof Iiquid refrigerant passes the evaporator that into coils. degree superheat the gasleavingthe coils. 2. To maintaina constant of of 4 . G I V E E V A P O R A T O R A N D C O N D E N S E RP R E S S U R E S F R - I 2 , A N D R - 2 2 . O press.(deg. Evaporating atmospheric C) press" -30 / -15 (deg.C) Absolute evaporator at 3.0 press. 30 deg.C Absolute at condenser

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R-12 -29.8 0.81 r.8 / 7.45

R-22 -40.8


5. HOW WILL YOU START AIR CONDITIONING PLANT? Coolingwatercircuit 1. Open valves. i. Coolingwaterpump suction and discharge ii. Condenser inlet and outletvalves. valve. iii. Overboard discharge pressure 2. Startcoolingwaterpumpand checkdischarge waterside. 3. Vent condenser Air circuit fans l. Checkacconrmodation arerunning. 2 . C h a n g e i r i n l e tf l a p t o ' C O N D I T I O N E DA I R ' . a G a sc i r c u i t l. Check


iv. Hot gasdischarges defrostingcircuitsare closed. to 3. Startcompressor. 4. Slowly open suctionvalve and checkcompressor operatingconditions. Stopping l. Closeliquid receiver outletvalve. 2. Checkoperationof compressor low pressure cutoutand that will stop compressor. 3. Closeconpressor and discharge valves. suction 4. Changeair inlet flap to "Natural supply". 6. WHAT TEMPERATURES WOULD YOU EXPECT TO FIND AND MAINTAIN IN THE FOLLOWING REFRIGERATED ROOMS? l. Meat,Fish:-20 deg.C 2. 3. 4. Vegetable, dairy:0 deg.C goods:+5 deg.C Canned Lobby, potato:+4 deg. C


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7. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF R.22OVER R-12? R-22 I . It is more suitablefor a low temperature rangethan R- 12. on 2. The pressure the evaporator side of the systemis higher than atmospheric low at temperatures, reducing risk of drawingair into the system. the thus pressure lowerthanthat of R- | 2. 3. Evaporating tenperature atmospheric at is 4. Its performanceis betterapproaching that of ammonia. range. 5. It is not misciblewith oil over the full temperature potential are and globalwarmingpotential lowerthanthat of R-12 6. Ozonedepletion R-12 1. C.O.P.of R- 12 is hisherthanthat of R-22. 8. WHAT PARAMETERS WILL YOU CHECK FOR REFRIGERATION SYSTEM? / 1. The temperature ofthe refrigerated space:-30 -15 deg.C 2. Suctionpressure: bar 3 pressure: bar l2 3. Discharge 1 p 4 . S u c t i o n i p et e r n p e r a t u r-e :0 t o - 5 d e g .C I l . 3 2 o r 3 b a r pipe temperature: deg.C / 12 bar 5. Discharge 90 25 6. Liquid line temperature: deg.C / 12 bar lunningtime: rnoderate 7. Compressor 9, HOW DO YOU ENSURETHAT THE EXPANSION VALVE IS OPERATING CORRECTLY? valve will havefrostingon the outletside,but not on expansion A correctlyoperating t h e i n l e ts i d e .


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3. Dampers and skylights closed. 4. The main engineshouldbe stopped. 5. Quick closing valvesoperated. 6. Pumpsstoppedand machineryspacedoors closed. generator 7. The emergency shouldbe run to supplyessential services. 8. The emergency pump staftedto provide boundarycooling. fire 9. The isolating valveon the fire mainoutside machinery the mustbe closed. space 10. Checks shouldbe madeon adjacent holdsand the accommodation. 2. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. WHAT EQUTPMENT WrLL yOU FrND tN FrRE LOCKER? Protectiveclothing. Bootsandglovesof rubber" R i g i dh e l m e t . An electric safetylamp. An axe. Self containedcompressed breathingapparatus. air Fire proof life line. A smokehelmetor smokemaskwith an air pumpand an air hose. I n l c r n a t i o n a lh o r e c o n n e c t i o n . s


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3 . W H A T P R E C A U T I O N SW I L L Y O U T A K E A G A I N S T F I R E ? l. Prevent leakage. oil 2. Removeall combustiblematerialsfrom vr,rlnerable positions. 3. Suitablemetal containers shouldbe provided for the storageof cotton waste, ragsetc.,afteruse. cleaning i. Suchcontainers shouldbe emptiedat fiequentintervalsand the contentssafely disposed off. 4. Wood, paint,spirits,and tins of oil shouldnot be kept in machinery spaces. 5. All electricrviringshouldbe well nraintained kept cleanand dry. and i. The rated load capacityofthe wires and fusesshouldnever be exceeded. 4. HOW SHOULD PAINTS, OILS AND CHEMICALS BE STORED ON BOARD SHIP? l. They shouldbe kept in paintlockers chemical lockers, or cleanand dry. i. Strictvigilance, ii. Carefulstowage, iii. Suitable ventilation necessary. are 2. They shouldnot be stowedin closeproximityto oil or paintsor nearto steampipes.

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i. Fonnationof a foam layerrvhichisolates burningproductsfrom the the air. surrounding 3. Powdertype i. Inhibitionof the combustion. ii. Interrupting chemicalchainreaction. the iii. Separation burningmaterialsfrorn the surrounding of air. 4. CO2 which isolates burning materialsfrom i. Formationof a local inert atmosphere the air. the surrounding 5, HOW DO YOU START AND STOP EMERGENCY FIRE PUMP? l. Open i. One fire hydrantvalve on fire line. ii. Emergency fire pump suctionand discharge valves. 2. Check i. F.O.,L.O., and coolingwatersupplies tank levels. and ii. Hydraulicoil pressure setting valvefor openposition. 3. Staning i. Turn the batterystaftingswitch to "START" positionand release oncethe picks up speed. engine valveto 80 Kg / Cm2. ii. Throttlethe hydraulicoil pressure setting iii. Checkthe l-reeflow of water throughthe fire hydrant. STOPPING valvefully. l. Openhydraulicoil pressure setting 2. Graduallypressthe fuel lever handledownwards the enginestops. till 3. Close i. Fire hydrantvalve. ii. Ernergency pump suction fire and discharge valves. 6. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND D I S A D V A N T A G E SO F F I R E EXTINGUISHERS? A. ll/oter I. Advantages i. Readilyavailable. ii. Cood coolingeffect. iii. Smothering actionof steam. 2. Disadvarttages: It can caase; i. Damage to a. Cargo, b. Machinery, and systems. c. Electrical



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ii. Little coolingeffect. iii. Not suitable electrical for fires. C. Dry chentical powder I. Atlvontuges i. Most suitable nrediunr extinguishing for a. gaseous, b. chemical, c. electrical, and d. metallicfires ii. Non toxic and non conductor electricity. of 2. Disodvontoges i. Leaves residue ii. Negligiblecoolingeffect.



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I. Advanloges i. Non toxic and non conductorof electricity. ii. Leaves residue. no iii. It is not subject deterioration qualityrvithage. to in 2. Disodvantoges i. Highly asphyxiating ii. Little coolingeffect iii. Solid particles CO2 generates of staticelectricity E. IIalon l. Advuttages i. Extinguishment fire is incredibly of rapid. ii. Leaves residue. no 2. Disodvantuges i. It is not effectiveagainst solid material a. Deepseated fires. b. Combustible chemical fires. ii. Little coolingeffect iii. Slightly oxic t iv. Damagethe ozonelayer. 7. HOW WILL YOU TRAIN SEAFARERS IN FIRE FIGHTING? l. Locationand useof i. Portableand mobile fire extinguishers. ii. Fixed fire extinguishing appliances. i i i . F i r c m a n ' so u t f i t . 2. Starting generator i. Emergency ii. Emergency pump fire

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o 6 . L o c a t i o n l l i f e b o a ts t a t i o n 8 . H O W F I R E S C A N BE EXTINGUISHED? Cktss Suituble Extittguislter 1. Water CO2 A




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2. Soda acid Principle: cooling 1. Foam 2. Dry powder 3. CO2 Principle: smothering 1. Dry powder 2. CO2 Principle: Smothering nonconductive with material

9. WHAT MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED FOR F.F.A.? yearly. l. Discharge, clean,and recharge 2. Weigh gascartridge and renewif l0 % less. 10. WHAT CHECKS WILL YOU CARRY OUT ON BREATHING APPARATUS? (CKL) gaugeand capacity l. Pressure ofair supply. i. Open cylinder valve fully and read offpressuregauge(200 bars). 2. High pressure leaktest pressure gauge. i. Closecylindervalveand observe The pressure indicated not drop morethan l0 bar in one minute. ii. should 3. Low pressure audiblealann (between35 - 70 bar) i. Open and closecylindervalve. ii. Vent apparatus faciliry of demand carefullyby switchingon the +ve pressure valveby hand. iii. Whistle must soundat a pressure appropriate the cylinder fitted. to iv. Deactivate demandvalve by depressing red button. the the 4. Facemaskair supplyand tightness. i. Closecylindervalve,breathe normallyuntil the air in the system exhausted. is ii. The maskshouldpull on to the face. iii. If it doesnot a. Open cylindervalve, b. Adjust headharness, c. Repeattest.


