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Data Analisis Variables Entered/Removed(a) Variables Entered Variables Removed

Model 1

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability -of-F-toenter <= .050, Probability -of-F-toremove >= .100).


a Dependent Variable: jeniskad Model Summary(b) Adjusted R Square .014 Std. Error of the Estimate 1.29829

.136(a) .018 a Predictors: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Model 1

R Square

ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares 6.650 353.968

Model 1

df 1 210 211

Regression Residual Total

Mean Square 6.650 1.686

F 3.945

Sig. .048(a)

360.618 a Predictors: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) minsai2 2.868 Std. Error .467 .226 -.136 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 6.144 -1.986 Sig. .000 .048

-.450 a Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Excluded Variables(b) Collinearity Statistics Model 1 Beta In .050(a) .033(a) t .725 .478 Sig. .470 .633 .869 Partial Correlation .050 .033 -.011 Tolerance 1.000 .980 .738

minpmq2 mintoes2 minaq2

-.013(a) -.165 a Predictors in the Model: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Residuals Statistics(a) Minimum Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual 1.5184 -2.41787 -2.473 -1.862 Maximum 2.4179 1.48157 2.593 1.141 Mean 1.9575 .00000 .000 .000 Std. Deviation .17753 1.29521 1.000 .998 N 212 212 212 212

a Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Variables Entered/Removed(a) Variables Entered Variables Removed

Model 1

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability -of-F-toenter <= .050, Probability -of-F-toremove >= .100).


a Dependent Variable: belamjur Model Summary(b) Adjusted R Square .042 Std. Error of the Estimate .89679

Model 1

R .216(a)

R Square .047

a Predictors: (Constant), minpmq2 b Dependent Variable: belamjur

ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares 8.280 168.890

Model 1

df 1 210 211

Regression Residual Total

Mean Square 8.280 .804

F 10.296

Sig. .002(a)

177.170 a Predictors: (Constant), minpmq2 b Dependent Variable: belamjur

Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) minpmq2 .424 Std. Error .448 .157 .216 Standardized Coefficients Beta t .945 3.209 Sig. .346 .002

.504 a Dependent Variable: belamjur

Excluded Variables(b) Collinearity Statistics Model 1 Beta In mintoes2 minsai2 minaq2 .038(a) .063(a) -.057(a) t .555 .937 -.847 Sig. .580 .350 .398 Partial Correlation .038 .065 -.059 Tolerance .982 1.000 .997

a Predictors in the Model: (Constant), minpmq2 b Dependent Variable: belamjur Residuals Statistics(a) Minimum .9283 -.93709 -4.648 Maximum 1.9371 1.56733 .444 1.748 Mean 1.8491 .00000 .000 .000 Std. Deviation .19810 .89466 1.000 .998 N 212 212 212 212

Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual

-1.045 a Dependent Variable: belamjur

Variables Entered/Removed(a) Variables Entered Variables Removed

Model 1

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability -of-F-toenter <= .050, Probability -of-F-toremove >= .100).


a Dependent Variable: jeniskad Model Summary(b) Adjusted R Square .014 Std. Error of the Estimate 1.29829

Model 1

R .136(a)

R Square .018

a Predictors: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares Regression Residual Total 6.650 353.968 360.618

Model 1

df 1 210 211

Mean Square 6.650 1.686

F 3.945

Sig. .048(a)

a Predictors: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 B (Constant) minsai2 2.868 -.450 Std. Error .467 .226 -.136 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 6.144 -1.986 Sig. .000 .048

a Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Excluded Variables(b) Collinearity Statistics Model 1 Beta In .050(a) .033(a) t .725 .478 Sig. .470 .633 .869 Partial Correlation .050 .033 -.011 Tolerance 1.000 .980 .738

minpmq2 mintoes2 minaq2

-.013(a) -.165 a Predictors in the Model: (Constant), minsai2 b Dependent Variable: jeniskad

Residuals Statistics(a) Minimum Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual 1.5184 -2.41787 -2.473 -1.862 Maximum 2.4179 1.48157 2.593 1.141 Mean 1.9575 .00000 .000 .000 Std. Deviation .17753 1.29521 1.000 .998 N 212 212 212 212

a Dependent Variable: jeniskad

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