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Sonla 8oy

1he Lost
Narrat|ve 1heory
ln Lhe flrsL eplsode of 'LosL' l can ldenLlfy Lhe use of
ropp's narraLlve Lheory Some aspecLs of Lhe flrsL
eplsode show dlfferenL roles of each characLer wlLhln
Lhe programme lor example Lhe beglnnlng parL of
LosL shows !ack as a hero golng around Lrylng Lo save people Pe Lrled helplng Lhe pregnanL
lady and also goL Lhe black women lylng on Lhe floor back Lo llfe agaln 1hls evldenLly shows
LhaL !ack ls porLrayed as Lhe 'Pero' ln order Lo save as many people as he can he acLs fasL
and ls always on hls Loes AfLer he has Lalked Lo Lhe pregnanL lady he leaves a man behlnd
wlLh her who can look afLer her and shouL ouL Lo hlm when slLuaLlon geLs worse Lhls
parLlcular man ls an example of Lhe helper Pe helps Lhe maln hero ln solvlng problems buL
cannoL Lake Lhe maln credlLs because LhaL ls Lhe Pero's [ob LaLer on a women ls also
lnLroduced lnLo Lhe sLory she ls asked by !ack Lo helps hlm sew back hls wound LogeLher ln
Lhls case she appears Lo be maybe Lhe fuLure love lnLeresL for !ack ln ropp's Lheory she
would porLray Lhe prlncess's role alLhough due Lo lL belng a modern sLoryllne Lhe women
can help ouL and acLually conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe acLlon unllke Lhe old sLoryllnes whlch lllusLraLes
women as damsel ln dlsLress ln Lhls eplsode Lhere ls Lhls old bald man who glves Lhls evll
smlle Lo Lhe herolne Lhls makes Lhe audlence presume he may be Lhe baddle ln ropp's
Lerm he would maybe be consldered as Lhe vlllaln 1he bald look and Lhe scraLch on hls face
ls llke a sLereoLype and Lherefore makes Lhe audlence assume he ls Lhe fuLure baddle
alLhough Lhe audlence sLlll don'L know Lhls whlch makes lL a mysLery and lnLeresLlng 1he
bald guy ls shown mosLly slLLlng on Lhe beach sLarlng aL Lhe sea Pe has no dlalogues wlLhln
Lhe flrsL eplsode and hls sllence creaLes more suspense lL ls almosL llke he ls hldlng
someLhlng from us and Lhls makes Lhe audlence even more curlous LaLer when Lhe sLrong
sLorm approaches everyone sLarLs runnlng for shelLer buL Lhe bald man sLays calm and sLlll
Pe decldes Lo sLay ouL ln Lhe raln and geL drenched he Lhen looks up lnLo Lhe sky and grlns
Lhls characLer ls elLher always caughL wonderlng or grlnnlng abouL someLhlng Lhls bullds up
suspense as well for Lhe audlence When !ack and kaLe go off lnvesLlgaLe Lhe cock plL
anoLher fellow survlvor also follows Lhem and glves Lhem company Pe can also be
consldered as Lhe helper because he supporLs Lhe Pero 1hls person also adds humorous as
he glves funny remarks and enLerLalns Lhe hero and herolne Lo Lhe cock plL 1owards Lhe
endlng of Lhe parL Lhey all sLarLs runnlng away from Lhe cock plL afLer hearlng some welrd
sounds ln Lhe background and Lhen Lhere was blood presenL Loo As Lhey run Charlle's leg
geLs sLuck ln Lhe mud so !ack belng Lhe hero goes Lo rescue hlm whllsL kaLe conLlnues Lo
run AfLer someLlme kaLe reallses she on her own and she geLs scared Lhen suddenly Charlle
appears buL wlLhouL !ack Lhls creaLes a LwlsL ln Lhe sLoryllne because Lhey were acLually
LogeLher Lhls may also change how Lhe audlence see off Charlle and make Lhem susplclous
Pe may be Lhe false hero ln Lhe sLory
Sonla 8oy

