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Anthony Sarino AMDG CN#35 1-0 Our interviewee Mari Carrion has modeled her faith in a number of ways

throughout her life. She goes to mass every day, devotes her time to fix the multimedia presentations for every mass and prepares the readings for the masses of the day. She even spends her first 3 hours of her day praying the Liturgy of the Hours in the prayer room of her parish. I have learned to be faithful to God in all things. When I get embarrassed I have to say thank you because this is a sign from God telling me that I am not perfect and that I need to be persevering to strive to be perfect. For example, she said I was thankful for the embarrassment that my teacher gave me. She said that my handwriting was garbage, which led me to practice my handwriting by copying a book until my handwriting was perfect. I was challenged by my interviewee to live out faith by understanding the mass. No matter how old the readings or the gospels are, they are still good news for us. She challenged me to really pay attention to the readings and the gospels because she said that they are somehow all interconnected and have a common theme of helping us be closer to our God.

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