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30 - nickel Lub. oil cooler tubes:Alurniniumbrass:76 - copper 22 - zinc 2 - aluminium


2. WHAT MATERIALS ARE USED IN HEAT EXCHANGERS? l. Pumpcasing; Gun metal: 88 - copper l0 - tin 2 - zinc 2. Pumpimpeller: Aluminiumbronze: 80 - copper l0 - aluminium 5-Fe 5 - Nickel 3. Propeller: Aluminiumbronze: 70 - copper l0 - aluminium l0 - rnanganese 5-Fe 5 - Nickel Pumpshaft:Stainless 18 - chromium steel: l0 - nickel 3 - molybdenum 0. I2 - carbon Pumpbearings: Phosphor bronze Joints: i. Compressed asbestos ii. Rubber- cotton reinforced- for water 'O' rings: Silicone Valve seats: Stellitecobalt- chromiumallov






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5. 6.

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7. 8.

3. WHAT ARE BEARING MATERIALS? White metal: 88 - Tirr 8 - antimony 4 - copper Trace - cadmium 4. 1. 2. 3. WHAT MATERIALS ARE USED IN DIESELENGINES? CylinderIiner:Perliticcastiron caststeel(0.25% Carbon) Cylinder cover: Heat resistant Piston: i. Upper part - heatresistant caststeel ii. Lower part - Perliticcastiron




1. Monel metal 2.


70 nickel 30 - copper+ Fe, Mn for pneumatically Diaphragm controlledvalve:Neoprene


6. WHAT ARE TRI-METALLTC BEARINGS? A/E con. rod big end bearings -'75% Lead- tin Tin - aluminium - 20 Yo -5Yo Nickel


l. 2.

EXPLAINDIESELENGINECRANK SHAFTMATERIAL? (0.2 throw,semibuilt construction. Plaincarbon steels - 0.4% carbon) cast of Types i. Fullybuilt, ii. Senribuilt, iii. Onepiece forged.

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8. EXPLAIN THE EFFECT OF CARBON CONTENT IN IRON. 0 - 0.3 - Mild steel 0.3 - 0.5 - Medium carbonsteel -100%pearlite 0.87 - 1.7 - High carbonsteel 0.5 1 . 1- 4 . 2 - C a s ti r o n s






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If water blows freely out of the drain,the bottom connections in order. are 2. Then prove the top connections in order by are i. closingterminaland gaugeglasswater cocksand ii. leavingterminaland gaugeglasssteamcocks and drain pipe open If steamblows freely out of the drain,the top connections in order are B. In the eventof eitherend not blorvingfreely,a blowing procedure referred as crossto blowingis adopted. l. with i. Terminalstearn cock and ii. Gaugeglass watercock closed, 2. open i. Terminal water cock, ii. Gaugeglasssteamcock and drain to checkthatthe terminalwatercock connection the boiler is clear(thenthesecocks to passages the boiler is clear). to and 3. Witlr i. Tenninalwatercock and ii. Gaugeglasssteam cock closed, 4. open i. Terrninal steamcock, ii. Gaugeglasswatercock and drain to checkthatthe terminalsteam to cock connection the boiler is clear(thenthesecocks to andpassages the boiler is clear). 2 . W H Y I S I T N E C E S S A R YT O K E E P O X Y G E N O U T O F T H E B O I L E R ? pittingof the metalsurface. l. Dissolved oxygencancause serious the of 2. For corrosion takeplace,oxygenntr.rst present accomplish forntation to be to hencede-aeration the feedwateris essential. metaloxides. of 3. WHAT IS pH? ion in l. pH: Logarithm ofthe reciprocal ofthe hydrogen concentration the solution. 2. The pH valueincreases the hydrogen concentration as ion decreases. the 3. By maintaining pH valueof the boilerbetween| 0.5 to I 1.0,corrosionis kept to a rninimum. 4. The pH valueof the feedwatershouldbe between - 9.2. 8.5 5. If the pH is too high, it can leadto, i. Foamingin the steam drum. ii. Possibility caustic attackuponthe boilermetal. of ions in gramsper liter. of iii. pH - logl0( | / [H+] ) ; H+, the concentration hydrogen



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6. Ifavailableadditional sludge conditioners shouldbe added, especially thoseto reduce foaming. 7 . Bottom blow down at intervalsof l5 seconds removethe oily sludgeformed by the to chemical treatment. 8. Trace the sourceof oil contamination and rectify immediately. 9. If the contamination heavy,shutthe boiler down and subjectit to an alkali boil out. is

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5. WHAT DOES ALKALINITY TEST INDICATE? l. Because the difficultyof measuring pH valueaccurately is normalpractice of the it to useaphenolphthalein testwhichmeasures amounts hydroxides the of and carbonates the in sample. 2. If the alkalinitylevel is too low thencorosion can occur. 3. If the alkalinitylevel is too high, it can leadto foamingin the steamdrum. 4. If the alkalinity is due to hydroxides, resultingcausticalkalinity can lead to caustic the attack. 6. WHAT DOESCHLORIDE TEST INDICATE? 1. This is to measure amountof chloridein the sample. the 2. Undernormalboiler conditions theseremainin solutionand arenot affected the by treatment chemicals. 3. If the chloridelevel is too high it indicates i. Condenser leakageinto steamspace. ii. Undueamounts dissolved of saltsarepresent the boilerwater. in iii. Possibility foamingand deposits. of 7 . W H A T D O E S H A R D N E S ST E S T I N D I C A T E ? l. This is to measure amountof hardness the saltsin the sanple. 2. If the hardness level is too high, it indicates i. Contamination. ii. Phosphate reserve beingtoo lorv. iii. Possibility scaleformation. of 8. WHAT DOESSODIUM SULPHITE OR HYDRAZINE TEST INDICATE? L To ensure that an adequate reserve the chemical beingmaintained. of is 2. If the sulphite hydrazine reserve too low. or is i. thencorrosion can occur. 3. If the sulphite reserve too high, is i. It increases dissolved tlre solidscontent. 4. If the hydrazine reserve too high, is i. An excessive amountof ammonia canbe formedwhich nrayleadto attackupon copperalloysin the feedsystent.

