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Shane Catherine Besares IV- Charity

Project in Trigonometry
A dog is guarding a bird that is on top of a 4 m cage. With the angle of elevation at 50, how far is the dog from the bottom of the cage?

Solution: Let x = the length of the dog from the bottom of the cage

tan 50 = (1.19) = (1.19) x = 4

50 4m

x= x = 3.36

Therefore, the length of the dog from the cage is 3.36 meters.

Joshekeil tied a 100 meter string on the top of his house. What is the height of his house with an angle of elevation at 45?
Solution: Let x = the height of the house
100 m

sin 45 =

(0.71) = (0.71) 100 = x x = 71 Thus, the height of the house is 71 meters.

Ynna is holding a 120 inches string attached to her toy car. With the angle of depression at 15, how far is the car from her?
Solution: Let x = the height of the house

cos 15 = (0.97) = (0.97) 120 = x x = 116.4 x

120 inches


So, the car is 116.4 inches away from Ynna.

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