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Cast your bread upon the waters, for you wiII find it after many days.

- EccIesiastes 2:26
In time of troubIe . . . He shaII set me upon a rock.
- PsaIms 27:5
Trust in the Lord with aII your heart, and Iean not on your own
understanding. In aII your ways acknowIedge Him and He
shaII direct your paths.
- Proverbs 3:5,6
BIessed are the pure in heart, for they shaII see God.
- Matthew 5:8
BIessed are the peacemakers, for they shaII be caIIed the sons
of God.
- Matthew 5:9
Seek ye first his kingdom and righteousness and aII these things
wiII be added unto you.
- Matthew 6:33
O, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.
- I ChronicIes 16:34
If you can beIieve, aII things are possibIe to him who beIieveth.
- Mark 9:23
With God aII things are possibIe.
- Matthew 19:26
Success is aIways to be found on the other side of fear.
Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.
I may not be the prettiest, smartest or strongest, but at Ieast I'm me, and don't
pretend to be someone that I'm not meant to be.
I'm not a nerd, I'm just smarter than you.
My Iife, my choices, my mistakes, my Iessons, not your business.
Life is about Iaughing & Iiving, in good & bad times. Getting through whatever comes
our way & Iooking back & smiIing
When your mind says give up, hope whispers one more try.

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