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10. WHAT DOES PHOSPHATE TEST INDICATE? the in l. This is to measure amount phosphate the sample. of reserveshouldbe maintained the boiler water ready to neutraliseany in 2. Phosphate hardness saltswhich may enter. is 3. If the phosphate reserve too low, it allowspossibility of i. Scaleformation, ii. Excessive of amounts hydroxideforming in the boiler water. phosphate 4. Ifthe reserveis too high, it can leadto i. Foaming the steam in drum. deposits the heating on surfaces. ii. Undueamounts sludge of I I . D E S C R I B EH O W W O U L D Y O U M A K E A L K A L I N I T Y T E S T . l. Take 100ml sample Boiler water. of 2. Add I nl(10 drops) f phenolphthalein. o i. If the sarrplehas a pH value greaterthan 8.4 it will turn PINK. 3. Add 0.02N sulphuric acid until the pink colourjust disappears. 4 . I m l o f 0 . 0 2N s u l p h u r i c c i dw i l l p r e c i p i t a t e0 p p m o f C a C O 3 . a l 5 " T h u sm l o f 0 . 0 2N s u l p h u r i c c i du s e dX l 0 : a Alkalinity to phenolphthalein termsof ppm CaCO3: 150- 300 in






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I2. EXPLAIN THB THEORY BEHIND THE ALKALINITY TEST. 1. Phenolphthalein lessalkalinethanhydroxides carbonates. is or is containing hydroxides and or carbonates, il 2. Whenphenolphthalein addedto a sample will turn pink in colour. will first neutralise hydroxides, tlre formingsalts. 3. The acid usedafterthis colouration present fbrmingbicarbonate molecules. 4. lt will thenreactwith the carbonate molecules thanphenolphthalein. 5. Bicarbonate molecules lessalkaline are will disappear onceall the hydroxides and carbonates have 6. Hencepink colouration beendealt by the acid.


sample. Take alkalinityto phenolphthalein 2 . Add I ml of methyl orange. the of i. If it turnsyellow, it indicates presence bicarbonates. no are If the sampleirrtmediately turnspink it indicates bicarbonates present. ii. J. 0.02N sulphuric acid until pink. Add l 4 . I m l o f 0 . 0 2N s u l p h u r i c c i dw i l l p r e c i p i t a t e0 p p m o f C a C O 3 . a tests and usedin both the phenolphthalein methylorange 5 . Total ml of 0.02N sulphuric i X l 0 : T o t a la l k a l i n i t yn t e r m so f p p m C a C O 3: 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 .


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I . Take 100ml sample boilerwater. of 2. Add l0 ml of bariumchloride. 3. Add I ml of phenolphthalein, resultpink colouration. 4. Add 0.02N sulphuric acid until the pink colourjust disappears. 5. I mlof 0.02N sulphuric acid willprecipitatel0 ppm of CaCO3. 6. Thusml of 0.02N sulphuric acid usedX l0: 'l Causticalkalinity in termsof ppm CaCO3: 5 - 200 16. EXPLAIN THEORY BEHIND BARIUM C}ILORIDE TEST. l. Bariumchloridewill precipitate the carbonates all which arepresent. 2" Thus any pink colourationtaking place when I ml of phenolphthalein indicator is added to the solutionis due to hydroxides(caustic)only. r7. EXPLAIN CHLORIDE TEST (STLVER NTTRATE TEST). A. In boilerwaterwheresulphite absent is L Takealkalinityto phenolphthalein sample. 2. Add 2 mlof sulphuric cid. a indicator. 3. Add 2 ml of potassium chromate i. ResultYellorvcolouration chlorides present. if are 4. Add 0.02 N silver nitratesolutionuntil a brown colourationresults. l0 5. I ml of 0.02 N silvernitratewill precipitate ppm of CaCO3 6. Thus ml of 0.02N silvernitratesolutionusedX l0 : ppm of CaCO3: 150 - 300. from the phenolphthalein B. ln boiler waterwheresulphiteis present and if the sample test is not available L Take 100ml sample boiler water. of persulphate stir well until dissolved. 2. Add I gm of potassium and resultpink colouration. 3. Add I ml of phenolphthalein, 4. Add 0.02 N sulphuric acid until the pink colourjust disappears. 2, 5. Follow steps 3, 4, 5 as abovein A. I8. EXPLAIN THE THEORY BEHIND CHLORIDE TEST. sanrple l. The alkalinity to phenolphthalein taken hashad the hydroxidesand carbonates for dealtwith and they will play no furtherpart in the testnow conducted chlorides. which areto up reactions 2. The sampleis madenow slightlyacidicto speed the chemical take place. chromate and chlorides, principal its 3. Silvernitratehasan affinity for potassium preference however is for the chlorides. present the sample, is thenfree to reactwith in it 4. When it hasneutralised chlorides the a the potassiumchromate,in doing so, it produces reddishbrown colouration. apparent that the amountofsilver nitratesolutionusedis a directnleasure 5. It is therefore of of the chloridecontent the boiler watersamDle.





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in Hardness termsof ppm CaCO3.:5 Note: E.D.T.A. : Ethl'\sr. Diamine TetraAceticAcid 20. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXPLAIN POTASSIUM IODIDE.IODATE TEST FOR SULPHITE? Take I 00 ml of boiler water sample. Add 2 ml of sulphuric acid. Add I mlof starch solution. Add potassium iodide-iodate solutionuntil sample blue in colour. is : to M l o f i o d i d e - i o d a se l u t i o n s e d 1 2 . 5: p p m o f N a 2 S O 3 5 0 - 1 0 0 . X u

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2I. EXPLAIN THE THEORY BEHIND SULPHITE TEST. l. The boiler water sampleis madeslightly acidic to speedup the chemicalreactions which are to take place. producesa blue colourationthroughreactionwith starch. But 2. Potassium iodide-iodate its principal preference howeveris for sulphiteif it is presentin the sample. present, 3. Hencewhenthe potassiurn iodide-iodate hasdealtwith all the sulphite solution it is then fi'eeto reactwith the starchpresentin the sample,producinga blue colouration. 4. lt is therefore iodide-iodate solutionusedis a apparent thatthe amountof potassium directmeasure the sulphite of content the boilerwatersample. of Note: In high pressure boilers,the sulphitecan break down to give hydrogensulphideand possibly sulphurdioxidewhich can attacksteel. 2 2 . E X P L A I N T O T A L D I S S O L V E DS O L I D S T E S T ? Electricalconductivitymetertest; l. Take 250 ml sample boilerwaterat 20 deg.C. of indicator. 2. Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein 3. Add Acetic acid until the pink colourjust disappears. 4. Usethis neutralised sample washout and fill the conductivity to cell. rangeof readingexpected. 5. A rangeswitch is setto approximate of circuit is achieved. until NULL balance the electrical 6. A centralcontrolis operated of eitherdirectlyinterms ppm of dissolved 1. Position the centralcontrolindicates of solidsor as electrical conductivity. i I d 8 . C o n d u c t i v i t yn M i c r o s i e m e n m X 7 0 : d i s s o l v e s o l i d si n p p m : 5 0 0 - 1 0 0 0p p m . Note: different levelsof l. When the water is alkalineor containshydrazine,it causes as to conductivity be produced compared thoseof the usualsolidsthus leadingto to inaccurate results.The sample shouldtherefore neutralised. be / at 2. Max. dissolved solidscottductivity 25 deg.C. :2250 misro siemen nr


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5. 6. 7.

Allow colourto developfor at least3 minutes. Match sarnple against disc colours. Phosphate reservein ppm (mg/l) from the disc reading: 30 - 70 ppm PO4.





24. EXPLAIN 4-DIMETHYL AMINO BENZALDEHYDE TEST. In presence hydrazine of this regentproducesa YELLOW colour. The intensityof the colour depending upon the amountof hydrazine presentin the sample. l. Take250 ml of boilerwatersample, exclude and cool to about25 deg.C. air 2. Add l5 ml of 0.5 N hydrochloric acidto each 2 Nessler of cylinders. 3. Add25 ml of boilerwatersample and l0 ml of 4-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde one to cylinder.--( 1) 4. Add 35 ml of boiler watersample othercylinder.---(2) to (l) 5. Placesample in right handcompartment the nessleriser. of 6. Placesample(2) in left hand comparlntent the nessleriser. of 7. Match samples against disc colours. : / 8. Disc reading 25 : ppm hydrazine 0.1 to 0,25 Note: l. Great caremust be takento avoid the samplecoming into contactwith the air during the test,otherwiseany hydrazinein the samplecan reactwith oxygen. 2. The hydrazine reserve the boilerwatershouldbe between to 0.3 ppm. in 0.1 2s. EXPLAIN pH TEST BY COLOURIMETRIC METHOD. l. Take 100 ml sarnple boiler water. of 2. Place0.2 ml or I thymolblue tabletin a glassstoppered ml Nessler 50 cylinder. 3. Add 50 ml of sampleinto the Nessler cylinderand ensure tabletis dissolved.---(l) 4. Put 50 ml of sampleinto the otherNessler cylinder.---(2) ( 5. Placesample l) in right handcompartment the Nessleriser. of (2) 6. Placesample in left handcompartment the Nessleriser. of 7. Match samples against disc colours. 8. ReadpH of the nearest matching colour. Note: l. Greatcaremust be takento avoidthe sample with the air during cominginto contact the test otherwisesomeof tlre carbonates may form bicarbonates changingthe alkalinity so levelof the sample. 2. The nessler cylinderwithoutthe colourindicator placedbeneath disc in-orderto is the offsetthe effectofany discolouration the boiler wateritselfuponthe observed of result. 2 6 . H O W D O Y O U D E T E C T C O N D E N S E RL B A K A G E ? l. Increase salinonreter in reading. in 2. Variouschanges the results the routinetestscarriedout on samples feedand of of boilerwater. 3. Rise of water level in the reservefeedtank. Actiott:

