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Jane Austen
(December 16, 1775-July 18, 1817)
}ane Ausien was boin in Sievenion, Hampsliie, wleie lei failei, Rev. Geoige
Ausien, was a iecioi (,-'). Sle was ile second daugliei and sevenil clild in a family of
eigli. Tle Ausiens did noi lose a single one of ileii clildien.
Tle fiisi : yeais of lei life }ane speni in Hampsliie. On lei failei's unexpecied
ieiiiemeni, ile family sold off eveiyiling, including }ane's piano, and moved io Bail.
}ane, aged iweniy-five, and Cassandia, lei eldei sisiei, aged iweniy-eigli, weie
consideied by coniempoiaiy siandaids confiimed old maid (-,= _,- --- ,-'- ,=).
Ausien abandoned lei liieiaiy caieei foi a decade.
}ane Ausien was mosily iuioied ai lome, and iiiegulaily ai sclool, bui sle
ieceived a bioadei educaiion ilan many women of lei iime. Sle siaiied io wiiie foi
family amusemeni as a clild. Hei paienis weie gieai ieadeis; Ausien's own favoiiie poei
was Cowpei. Hei eailiesi-lnown wiiiings daie fiom aboui iySy. Veiy sly aboui lei
wiiiing, sle wioie on small pieces of papei ilai sle slipped undei ile desl ploiiei if
anyone came inio ile ioom. In lei leiieis sle obseived ile daily life of lei family and
fiiends in an iniimaie and gossipy mannei.
Rev. Geoige Ausien suppoiied lis daugliei's wiiiing aspiiaiions, bougli lei papei
and a wiiiing desl, and iiied io lelp lei gei a publislei. Afiei lis deail in iSo, sle lived
wiil lei sisiei and lypoclondiiac (,'-,- _-',--- _ - -,') moilei in Souilampion. In
}uly iSoq iley moved io a laige coiiage in ile village of Clawion. Tlis was ile place

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wleie Ausien feli ai lome. Sle nevei maiiied, sle nevei lad a ioom of lei own, bui lei
social life was aciive and sle lad suiiois (_'', _-+- - ' --=- _- -,=) and iomaniic
dieams. Wiil Tom Lefioy, wlom sle mei a few iimes in iyq6, sle ialled aboui
Fielding's Tom jones. Tley slaied similai sense of iionic lumoui and Ausien was
undeniably aiiiacied io lim. }ames Edwaid Ausien-Leigl, lei neplew, wanied io cieaie
anoilei lind of legend aiound lei and claimed ilai of evenis lei life was singulaily
baiien: few clanges and no gieai ciises evei biole ile smooil cuiieni of iis couise...
Tleie was in lei noiling ecceniiic (_-,', ,=) oi angulai; no laidness of iempei; no
uniqueness of mannei... Ausien's sisiei Cassandia also nevei maiiied. One of lei
bioileis became a cleigyman, iwo seived in ile navy, one was menially ieiaided. He was
ialen caie of a local family.
}ane Ausien was well connecied wiil ile middling-iicl landed geniiy ilai sle
poiiiayed in lei novels. In Clawion sle siaiied io wiiie lei majoi woils, among ilem
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, ile sioiy of ile impoveiisled Daslwood sisieis, Maiianne
and Elinoi, wlo iiy io find piopei lusbands io secuie ileii social posiiion. Tle novel was
wiiiien in iyqy as ile ievision of a sleicl called Elinor onJ Morionne, composed wlen
ile auiloi was :o. Accoiding io some souices, an eailiei veision of ile woil was wiiiien
in ile foim of a novel in leiieis, and iead aloud io ile family as eaily as iyq.
Ausien's leioines aie deieimined io maiiy wisely and well, bui iomaniic Maiianne
of Sense onJ Sensibility is a claiaciei, wlo feels iniensely aboui eveiyiling and loses lei
leaii io an iiiesponsible seducei. I could noi be lappy wiil a man wlose iasie did noi
in eveiy poini coincide wiil my own. He musi eniei inio all my feelings; ile same wiil
bools, ile same music musi claim us boil. Reasonable Elinoi falls in love wiil a
genileman alieady engaged. 'I lave fiequenily deiecied myself in sucl lind of misiales,
said Elinoi, in a ioial misappielension of claiaciei in some poini oi anoilei: fancying
people so mucl moie gay oi giave, oi ingenious oi siupid ilan iley ieally aie, and I can
laidly iell wly oi in wlai ile decepiion oiiginaied. Someiimes one is guided by wlai
iley say of ilemselves, and veiy fiequenily by wlai oilei people say of ilem, wiiloui
giving oneself iime io delibeiaie and judge.'
Wlen Maiianne liles io iead and expiess lei feelings, Elinoi piefeis io diaw and
design and be sileni of lis desiies. Tley aie ile dauglieis of Heniy Daslwood, wlose
son, }oln, fiom a foimei maiiiage. Afiei lis deail, }oln inleiiis ile Noiland esiaie in
Sussex, wleie ile sisieis live. }oln's wife, ile gieedy and selfisl Fanny, insisis ilai iley
move io Noiland. Tle impoveiisled widow and and lei dauglieis move io Baiion
Coiiage in Devonsliie. Tleie Maiianne is suiiounded by a devious leaiibiealei
Willouglby, wlo las alieady loved anoilei woman. Elinoi becomes inieiesied in
Edwaid Feiiais, wlo is pioud and ignoiani. Colonel Biandon, an oldei genileman,
doesn'i aiiiaci Maiianne. Sle is finally iejecied by Willouglby. Maiianne Daslwood was
boin io an exiiaoidinaiy faie. Sle was boin io discovei ile falselood of lei own
opinions, and io counieiaci, by lei conduci, lei mosi favoiiie maxims.

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In all of Ausien's novels lei leioines aie uliimaiely maiiied. PriJe onJ
PrejuJice desciibed ile clasl beiween Elizabeil Bennei, ile independeni and inielligeni
daugliei of a couniiy genileman, and Fiizwilliam Daicy, a iicl aiisiociaiic landownei,
wlo boil aie blinded by ileii assumpiions and desiies. Tleii ielaiionslip siaiis fiom
dislile, bui Daicy becomes iniiigued by lei mind and spiiii, and ile beauiiful
expiession of lei dail eyes. Sle iejecis lis fiisi maiiiage pioposal bui eveniually
baiiieis aie swepi aside and Elizabeil and Daicy aie lappily uniied. Ausien lad
compleied ile eaily veision of ile sioiy in iyqy undei ile iiile Fiisi Impiessions. Tle
bool weni io iliee piiniings duiing Ausien's lifeiime.
Emmo was wiiiien in comic ione. Ausien begun ile novel in }anuaiy iSi( and
compleied ii in Maicl of ile nexi yeai. Tle bool was publisled in iliee volumes. Ii iold
ile sioiy of Emma Woodlouse, wlo finds lei desiiny in maiiiage. Emma is a wealily,
pieiiy, self-saiisfied young woman. Sle is lefi alone wiil lei lypoclondiiac failei. Hei
goveiness, Miss Tayloi, maiiies a neiglboi, Mi. Wesion. Emma las ioo mucl iime and
sle spends ii cloosing piopei paiineis foi lei fiiends and neiglbois - blind io lei own
feelings. Sle males a pioiegee (=- -='-= , -,-- ,) of Haiiiei Smiil, an illegiiimaie
giil of no social siaius and iiies io manipulaie a maiiiage beiween Haiiiei and Mi. Elion,
a young cleigyman, wlo las sei lis sigli on Emma. Emma las feelings aboui Mi.
Wesion's son. Wlen Haiiiei becomes inieiesied in Geoige Knigliley, a neiglboiing
squiie wlo las been lei fiiend, Emma siaiis io undeisiand lei own limiiaiions. He las
been lei moial advisei, and secieily loves lei. Finally Emma finds lei desiiny in
maiiiage wiil lim. Haiiiei, wlo is lefi io decide foi leiself, maiiies Robeii Maiiin, a
young faimei.
}ane Ausien focused on middle-class piovincial life wiil lumoi and
undeisianding. Sle depicied minoi landed geniiy, couniiy cleigymen and ileii families,
in wlicl maiiiage mainly deieimined women's social siaius. Mosi impoiiani foi lei
weie ilose liiile maiieis, as Emma says, on wlicl ile daily lappiness of piivaie life
depends. Alilougl Ausien iesiiicied io family maiieis, and sle passed ile lisioiical
evenis of ile Napoleonic wais, lei wii and obseivani naiiaiive ioucl las been
inexlausiible deligli io ieadeis. Of lei six gieai novels, foui weie publisled
anonymously duiing lei lifeiime. Ausien also lad iioubles wiil lei publislei, wlo
wanied io male alieiaiions io lei love scenes in PriJe onJ PrejuJice. In iSii sle wioie io
Tlomas Egeiion: You say ile bool is indeceni. You say I am immodesi. Bui Sii in ile
depiciion of love, modesiy is ile fullness of trutb; and decency fianlness; and so I musi
also be fianl wiil you, and asl ilai you iemove my name fiom ile iiile page in all fuiuie
piiniings; 'A lady' will do well enougl. Ai lei deail on }uly iS, iSiy in Winclesiei, ai ile
age of foiiy-one, Ausien was wiiiing ile unfinisled SANDITON. Sle managed io wiiie
iwelve clapieis befoie siopping in Maicl iS, due io lei pooi lealil. Tle cause of lei
deail is noi lnown. Ii las been claimed ilai Ausien was a viciim of Addison's disease
(,,- _-'-='). Accoiding io Claiie Tomalin, sle may lave died of lymploma (--,).

