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lacLors LhaL conLrlbuLed Lhe success of SLarbucks

O erlenLlal 8randlng SLraLegy

O each
O 9roducL varleLy
O usLomer Servlce
O lgh quallLy coffee
O @ransformed coffee consumLlon from a lcklng behavlor Lo an eerlence wlLh hlgh credence

value 9rooslLlon
O @o creaLe an eerlence" around Lhe consumLlon of coffee an eerlence LhaL eole would
walve lnLo Lhelr llfe
O @o creaLe an amblence" based on human slrlL sense of communlLy and Lhe need for eole Lo
come LogeLher

8rand lmage
O nywhere everywhere good coffee on Lhe run caLures SLarbucks lmage comleLely
Why cusLomer ls hlghly saLlsfled and loyal ?
O SLarbucks wanLs cusLomer Lo reLurn Lo Lhe sLore and send Llme so as Lo ensure more
O @o ensure cusLomer loyalLy SLarbucks needs Lo focus on lnLeracLlon quallLy 9hyslcal
envlronmenL quallLy and ouLcome quallLy

O 9eole worklng ln Lhe organlzaLlon (@ralnlng and 9roLocols Lo handle Lhe cusLomers)
O 9rocess of renderlng servlces (undersLand usLomer's needs/ Cuerles CeLLlng orders
ecuLlon of an order eLc)

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