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i. Increase boiler blowdown frequency the until the chloridelevels are below the advised maximum. 2. lf the chloridelevel is well abovethe advised maximum, i. The quantifyand the frequency blowdown must be increased bring the level of to below the advisedmaximum. 3. lf the chloridelevelis excessive, example timesthe maximumadvised for 3 figure, then, i. Eitherthe boiler be shutdown or at the very least, ii. The steamofftake from the affectedboiler minimesedwhilst keeping its pressure normal, thereby lessening possibility the ofexcessive carryover. 4. Tracethe source contamination rectifliimmediatelv. of and 28. WHAT IS PPM? I PPM : I gm dissolved solidsi l 000 000 gm purewater: mg / Liter of purewater 29. WHY DO YOU ADD PHOSPHATES? I . Phosphates reactwith the sulphates calciumand magnesium, precipitatingthem as of phosphates, their corresponding which can be blown out ofthe boiler before any scale forms. or 2. Converting themto highly solublesodiumsaltswhich remainin solution. 3. The imponanttypesare i. Di-sodiumphosphate ii. Tri-sodiumplrosphate 30. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF EITHER OF THE STEAM OR WATER COCKS A R E C H O K E D I N G A U G E G L A S S ?( U K ) Then waterwill gradually the gauge glassdue to the steamabovethe watercondensing. fill 31. WHAT IS THE POSITION OF COCKS? (CKL, WFL) the shouldbe vertical. l. When any gaugeglassfitting is in operation cock handles horizontallyand the gaugeis in operation,vibration effectsmay 2. If they were arranged the to tendto takeup a verticalpositionthereby cause cock handle gradually i. closingthe cock, in the caseofsteamand watercocks,and ii. opening,in the caseof the drain. EXPLAIN BOILER WATER TREATMENT. (CKL, WFL) of A standard boiler compound consists i. Sodiumcarbonate, phosphate and ii. Di-sodiurn in of iii. Starch, a sludgeconditioner the proportions 3,4, and I by mass or respectively. is 2. The sodiumcarbonate used i. to providealkalinityand




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33. EXPLAIN THE TYPES OF CORROSION IN BOILERS. (WFL) Types are l. Pittingcorrosion. 2. Corrosionfatigue. 3. Electrochemical corrosiou. 4. Galvanic action. 5. Causticcrackingor causticernbrittlement. Pitting corrosion: l. Pitting corosion is caused when there is relativelya large cathodicareaand a small anodicarea,due to corrosiondeposits. 2. If the depositis then disturbed,further corrosionwill take place at that point resulting in pitting and eventuallyin tube failure. 3. This is oftenfound in the boiler shellin wav of the waterlevel. 34. EXPLAIN CORROSION FATIGUE. l. Corrosion fatiguewill be foundwhen a metalin a corrosion mediumis subjected to fluctuatingor alternatingstresses. 2. It is often found as a seriesof fine cracksin the wall. 35. WHAT IS ELECTROC}TEMICAL CORROSION? l. When iron is in contactwith water which contains hydrogenions, corrosionmay result. 2. The hydrogenions in contactwith the metal surfacebecomehydrogenatomsby taking an electron from the metal. 3. The resultantmetal ion cornbines with hydroxyl ions in contactwith the metal surface and so form a metallichydroxide, which is solublein water,hence metalis corroded. the 4. So the boiler watershouldbe i. alkalinewith, ii. very little or no dissolved oxygencontent. 36. EXPLAIN GALVANIC ACTION. l. When 2 dissimilar galvanic metals present a salinesolution, are in actionmay occur, resulting the corrosion the more base in of metal(zinc,iron). 2. Corrosionof nonferrousmetalsin steamand condensate systems may result in deposits ofcopper on boilertube surfaces which dueto galvanic actioncan leadto boiler corrosion. 37. WHAT IS CAUSTIC CRACKING OR CAUSTIC EMBRITTLEMENT? l. This is a fornt of intercrystalline cracking caused waterwith high levelof caustic by alkalinitycominginto contact with steelwhich hasnot beenstress relieved. 2. It is oftenfound in way of joints or i. leakingriveted ii. bolted fittings. 3. So ensure adequate an reserve ofsodium sulphate sodiumnitrate. or





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Extemally: 1. All refractoryshould be in good order. 2. All valvesand cocks shouldbe in good operablecondition. 3. Manhole and handholedoorjoints shouldbe in good conditionand properly tightened 4 . Superheat control valvesshouldbe correctlysetto ensurethat all initially generated steamflows throughthe superheaters. 5. Thenclose, i. Main and auxiliary steamstop valves. ii. Gaugeglass draincocks. iii. Feedcontroller and levelalarms cutoutisolatinsvalves. iv. Running down and blowdownvalves. 6. Thenopen, i" Steamdrum and superheater vents. air ii. superheater drain valves. iii. Waterlevelgaugeglassisolating valvesand cocks. iv. Pressure gaugeisolatingvalve. v. Feedcheckvalves. 7. The boiler can thenbe filled with distilledde-aerated waterto a levelin between the lowestand normal water level. 39. HOW DO YOU FLASH UP A BOILER? L Check the f'ueloil system. i. Start fuel oil servicepump and checkfor leaks. ii. Heat the fuel oil to the requiredtemperature. 2. Star-t forced draughtfan and purgethe boiler. the 3. Carry out a final checkto makesure, i. Gaugeglassisolating valvesand cocksare open. ii. Wateris showingin the gaugeglass, and, iii. that steamdrum and superheater ventsare open. air 4. Flashup the burnerby means ignitionequipment. of 5. Use the lowestpossible firing rate. i. Adjustthe air supplyso asto obtainthe bestcombustion conditions and, ii. Checkthat as the boiler heats the waterlevelin the gaugeglassbeginsto rise. up, 40. HOW DO YOU RAISE STEAM IN BOILER? l. After about one hour, steamshouldshow at the steamdrum and superheater vents air and,whenissuingstrongly, i. Openthe superheater circulating valveand ii. Closethe air vents. 2. Whenthe steampressure reached value of about 3 KglCm2, blow throughthe has a water level gauges ensurethey are working correctly. to i. The feedcontroller and levelalarmscut out isolating valvescan now be opened and

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Ensurea florv ofsteam throughthe superheater and, i. closethe superheater circulatingand drain valves. 6. Bring the boiler up to rvorkingpressure, keepingthe firing rate as steadyas possible. 7. Adjust the safetyvalvesto their conect blow offpressures, and test i. The water level alarmsand ii. Remoteoperated fuel oil cut off gear. 8. Openthe main steamline drains,crack openthe rnain steamstop valve and wann through main steam line. the i. Thenclosethe drainsand fully openthe main steam stopvalve. 9. The procedure from flashingup to coupling up at full rvorkingpressure shouldtake about4-6hours.

