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Market research suggests that a large population of online users in ndia are

single & below the age of 30. As ndia starts reaping its demographic dividend
you are confident that the population in this segment will only increase. You have
decided to target this market with an nternet based dating service.

Your business plan can encompass a website, mobile apps, facebook etc.
You are aware of the cultural & privacy related challenges, which threaten the
success of any such venture in ndia.

This time the competition will test you across 3 stages:

Stait Bate: th Sept.HEnu Bate: th 0ct.

This summaiy uocument shoulu covei the following aspects
- List all the featuies you woulu uevelop in the piouuct in the fiist yeai, in
oiuei of piioiity, with a line uesciiption foi each featuie ( page)

- List all the maiketing anu business uevelopment initiatives you woulu take in
the fiist yeai with a - line uesciiption of each ( page)

- Builu a multi-scieen mockup foi youi usei signup flow

List cleai monetization stiategies that you will use, with a line uesciiption of

It will have bolu text intiouuction anu a usei sign up flow uisplayeu. The othei
featuies will be iegistiations scieen a link foi the blog, which will have subsections
such as viueos anu aiticles anu gifts section etc. Theie will be a sepaiate link to
uownloau the mobile app. The site will also have a facebook siuebai wheiein we will
have a link to all the comments. Rest of the featuies of the site will be like nay othei
uating site.

Mobile App
The mobile application will be integiateu with a location baseu seivice anu will senu
a message if the peifect match accoiuing to the uetails enteieu is neaiby. It will senu
both the useis the opposites pic anu will ask if they want to uate oi not, giving some
othei uetails anu a timeline of like minutes to ueciue. If both piess uate then the
app will shaie each othei phone numbeis.

Facebook Page and Facebook App
Facebook App will be like a moie viitual woilu app - Taking both the giil anu boy to
a viitual situation anu then asking theii iesponses. A fuithei extension if theie aie
enough useis, this can be maue uynamic by actually having two useis on a viitual
uate, captuiing live iesponses fiom boy anu giil without uisclosing theii names. IF
aftei the whole viitual uate is ovei the two expiess inteiest in knowing each othei
names anu pictuies, aftei which they can select whethei to uate oi not.

Theie will be enhanceu secuiity matching the usei pictuie to the facebook pic of the
usei, anu seveial othei secuiity measuies to make suie that only authentic useis

Srketlng SnJ buxlnexx Jevelopment lnltlStlvex you woulJ tSke ln the flrxt yeSr
wlth S - llne Jexcrlptlon of eSch ( pSge)

ChSnge Objectlve: to chSnge the perceptlon ln InJlS Sbout JStlng lx only for
xerloux relStlonxhlp, or xomethlng llke thSt.
beautiful girls:
O e select beautiful girls tbrougb beauty contest online in metio city
anu make them a bianu ambassauoi of the website.
O Take this beautiful giils anu guys acioss the city. The giils woulu go to the
guy anu ask the o you want to go on a date?" anu then hanuovei a
pamphlet of the website.
O uys can login anu tiy to get a date witb tbe most beautiful girls in the city
anu same foi giils with most hanusome guys
O iils woulu weai the t-shiit saying easy way to talk to me-try online" with
oui website name on the t-shiit
O irtual dating wheie two people who aie inteiesteu can go on a viitual uate
online anu by the enu of it can ueciue to go on a ieal uate. Best viitual uate
win piizes eveiy week
O e will give movie tickets anu othei fiee coupons that can be useu foi uate.
People entei a contest anu then start playing dating game. If you can make
a couple anu win piizes then those couples woulu both get uating gift
hampeis such as movie tickets, iestauiant canule light uinnei etc
O Best ove etter, proposal ueciueu by the numbei of likes woulu get gift
O OOH SnJ Ilve eJlS: An animateu viueo of the entiie piocess will be playeu
on the 00B anu Live Neuia acioss all the places.
O beatre Advertisements: In the inteival once the movie stoppeu, the aus
goes on like .. look at ui left, look at ui iight.. now still u think u wuu finu ui
soul mate by coinciuence. think again.
O ie-up witb movie and dating sbows in
O seis can get auvice fiom best uating expeits anu giils online thiough viueos
anu blogs
O Reuuce the feai of failuie with oui tiy uating online which teaches them how
not to sciew up the uate

ullJ S multl-xcreen mockup for your uxer xlgnup flow

Ilxt cleSr monetlzStlon xtrSteglex thSt you wlll uxe, wlth S llne Jexcrlptlon of

O Aftei the mobile application shaies the numbei at the point of uisplay we
woulu uisplay the auv. of iestauiants floiists othei possible hangouts
with this such that both of them can choose a suitable location also. This
woulu attiact.
O 0n virtual dating and dating game, we woulu have hangout places like CCB,
PizzaBut, NcB which woulu influence the minu of consumei even befoie they
stait uating anu acts as a auveitising platfoim foi the hangout places
O Auveitisement in oui website
O Auveitising thiough oui giils beautiful contest foi giils piouucts on t-
shiit anu pamphlets
O The mobile app service woulu be fiee only foi the fiist months aftei
which the useis woulu have to pay a subsciiption fee foi the usage of these
O Additional ubscription: Aftei the initial few uating viueos on site we will
have auuitional viueos foi uating website.
O Cbatting and special features: you have to pay to chat with people who aie
in piemiei club

ponsored Events:

Facebook App:


Currently Jotinq exists os o preJecessor to morrioqe.
To Jote someone you bove to know o lot of tbinqs obout bim,ber
6uys ore more Jesperotes for o Jote
Sociolizinq exists only online. Fxperience tbe worlJ outsiJe.
Botinq con result into qooJ frienJs rotber tbon just life portners
People Jont know wbot to Jo on o first Jote
Ieor of rejection
Tbe perception of Jotinq is tbot we Jote if we wont to bove o relotionsbip witb
someone rotber tbon just os o sociolizinq


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