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1he word |umb|ng comes from Lhe LaLln plumbum for lead as plpes were once made from lead
|umb|ng lumblng ls a general Lerm lndlcaLlng Lhe pracLlce maLerlals and flxLures used ln Lhe
lnsLallaLlon or malnLenance of all plplng flxLures appllances and appurLenances used ln connecLlon
wlLh boLh publlc or prlvaLe waLer supply sysLems as well as sanlLary or sLorm waLer dralnage sysLems
wlLhln or ad[acenL Lo any bulldlng and lLs connecLlon wlLh any polnL of publlc dlsposal
|umb|ng system lL ls Lhe enLlre sysLem of plplngs flxLures plpellnes eLc for provldlng waLer
supply or dralnage Lo a bulldlng or premlses
llombloq wotet sopply system lncludes Lhe waLer supply and dlsLrlbuLlon plpes sLorage
Lanks eLc
llombloq utolooqe system lncludes waLer closeLs urlnals and oLher such appllances Lraps
soll wasLe venL and anLl slphonage plpes house dralns or house sewers eLc
Ava||ab|e nead kes|dua| nead vallable head ls Lhe pressure of waLer avallable from a waLer maln
aL Lhe ground floor level of Lhe premlses 8esldual head (also called Lermlnal pressure) ls Lhe
pressure avallable aL Lhe Lall end of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem WaLer maln Servlce plpe WaLer maln ls
a waLer supply plpellne lnLended for general publlc use and malnLalned by Local or dmlnlsLraLlve
uLhorlLy Servlce plpe ls Lhe plpe exLendlng or Laklng ouL of Lhe waLer maln and used for feedlng
waLer from Lhe maln Lo bulldlng
Supp|y |pe D|str|but|ng p|pe opply plpe ls Lhe plpe whlch exLends from Lhe sLop cock Lo Lhe
enLrance of Lhe sLorage Lank ulsttlbotloq plpe ls Lhe plpe connecLlng Lhe sLorage Lank Lo Lhe varlous
sanlLary flxLures Laps eLc for Lhe purpose of dlsLrlbuLlon of waLer supply lnslde Lhe bulldlng
Storage 1ank stotoqe took ls a Lank for sLorage of waLer and whlch ls connecLed Lo Lhe waLer
maln by means of a supply plpe
I|ush|ng 1ank flushlng Lank/clsLern ls a clsLern wlLh arrangemenLs for flushlng a waLer closeL
urlnal slnk or draln
Stack 8ranch and Crossconnect|on tock ls a general Lerm used for any verLlcal llne of dralnage
8ranch ls a parL of Lhe plplng sysLem dlscharchlng lnLo a sLack ctosscoooectloo ls an arrangemenL
connecLlng Lwo plplng sysLems one conLalnlng poLable waLer and oLher havlng waLer of
quesLlonable safeLy
8ackf|ow A|r Gap ock flow ls Lhe flowlng back of waLer or oLher llqulds lnLo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlng plpes
of a poLable waLer supply of waLer from any source oLher Lhan lLs lnLended source Alt Cop ls Lhe
unobsLrucLed verLlcal dlsLance Lhrough Lhe free aLmosphere beLween Lhe lowesL openlng from any
plpe or flLLlng supplylng waLer Lo a Lank or plumblng flxLure and Lhe flood level rlm or Lhe Lop edge
of Lhe recepLacle

1he waLer supply Lo a house or bulldlng beglns wlLh Lhe connecLlon of Lhe servlce plpe wlLh Lhe
munlclpal waLer maln 1he connecLlon comprlses of Lhe followlng
1 errule rlghL angled sleeve made of brass/bronze [olned Lo an openlng drllled ln Lhe
waLer maln ls called a ferrule lL ls screwed down wlLh a plug 1he slze of ferrule varles from
1cm Lo 3cm bore
2 SLop cock lL ls a conLrol valve used for regulaLlng Lhe supply of waLer from Lhe waLer maln
lnLo Lhe bulldlng or premlses lL ls flxed by Lhe auLhorlLy aL Lhe end of communlcaLlon plpe
1he sLop cock ls provlded before Lhe waLer maln enLers Lhe waLer meLer ln Lhe house lL ls
housed ln a sulLable maln chamber wlLh a removable cover and ls flxed ln Lhe sLreeL close Lo
Lhe boundary wall SomeLlmes lL ls provlded [usL before Lhe waLer meLer lnslde Lhe house
wlLh boLh of Lhem ln one chamber
3 WaLer meLer n appllance used Lo measure quanLlLy of waLer flowlng Lhrough Lhe servlce
plpe ls known as Lhe waLer meLer

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