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4I. WHAT IS YOUR ACTION IF THERE IS LOW WATER LEVEL? l. After blowing throughthe gaugeglass,when water cock has been opened.the water flows to the top of the gaugeglass,and when the steamcock is opened,the water flows downand out ofthe gaugeglass. 2. Then the water level is betweenthe water cock connection the boiler and the bottom to ofthe gaugeglass. Action; L Reduce i. Boiler load and ii. rateof firing. 2. lncrease feedsupplyand ifnecessary put the i. Standbyfeed pump and ii. Auxiliary feedcheckinto operation. Iflevel not known,check l. The othergaugeglassif provided. 2. Boiler drum remotelevel indicator. 42. WHAT IS YOUR ACTION IF THERE IS TOO LOW WATER LEVEL? l. After blowing throughthe gaugeglass,when water cock is openedand water doesnot flow up the gaugeglass. 2. Then the water level is belowthe watercock connection the boiler. to Action; I . Take the boiler out of operation. 2. Shutoffthe fuel and i. closethe steamstopvalve. 3. Ifit is suspected overheating occurred, that has i. Operatethe easinggearon the safetyvalvesto release boiler pressure. the 4. Whenthe boiler hascooleddorvnit shouldbe examined and, i. Only retumedto service whenconsidered be in a safecondition. to


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2. The open circuit in a phasewill preventa motor from startingbut a running motor may continueto operatervith the fault. Csuses: 1. Blowing of one of the 3 fusesprotectingthe circuit. 2. Faulfy contactoror brokenwire. Detection: 1. By overloadprotectivedevicesin the supply lines (over currentrelay. OCR). 2. Overheating, hummingsound. Results: l. A motor ruming with a singlephasefault will carry excess current in the remaining supplycables. 2. Motor windings will haveunequal distribution current. of 3. Overheating cause rvill burnoutof the overloaded coil. Prevention: l. By use of filled cartridgefusesand not re-wirablefuses. 2, By settingthe overloadprotectivedevicesfairly low. 3. Placingthermisters windingsto nreasure thermaleffects. in the Action: l. Immediately change over the runningpurnp. 2. The cause the fault mustbe located of and repaired. 3. In the eventof a fuseblowing, i. Replace 3 fusesin a 3 phase all supplyevenif only one is foundblown aftera fault. ii. The replacernent fuse link rnustbe ofthe correctcurrentrating, gradeand type. 4. The insulation resistance the motor shouldthenbe checked. of 2 . H O W D O Y O U R E S T O R E T H E I N S U L A T I O N R E S I S T A N C EO F A MOTOR? 1. Restoring insulation the valueof the statorwindingto a high valueis achieved 3 in stages. i. Cleaning. ii. Drying. iii. Re-varnishing. 2. Salt contaminationcan be removedby washingwith cleanfresh water. 3. Any greaseor oil in the windingshasto be removedusing a detergentliquid suchas Armaclean. 4. Dry the statorwindings with low power electricheaters lampswith plenty of or ventilationto allow the danrpness escape. to 5. With the windingscleanand dry and if the insulation (IR) resistance remainshigh over a few hours,apply a coupleofcoatsofgood qualityair-dryinginsulating varnish.

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4. WHAT PROTECTIVE DEVICES ARE PROVIDED FOR MOTOR? l. Short circuit protection,by fuses. 2. Overloadprotection,by i. Bi-metallicthennaloverloadrelays. ii. Magneticoverloadrelays. iii. Built in protective devices, Iike thermistors. iv. Electronicmotor orotectionrelavs. 5. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT WAYS OF STARTING A/C MOTORS? l. Directonlinestarting. 2. Star-delta stafter. 3. Auto transformer starter. 4. Electronicstarters.

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6. HOW IS THE MOTOR DIRECTIONREVERSED. l . Simply interchanging 2 supply connectionsthestator line by any at terminal box. 2 . Thisreverses direction therotating the of magnetic field.
7. WHAT IS YOUR ACTION IF THE VOLTAGE IS VERY LOW? l. An A.V.R. rvill controlthe generator's voltageto + or - 2.5 % of its setvalueover the load range. This is its steadystatevoltageregulation. 2. The A.V.R. senses generator the outputvoltageand actsto alter the field currentto maintain voltageat its setvalue. the 3. A hand 'trimmer' regulatorfitted on the generator control panel providesthe set voltagelevel. Note: 1. The governorsettingsofthe generators adjusted achievekW load sharing. are to 2. The excitation adjusted achieve is to kVAr load sharing.This is achieved automatically the A.V.R. unit. by 8. WHY DO YOU SWITCH OFF SYNCHROSCOPE? The synchroscope shouldnot be left in circuitfor morethan20 min. as it is not rated. continuously 9 . H O W D O Y O U S Y N C H R O N I S EG E N E R A T O R I F T H E S Y N C H R O S C O P E GOESOUT OF ORDER? a nethod is preferred it displays rotationof lamp brightness as l. The SEQUENCE, or machine runningtoo fast(clockwise) too is which indicates whether inconring the slow (anti clockwise). mustappear rotateslowly to 2. As with the synchroscope, lamp sequence the

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overloaddevelops, preference relay setsan alarm and actsto l. lfa generator the trip trip selected nonessential loads. Time interval: 5 sec. 2. This reduces generator load so that it may continueto supply essential the feeders. ll. EXPLAIN UNDER VOLTAGE PROTECTION. (70 7o or below) l. Its main function is to trip the breakerwhen a severevoltagedip occurs(around50 %). 2. It also prevents circuit breakerfrom being closedwhen the generatorvoltageis the very low or absent. 3. The undervoltagerelay also providesback-upprotectionto short circuit protection. 12. EXPLAIN REVERSE POWER PROTECTION. (10 o OF FULL POWER LOSS) l. A reversepower relay monitorsthe directionof power flowing betweenthe generator and the switchboard(bus bars). 2. If a prime mover failure occurs,the generator would act as a motor. The reverse power relay detectsthis fault and actsto trip the generator circuit breaker. 13. HOW DO YOU DETECT EARTH FAULT? l. The earthfault indicators be either can a set of lampsor an instrumentcalibratedin kOhm to showthe systeminsulationresistance value to earthon the 440 Y and220 V sections. 2. Each lamp is connected betweenone phaseand the common neutralpoint. the 3. Closing of the test switch connects neutralpoint to earth. 4. If the system healthy, is thenthe lampswill glow with equalbrightness. lf an earth fault occurson one line. the lamo connected that line show a dull in light or extinguished and the other lampswill glow brighter. EARTH FAULT l. Tracing the earth fault must be coordinated with the operationalrequirements the of s h i p ' se l e c t r i c as e r v i c e s . l feedingloadsA, B, C at a time andby watching 2. Openthe circuit breakers the earth fhult indicator,note which circuit breaker,when tripped,clearsthe earth fault. The earth fault must then be on that particularcircuit. breaking of down the circuit into smaller 3. The rnethod tracingthe fault is continually partscontainingthe earthfault until it is finally located. testermust be used. 4. Where there is no earth fault indicator,an insulationresistance are, 5. Causes in Dampness insulation. insulation. Damaged Surfacedirt. Singlephasing

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3. 4. i.

Phase phaseand to Phase earth. to The testvoltageis 500 V D/C. (I:0.0005 Amp) The test voltageis producedeitherby an internalhanddriven senerator or by abatteryand electronicvoltagechanger.

