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Deadly Disease in India

W As wlLh many developlng naLlons corrupLlon
ls wldespread ln lndla
W lndla ls ranked 72 ouL of a 179 counLrles ln
1ransparency lnLernaLlonals CorrupLlon
ercepLlons lndex alLhough lLs score has
lmproved conslsLenLly from 27 ln 2002 Lo 33
ln 2008
W CorrupLlon has Laken Lhe role of a perslsLenL
aspecL of lndlan pollLlcs and admlnlsLraLlon
Jor|d Map Index of percept|on of corrupt|on
Corrupt|on In o||t|cs
W CrlmlnallzaLlon of lndlan pollLlcs ls a maln
W ln !uly 2008 WashlngLon 1lmes reporLed LhaL
nearly a fourLh of Lhe 340 lndlan arllamenL
members faced crlmlnal charges lncludlng
human Lrafflcklng lmmlgraLlon rackeLs
embezzlemenL rape and even murder
W AL sLaLe level Lhlngs are ofLen worse
Corrupt|on In adm|n|strat|on
W A 2009 survey of Lhe leadlng economles of
Asla revealed lndlan admlnlsLraLlon Lo be noL
[usL leasL efflclenL ouL of Slngapore Pong
kong 1halland SouLh korea !apan Malaysla
1alwan vleLnam Chlna hlllpplnes and
W furLher lL was also found LhaL worklng wlLh
Lhe lndlas clvll servanLs was a slow and
palnful process

Corrupt|on In adm|n|strat|on
W fflclals ofLen sLeal sLaLe properLy ln 8lhar
more Lhan 80 of Lhe subsldlzed food ald Lo
poor ls sLolen
W ln CovernmenL PosplLals corrupLlon ls
assoclaLed wlLh non avallablllLy of medlclnes
(or dupllcaLe medlclnes) geLLlng admlsslon
and consulLaLlons wlLh docLors
Index of Corrupt|on by Ind|an states

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