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Kaileiine Wliie las suggesied in ile Biiiisl Medical }ouinal's Medical Humaniiies
magazine, ilai sle died of iubeiculosis caugli fiom caiile.
}ane Ausien was buiied in Winclesiei Cailedial, neai ile ceniie of ile noiil aisle.
Ii is a saiisfaciion io me io ilinl ilai |sle isj io lie in a Building sle admiied so mucl,
Cassandia Ausien wioie laiei. Cassandia desiioyed many of lei sisiei's leiieis; one
lundied sixiy suivived bui none wiiiien eailiei ilan lei iweniieil biiilday.
}ane Ausien's bioilei Heniy made lei auiloislip public afiei lei
deail. Emmo lad been ieviewed favoiably by Sii Waliei Scoii, wlo wioie in lis jouinal
of Maicl i(, iS:6: |Miss Ausienj lad a ialeni foi desciibing ile involvemenis and
feelings and claiacieis of oidinaiy life wlicl is io me ile mosi wondeiful I lave evei
mei wiil. Tle Big Bow-Wow siiain I can do myself lile any now going; bui ile exquisiie
(-,--,= ,' ,--) ioucl, wlicl iendeis ('-,- _-,-) oidinaiy commonplace ilings and
claiacieis inieiesiing, fiom ile iiuil of ile desciipiion and ile seniimeni, is denied io
me. Clailoiie Bionie and E.B. Biowning found lei limiied, and Elizabeil Haidwicl
said: I don'i ilinl lei supeib inielligence biougli lei lappiness. Ii was noi uniil ile
publicaiion of }.E. Ausien-Leigl's Memoir in iSyo ilai a }ane Ausien culi (-,----)
began io develop. Ausien's unfinisled SonJiton was publisled in iq:.
Key Focs
FULL TITLE PriJe onJ PrejuJice
AUTHOR }ane Ausien
GENRE Comedy of manneis
TIME AND PLACE WRITTEN England, beiween iyq6 and iSi
PriJe onJ PrejuJice is ile sioiy of Mi. and Mis. Bennei and ileii five unmaiiied
dauglieis. Tley live in ile esiaie of Longbouin in Heiifoidsliie, a iuial disiiici aboui iliiiy
miles fiom London. Tle family is noi iicl. Tleii piopeiiy is suie io pass io ile neaiesi male
leii in ile family, Mi. Collins. Tle main concein of Mis. Bennei's life is io see ilai all lei
dauglieis aie maiiied, piefeiably io men wiil laige foiiunes. Sle sees an oppoiiuniiy foi
lei eldesi daugliei }ane wlen Mi. Clailes Bingley, a wealily genileman fiom ile ciiy,
occupies ile neaiby esiaie of Neileifield Pail. In lei exciiemeni, sle uiges lei lusband io
visii Mi. Bingley on ile veiy fiisi day of lis aiiival, befoie any of ile oilei neiglbois. Mi.
Bennei complies wiil lis wife's iequesi and visiis Mi. Bingley.
Ai ile nexi social gaileiing in Meiyion, Bingley biings along lis iwo sisieis, Caioline
Bingley and Louisa Huisi. Bui moie impoiianily, le biings lis closesi fiiend, Mi. Fiizwilliam

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Daicy. Bingley, wlo is claiming and social ('--'-), is immediaiely aiiiacied io ile modesi
and genile }ane Bennei. Daicy, in coniiasi io Bingley, is pioud, iude, and disagieeable.
Wlen Bingley suggesis ilai Daicy dance wiil Elizabeil Bennei, le iefuses and negaiively
commenis on lei lools. Elizabeil oveileais ( - ''--' '-,' ) ile commeni and develops a siiong
piejudice againsi Daicy. Ai ile nexi ball in Neileifield, Daicy feels an aiiiaciion foi
Elizabeil and asls lei foi a dance. Sle iefuses io dance wiil lim, avenging ile eailiei
}ane and Bingley coniinue io be aiiiacied io one anoilei. Caioline Bingley inviies }ane
io Neileifield foi a visii. Wlile ai Neileifield, }ane falls ill and Elizabeil comes io lool afiei
lei sisiei. Wlile ai Neileifield, Elizabeil is foiced io confioni Daicy. Sle appioacles lim
wiil wii ( .-= --' ) and saicasm (-=). Since Daicy las lnown only flaiieiy fiom oileis, le is
claimed by Elizabeil's fianlness. Duiing lei sloii siay ai Neileifield, Elizabeil iealizes
Caioline disliles lei family, due io iis social siaius and Mis. Bennei's vulgaiiiy. Elizabeil
concludes ilai Caioline's fiiendslip and waimness iowaids }ane is only a pieiense.
Mi. Collins pays a visii io Longbouin wiil ile inieniion of pioposing maiiiage io one
of ile Bennei dauglieis. His pompous (,--- -,=) manneis and lis loud and empiy iall
disgusi eveiyone, excepi Mis. Bennei, wlo lools upon lim as a piospeciive son-in-law.
Collins is aiiiacied io }ane, bui Mis. Bennei infoims lim ilai sle is aboui io be engaged. He
ilen iuins lis aiieniion io Elizabeil and males a iidiculous pioposal of maiiiage io lei.
Wlen Elizabeil iejecis lim, le pioposes io lei fiiend Clailoiie Lucas, wlo, io eveiyone's
slocl, accepis lim. Mis. Bennei is disiiessed ('-,,`--- ,- _-'-,) by Elizabeil's iejeciion of
Mi. Collins because ii is ile one oppoiiuniiy sle las of leeping ile Longbouin esiaie in ile
Bingley and lis companions soon depaii foi London. Boil Bingley and Caioline wiiie
io }ane io say ilai iley lave closed Neileifield and lave no plans of ieiuining io ii in ile
neai fuiuie. }ane is veiy disappoinied. As }ane feels fiusiiaiion ovei Bingley, Elizabeil finds a
new aiiiaciion. Sle meeis Mi. Wicllam and is foolislly and magneiically diawn io lim.
Tley lave a fiiendly conveisaiion in wlicl sle ieveals lei dislile of Daicy. Taling
advaniage of ilis infoimaiion, Wicllam concocis a sioiy and iells Elizabeil ilai le las
been cleaied by Daicy. Elizabeil iales piiy on lim and almosi falls in love. Mis. Gaidinei,
lowevei, wains Elizabeil aboui Wicllam, wlo soon maiiies Miss King.
Ai ile inviiaiion of ile Gaidineis, }ane goes io London foi some iesi and clange of
aii. Sle lopes ilai sle sees Bingley, even accidenially. }ane males many aiiempis io gei in
ioucl wiil lim, bui Caioline does noi even infoim lei bioilei aboui }ane's piesence in
London. }ane is leaiibiolen, bui giows io accepi lei iejeciion.
Elizabeil goes io Hunsfoid io visii Mi. Collins and lis new wife Clailoiie, wlo is
Elizabeil's deai fiiend. Duiing Elizabeil's siay in Hunsfoid, Daicy lappens io visii lis auni,
wlo also lives ileie, and aiiempis io build a ielaiionslip wiil Elizabeil. To lei suipiise,
Daicy pioposes maiiiage io lei in a language so aiiogani (,-) ilai Elizabeil iuins lim
down angiily. Sle asls lim low le daies io piopose io lei afiei sepaiaiing }ane and Bingley,

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wlo weie in love wiil eacl oilei, and afiei viciimizing Wicllam. Sle ends lei angiy
speecl by saying ilai sle would noi maiiy lim even if le weie ile lasi man on ile eaiil.
Daicy is upsei and leaves in an angei. Tle nexi moining le meeis Elizabeil wlen sle goes
oui foi a wall and lands lei a long leiiei ilai answeis all lei accusaiions. He explains io
lei ilai le did noi believe ilai }ane was ieally in love wiil Bingley. He also iells lei ile
iiuil aboui Wicllam. Elizabeil is slocled by lis answeis.
Tleie is also anoilei slocl awaiiing lei. Hei youngesi sisiei Lydia las been inviied
io Biiglion by a young officei's wife. Lydia is veiy exciied aboui ile iiip; bui Elizabeil
lnows low siupid, scaiiei biained, and fliiiaiious Lydia is. Sle iiies io peisuade lei failei
noi io allow Lydia io go io Biiglion. Hei failei, lowevei, dismisses Elizabeil's feais.
Mi. and Mis. Gaidinei plan a ioui of ile Lale Disiiici and iale Elizabeil wiil ilem.
Ai ile lasi minuie, lowevei, ile ioui is cui sloii and ile Gaidineis decide io iesiiici ileii
iiip io Deibysliie, wleie Daicy las lis vasi esiaie in Pembeiley. Elizabeil males suie ilai
Daicy is away on business and ilen agiees io visii Pembeiley, in cuiiosiiy. Pembeiley is one
of ile mosi beauiiful places sle las evei visiied, and Daicy's elegani iasies aie evideni
eveiywleie. To iop ii all, Ms. Reynolds, ile louseleepei wlo las lnown Daicy since lis
clildlood, speals veiy liglly of lim, saying le is jusi and faii. Elizabeil cannoi believe ilai
sle las made sucl a misiale in judging lis claiaciei. As Elizabeil is looling ovei
Pembeiley's lovely giounds, Daicy limself appeais, ieiuining a day befoie le is expecied. He
lools suipiised io see Elizabeil, and sle is iniensely embaiiassed. He is poliie io lei and ile
Gaidineis, and Elizabeil noiices ilai ileie is no iiace of piide in lim.
Tle following day, Bingley calls on Elizabeil, and lis anxious inquiiies aboui }ane indicaie
ilai le is siill in love wiil lei. Daicy and lis beauiiful sisiei, Geoigiana, also call on
Elizabeil ai ile inn (--'= '--) io inviie lei and ile Gaidineis io dinnei. Elizabeil accepis
ile dinnei inviiaiion. Duiing ile dinnei, Caioline iiies lei besi io desiioy ile fiiendly
ielaiionslip beiween Daicy and Elizabeil by iunning down Elizabeil's family, bui sle does
noi succeed. Daicy is fond of Elizabeil.
News comes ilai Lydia las eloped wiil Wicllam, so Elizabeil leaves Deibysliie wiil
ile Gaidineis io ieiuin lome. All aiiempis ai iiacing ile iunaway couple lave failed. Daicy,
ioucled by Elizabeil's disiiess ovei Lydia, iiies io find ile couple and caicles ilem in
London. Daicy convinces Wicllam io maiiy Lydia, gives lim ien ilousand pounds, pays up
lis debis, and peisuades lim io seiile in ile Noiil of London. Daicy ilen iequesis ilai ile
Gaidineis noi ieveal lis lelp io ile Bennei family. Elizabeil, lowevei, finds oui ile iiuil
aboui Daicy's assisiance. Sle is impiessed wiil lis lindness.
Bingley males an unannounced ieappeaiance ai Neileifield Pail, and ienews lis
ielaiion wiil }ane. Tley aie soon engaged. Lady Caileiine also aiiives unannounced and
acis veiy piidefully iowaids ile Bennei family. Sle ilieaiens Elizabeil wiil diie
consequences if sle maiiies Daicy, bui Elizabeil iefuses io piomise ilai sle will noi accepi
a pioposal fiom Daicy. A few days laiei, Daicy comes io visii and males a second pioposal

