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After Sch oo l Cl ass – Level 1- Weathe r October 10, 2005

Target Vocab:
1. What’s the weather like? How’s the weather?
2. Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Stormy, Foggy, Muggy, Nice, Hot, Cold,
3. I- Ink, Igloo, Ice Cream
4. J- Jam, Jet, Jar
5. K- Key, Kite, Kid
6. L- Leg, Log, Lion

Activity 1 – Review (5-10 mins)

-What did we talk about last class? (e, f, g, h and House)
-Ask how are you to everyone and invite a student to change the face and word
-review E, F, G, H word and ask them (p.12 active phonics)
-review house words from last time with picture cards (“Where is ____?” activity)

Activity 2 – Intro and Listen (5-10 mins)

-Today we will learn about the weather (use bulletin board) and ask how is the weather
-Teach Weather Words: Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Stormy, Foggy, Muggy,
Nice, Hot, Cold, Hail (with pictures)
-p.18-19 in student book.
-listen and point, listen and repeat, listen and number
-p.19-top: How is the weather in the pictures

Activity 3 – Weather activity (20-25 mins)

-Weather Forecasting:
-draw picture of weather under time and day
-Ask students what their predictions are
-Weather Bingo:
-draw picture in circles
-say one word and the students with bingo gets

Activity 5 – Active Phonics (10 mins)

-last week we learned about the letters E,F,G,H
-Today we will learn the letters I,J,K,L
-p.120, listen and repeat after me
-ask for a word that starts with ____
-write one of the IJKL words on the board
-one student comes up and must guess the word from the other student’s hints
-if time and too easy add in all words we learned until now.

Extra time:
 Weather clap-clap game (actions with weather words and say 1. “How’s the
weather?” 2. Clap Clap 3. “Its _______” with action” Same action as teacher
sits down and is out.
 Discuss “How’s the Weather?” and “What’s the weather like?”
After Sch oo l Cl ass – Level 2 –F av or ite Sp ort
October 10, 2006
Target Vocab:
1. Do you want some…?
2. Does he have any…?
3. Can I sit here?
4. What time is it?
5. Pizza, Cheese, Watermelon, Pretzels, Grapes, Potato Chips, Crackers, Peanuts

Activity 1 –Review (10 mins)

-What did we talk about last class?
-Ask how are you to everyone and invite one student to change the face and word
-What day is it today?
-What did we learn last class? (Sports)
-Review words and play ‘Kasper says’ game with sports words

Activity 2- Listen (5-10 mins)

-Today we will be learning about food and lunchtime words
-What foods do you already know?
-Look at page 18 and 19
-listen/point then listen/repeat and listen/number the pictures at bottom

Activity 3- Balloon Game (10 mins)

-Keep the balloon in the air together but when you touch it you must say a food word

Activity 4 – Dialogues (15 mins)

-let’s look at the dialogues on p.18-19.
-listen/point then listen/repeat
-p.20-21 Listen and speak activities

Activity 5 – Body Clock Game (15 mins)

-One of the dialogues is about time
-Talk about time using moveable clock
-Two teams (Or one team depending on how many students) Yell out a time and the
fastest team (or students if no team) to make the time get candy

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