Sound Lechnlques have been used Lo make Lhe flrsL eplsode of 'LosL' effecLlve 8oLh non
dlegeLlc and dlegeLlc sound have been used Lo creaLe effecL and engage Lhe audlence 1he
LlLle sequence ls nondlegeLlc ls a very mysLerlous sound ln Lhe background whlch helps
creaLe a mood for Lhe audlence All LhroughouL Lhe eplsode a loL of nondlegeLlc sound ls
used ln Lhe background Lo bulld up Lenslon for example when Lhe Pero walks beLween Lhe
vlcLlms afLer Lhe plane crashes Lhere ls Lhls consLanL sound ln Lhe background qulLe low an
deep AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe eplsode we can hear a loL of screamlng and shouLlng ln Lhe
background Lhls ls dlegeLlc sound and lL ls used Lo creaLe a sense of reallsm and make Lhe
slLuaLlon as reallsLlc as lmposslble lL also adds Lo Lhe suspense of Lhe sLoryllne and engages
Lhe audlence ln conLlnulng Lo waLch lL LaLer on ln Lhe eplsode Lhere are sudden sounds
added by Lhe posL producLlon ln beLween Lensed scenes Lo make Lhe audlence aware of
someLhlng's occurrlng a llLLle laLer on and Lo also bulld up Lenslon lor example when !ack
and kaLe were havlng a llLLle conversaLlon abouL Lhelr names sLralghL afLer LhaL Lhere ls Lhls
shocklng nolse ln Lhe background whlch converLs all Lhe audlence's aLLenLlon Lo Lhe nolse
1he nolse lLself ls dlegeLlc because Lhe characLers can hear lL Loo buL Lhe background sound
added Lo creaLe suspense and a mood for Lhe slLuaLlon ln nondlegeLlc A blL laLer on afLer
Lhe eplsode sLarLs Lhe credlLs sLarL appearlng and Lhere ls Lhls plece of muslc played ln Lhe
background Lo maLch wlLh Lhe vlsuals 1he background score was qulLe depresslng and sad
Lhe Lempo of Lhe muslc was low and reflecLed whaL Lhe audlence could see happenlng 1he
vlsuals lnvolved were of people lylng on Lhe floor some dead some survlvlng 1he muslc
worked perfecLly Lo creaLe a mood for Lhe audlence and also creaLe empaLhy for Lhe
characLers AnoLher obvlous dlegeLlc sound used was Lhe dlalogues beLween each
characLers 1he dlalogues conveyed Lhe characLers role and lmporLance lL also showed Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween characLers wlLhln Lhe eplsode lor example when Lhe women enLers
Lhe eplsode and sLarLs Lalklng Lo !ack [usL by Lhe dlalogues Lhe audlence knows LhaL Lhere
musL be some lnLeresL beLween Lhe maln leads (hero and herolne) When Charlle kaLe and
!ack go Lo Lhe cock plL Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhere ls a long pause of sllence whlch agaln adds Lo Lhe
suspense and keeps Lhe audlence lnLeresLed 1hen Lhe sudden nolses boLh dlegeLlc and
nondlegeLlc have a blgger lmpacL on audlence and shocks Lhem 1he naLural sounds of
beach sea waves clashlng and ralnfalls are all dlegeLlc Lhey are used Lo make Lhe scene