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of maiiiage io Elizabeil. Tlis iime sle accepis wloleleaiiedly. He ilanls Elizabeil foi
ieacling lim ile lesson of lumiliiy.
Tle iwo couples, }ane and Bingley and Elizabeil and Daicy, aie maiiied on ile same
moining. Mis. Bennei is oveijoyed ai laving iliee of lei dauglieis maiiied, iwo of ilem io
veiy iicl young men. Afiei a yeai's siay ai Neileifield Pail, Bingley puiclases an esiaie in
Deibysliie. His moilei-in-law's iiiesome company and lei vulgai belavioi aie ioo mucl
even foi lis calm iempeiameni. Tle novel finally ends on a noie of ieconciliaiion wiil all of
ile claiacieis iiying io foigive and foigei pasi insulis.
Ana!ysis oI Majov Chavactcvs
Elzoheh Benne
Tle second daugliei in ile Bennei family, and ile mosi inielligeni and quicl-wiiied
(-',= -'=), Elizabeil is ile pioiagonisi of PriJe onJ PrejuJice and one of ile mosi well-
lnown female claiacieis in Englisl liieiaiuie. Hei admiiable qualiiies aie numeioussle is
lovely, clevei, and, in a novel defined by dialogue, sle conveises as biillianily as anyone. Hei
lonesiy, viiiue, and lively wii enable lei io iise above ile nonsense and bad belavioi ilai
peivade lei class-bound and ofien spiieful socieiy. Neveiileless, lei slaip iongue and
iendency io male lasiy judgmenis ofien lead lei asiiay; PriJe onJ PrejuJice is esseniially
ile sioiy of low sle (and lei iiue love, Daicy) oveicome all obsiaclesincluding ileii own
peisonal failingsio find iomaniic lappiness. Elizabeil musi noi only cope wiil a lopeless
moilei, a disiani failei, iwo badly belaved youngei sisieis, and seveial snobbisl,
aniagonizing (---) females, sle musi also oveicome lei own misialen impiessions of
Daicy, wlicl iniiially lead lei io iejeci lis pioposals of maiiiage. Hei claims aie sufficieni
io leep lim inieiesied, foiiunaiely, wlile sle navigaies family and social iuimoil. As sle
giadually comes io iecognize ile nobiliiy of Daicy's claiaciei, sle iealizes ile eiioi of lei
iniiial piejudice againsi lim.

Fzwllom Dorcy
Tle son of a wealily, well-esiablisled family and ile masiei of ile gieai esiaie of
Pembeiley, Daicy is Elizabeil's male counieipaii. Tle naiiaioi ielaies Elizabeil's poini of
view of evenis moie ofien ilan Daicy's, so Elizabeil ofien seems a moie sympaileiic figuie.
Tle ieadei eveniually iealizes, lowevei, ilai Daicy is lei ideal maicl. Inielligeni and bluni,
le ioo las a iendency io judge ioo lasiily and laislly, and lis ligl biiil and wealil male
lim oveily pioud and oveily conscious of lis social siaius. Indeed, lis laugliiness males
lim iniiially misiale lis couiislip. Wlen le pioposes io lei, foi insiance, le dwells moie
on low unsuiiable a maicl sle is ilan on lei claims, beauiy, oi anyiling else
complimeniaiy. Hei iejeciion of lis advances builds a lind of lumiliiy in lim. Daicy
demonsiiaies lis coniinued devoiion io Elizabeil, in spiie of lis disiasie foi lei low
conneciions, wlen le iescues Lydia and ile eniiie Bennei family fiom disgiace, and wlen
le goes againsi ile wisles of lis laugliy auni, Lady Caileiine de Bouigl, by coniinuing io

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puisue Elizabeil. Daicy pioves limself woiily of Elizabeil, and sle ends up iepeniing lei
eailiei, oveily laisl judgmeni of lim.
)one Benne onJ Chorles Bnqley
Elizabeil's beauiiful eldei sisiei and Daicy's wealily besi fiiend, }ane and Bingley
engage in a couiislip ilai occupies a ceniial place in ile novel. Tley fiisi meei ai ile ball in
Meiyion and enjoy an immediaie muiual aiiiaciion. Tley aie spolen of as a poieniial couple
iliougloui ile bool, long befoie anyone imagines ilai Daicy and Elizabeil migli maiiy.
Despiie ileii ceniialiiy io ile naiiaiive, iley aie vague (_-', ,=) claiacieis, sleicled by
Ausien iailei ilan caiefully diawn. Indeed, iley aie so similai in naiuie and belavioi ilai
iley can be desciibed iogeilei: boil aie cleeiful, fiiendly, and good-naiuied, always ieady
io ilinl ile besi of oileis; iley lacl eniiiely ile egoiism of Elizabeil and Daicy. }ane's
genile spiiii seives as a foil foi lei sisiei's fieiy, conieniious naiuie, wlile Bingley's eagei
fiiendliness coniiasis wiil Daicy's siiff piide. Tleii piincipal claiacieiisiics aie goodwill and
compaiibiliiy, and ile coniiasi of ileii iomance wiil ilai of Daicy and Elizabeil is
iemailable. }ane and Bingley exlibii io ile ieadei iiue love unlampeied by eiilei piide oi
piejudice, ilougl in ileii simple goodness, iley also demonsiiaie ilai sucl a love is genily
Mr. Benne
Mi. Bennei is ile lead of ile Bennei louseloldile lusband of Mis. Bennei and ile
failei of }ane, Elizabeil, Lydia, Kiiiy, and Maiy. He is a man diiven io aggiavaiion by lis
iidiculous wife and difficuli dauglieis. He ieacis by wiildiawing fiom lis family and
assuming a deiacled aiiiiude included buisis of saicasiic lumoi. He is closesi io Elizabeil
because iley aie ile iwo mosi inielligeni Benneis. Iniiially, lis diy wii and self-possession in
ile face of lis wife's lysieiia male lim a sympaileiic figuie, bui, ilougl le iemains lilable
iliougloui, ile ieadei giadually loses iespeci foi lim as ii becomes cleai ilai ile piice of
lis deiaclmeni is consideiable. Deiacled fiom lis family, le is a weal failei and, ai ciiiical
momenis, fails lis family. In paiiiculai, lis foolisl indulgence of Lydia's immaiuie belavioi
neaily leads io geneial disgiace wlen sle elopes wiil Wicllam. Fuiilei, upon lei
disappeaiance, le pioves laigely ineffeciive. Ii is lefi io Mi. Gaidinei and Daicy io iiacl
Lydia down and ieciify ile siiuaiion. Uliimaiely, Mi. Bennei would iailei wiildiaw fiom
ile woild ilan cope wiil ii.
Mrs. Benne
Mis. Bennei is a miiaculously iiiesome claiaciei. Noisy and foolisl, sle is a woman
consumed by ile desiie io see lei dauglieis maiiied and seems io caie foi noiling else in
ile woild. Iionically, lei single-minded puisuii of ilis goal iends io baclfiie, as lei lacl of
social giaces alienaies ile veiy people (Daicy and Bingley) wlom sle iiies despeiaiely io
aiiiaci. Ausien uses lei coniinually io liglligli ile necessiiy of maiiiage foi young women.
Mis. Bennei also seives as a middle-class counieipoini io sucl uppei-class snobs as Lady
Caileiine and Miss Bingley, demonsiiaiing ilai foolislness can be found ai eveiy level of
socieiy. In ile end, lowevei, Mis. Bennei pioves sucl an unaiiiaciive figuie, lacling
iedeeming claiacieiisiics of any lind, ilai some ieadeis lave accused Ausien of unfaiiness

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in poiiiaying leias if Ausien, lile Mi. Bennei, iool pleasuie in poling fun ai a woman
alieady scoined as a iesuli of lei ill bieeding.
Gcovgc Wickham -
A landsome, foiiune-luniing miliiia officei, Wicllam's good lools and claim aiiiaci
Elizabeil iniiially, bui Daicy's ievelaiion aboui Wicllam's disiepuiable pasi clues lei in io
lis iiue naiuie and simulianeously diaws lei closei io Daicy.