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Switchthe instrument 'Mega C)' to ii. Shortthe probestogether. iii. Press testbuttonor turn the handle( 160revs/min.) the 'l'he pointershouldindicate'0 f)' resistance. iv. 2. Isolate and lock off the equipment be tested. to Disconnect supply leadsand removethe links betweenthe terminalswhich the are usedto star or delta connectthe motor. 3. Provethe equipment be dead. to i. Switchthe instrument 'Mega f)' to ii. (U1-U2, Vl-V2, Wl-W2). Connect probes pairsof equipment the to tenninals llr. Do not press buttonor turn the handle. the lf the pointerdeflects, circuit is alive. the 4. Measure phase phaseinsulation the to resistance values. Uz-V l, V2-W1, W2-Ul 5. Confirm that a reliable earthconnectionis obtainedby connectingthe probesto 2 separate earthpoints on the equipmentframe while testingfor continuity. (+ve pole)to earthinsulation 6. Measure phase the resistance values. Ul-E, Vl - E,

I6. HOW DO YOU TESTINSULATIONRESISTANCE? l. Prove correct the operation theinstrument. of

7. resistance verv low. it mustbe restored is If the insulation aeain. I7. HOW DO YOU TEST CONTINUITY BY MEGGER? l. Switchthe instrument 'f)' or 'continuity'. to 2. Connect probes the circuit.Ul-U2, Vl-V2, Wl-W2 to the 3. All readings shouldbe identical. 4. lf one readingis significantly lowerthanthe others, this could indicate the possibility shortcircuited of turnsin the windingbeingmeasured. 5. A high continuityresistance valueindicates high resistance fault or an open a circuit. (0.3 - 0.4 Q). 6. Checkthe indication the 'C2'scale on I 8 . D R A W T H E W I R I N G O F M O T O R P H A S E SF O R C L O C K W I S E A N D A N T I CLOCKWISE ROTATION.


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jelly to all cableterminalsto preventcorrosion. 2. Applying a smearof petroleum 3. Keepingthe gasvents in the cell plugs free from blockageby dirt. 4. Use only pure distilled lvaterfbr toppingup to the correct level abovethe plates. 5. Specificgravity shouldbe checkedusing syringetype Hydrometer. 6. A fully chargedleadacid batterywill havea specificgravity of 1.21to 1.28at 15 deg.C. andthis will fall to something the regionof I .l l0 when it is fully discharged. in 7. Voltages Fully charged Fully discharged Leadacid 2.0 V V 1.73 1.2V l . 1 4v Leadalkaline 8. Sp.Gravity Fully discharged Fully charged Lll L e a da c i d 1.28 1.145 L e a da l k a l i n e 1.19 2 0 . W H A T A R E T H E R E S U L T SO F I N S U L A T I O N F A I L U R E ? failureusuallyresultin Insulation 1. An earthfault. 2. Short - circuitedturns in a phase. to faults. 3. Phase phase 2I. HOW DO YOU TAKE SHORE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY? l. After the terminal connections made,belbre closingthe breaker, are indicatorto ensurethat i. Phasesequence checkedwith the phasesequence is motors will not run in the wrong direction. ii. The indicator lamp showsavailabilityof shorepower at the switch board. are 2. The shoresupply breakeris closedafter the ship's alternators disconnected. 2 2 . H O W D O Y O U M A K E S U R ET H A T T H E P H A S E C O N N E C T I O N S A R E CORRBCT AFTER AN OVERHAUL? startedmotors: Star-delta testing. I . Identifuthe 3 pairsof endsof statorwindingsby continuity to 'f)' or 'continuity' i. Switchtlre instrument one end ofconnection earth. to ii. Connect usins IR tester.with one probe iii. Determinethe other end of connection to connected earth. 'f)' scale(0.3 on checkthe indication the iv. Press buttonor turn the handle. the

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2. between Identifythe 6 pairsof endsof connections and motor terminalsand. Delta contactors


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It shouldturn anti clockwisewhen seenfrom the coupling end. ii. lf the rotor direction is clockwise,interchange 2 supply line connections any at (not at the isolatingswitch). the main contactors 23. HOW DO YOU SYNCHRONISE A/C GENERATORS USING LAMPS? l. Lamps'Dark' methodusing2 lamps 2. Lamps'Bright' methodusing2 lamps. 3. Sequence methodusing3 lamps In eachcase,the lampsare connected betweenthe incominggenerator and the busbars. 24. EXPLAIN OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION. The over voltagerelay causes generator the circuit breakerto be tripped, l. Only if both over-excitation and an over-voltage presentsimultaneously a are at particulargenerator with an A.V.R. fault. 25. EXPLAIN OVER CURRENT PROTECTION (150 7o of full load current for 20 sec.) The over crrrrentrelay causes generator circuit breakerto be tripped, the l. Only in the eventofhigh over current rvith shortcircuit. suchas that associated 26. EXPLAIN INSTANTANEOUS OVER CURRENT PROTECTION. over currentrelay causes rapid tripping ofa generator, The instantaneous l. with an internalfault,and fault current. 2. with currentsin excess the maximum senerator of 27. EXPLAIN LOSS OF EXCITATION? The loss of excitationrelay ensures that loss will be tripped, l. Only the generator experiencing of excitation 2. ratherthan healthy machines trippingon over current. 28. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU ATTEMPTED TO CONNECT AN OUT ALTERNATOR THE MAIN BUSBARS? TO OF PHASE phase a the difference causes large l. Atthe instantof closingthebreaker, voltage forceto pull which produces largemagnetic a between machines the circulating currelrt n t h e g e n e r a t o ri s t os y n c h r o n i s m . of of 2. This meansrapid acceleration onerotor and de-acceleration the other. circnit breaker'. 3. The large circulatingcurrentrnaytrip eachgenerator and damage generators their prime movers. the 4. The largeforcesmay physically 5. Resultis total black out of the shin.

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Closethe breakerwhen the voltmeterpasses throughzero.



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30. HOW DO YOU BRING UP THE VOLTAGE OF A GENERATOR BEFORE SYNCTIRONISATION? l. The speedof the incominggenerator must be adjusteduntil its frequencyis approximately equalto that ofthe generators alreadyconnected the bus bars. to 2. The D/C excitationfield currentshouldbe regulated producethe required to generator A/C output voltage. 3. The voltagemust be trimmed with a handtrimmer regulatorfitted on the generator control panel,to correspond with that ofthe bus bars. 4. The A.V.R. will thencontrolthe generator outputvoltageto + or -2.5% of its set valueover the load range. 3I. HOW DO YOU CHARGE A BATTERY? L The cell is disconnected fi'omthe loadand i. connected a D/C chargingsupply ofthe correctvoltage. to 2. The positiveof the charging supplyis connected the positivesideof the cell and to i. the negative ofthe charging supplyto the negative ofthe cell.

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respect the 2. The areaenclosedin the diagramrepresents work done. and multiplying by engine to The work diagramis measured derivemeanpressure 3. the speedand cylinder constant, power in a cylinder is calculated. 2. WHY DO YOU TAKE DRAW DIAGRAM? (CKL) when tlre piston momentarilycomesto a stop,the indicator l. At deadcentres of fails to recordany'thing what is happeningin the enginecylinder in a p-v instrument diagram. having a profound influenceon the perfonnanceofa diesel 2. Importantprocesses enginedo take place at or nearthe deadcentres. diagramwhich is obtainedby moving the drum 3. A draw diagramis a pressure-time before and after the T.D.C. velocity during the period coveringa few degrees at constant 4. The vital informationobtainedare; pressure. and i. Contpression maximumcombustion curve. ii. The natureofthe expansion i i i . L o s so f c o m p r e s s i o n . iv. Incorrect injectiontiming. of v. Occurrence afterburning. 3 . W H Y D O Y O U T A K E L I G H T S P R I N GD I A G R A M ? l. This diagramis takenrvith a light spring. is and in 2. The variationof pressure the cylinderduringexhaustittg scavenging in liglrt spring diagram. nagnified of is of 3. The drop in pressure a trreasure clearness exhaustpassages. air of 4. This diagramalso showsthe pressure scavenge at cylinderintake. 4 . W H A T A R E T H E C A U S E SF O R B L A C K S M O K E ? ( C K L ) smoke. A. If all unitsare producing and 1. lmproperF.O.temperature viscosity. 2. lmproperF.O.purification. 3. Foulingofair and gasPassages. 4. Wrong positionof carnshaft. B. If smokeis from one unit onlY fuel valves. l. Defective 2. Leaky exhaustvalve. chamber. 3. Blow-by or leakycombustion 4. Wrong positionof fuel cam. too air 5. Scavenge suPPlY low. Actiou: valves. defective 1. Replace and timing. 2. RectifuF.O.purification and 3. CheckF.O.tenlperature viscosity.

