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English idioms relating to Feelings - Emotions - Reactions 1.

- Keep your fingers crossed: If you keep your fingers crossed, you hope that something will be successful. Tomorrow Im going to talk with my boyfriend to end our relationship. Keep your fingers crossed for me. 2.- Nice as pie: If a person is nice as pie, they are surprisingly very kind and friendly "After our debate, he was nice as pie. 3.- On the rack: If you are in a stressful situation, having to answer a lot of questions or wait for a decision, you are on the rack. I was put on the rack when my mother asked me about my scores. 4.- Over the moon: If you are over the moon, you are absolutely delighted. I was all over the moon when I got a good score. 5.- At one's wits' end: If you are at your wits' end, you are very worried or anxious about something, and you don't know what to do. When I lost my Investigation Books. I was at me wits end.

Name: Rosa Chicaiza Level: III A English Date: 20/09/2011

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