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want you to take out a film each week watch it and tell the story to your partner using

You should make about 20 FF frames and over 333 words as well/

VLC software is free and is good.

Try this

Try and find the RSTRUS like below

Other software has HFH

You should install this on your PC at home.
Or ask the I people for advice

I wnnf you fo fInd sovornI nrfnors who hnvo wnfchod fho snmo fIIm nnd I wnnf you
fo foII fho sfory fo your nrfnor ns wo usunIIy do.
%ry your bosf fo rncfIco sonkIng In IngIIsh. If's okny jusf fo rond whnf you hnvo
wrIffon down for homowork.
If your nrfnor doosn'f undorsfnnd ho or sho cnn chock fho monnIng whon you hnvo
fInIshod. Your nrfnor shouId nsk quosfIons nbouf fho monnIng of your oxInnnfIon.
%ry nof fo oxInIn In Jnnnoso ns soon ns you hnvo sokon IngIIsh bocnuso If
doosn'f work. If nffocfs how you sonk IngIIsh. If nffocfs how you fhInk I
If nffocfs how your nrfnor honrs IngIIsh. If nffocfs how ho or sho fhInks I
IngIIsh. ofo I quIfo undorsfnnd If`s dIffIcuIf fo oxross whnf you wnnf fo sny In
IngIIsh fho Imorfnnf oInf Is fo roInx.
If you cnn`f uso fho rIghf word, uso nnofhor word you know. You nrfnor shouId
hoI you wIfh fhIs.
ofo I Iof you uso Jnnnoso bocnuso If's nnfurnI fo mo fhnf you do fhnf. Whnf Is nof
nnfurnI Is fo frnnsInfo ovoryfhIng bnck Info Jnnnoso ns you hnvo rond If.

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