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l. Water leakageinto enginecylinder. 2. The water may be in the fuel or leakinginto the cylinder through cracked cylinder liner, cylinder cover or turbocharger casing. B. Blue sntoke: l. Excessivecylinderlubrication. 2. Failureofscraperrings, causingexcessive lubricatingoil to be burnt in the cylinder. 6. WHAT ARE THE REASONS FOR THE OIL LEVEL TO RISE IN ENGINE L.O.SUMP? Ressons: (WFL, CKL) 1. Water leaksin the cooling system,suchas glandsor sealrings, allowing contamination the crankcase from cylinderjackets,water cooled pistonsetc. of 2. Theremay be a leak at the oil cooler. Action: l. Put stand-bygeneratoron load. 2. Immediatelystop defectivegenerator main engine. or 3. Inform chief Engineer, and Bridge. 7 . W H A T A R E T H E R E A S O N SF O R T H E O I L L E V E L T O F A L L I N E N G I N E L.O. SUMP? Reusons: (WFL) 1. There may be an oil leak in the systemand this must be searched at all L.O. for i. Pumps ii. Coolers iii. Pressure relief valves iv. Crank caseand drain tank, and void tank. 2. Watersealin the L.O. purifiertogether with the purifierpump shouldbe checked. will 3. Chokingof oil draingridswithin the crankcase cause oil levelto build up the there and not return to the drain tank. 4. Failure of scraperrings causingexcessive lubricatingoil to be burnt in the cylinder. i. Stuffing box leakages. 5. Pistoncoolingoil leakage scavenge to draintank. Actiort: l. A checkmust be carriedout to ascertain no valveshavebeenincorrectlv that opened closed, or allowingoil to enteror leavethe system. 8. WHAT IS CRANKCASE OIL MIST DETECTOR AND WHY IT IS THERE? (wFL) l. The crankcase mist detectorwill detectthe presence oil mist at concentrations oil of wefl below the level at which explosions may occur (2 - 5 % of LEL). i. Giving a warningin time to allow avoidingactionto slowdownthe engineand ii. Prevent eithera serious damase an exolosion. or




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point is concerned. sampling 4. The instrumentmust be resetbeforethe alarm ceases and samplingwill recommence sequence. its lllaintenance: l. The detector daily. shouldbe tested 2. The lenses mirrorsshouldbe cleaned and periodically. Types: l. Comparator ffpe 2. Levle type 9. WHY CYLINDER LUBRICANT SHOULD HAVE HIGH ALKALINITY? (CKL) l. In cylinderlubrication, alkalineoil is likely to protectthe liner surface the against corrosive attackby neutralising weak sulphuric acids. and sulphurous 2. So the cylinderlubricant shouldhavea TotalBaseNo. of 70 to 80 rng KOH/gm. Viscosity: 130cSt at 50 deg.C. IO. WHY T.B.N. OF TRUNK PISTON ENGINES IS GREATBR THAN THAT oF cRossHEAD ENGTNE LUB. OrL? (CKL) 1. The trunk pistonengines a dual purpose use lubricating oil. 2. The sameoil is usedfor lubrication bearings the crankcase alsothe of in and cylinders. fuel oil 3. The L.O. in usein trunk trunk pistonengines burningblendedor selected sulphurshouldpossess T.B.N. of 24 - 30 mg KOH / gm. containing a r l. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W H A T A R E T H E C R T T E R I A F O R T R U N K P T S T O NE N G T N EL . O . ? ( C K L ) A high degreeof stability without oxidationat high temperatures. High flashpoint. Oilinessfor both bearing and liner surface lubrication. Non sludgeforming. properties. Detergency and dispersancy : 60 cSt at 50 deg.C. Viscosity :20 mg KOH / gm. T.B.N. : 2 1 5 d e g .C . Flash oint p



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12. WHAT ARE THE CRTTERIAFOR M/E L.O. SELECTION.? (CKL) l . H i g h c h e m i c as t a b i l i t y . l 2. Oiliness. and and neutralising effect. 3. A degree detergency alkalinityfor mild cleaning of propefty. 4. A mild dispersancy : 6 3 c S ta t 5 0 d e g .C . 5. Viscosity : l0 mg KOH / gm. 6. T.B.N. :215 degC. . 7. Flashpoint Note:





(cKL) l. lt should retain good viscosityat rvorkingtemperatures, cSt. at 50 deg. C. 130 2. A high degreeof stabilirywithout oxidationat high temperatures. of 3. A degree oiliness, and 4. Alkalinity(70 T.B.N. oil). , 14. HOW DO YOU TAKE TNDICATOR DIAGRAM? A. Before taking indicatordiagramensure, l. Indicatorpiston,cylinder and the writing mechanism cleanedand are lubricated. 2. Indicatorcock is free fronr accumulation soot and oil. of to 3. The indicator is fastened the cock in sucha position that the indicator cord parallel with the movementof the drive to which the hook is fastened. becomes 4. The lengthofthe indicatorcord is so adjusted that, i. the diagramis positioned the center in ofthe paper. ii. the cord is tight in all positions. B. Operation i. With the indicator cock closed, tracean atmospheric line. 2. Open the indicator cock and tracethe work diagramby pressing writing the pointer againstthe paperwhile the paperdrum turns one tinre. cock. 3. Closethe indicator C. Draw diagram l. Release cord from drive on engine. the 2. Watch the movementof the writing pointer and pressit againstthe paperat the momentwhen the writing pointer movesupwards. the cord so quickly thatthe writing pointertraces 3. Pull simultaneously indicator the compression and ignition part of the cycle,the draw diagram. I4. EXPLAIN COMPARATOR TYPE OIL MIST DETECTOR? of l. The measuring tubereceives sample oil mist from eachcrankpositionin turn a the oil tube,which receives average and compares densityof that with the reference the from all the remaining crankchambers. mist sarnple the cyclethe rotaryvalvepasses average 2. In addition, onceduringeachscanning with a sampleof cleanair drarvnthroughthe sampleto the referencetube and compares measuring tube. 1 5 . H O W D O Y O U T E S T O r L M I S T D E T E C T O R ?( W F L ) from 0 to I 8 at right hand of the scale. I . Oil rnist detectorrneteris graduated alarm 2. Press checkbutton,the metershouldmoveto | 8 and audibleand visr.tal the circuitwill operate. 3. Operateselectorbutton and rotatesamplingvalve knob to position zero for zero check in the rneter,alarm stops. and measuringtubesfor i. At position zero, cleanair is admittedto both reference zerocalibration.

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This unit will function automaticallv. i. Oncethe alarmlevelhasbeeniet at eitherl5 or 100ppm. And the samplingpoint selected jl (i.e., either after the oily water separator aft or the filter). 3. The monitoringunit will then first flush itself with fresh water to clear all pipelines and the measuring chamber. 4. change S.w valve to bilge valve so that the bilge water may be fed into the separator. 5. Samplingof the bilge water then takesplace from the selected samplingpoint. i. The amountof oil presentis displayedon the monitor. 6. where the level is acceptable, overboarddischarge the valve is now openedand the bilge water is pumpedoverboard. 7. If the monitoredoil levelrisesto an excessive level,the monitorwiil i. simultaneously initiateaudibleand visualalarmsand stopthe bilge pump.or divert the bilge water discharge a settlingor slop tank and, to il, iii. continue monitorthe recirculated to birgewater. 8 The bilge pump mustthenbe stopped manually. when the bilge pump is stopped, monitoringunit closes the down afterflushing ? itself with clean fresh water. 10. The i. discharge recirculating / valve, ii. Sampling valveand, iii. the cleanwater flushingvalve are pneumatically operated. Itlote: To test the oil content meter, introduce a drop of oit through the measttring chcrmber.




