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Work and promote a new beauty. The beauty in love, philosophy and mythology in art. When the culture is beautiful and optimistic feelings, the economy again renewed. When we become aware of inner beauty and humanity. The economy is renewed to human welfare. Feeling good with others. The art has to be deep and thoughtful, rather than looking for the cult of the new and fashion. In the beauty must regain the vital insights to the meaning of life, and sensitivity toward transcendence. Do not promote cynicism, irony, nihilism and violence in art as a pathology of social resentment. Create spaces where media artists, poets and philosophers. America must again use the universal language of art to communicate the beauty to mankind. The inner beauty and expressive promoting a new spirituality in art. Remember and follow the example of Ralph Waldo Emerson which he criticized modern society for its conformity and

mediocrity, without philosophy for each individual. America must seek a new relationship with the existence original. Where the real cultural evolution is achieved with intuition and creativity to the transcendental. Remember and follow the example of Henry David Thoreau as a writer and philosopher. Thoreau is considered as the first environmentalist literary world with his "Walden". With the thought of Thoreau culture must be applied "mottainai". Towards the assessment of the planet's resources. We must stop the waste and abuse of natural resources. Culture "mottainai" is a way to express against the waste and misuse of natural resources. America through culture, to renew the inner beauty in the XXI century Pedro Villanueva Gonzlez. Patagonia. Chile

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