Lydia Bcnnct - Tle youngesi Bennei sisiei, sle is gossipy, immaiuie, and self-involved.
Unlile Elizabeil, Lydia flings leiself leadlong inio iomance and ends up iunning off wiil

Mv. Co!!ins -
A pompous, geneially idioiic cleigyman wlo siands io inleiii Mi. Bennei's piopeiiy.
Mi. Collins's own social siaius is noiling io biag aboui, bui le iales gieai pains io lei
eveiyone and anyone lnow ilai Lady Caileiine de Bouigl seives as lis paiioness. He is ile
woisi combinaiion of snobbislness and labii of winning favoui of wealily people.

Miss Bing!cy -
Bingley's snobbisl sisiei. Miss Bingley beais inoidinaie disdain foi Elizabeil's middle-
class baclgiound. Hei vain aiiempis io gainei Daicy's aiieniion cause Daicy io admiie
Elizabeil's self-possessed claiaciei even moie.

Lady Cathcvinc dc Bouvgh -
A iicl, bossy noblewoman; Mi. Collins's paiion and Daicy's auni. Lady Caileiine lave
qualiiies of class snobbeiy, especially in lei aiiempis io oidei ile middle-class Elizabeil
away fiom lei well-bied neplew.

Mv. and Mvs. Gavdincv -
Mis. Bennei's bioilei and lis wife. Tle Gaidineis, caiing, nuiiuiing, and full of
common sense, ofien piove io be beiiei paienis io ile Bennei dauglieis ilan Mi. Bennei
and lis wife.

Chav!ottc Lucas -
Elizabeil's deai fiiend. Piaciical wleie Elizabeil is iomaniic, and also six yeais oldei
ilan Elizabeil, Clailoiie does noi view love as ile mosi viial componeni of a maiiiage. Sle
is moie inieiesied in laving a comfoiiable lome. Tlus, wlen Mi. Collins pioposes, sle

Gcovgiana Davcy -
Daicy's sisiei. Sle is immensely pieiiy and jusi as sly. Sle las gieai slill ai playing
ile pianofoiie.

Mavy Bcnnct -
Tle middle Bennei sisiei, boolisl and acadamic.

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Cathcvinc Bcnnct -
Tle fouiil Bennei sisiei. Lile Lydia, sle is giilislly enilialled wiil ile soldieis.
Q t:
Dscuss )one Ausen's or oj chorocerzoon.
Claiacieiizaiion is ile soul of any ficiion wiiiei. Ii gives life and spiiii io ile wlole
woil wlicl in iesuli pioduce gieai liieiaiy aclievemenis. If any wiiiei can be said io lave
ieacled neai ile gieai W. Slalespeaie in ile delineaiion of claiacieis, }ane Ausien's name
can be meniioned wiiloui any lesiiaiion. Unlile Fielding and Diclens, ilougl lei canvas is
limiied, as sle deals wiil ile muiual ielaiionslip of only foui oi five families, yei all ile
claiacieis aie piesenied ioially life size. Sle piesenis common place ieal individuals, as
alive now as iley weie in }ane's life iime. Tley aie slillfully diawn io pieseni iealisiic and
iiue-io-life poiiiaiis. Tley ilemselves ieveal ileii peisonaliiies iliougl ileii speecles and
aciions. Tle ieadei limself las io opine wlai soii of people iley aie.
As eveiy ciiiic of ilis gieai novelisi meniioned, }ane Ausien's iange is veiy naiiow in
claiacieis. Tley belong io ile landed geniiy in ile couniiy side. Hei main claiacieis
belong io well biead genile men and women. Sle is mainly conceined wiil ile domesiic
involvemeni of ile couniiy genile. We laidly find ile seivanis, ile labouis and even faimei
communiiy. Tle aiisiociaiic class is also abseni, bui wlen ii appeais ile inieniion is io
saiiiize and iidicule. Lady Caileiine in "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" is piideful, siupid and vulgai.
Ausien's claiacieis nevei go iliougl ile piocess of iepeiiiion. Tle snobbisl
(,-,---+') Mi. Collins is diffeieni fiom Mi. Elion. Mis. Bennei's vulgaiiiy is diffeieni fiom
ilai of Mis. }enning's. Hei claiacieis aie peifecily disciiminaied fiom eacl oilei. Tley
iepieseni a paiiiculai class bui ai ile same iime iley do noi lose ileii sepaiaie ideniiiy. Mi.
Wicllam iepiesenis all pleasani looling bui selfisl fliiis.
Miss Ausien ieveals lei claiacieis iliougl ileii conveisaiion, aciions and peisonal
leiieis. Daicy, Wicllam and Lydia aie ievealed iliougl ileii aciions wlile Mi. Collins is
ievealed iliougl lis leiieis. Someiimes, }ane Ausien males diieci iemails oi commenis io
expose lei claiacieis bui ile siage las alieady been laid befoie.
In "PrJe onJ PrejuJce", sle diiecily iells us of Mi. Collins' insensibiliiy aboui wlicl
we aie alieady awaie of lis leiieis. Miss }ane Ausien also ieveals lei claiacieis iliougl ile
compaiison and coniiasi wiil oileis. Lady Caileiine and Mis. Bennei aie opposiie io eacl
oilei. Daicy and Wicllam aie opposiie io eacl oilei wlile Elizabeil is compaied and
coniiasied wiil }ane.

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}ane Ausien also biings io ligli ile minuie deiails aboui lei claiacieis. Elizabeil-
Daicy ielaiionslip las been piesenied in deiail. Even ile sligliesi speecl oi deed does noi
escape fiom lei leen obseivaiion, lile Daicy's coming io siand wleie Elizabeil is, wlen sle
is plays ai piano. Tlis significance of small deiails comes io ligli wlen we lave compleied
ile novel.
Hei claiacieis aie ieal and life lile. Tley appeai as io be ile people fiom oui
communiiy. Tleii aciions, speecles and aiiiiudes aie ilai of noimal luman beings. Tley
appeai io be ialen fiom oui lome-socieiy. Sle siudies lei claiacieis sympaileiically bui
Hei claiacieis aie an amalgam of good and evil, viiiue and vice. Tley aie pleasing as
well as disgusiing. Lizzy is sensible bui lei sensibiliiy is blinded by lei piejudice.
Miss Ausien's claiacieis aie flai and iound. Paiiiculaily, lei minoi claiacieis aie flai
wlile lei majoi claiacieis aie iound. Lile Mis. Bennei iemains siupid and vulgai fiom ile
siaii iill ile end. On ile oilei land, majoi claiacieis lile Elizabeil and Daicy develop and
clange as ile novel pioceeds. Tley become maiuie ai ile end and come oui of ileii self-
decepiion. Tle sensibiliiy of lei leioines lelps ilem io oveicome ileii iiagic flaws and
ileii iiagic consequences.
All ile claiacieis of }ane Ausien aie ineviiable. Tley aie quiie fii in leeping wiil ile
evenis of ile sioiy. Even ile dull and oidinaiy claiacieis cieaie special inieiesi and claim.
Sle is iiglily said io be "ile close Slalespeaie". Sle iiansfoims ile fool and baie of ieal life
inio claiming and aiiiaciive liieiaiuie.
One of }ane Ausien's gieaiesi meilods of claiacieiizaiion is lei use of iiony. Sle
uncoveis disciepancies (',,'-,',-) and inconsisiencies of luman belavioui iliougl iiony.
In "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" Mis. Bennei, Caileiine, Bingley sisieis, Wicllam and Mi. Collins
aie ile main iaigei of lei iiony.
Afiei laving discussed all ile posiiive aspecis of Ausien's aii of claiacieiizaiion, we
cannoi close oui eyes oi iuin a deaf eai io lei sloii comings. No doubi a few of lei
claiacieis aie noi sufficienily life lile, ieal oi ielevani. Maiiy Bennei fails io impiess us and
even sle is noi ineviiable io ile sioiy. On ile same way, Maigaiei in "Sense onJ
Senshly" nevei comes io life. Bui ilese minoi claiacieis cannoi pieveni us fiom calling
lei as one of ile gieaiesi delineaiois of claiacieis. Tleiefoie, we can say ilai lei claiacieis
aie psyclologically planned and logically siiuciuied.
In sloii, Miss }ane is ceiiainly ile biigliesi siai of liieiaiy loiizon of Englisl ficiion.
Hei aii of claiacieiizaiion is diamaiic. Hei aii iesembles wiil diamaiisi lile Slalespeaie
and Ibsen. Ii las vaiieiy and uniqueness.

