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D|fferent a|ternat|ve methods for creat|ng xce|s|us dashboard on SA and

nonSA data

CL1crysta| reportsL|veoff|cekce|s|us Dashboard

CL1]DSC(data storage ob[ect)Crysta| reportsL|ve Cff|cekce|s|us dashboard

CL1DSC]Stag|ng|nfocube]8Wun|versewaas]LIVL Cff|cekce|s|us

Crysta|L|veoff|cekce|s|s Dashboard
k]3DSo8LkCkL|ve off|cekce|s|us Dashboard

uery as web serv|ce

Create ondemand dash board w|th the be|ow components
1 L|st 8Ck
2 Co|umn chart
3 Connect kefresh 8utton
We need to create 2 uer|es
uery 1
Log on to query as webserv|ce
C||ck on nextchoose the des|red un|verse
Create a query on the year ob[ect
Create a one more query w|th qtrsa|es revenue w|th year w|se prompt

Log on to kce|s|us go to dataconnect|on
ADDquery as webserv|ce
aste the f|rst ur| |n ur|
C||ck on |mport
Map the year w|th the b|ank co|umn
Go to usage se|ect refersh on |oad
Go to add
Create one more query as web serv|ce connect|on
aste the second query ur| |n wsd| ur| c||ck on |mport
Map the qtr w|th b|ank co|umn
Sa|es revenue w|th other b|ank
U need to map w|th year prompt
Map the prompt w|th new b|ank ce||
Go to usage refresh on |oad
Now drag and drop the ||st box from component browser to canvas browser
Doub|e c||ck on the ||st box
Map the |abe|s w|th year co|umn
Se|ect |nsert|on type as |abe|
Map the dest|nat|on w|th the second query prompt b|ank ce||
Drag and drop the co|umn chart from component to canvas browserco|umn
Drag and drop the connect|on refresh button
Doub|e c||ck on connect|on refresh button
Se|ect the connect|on 2 (make the t|ck)


Steps for creat|ng a dynam|c dashboard w|th ||ve off|ce connect|onon the top of
the un|verse

Log on spreadsheet
Go to ||ve off|ce |nsert new query
Choose the des|red un|verse c||ck next
Se|ect yearsa|es
Make the query
C||ck on next c||ck on f|n|sh
L|ve off|ce pub||sh to bus|ness ob[ect enterpr|se save to bus|ness ob[ect
Nav|gate to the fo|der |n the repos|tory
C||ck on save
Log on to xce|s|us|mport from enterpr|se
Data connect|onAdd ||ve off|ce connect|ondef|nat|on
kep|ace webserverw|th 8C server name
Go to usage refresh on on|oad
Drag and drop the component browser
Irom here map the co|umn data w|th su|tab|e components that |t

Steps to create ondemand dashboard w|th one prompt

Log on spread sheet
Go to ||ve off|ce
Insert new query nav|gate for un|verse
Make a query year quarter sa|es w|th year prompt
Make the year a prompt
C||ck on next
Se|ect the va|ue from the prompt
C||ck on next c||ck on f|n|sh
Se|ect b|ock (empty b|ock ) go to ||ve off|ce tab and c||ck on mod|fy ob[ect
Se|ect the prompt enab|e choode exce| data range
Map the empty ce||
Lxport the bus|ness ob[ects repos|tory
Log to the xce|s|us go to data
Import from enterpr|se
Nav|gate the spread sheet c||ck open
Go to the data connefct|on add||ve off|ce connect|on
Usage refresh on |oad
Se|ect the components map the data w|th components


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