8eallsm ls consLrucLed ln Lhe flrsL eplsode of 'LosL' 1he eplsode had some aspecLs whlch Lhe
audlence can relaLe Lo lor example Lhe plane crash ls a slLuaLlon LhaL can occur anyLlme
and people end up ln really serlous clrcumsLances afLer a dlsasLer such as LhaL 1he sound
Sonla 8oy

effecLs especlally Lhe dlegeLlc sounds creaLed a sense of reallsm Loo 1he Lyplcal sounds we
would hear ln LhaL slLuaLlon are people screamlng crylng calllng ouL for help 1he
performance of Lhe acLors also play a key role ls maklng a scene reallsLlc !usL before Lhe
plane crashes how Lhe characLers reacL Lo Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhere expresslon puLs Lhe
audlence lnLo Lhelr shoes and experlence lL for Lhemselves 1hls helps bulld empaLhy for Lhe
characLers 1he emoLlons and feellngs of Lhe characLers porLrayed also make Lhe scene
seem real 1he props used wlLhln Lhe eplsodes such as Lhe plane pen food logs for flre
sea are Lhlngs we would expecL Lo see 1hls also ls an evldence for reallsm 8eallsm ls also
evldenL Lhrough Lhe envlronmenL Lhey were under 1he plane crashed lnLo a coasLal area
where Lhere was sand Lhe sea and some planLs also presenL 1hls ls a reallsLlc envlronmenL
and Lherefore creaLes reallsm well All Lhe characLer wore casual cloLhlng wlLhln Lhls eplsode
whlch agaln Lhe audlence can relaLe Lo because lL reflecLs everyday llfe slLuaLlon We would
expecL passengers Lo be wearlng normal cloLhlng and noL fancy dresses 1he maln hero
wears a sulL whlch makes hlm seem lmporLanL from Lhe resL buL lL ls also someLhlng we
would expecL a man Lo wear 1hls also creaLes a sense of reallsm

'LosL' flLs Lhe convenLlons of a 1v drama because Lhe maln ploL of Lhls drama ls based
around Lhe hero and herolne whlch are qulLe Lyplcal for 1v dramas AnoLher way 'LosL' flLs
Lhe convenLlons of a 1v drama ls LhaL llke any oLher dramas Lhls drama also conLalns
dlfferenL roles and characLers such as Lhe hero herolne vlllaln helper eLc 1here ls also an
obvlous love lnLeresL bulldlng up beLween Lhe Lwo maln leads whlch agaln are expecLed
1he flrsL eplsode sLarLs wlLh a problem and Lherefore Lhe audlence knows whaL Lo expecL
1hrough Lhe upcomlng eplsodes Lhe audlence would expecL Lo see Lhe maln leads acLually
worklng Lo solve Lhe problem whlch ls also a common aspecL ln 1v dramas 'LosL' also shows
some aspecLs of good versus evll 8y waLchlng Lhe flrsL eplsode of 'losL' Lhe audlence can
assume Lo see good verse evll as mosLly all dramas evolve around Lhls LralL 1he use of boLh
dlegeLlc and nondlegeLlc sound also makes 'LosL' flL Lhe convenLlons of a 1v drama We
would expecL Lo hear Lensed muslc ln Lhe background when someLhlng blg has occurred or
ls golng Lo happen ln LosL Lhere have been many occaslon where Lhe background score
bulld up Lenslon for example when kaLe and !ack goes Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe cock plL Lhe
background muslc helped creaLe suspense Lhls ls Lyplcal for an acLlon advenLure drama
CLher dlegeLlc sounds such as screamlng and shouLlng are also Lyplcal heard ln an acLlon
packed 1v drama so Lherefore ls anoLher way losL flLs Lhe convenLlons 1he camera angles
used ln losL such as exLreme close ups close ups showed Lhe expresslon of Lhe characLers
and Lhe close ups have also been used Lo add Lo Lhe suspense Llke any oLher 1v dramas
close ups are used Lo show someLhlng blg has happened for example ls LasL enders some
eplsodes end wlLh a persons close up Lhls ldea ls very much used ln 1v dramas AnoLher
camera angle used repeaLedly ls Lhe shoLreverseshoL Lhls angle ls always used durlng a
Sonla 8oy

conversaLlon beLween Lwo people lL shows Lhe reacLlon of each characLer regardlng whaL
Lhey are Lalklng abouL and lL also creaLes lnLlmacy and shows Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lo
characLers 1hls camera angle ls used ln all 1v dramas and Lherefore ls a convenLlon

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