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Q z:
Dscuss )one Ausen's rony.
Use of woid wiil lumoious oi saiiiical inieniion, as a iesuli of wlicl ile meaning is
ile exaci opposiie of wlai aciually said, is called iiony. Accoiding io Piof. Clevaliei, "he
hosc jeoure oj every rony s o conros heween o reoly onJ on oppeoronce."
Iiony is }ane Ausien's foiie. Ii is veiy soul of lei novels. Ii las been poinied oui ilai ii
nevei imposes iiself, ii is nevei abseni fiom moie ilan a paiagiapl. }ane Ausien's ilemes aie
insiiuciive. "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" illusiiaies ile dangeis of excessive piide and
uniesiiained (_ ,---' ,-) piejudice. "Emmo" deals wiil ile dangeis of excessive self-
confidence and peisuasion (-,=-) wiil ilose of ovei peisuasion.
Bui ai anoilei level, ile ilemes of all ilese novels aie capable of iionic inieipieiaiion.
In "Sense onJ Senshly", ii is iiue ilai }ane Ausien males sense iiiumpl and sensibiliiy is
depiessed. Howevei, ii cannoi be denied ilai Maiianne, wlo iepiesenis sensibiliiy, is liglly
aiiiaciive claiaciei wlo nevei loses oui sympaily. If }ane Ausien values sense sle also
values sensibiliiy, ilougl io a mucl lessei exieni. Tlus, wlai ile bool mosi significanily
illusiiaies is ilai boil sense and sensibiliiy aie desiiable and indeed necessaiy foi a wlole
life, bui iley aie unable io be pieseni boil ai ile same iime. Tlai is ile iiony of ii.
Tle ileme of "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" can also be inieipieied ai ile iionic level. Tlis
novel piesenis ile coniiasi beiween iniiicacy (_'-,) and simpliciiy as ilose ieims apply io
peisonaliiy. Daicy and Elizabeil aie complex claiacieis, }ane and Bingley aie simple. Tle
fiisi iwo lave depil in ilem bui ileii depil involves ilem in ile dangeis of piide and
piejudice. Tle laiiei iwo aie quiie simple, and ileii simpliciiy iuins oui io be a viiiue. Bui,
ilen would one piefei ileii simpliciiy io ile iniiicacy of Elizabeil and Daicy? Boil iniiicacy
and simpliciiy lave ileii viiiues, bui ile iiony is ilai iley aie muiually incompaiible (-'---).
Tlis iype of ilemaiic iiony iuns iliougl all of }ane Ausien's novels.
Irony oj suoon:
}ane Ausien's novels aie ieally full of iionic siiuaiions. Collins pioposes io Elizabeil
wlen lei leaii is ioo full of Wicllam. Daicy pioposes io lei exacily ai ile momeni wlen
sle laies lim ile mosi. Tle depaiiuie of miliiia fiom Maiyion was expecied io pui an end
io Lydia's fliiiaiions; ii biings aboui lei elopemeni ('-'= ='+- _- +'). Elizabeil ilougli lei
clances of maiiiage wiil Daicy weie compleiely blasied by ile infamy of Lydia's conduci,
bui ile affaii aciually biings ilem iogeilei. Lady Caileiine, aiiempiing io pieveni ileii
maiiiage, only succeeds in lasiening ii.

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Irony oj Chorocers:
Iiony of claiacieis is even moie piomineni ilan iiony of siiuaiion. Isn'i ii iionic ilai
Elizabeil wlo piides leiself on lei peicepiion (,-='-') is quiie blinded by lei own
piejudices oi Emma wlo is so confideni ilai sle lnows eveiybody does noi lnow leiself
and biings lei own life on ile veige of ioial wiecl (_,'--). Wicllam is giaceful io lool ai,
polisled and iefined in manneis, bui ai leaii le is an uniedeemed (_- ,, -- -,+ ,=) villain.
Tle Bingley sisieis laie ile Benneis foi ileii vulgaiiiy, bui aie ilemselves vulgai in ileii
belavioui. Tle faci is ilai ileie aie gieai coniiadiciions and incongiuiiies (-,-,-'-) in
luman naiuie, wlicl aie exposed by ile }ane Ausien foi ile amusemeni and moial
educaiion of lei ieadeis.
Verhol Irony:
Veibal iiony is ile peculiai use of ile language in wlicl ile meanings aie quiie
opposiie io ile suiface meanings. Veibal iiony is ile iesuli of ile iionic ione of }ane Ausien.
Tle veiy fiisi senience of "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" piovides a beauiiful example of veibal
iiony. "I s o ruh unversolly ocknowleJqeJ ho o snqle mon n possesson oj o
qooJ jorune mus he n won oj o wje." Tle meanings iniended in ilis senience aie
ievealed giadually wlicl aie jusi againsi ile suiface meanings. Tle faci is ilai quiie a
numbei of women would lile io iiap a single man in possession of a good foiiune foi a
lusband. Sucl a iype of iionic ione is mainiained iliougloui ile novel.
)one Ausen's rony s comc:
Iiony in }ane Ausien's novels is always means io iicl comedy. Sle enjoys depiciing ile
incongiuiiies of claiaciei bui does noi allow ii io male ile aimospleie of novel dull. Ii is
inieiesiing io noie ilai in "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" ii is ile villainous claiacieis, Wicllam
and Lady Caileiine, wlo aie iesponsible foi uniiing Elizabeil and Daicy.
)one Ausen's Irony s The Insrumen oj o Morol Vson:
Since an iionisi las io be a deiacled ('-`) obseivei of life, Leonic Villaid and Maivin
Mudiicl conclude ilai }ane Ausien is meiely an amused and aiieniive speciaioi and sle
does noi seel io inieipiei life, noi does sle lave any moial vision. Howevei, ii can be
demonsiiaied ilai }ane Ausien is deiacled bui noi iemoved, disengaged bui noi
disinieiesied. Sle uses iiony io slale lei majoi figuies of ileii self-decepiion and io expose
ile lypociisy, pieieniiousness (,'',_---), absuidiiy and inaniiy ( '+,') of some of ile
minoi figuies. Ii is possible io iale a scleme of moial values fiom lei woils. Andiew H.
Wiigli iiglily poinis oui ilai rony n her honJs s he nsrumen oj o morol vson onJ
no o echnque oj rejecon.

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Q :
Dscuss )one Ausen's or onJ lmoons.
Who s "Two nches oj vory"? Elohoroe.
}ane Ausien is a well lnown name in ile Englisl novel wiiiing. Hei age was ile peiiod
of ile Ameiican Wai of Independence, of Fiencl Revoluiion and of Napoleonic wai. Tle
wiiieis of ilai age wiiie aboui ile poliiics and wai in ileii novels. People weie boied and
iensed io see ile monoionous woild. Tley wanied someiling new, fiesl and unique. }ane
Ausien appeaied lile a iose flowei and made people's mind fiesl wiil ile fiagiance of lei
novels, wlen people's soul weie neaily dead. Wlen ile Englisl iomaniic wiiieis
Woidswoiil, Coleiidge, Byion, Slelly, Keais and oileis weie discoveiing exieinal naiuie,
}ane Ausien manages io leep lei claiacieis indoois. Tleie is no doubi ilai sle gave masiei
pieces of Englisl novel bui ieading of lei novels slow ilai lei maieiials aie exiiemely
limiied in ilemselves. We do noi find many ilings in lei novels. Sle also iemailed aboui
"I moy hoos myselj o he wh oll posshle vony, he mos unleorneJ onJ
unnjormeJ jemole who ever JoreJ o he on ouhor."
Sle does noi slow us any of ile gieai agonies of luman expeiience oi ile dailei side
of life. We see noiling of lungei, poveiiy, miseiy. Hei novels do noi deal wiil any of ile
giand passions oi ieiiible vices one finds in life. We see noiling of God oi veiy liiile of a
spiiiiual spleie of expeiience. We see a limiied iange of luman socieiy ioo.
}ane Ausien's usual ileme is love and maiiiage. In almosi all of lei six novels, ileie
aie beauiiful giils waiiing foi ieally eligible baclelois io gei maiiied io ilem. Tleii moileis
and aunis aie always planning low io iiap ilese eligible baclelois. Beyond ilis, ileie is no
oilei puisuii io engage ilem. Tlis was a peiiod of ile Ameiican Wai of Independence, of
ile Fiencl Revoluiion and of Napoleonic wais. Bui }ane Ausien's claiacieis aie blissfully ( _-
_- _-,= -=) unawaie of all ilese iuibuleni evenis. Tle only ielevance of ile miliiia in a }ane
Ausien's novel is iis abiliiy io piovide giils wiil ile landsome miliiaiy officeis io fliii wiil
and if possible io maiiy. Again ileie is veiy liiile ieligion in lei novels. Hei claiacieis aie
noi capable of any deep spiiiiual insigli and ileological speculaiions ('- , _,-,,=). Sle
is a fine delineaioi of social manneis bui avoid all discussions of spiiiiual oi meiaplysical
issues. Loid David Cecil iiglily poinis oui ilai }ane Ausien siudies man in ielaiion wiil eacl
oilei and noi in ielaiion io God, io poliiics oi io absiiaci ideas.

