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Tener un accidente Hacerse dao, lastimarse Caerse Romperse Torcerse Cortarse Picar Ocurrir Tener lugar Acabar de Ayudar Doler (oue) Sentirse (eie) Tomar la tensin arterial, pulso, radiografa, unos rayos equis Reducir el hueso Poner en un yeso, un vendaje Cerrar la herida Poner puntos (suturas) Parecer Fractura Herida Picadura

To have an accident To do oneself damage, to hurt oneself To fall To break something To sprain To cut To sting To happen To take place To finish with To help To hurt To feel To take blood pressure, pulse, radiography, x-rays To realign the bone To put on a cast, wrap To close the wound To put on stitches, sutures To appear Fracture Wound Bite/sting

Dolor Hinchado/a Mdico/a Cirujano/a ortopdico/a Enfermero/a Tcnico/a El/la Socorrista El servicio de primeros auxilios La ambulancia La camilla El hospital La sala de emergencia/urgencias La recepcin La silla de ruedas Las muletas El/La vctima Llenar el formulario
Words you should know: Cuerpobody Hombro--shoulder Brazoarm Cuello--neck Pechochest Codoelbow Muecawrist Dedofinger Piernaleg

Pain Swollen Doctor Surgeon Nurse Technician Life saver/EMT First aid Ambulance Stretcher Hospital ER/Urgent Care Reception Wheelchair Crutches Victim Fill out the form

Rodillaknee Tobilloankle Pie--foot Caraface Frenteforehead Mejillaeyebrow Nariznose Labiolip Odo/orejaear


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