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Midterm Review

Linear Systems - know what a linear system is o m equations in n unknowns - types of solutions o unique, infinite/parametric, no solution o consistent versus inconsistent - substitution method - elimination method o know 3 elimination steps; you will be deducted marks for using incorrect steps; if you are unsure, please email me! - types of systems o underdetermined, overdetermined o what types of solutions you are more likely to see - application to traffic flow o flow in = flow out at each intersection

Matrix Arithmetic - size of a matrix o m x n m is rows n is columns - entry of a matrix aij or a(i,j) - how to add matrices - properties of matrix addition o know these proofs! (ones we did in class) o know how to apply these to examples - how to scalar multiply - properties of scalar multiplication o know the proofs we did in class o know how to apply these to examples - how to find a transpose - properties of the transpose o know the proofs we did in class - special types of matrices o identity, zero, row, column, upper triangular, lower triangular, symmetric, skew-symmetric, square - how to multiply matrices o middle numbers are equal - multiplying with identity matrix - linear combinations of columns of A - properties of matrix addition o know proof of A(B+C)=AB+AC and (A+B)C=AC+BC o know how to apply them to examples

Gaussian and G-J Elimination - transferring from matrix form to linear system and vice versa - creating augmented matrix - recognizing RREF and REF - know your elementary row operations! o deducted marks (big time) for using incorrect steps (for instance doing something like R1 -> R3-R1 or R2 -> 2R2 + 3R3); if you are unsure please ask me! - using G-J to get to RREF - using Gaussian to get to REF - homogeneous systems o trivial versus non-trivial solutions o finding solution of homogeneous system using the non-homogeneous system o proof: if x1 and x2 are solutions to Ax=b, then x1-x2 is a solution to Ax=0 Inverses - how to find the inverse of a square matrix using elementary row operations - proof: uniqueness of the inverse

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