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Chorocers oj OrJnory Ije: Trvol IncJens:

}ane Ausien iales claiacieis fiom veiy oidinaiy life. Hei men do noi lave any ligl
ambiiions. Hei women quieily accepi ileii social posiiion and engage ilemselves exclusively
in maiiimonial puisuiis. In lei novels, ileie aie no gieai villains, no gieai sainis, no unusual
claiacieis, no cynics (, -) and no passionaie people. Hei claiacieis lave veiy even ienoi
of life, spending ileii iime in balls and dinneis, walls, playing caids and visiiing fiiends. In
lei woild ileie aie no siaiiling ( ,= ,'-' - ) evenis iale place, no adveniuies, and no
masieiies. Tle gieaiesi villainy ilai evei disiupis ile evenness of a }ane Ausien's novel is an
elopemeni-Wicllam may elope wiil Lydia oi Heniy Ciawfoid wiil Maiia.
Ironcol Pon oj Vew:
}ane Ausien's view is esseniially iionical. Sle does noi deal wiil ile passionaie, ile
iiagic, and ile widely lumoious. Sle selecis foi iieaimeni only ilose aspecis of social
belavioui ilai can lend ilemselves io iionic iieaimeni e.g. lypociisy and deceiving,
pieieniiousness, incongiuiiies of speecl and conduci. Sle cannoi scale ile silly leiglis of
iomaniic love noi failom ile depils of despaii and fiusiiaiion. Bui sle can laugl sofily ai
ile subile (='-'') inconsisiencies of luman belavioui.
The Women's Pon oj Vew:
}ane Ausien iepiesenis a "jemnzoon oj Enqlsh novel". Sle wiiies as a woman
and on ilemes of inieiesi io women. Bui even ileie }ane Ausien imposes ceiiain limiiaiions
on leiself. Men only appeai in ile company of women. Tleie aie no exclusively male spoiis
lile luniing. Tle novels aie absoluiely clean. Tleie is no obsceniiy (_-- _-), no vulgaiiiy,
noiling ilai is capable of coiiupiing a maid's innoceni leaii. Secondly, ile aciion in lei
novels is unfolded fiom lei leioines' poini of view. In "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" eveiyiling is
looled ai iliougl Elizabeil's eyes. Similai is ile case wiil Emma and Anne Elioi.
Crcsm oj )one Ausen's ImeJ Ronqe:
}ane Ausien's limiied iange las faced some veiy laisl ciiiicism. EJworJ FzqerolJ
ciiiicizes lei naiiow iange, "She never qoes ou oj he porlour".
WorJsworh admiis ilai, "Her novels were on oJmrohle copy oj lje, hu snce
he pervoJnq lqh oj moqnoon wos oolly ohsen n hem, hey coulJ horJly
neres hm."
Since lei women aie ofien secuie economically, a numbei of ciiiics ilinl ilai her
ex s jus money. And since sle lools ai ilings fiom an iionic poini of view, ii being
assumed ilai an iionisi is only a deiacled and disinieiesied obseivei of life, ii is ofien
alleged ilai }ane Ausien las no moial concein.

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Her ImeJ Ronqe DejenJeJ:

}ane Ausien's limiied iange is defendable. Realizaiion of one's limiiaiion is a posiiive
viiiue foi ii also males someone io iealize one's genius and iis piopei applicaiion. If }ane
Ausien lad noi iealized lei limiiaiions and lad noi aiiempied only wlai suiis io lei ialeni,
sle would noi lave pioduced sucl peifeci novels. Sle woils on a naiiow canvas bui wlai
sle loses in laigeness of canvas, sle gains in depil.
Aboui lei limiied ilemes Sr Woler Sco commenis:
"The suhjecs ore no ojen eleqon onJ ceronly never qronJ; hu hey ore
jnsheJ up o noure onJ wh o precson whch Jelqhs he reoJers."
Ii is iiue ilai sle is an iionisi and a deiacled obseivei of life, bui ii does noi mean
ilai sle lacls moial conceins.
To conclude, we may say ilai lei iange may be limiied and lei maieiials iiivial, bui
lei aclievemeni is noi insignificani. Sle males full jusiice wiil ile field wlicl sle selecis
foi novels. So ilai's wly lei novels gain univeisaliiy lile Bacon in piose, Slalespeaie in
diama and Keais in poeiiy.
Q :
Dscuss )one Ausen os o morols.
Is heme oj love onJ morroqe cenrol o "PrJe onJ PrejuJce"?
)one Ausen s concerneJ o morroqe onJ economc conJons
oj her oqe. Do you oqree?
)one Ausen qove he reol jormulo oj hoppy morroqe. Who s
Since, }ane Ausien deals wiil life; sle deals wiil moialiiy and, ileiefoie, basically sle
is a moialisi, ilougl noi an explicii one. Elizabeil Bennei piesenis }ane Ausien's moial

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concein wlen sle says: "The more I see oj he worlJ, he more I om JssosjeJ wh ".
"PrJe onJ PrejuJce" is basically an insiiuciive novel. Hei main concein is low ile people
}ane Ausien ciiiicizes vulgai and pooi siandaids. Sle laugls ai ile silly belaviouis of
people in lei novels. "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" displays and illusiiaies ile dangeis of excessive
piide and piejudice. Bui ile sioiy is moie complex ilan ile siiaiglifoiwaid inieipieiaiion.
}ane Ausien ciiiicizes ile social and moial siandaids and manneis, wlicl aie eniiiely ilose
of money and snobbeiy ( -'-' _-- ). }ane Ausien desciibes low giils in family lile Bennei's
musi succeed in capiuiing iicl young men in oidei io suivive. Tlis is ile need of ile
civilized socieiy.
In ile fiisi clapiei of "PrJe onJ PrejuJce", ile woids lile foiiune, piopeiiy,
business, esiablislmeni and possession lave been consisienily used. Piopeiiy is moie
impoiiani ilan feelings and love. }ane Ausien iionically males us iealize ilai an individual
maiiies socieiy as well as lis maie. Tle socieiy sle desciibes is piopeiiy oiienied ('-,, '==).
In ile union of }ane and Bingley and Clailoiie and Collins, we find piopeiiy oi wealil
dominani facioi.
}ane Ausien delibeiaiely uses business language in "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" io saiiiize
ile soplisiicaied socieiy of lei day. Sle saiiiizes ile ielaiions esiablisled in ile name of
business. Sle consideis giving oneself io a man wiiloui desiie is a poliie foim of
piosiiiuiion. Ii is io saciifice ile mosi valuable iling in life i.e. feelings. Mi. Bennei foigeis
ile possibiliiy of lappiness by maiiying a siupid woman wlo is equal io lis social siaius.
Tliougl, Wicllam-Lydia affaii, }ane Ausien exposes lacl of social enliglienmeni
(_'',= -,). A ielaiion, wlicl is based upon plysical appeal and is ioially lacling genuine
and finei feeling is soonei oi laiei, desiined io collapse. Lydia elopes wiil Wicllam bui
ileii maiiiage is open io many exieinal and inieinal foices. A maiiiage wlicl is based on
financial oi sexual faciois is noi appioved by Ausien.
Besides, }ane Ausien ciiiicizes Bennei's foi noi giving piopei social and menial
educaiion io ileii clildien. Lydia elopes wiil ile landsome Wicllam because of lei pooi
iiaining. Tliougloui ile novel, }ane Ausien lays emplasize on common sense. Sle ciiiicizes
iiiaiional belavioui of Daicy, Elizabeil, Mis. Bennei, Miss Daicy, Miss Bingley and Lydia.
Wicllam is plysically veiy landsome bui spiiiiually veiy ugly. }ane Ausien iliougloui ile
novel emplasizes ilai appeaiances can be decepiive. Daicy is noi a pioud wlicl Elizabeil
in ile beginning ilinls le is. Daicy also leains ilai Elizabeil las ceiiain amazing qualiiies.
Neveiileless, ii is iliougl ile muiual ielaiionslip of Daicy and Elizabeil ilai }ane
Ausien biings inio ligli ile ileme of love and maiiiage, good moials and manneis,
appeaiance and iealiiy, self-lnowledge and muiual undeisianding. In ile beginning of ile
novel, boil ile leio and ile leioine neiilei lnow mucl aboui ileii own-self noi aboui
eacl oilei. Tley aie exposed io piide and piejudice iespeciively. Tley gei maiiied only

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wlen iley develop sufficieni amouni of muiual undeisianding and iespeci. Tlis is }ane
Ausien's foimula of iiue love and maiiiage and is ceniial io "PrJe onJ PrejuJce".
One iling ilai modein ieadei may find in }ane Ausien's novels is ileii being
insiiuciive and inspiiaiional. Bui ilis does noi mean ilai sle is ioially lacling in moial
conceins. Modein ieadeis may admiie Ausien's novels of being ile depiciion of ieal life. Sle
aciually males fun of insiiuciive iendencies of lei age. Sle leiself once said ilai "pcure
oj perjecon moke me sck onJ wckeJ" and sle saiiiized ile lacl of iealism in ile
liieiaiuie of lei age.
Sii Waliei Scoii says:
"I reoJ oqon onJ oqon, onJ jor he hrJ me o leos, Mss Ausen's very jnely
wren novel oj "PrJe onJ PrejuJce". Tho younq loJy hoJ o olen oj Jescrhnq he
nvolvemen onJ jeelnqs onJ chorocers oj orJnory lje whch s o me he mos
wonJerjul I ever me wh. The hq Bow-wow ('--,+- ' _-) sron I con Jo myselj lke
ony now qonq, hu he exquse (-,'---=) ouch whch renJers ('- _'',=) orJnory
commonploce hnqs onJ chorocers neresnq jrom he ruh oj he Jescrpon onJ
he senmen s JeneJ o me. Who o py such o qjeJ creoure JeJ oj so eorly."
In ile end, ii can be said ilai }ane Ausien is definiiely a moialisi bui lei moial
conceins weie diffeieni fiom ilai of lei coniempoiaiies. Tle wlole siudy of "PrJe onJ
PrejuJce" also indicaies ilai maiiiage is occupying ileme of ii. Sle iejecis ile maiiiage
based on plysical appeaiances and ilai foi wealil. Sle is in ile favoui of love foi a lappy
and successful maiiiage.
Q :
Dscuss Elzoheh's chorocer.
Dscuss Jevelopmen n he mnJ onJ heor oj Elzoheh.
Tlougl, }ane and Elizabeil boil aie ile main figuies of ile sioiy of "PrJe onJ
PrejuJce", yei Elizabeil is definiiely ile leioine. Elizabeil noi only iepiesenis one of ile
woids of ile iiile of ile sioiy, sle also quiie iloiouglly dominaies ile aciion. By
compaiison }ane is lile an accessoiy (-,-_+-'-). Tle ielaiionslip of }ane io Bingley, wlicl
iuns paiallel io wiil ilai of Elizabeil and Daicy, is iieaied mucl fully. Ii is mucl simplei
and ii is iniended io commeni on ile main sioiy of lei youngei sisiei and ile pioud Daicy.
Tliougloui ile sioiy }ane ieceives gieai affeciion of Elizabeil and auiloiess. Elizabeil
addiesses }ane in ile following affeciionaie woids:

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"You ore oo qooJ. Your sojness onJ JsnereseJness s reolly onqelc."