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A, mm2 : Areaof tbeindicator diagram foundby planimetering. as

L, mm Cs, mm / bar pi, bar : Length of the indicatordiagramor atmospheric line. : Springconstant. = Mean indicated pressure

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LCs powerPi for one cylindermeasured kW or B.H.P. The indicated engine in : Kl X RPM X pi, where, Pi : Enginespeed RPM : cylinderconstant Kl, m3 - cylinderdiameter D,ffi = pistonstroke S'm Kl : 1.30900 D2 X S for porverin kW X : 1 . 7 7 9 6 8 X D 2 X S f o r p o w e r n B . H . P . ( lB . H . P . : 0 . 7 3 5 5 W ) i k : Mean effectivepressure : (pi - K2) bar : (pi - l) bar







l. The meanfriction loss,K2, forminga smallpart of the pi hasprovedto be practically independent ofthe engineloadand enginetype. 2. By experience, has beenfound to be approximatelyI bar K2 = Effectiveengine powerfor one cylindermeasured kW or B.H.P. in : Kl X R.P.MX pe . : K l X R . P . MX ( p i - l ) . l. Due to friction in the bearing, shaftpoweris approximately % lessthanthe the I enginepower. effective Pe

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Compilationof machineryspacelog book and understanding significanceof readings taken. 3. Routinedutiesundertaken during a watch. 4. Routineassociated handing with overto the followingwatch. 5. Safetyprecautions be observed to during a watch and immediateactionsin the eventofa fire or accident. 6. Routinepumping operations ballast,bilge and fresh water. of 7. Use ofoily water separator and precautions be observed prevent to to e n v i r o n n r e n tp o ll u t i o n . al 8. Operation auxiliaryboiler including of combustion system. 9. Methodsof checking waterlevel in boilersand actionnecessary waterlevel if is abnorrnal. 10. Preparing,starting,coupling and changingover alternators generators. or I l. Imrnediate actionnecesSary cases electric in of shock. 12. Locationand rectification contmonf-aults pumpsand purnping of in systems. 13. Locationand rectiflcation commonfaultsin machinery of and plant in engine and boiler rooms.(Compressors, Refrigeration, F.W.G, Steeringgear, Purifiers) 14. Recognition boiler watercontamination. of 15. Boiler rvater, testsandtreatment. 1 6 . C o m m u n i c a t i oa b i l i t vi n E n c l i s h . n

l' IJ tj

B. Motor
L Construction, workingprinciples and watch-keeping o1, routines associated witlr, main dieselpropulsion machinery, auxiliaryboilersand auxiliary machinery. Fuel and lubricating systems the marinedieselplant. Properties for oil and treatment oils. of Preparation, maneuvering shutdown of mainpropulsion and rnachinery under normaland emergency conditions.Testingplantand equipment. Main and auxiliaryntachinery morritoring protection and devices. Scavenge and crankcase fire explosion.

2. 3. 4. 5.

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2. quantity 3. viscosity 4. densiry 5. flashpoint 6. pour point 7. remarks lub. oil descriptions: l. name 2. quantity 3. viscosity 4. density 5. flash point 6. pour point 7. remarks key words a. management fire extinguishing of and anti-pollutionappliance b. controlofthe valves c. transferring d. moorings e. operationfor topping off f. emergency shutdown g. emergency measures oil spillage for h. reporting procedures emergency in i. communication means officer in-charge:chief engineer l. fully responsible the transferof fuel oil and lub. oil. for 2. responsible making applications for and other repoftsto oil companyor harbour administration authoritythroughthe captain. 3. discussthe oil transferplan and procedures involving the emergency shutdownand otherdetailswith the oil transfening vessel. 4. responsible makingoil samples the spotof the oil transfer for on operation and if necessary askingforthe characteristics ofthe oil suppliedfrom the oil transferring v e s s ea n d k e e p i n gh e m . l t 5. in command treatingand handling accident oit spillage of of of and otheremergency situations.

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flangefor connectionat the other side ofthe ship are tightly blankedor shut off. for c. responsible the oil transferoperationand safefyduring the whole transferring. and control the transferrate. checkconstantlythe stateofthe tanksin replenishing of d. direct the operations topping off and the motormanin chargeto make sounding ofullage. often, and keep a closewatch on the changes be shutdownat any e. during the oil transferoperation, preparedfor an emergency vesselimmediatelyto stop abnormal,ask the oil transferring time. in caseof something pumping. immediately, of occursreportto chief engineer f. whenan accident oil spillage organize crew to removethe spilled oil at onceto minimize the pollution. all g. in caseofemergency,reportto chiefengineerand captainat once the oil quickly and do everythingpossibleto measures transferringvesselto take appropriate avoid an accident. the means and the signals h. for safetyof the oil transfer operation, communication vessel, andthe portableradiotelephones shouldbe confirmedwith the oil transferring usedby the two sidesshouldbe setin the samechannel. oiler for a. responsible reporlingthe oil level engineer noti0/the responsible of b. whenthe changes ullagearefound abnormal, vessel stoppumping. to immediately and the oil transferring immediately take engineer and reportto responsible c. in caseof emergency, corresponding measures. with communications the ensineers. d. maintain effective 6th engr. / fitter appliances the positionof at and a. placethe fire extinguishing oil pollutionprevention manifolds. the connection the loadingarmsandthe ship's of valvesand shutoffall the valves to b. assist 3rd engineer openand closethe relevant operation. of useduponthe completion the oil transfer and fulfill the work operation duringthe oil transfer c. obeythe ordersof the engineer loadingarmsand the to watchthe working conditionof the connection the assigned, valves. of keepa closewatchon the changes oftopping offapproaches, d. when the operation correctly, openthe i.e. to the and assist engineer change tanksfor replenishing the ullage first valvesofthe nexttank for replenishment and thenclosethe valvesofthe tank being nearlyfilled up. to vesselimmediately stop repoftto the oil transferring e. in caseof emergency pumpingand closethe valvesconcerned. and happens, obeythe ordersofthe engineer take ofoil spillage f. whenan accident cleanand removethe measures pt'event spilledoil from spreading, to the effective h o s p i l l e d i l t o r n i n i n r i zte e p o l l u t i o n . at engineer chiefengineer onceand or reportto responsible g. in caseofemergency, quickly. measures vessel take appropriate to the oil transf'erring




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b. when an accident oil spillage happens, cleanup andremovethe spilledoil of immediatelytogetherwith the membersof the enginedepartment. c. in caseofsonrething abnonnal, repoftto the duty officeror responsible engineer inimediately the oil transferrir,g vessel takecorresponding to measures. and d. responsible displaying for danger suchas red light or flag duringthe oil signals transferoperation. instruction for lvorkiug out fuel oil / lub. oil transferring plan l. fuel oil means heavyoil or dieseloil fbr shipboard use,r'vhile lub. oil means systen) oil for main engine auxiliaryengine, or cylinderoil, hydraulic and any otherlub. oils. oil transfer transferring operation tneans existingfuel oil ol lub. oils onboardamongtheir' respective storage tanks,or replenishing fuel oils / lub. oils in their respective of storage purpose.oil transfe.:" is compiledby plan tanks,or pumpingout of oil for cleaning the responsible engineer, takingthe conditions real situation and ofhis vessel into account, ensuring tbr safeoperation and prevention ofoil spillage.the plan should capacity includetime of operation, tanksfiom or into which oil to be transferred, of quantityof oil to be transferred. tanksand their existingcontents, kind of oil, piping oftlcerorrthe scene, locations rvhere fire system valvesi pumpsto be uscd,responsible / pleced, fightingand oil spill prevention appliances safetyprccaLrtions applicable and local regrrlations. plan by duly 2. fuel / lLrb. oils transt-erring is to be cornpiled thethird engineer, revierved and approved by b1,thechief engineer, theninrplemented tlrethird and engineer. r operation involveslalgequantilyof oil, the third enginee should 3. if the transl'er purpose. lvith the chiefofficerto select appropriate the tanksfor the desired consult planwhich requires rvlren chief olficer is workingout the stowage transfelring oils of the rvitlrthe chiefengiueer that he can advisethe the so to achieve end,lre hasto consult plan accordingly. his third engineer prepare transferring to plan shouldbe concise, practicable shouldbe 4. the oil transferring and and chiefengineer, thenposted the section"flel and at duly signedby the third engineer procedule". / lub. oils transferrirrg plan" of this "shipboard fuel i lub. oil transf-er I t e l o i l t r a n s f e rp i p i n g d i a g r a r n . l u b . o i l t r a n s f c rp i p i n g d i a g r a m .






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