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blueprint as a result.

蛋白质,被用于器官、腺体、系统和肌肉组织中每个细胞的构建。经常的,3000 股之前的提升者,会由于细

Due to spiritual law, it is not wise to eat flesh as there are no agreements to do so and therefore initiates
create karma with the nature kingdoms in the consumption of meat, poultry, or lamb. There are
agreements to consume fish and shellfish at this time; and so this is the better resource of protein for
ascending humans. Shellfish in particular contains cholesterol and other fatty acids helpful to ascension
of the nervous system and may be the best choice. For a long time Mila and Oa enjoyed sushi and ate a
load of shellfish; until their biology mastered another state in which protein from fish sources was no
longer required. At this time they also came to understand that the slaughter thought-form within fish that
they were consuming was negatively affecting their relationship and school in the creation of unconscious
harm. And so they gave up the consumption of all flesh including fish at this juncture.

和 Oa 喜爱寿司而吃上一大堆贝类,直到他们的生物体掌握了另一个状态,其中不再需要来自鱼类的蛋白质

For those who have mastered a vegetarian digestive system, the eating of fish will
provide too much protein in a single meal for the digestive enzymes to properly
break a part. The food may ferment instead of digest as a result. The digestive
enzymes alter quite radically in mastery of the vegetarian digestive system and
become very good at obtaining protein from vegetable sources. Following such
mastery, beans of almost any kind become a good resource of protein. Mila is fond
of making hummus from organic dried garbanzo beans as a good daily protein
source. Hummus also contains tahini (sesame seed butter) and the combination of
nutrients makes this dish highly supportive of ascension due to the vitamin B and E
along with protein content.

质的很好来源。Mila 喜欢用有机的鹰嘴干豆制成鹰嘴豆泥,当作日常的蛋白质来源。鹰
嘴豆泥也含有芝麻酱,这些营养的混合,让这道菜由于含有维他命 B、E 和蛋白质而非

Eating a little papaya or dried papaya following a meal

with beans is also helpful to prevent the formation of gas.
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