Elizabeil is noi as peifeci as }an ilai is wly. }ane Ausien males lei ile leioine of ile
novel. }ane Ausien's concein is wiil complex claiacieis and inieiielaiionslip. }an is noi
complex lile Bingley. Tleiefoie, sle is noi ile leioine of ile novel. }ane Ausien wiiies
aboui Elizabeil:
"I mus conjess ho, I hnk her os Jelqhjul o creoon os ever oppeoreJ n
Daicy's piide and Elizabeil's piejudice aie iwo lalves ilai male ile full sioiy. Tlese
aie iwo faulis and ii is necessaiy io iemove ilem io lave a desiiable peisonaliiy. Tlese aie
necessaiy io be iemoved foi someone's self-iespeci and inielligence. Tle novel males cleai
ilai Daicy's piide leads io piejudice and Elizabeil's piejudice comes fiom lei piide in lei
own peicepiion. }ane and Bingley aie nevei exposed io ilese dangeis. Tley aie noi
sufficienily piofound.
Elizabeil is an inielligeni young woman. Sle las abiliiy io undeisiand people and
siiuaiions quiie well. Sle undeisiands lei family peifecily. Sle lnows William Collins fiom
ile veiy fiisi leiiei. Hei failuies aie wiil ile complex people, wlo aie veiy close io lei. Sle
fails compleiely io undeisiand Clailoiie Lucas, Wicllam and Daicy. "PrJe onJ PrejuJce"
slows ilai iniimacy bluis ('-'= `---) peicepiions ('-='='-'). Inielligence fails if ileie is
insufficieni disiance beiween mind and objeci.
Clailoiie Lucas is a sensible inielligeni young woman. Sle is Elizabeil's close fiiend.
Bui we soon come io lnow ilai Elizabeil does noi compleiely undeisiand Clailoiie's
claiaciei. Ii is because a naiuial lindness and affeciion las blinded Elizabeil io ile
demeiiis of lei fiiend. Sle is asionisled io lnow ilai Clailoiie las accepied Mi. Collin's
pioposal of maiiiage. Sle begins io see Clailoiie as sle is. Sle las leaini someiling fiom
lei expeiience and ilai is wlai }ane Ausien aims ai.
Elizabeil meeis Wicllam and finds lim claiming. Sle easily believes in lis
allegaiion againsi Daicy because sle is alieady piejudiced againsi Daicy. Elizabeil is
annoyed and even angiy wlen Wicllam fails io appeai ai ile Neileifield ball. Elizabeil
wanis io dislile Daicy in oidei io avoid any enianglemeni (,',--_-'-,), wlicl will cosi lei
Sle is asionisled, wlen Daicy iells lei, le loves lei. Sle is also siunned wlen sle
discoveis Wicllam's villainy. Neveiileless, lei lonesiy causes lei io iealize ilai ileie is
mucl jusiice in Daicy's views aboui lei family. Sle ilen discoveis ilai Daicy lad been main
insiiumeni in aiianging ile maiiiage beiween Lydia and Wicllam. Sle iealized ilai lei
piide and piejudice lad blinded lei io Daicy's meiiis. In ile piocess, sle geis lnowledge
and becomes a claiming and fascinaiing luman being foi ile ieadei. Besides, ii is iliougl
Elizabeil's claiaciei ilai }ane Ausien las piopagaied lei iionic view of life. Elizabeil is ile
main souice iliougl wlicl }ane Ausien las exposed and iejecied negaiive values and iiends

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lile piide, piejudice and lacl of self-lnowledge. Sle is also ile defendei of posiiive
belavioui. Elizabeil iiglily deseives ile iiile of ile leioine of }ane Ausien's masieipiece.
Q 6:
Dscuss )one Ausen's Jromoc mehoJ.
"PrJe onJ PrejuJce s lke o comeJy oj monners. Do you oqree?
}ane Ausien's naiuial ialeni is diamaiic. Hei novels aie diamaiic boil in maiiei and
mannei. "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" offeis a nice insiance. Tle eniiie siiuciuie of novel is so
iniensely diamaiic ilai ii appeais a fully developed five aci comedy. Tle ploi falls inio five
naiuial division oi acis.
Tle fiisi aci coveis appioximaiely ile fiisi eiglieen clapieis. Ii begins wiil Mi.
Bingley's ieniing of ile Neileifield and ends wiil lis depaiiuie io London. Tlis minimizes
ile clances of }ane's maiiiage. Lile ile fiisi aci of a play, majoi claiacieis, Bennei's, ile
Bingley's, ile Lucas' and Mi. Daicy aie iniioduced and a conflici siaiis. Ii is ile conflici of
Daicy's piide and Elizabeil's piejudice. Tlis conflici iesulis in ile piopagaiion of ile majoi
ilemes of ile bool, namely ile ilemes of love and maiiiage.
Tle aci iwo fuiilei deepens ile conflici beiween ile leio and ile leioine. Mi.
Collins pioposes Elizabeil bui is iejecied blunily. He maiiies Clailoiie and goes bacl io
Hunsfoid io piepaie foi Elizabeil's visii ileie. Tlis is low }ane Ausien opens up and
exploiis ile diamaiic conflici.
Aci iliee, wlicl siieicles fiom clapiei :y io clapiei (i, is also of gieai diamaiic
significance. Elizabeil pays a visii ai Lady Caileiine's esiaie. Sle geis an oppoiiuniiy io see
boil Wicllam and Daicy in a beiiei peispeciive. Daicy pioposes lei bui is iejecied. Tle aci
ends wiil some iay of lope of a biigli fuiuie.
Aci foui liglliglis ielease of iension and misundeisianding beiween Daicy and
Elizabeil. Elizabeil's visii io Pambeily goes a long way in sofiening lei leaii iowaids Daicy.
Howevei, wlen eveiyiling seems io be moving iowaids lappy union, }ane Ausien gives a
diamaiic iuin io ile sioiy io leiglien ile suspense. Lydia elopes wiil Wicllam and seems
io be desiioying and dailening all clances of Elizabeil's maiiiage wiil Daicy.
Aci five wiinesses ile final iesuli. In loui of gieai ciises, Daicy acis in ile mosi
sensible mannei and confiims ile iiuil of lis newly acquiied nobiliiy. He seiiles down ile
eniiie issue n a peaceful mannei. Elizabeil feels soiiy foi pasi belavioui. Hei iealizaiion

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also confiims lei gaining of self-lnowledge. Daicy again pioposes lei and is giaiefully
accepied. Lile a iypical Slalespeaiean iomaniic comedy, ile novel ends wiil ile iinging of
maiiiage bells. Tlis is low; "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" exlibiis all ile foui majoi plases,
exposiiion, conflici, climax and denouncemeni (--`=) of a full-fledged diama.
Ii iemains io be noied ilai diamaiic conflici is noi only exieinal bui inieinal ioo.
Confliciing ideas and emoiions aie ai wai wiil eacl oilei in ile minds of boil Daicy and
Elizabeil. Tlis all biings io ilem iealizaiion, iepeniance and self-lnowledge. Besides all ile
five acis slow siep-by-siep developmeni of ile ileme of love and maiiiage. Tleie is peifeci
balance beiween aciion, claiaciei and ileme. Tle novel obseives uniiy of aciion, wlicl is
lallmail of a diamaiic ploi.
}ane Ausien's diamaiic meilod is also faiily cleai fiom lei moial conceins. Tle
vaiious ilemes of love, maiiiage, educaiion and self-lnowledge aie caiiied iliougl wiil
cleai-cui moial messages.
}ane Ausien's genius lile ilai of Slalespeaie and Biowning is diamaiic. Tle blends of
wii and diama can be seen in ile siiuciuie, aciion, dialogue, ilemes and claiacieiizaiion of
"PrJe onJ PrejuJce", "MonsjelJ Pork" and "Emmo".
Above all }ane Ausien's aii of claiacieiizaiion is also quiie diamaiic. Hei leading
diamaiic ieclniques of claiacieiizaiion, used by }ane Ausien in "PrJe onJ PrejuJce" aie
cleai iliougl: reolsm, Joloque, comporson onJ conros, conjlc, rony, pen pcure,
Jeochmen onJ ohjecvy, jlo onJ rounJ chorocers, ocon, economy onJ
Bving out thc contvast bctwccn thc chavactcvs oI E!izabcth and


Contvast in Rcspcct oI Physica! Appcavancc:

Elizabeil and }ane aie moie deeply aiiacled io eacl oilei ilan mosi sisieis aie; and yei
iley offei a slaip coniiasi so fai as ileii iempeiamenis and inclinaiions aie conceined. To
begin wiil, iley offei a coniiasi so fai as plysical appeaiance is conceined.
}ane is a veiy pieiiy giil; sle is noi only ile pieiiiesi of ile five dauglieis of ile Bennei
family bui pieiiiei ilan mosi of ile giils living in ile neiglbouilood of Longbouin.
Elizabeil las lei own claim, bui sle is mucl less aiiiaciive plysically ilan }ane. Wlen Mi.
Bingley is dancing wiil }ane, le inieiiupis lis dancing io iell Mi. Daicy ilai lis paiinei
(namely }ane) is ile landsomesi giil ai ile gaileiing, wleieupon Mi. Daicy iells lim ilai
ile oilei giil (namely Elizabeil) is noi so landsome as io iempi lim io asl lei foi a dance.

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By giving ilese negaiive iemails aboui Elizabeil's lools, Mi. Daicy offends lei gieaily
because sle oveileais ile iemail. Laiei, ii is iiue, Mi. Daicy discoveis ceiiain claims
in Elizabeil's appeaiance, in lei eyes, and in lei figuie; bui lis iniiial iemail aboui lei does
indicaie ile diffeience beiween ile iwo sisieis so fai as ileii plysical aiiiaciions aie

Simp!icity versus Comp!cxity:

}ane is a simple-minded giil wlile Elizabeil las a liglly complex naiuie. }ane's ieaciions
io people and io siiuaiions aie ilose of a giil wlo does noi iiy in ile leasi io peneiiaie
beneail ile suiface; Elizabeil, on ile coniiaiy, las a iefleciive ( , _-,-,- -`',= _'', _- )
naiuie and an analyiical mind. Elizabeil's iefleciive naiuie is cleaily indicaied by ile auiloi
because ileie aie seveial passages in ile novel in wlicl ile siaie of mind of Elizabeil is
desciibed io us. Elizabeil's iefleciive iendency is cleaily io be seen in lei ilouglis afiei sle
las iejecied Mi. Daicy's pioposal of maiiiage, in lei mediiaiions ovei ile leiiei wlicl Mi.
Daicy lands ovei io lei on ile following day, in lei ilouglis on ieceiving news of Lydia's
elopemeni, and in lei ilouglis on leaining aboui Mi. Daicy's iole in biinging aboui Lydia's
maiiiage wiil Mi. Wicllam. Hei analyiical iendency is io be found in lei consianily
speculaiing upon ile ieasons pieveniing Mi. Bingley fiom maling a pioposal of maiiiage io
}ane. Tlis iendency is also seen in lei desciibing io Mis. Gaidinei ile naiuie of Wicllam
and ile claiaciei of Lydia, and innei poiniing oui io Mis. Gaidinei low easy ii would be foi
Mi. Wicllam io iale undue advaniage of Lydia. }ane las an eniiiely diffeieni iempeiameni.
Sle accepis ilings as iley lappen and iiies io ieconcile leiself io ilem. Similaily, sle does
noi male any effoii io piobe ile minds of ile people wiil wlom sle comes inio coniaci.
Sle iales ilem on ileii face value.

Sc!I-Asscvtivcncss versus Passivity:

Elizabeil is a veiy self-asseiiive giil; and sle is quicl io ieaci io wlai people say and
low iley belave. Sle iales Mi. Daicy's iniiial negaiive opinion aboui lei io leaii, and
ileieafiei begins io laiboui a giievance and a piejudice againsi lim. Subsequenily, Mi.
Daicy iiies io lumoui and placaie ('- ---'-) lei, bui sle iemains adamani; and, in faci,
becomes fuiilei piejudiced againsi lim because of Mi. Wicllam's allegaiions againsi lim.
Wlen Mi. Daicy pioposes maiiiage io lei, sle quiclly iejecis ile pioposal, and fianlly
siaies lei ieasons foi doing so. Sle does noi mince maiieis ('-'-- -'-) leie bui iells Mi. Daicy
ile giounds on wlicl sle las feli compelled io iejeci lim. Elizabeil is also a dynamic
peison wlo iales iniiiaiives. Foi insiance, wlen Lydia geis ieady io go io Biiglion wiil Mis.
Foisiei, Elizabeil uiges lei failei io siop Lydia fiom ialing ilis siep, and sle iells lei
failei of ile dangeis io wlicl Lydia would be exposed duiing lei siay in ilai ciiy. Ii is
anoilei maiiei ilai lei failei does noi iale any aciion io follow Elizabeil's advice. }ane, on
ile coniiaiy, is eniiiely a passive giil wlo males no aiiempi ai any iime io give a new
diieciion io evenis. Ai Rosings Pail, Elizabeil iemains calm and composed ('-+ _-= ',=)
in ile face of ile vaiious disiegaiding iemails wlicl Lady Caileiine males aboui and lei
family, and also in ile face of ile seveial disiespeciing quesiions wlicl Lady Caileiine asls

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lei. Elizabeil ieiains lei piesence of mind in ile piesence of ilai giand Lady, and is noi
disiuibed. }ane in Elizabeil's posiiion could ceiiainly noi lave faced ile siiuaiion wiil ile
same calmness.

E!izabcth's Fastidiousncss (~='~_'-- _-'-) Versus Janc's Swcctncss and Angc!ic

Elizabeil is a iailei fasiidious giil wlo disciiminaies beiween one man and anoilei,
and beiween one woman and anoilei woman. Sle quiclly peiceives ile diffeience beiween
Mi. Daicy and Mi. Bingley. Sle quiclly undeisiands ile claiaciei and naiuie of Mi. Collins
wlose pioposal of maiiiage sle iejecis wiiloui ile leasi lesiiaiion. Ai one
poini Elizabeil iells }ane ilai sle liles few people and ilai sle ilinls well of even fewei
people. Sle says ilai sle is fed up wiil ile inconsisiencies in luman beings. }ane, on ile
coniiaiy, foims a good opinion aboui eveiybody iill sle is given some evidence io ile
coniiaiy. Elizabeil, foi insiance, poinis oui eaily in ile novel ilai }ane begins io lile
eveiybody sle meeis and ilai sle liles even siupid peisons. Elizabeil fuiilei says ilai }ane
las a iendency io lile people in geneial. Sle says io }ane: You never see o joul n
onyhoJy. All he worlJ ore qooJ onJ oqreeohle n your eyes. I never heorJ you speok ll
oj o humon henq n my lje. Laiei in ile novel, Elizabeil says: "My Jeor )one, you ore
oo qooJ. Your sweeness onJ JsnereseJness ore reolly onqelc. Siill laiei in ile
novel, Elizabeil iefeis io }ane as a peison laving ile mosi affeciionaie and geneious leaii
in ile woild. Accoiding io Elizabeil, }ane is all loveliness and goodness. Elizabeil ilinls
ilai }ane las capiivaiing manneis. Now, Elizabeil can ceiiainly noi be desciibed in ilese
glowing ieims wlicl Elizabeil uses aboui }ane, ilougl Elizabeil is lovable in lei own way.

E!izabcth's Savcastic Wit (_',- ,-- ',--=) versus Janc's InoIIcnsivc (_-'; _-,- -- ','-) Ta!k:

Elizabeil las a saicasiic wii and sle ofien males use of ii in ile couise of conveisaiion.
Sle las a capaciiy io laugl ai people's absuidiiies, as sle leiself iells Mi. Daicy eaily in ile
sioiy. Laiei we aie iold ilai Elizabeil lad laugled ai Sii William's absuidiiies so ofien ilai
le lad ceased io be a souice of amusemeni io lei. Elizabeil can iale ievenge wlen Miss
Bingley says someiling unpleasani io lei. }ane, on ile coniiaiy, can nevei mocl ai oi
iidicule anybody. Noi can sle laugl, even siealilily, ai people's absuidiiies. Foi insiance,
sle las failed io noiice ile absuidiiies of Mi. Collins. }ane is, in faci, peifecily inoffensive in
lei iall, and would noi lile io injuie anybody's feelings. Elizabeil desciibes Mi. Collins as a
egoisiic, pompous (--- -,=), naiiow-minded, and silly man. And Elizabeil fuiilei says
ilai Clailoiie las pioved io be an iiiaiional giil by laving agieed io maiiy Mi. Collins. }ane
ileieupon says ilai Elizabeil las used ioo siiong a language in spealing aboui Mi. Collins
and aboui Clailoiie. Heie we see cleaily ile diffeience beiween Elizabeil's ouilool and

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DiIIcvcnt Attitudcs towavds OIIcnding Pcvsons

}ane is a sileni suffeiei duiing ile peiiod in wlicl Mi. Bingley iemains away fiom lei.
Of couise, sle slows iaie couiage in enduiing lei disappoinimeni in love. And yei sle does
noi blame Mi. Bingley's sisieis foi ileii negaiive iole in ile wlole affaii. Elizabeil iells lei
ilai Mi. Bingley's indiffeience io lei is due cliefly io ile bad influence upon lim of lis iwo
sisieis, Miss Bingley and Mis. Huisi. Bui }ane does noi accepi ilis view. Sle is inclined io
give Miss Bingley and Mis. Huisi ile benefii of ile doubi.

E!izabcth's Statcmcnt about thc Contvast:

Towaids ile end of ile novel, Elizabeil leiself liglliglis ile coniiasi beiween }ane and
leiself. }ane las expiessed lei wisl ilai Elizabeil slould also gei ile lind of lusband sle
(}ane) is going io gei, wleieupon Elizabeil ieplies ilai sle could nevei be lappy even if sle
weie io gei foiiy lusbands of ile lind }ane is going io gei because sle does noi lave }ane's
iempeiameni. Howevei, soon afieiwaids Elizabeil also geis a lusband wlo is suie io male
lei as lappy as }ane is going io be wiil Mi. Bingley.

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