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Mome(s): _____________________________________

8Iock: ________
Lutin Americu rochure Progect

Due Dofe: ________________________
Counfry: _________________________

%usk: You hove opened your own froveI ogency. In order fo show off your new business, you musf creofe o brochure
on o porficuIor Lofin Americon nofion which incIudes inferesfing ospecfs obouf ifs cuIfure ond geogrophy. The
brochure musf be offrocfive. Time is running ouf offer you sef up your ogency ond ifs webpoge. You wiII hove OME
fuII cIoss fo reseorch ond gofher informofion ond OME fuII cIoss fo sef if up ond furn if in.

Check Lisf:
___Come up wifh o TroveI Agency nome
___Peseorch fhe geogrophy (does if hove deserfs or mounfoins, efc.7)
___Peseorch fhe IifesfyIes ond cuIfure (whof Ionguoge dioIecf, whof reIigion, whof jobs, whof
ceIebrofions, efc. efc.7)
___Peseorch fhe governmenf (whof kind7)
___Peseorch fhe economy (imporfonf exporfs/imporfs, whof kind of economic sysfem, efc.)
___Creofe o brochure on pubIisher or word wifh of Ieosf 8 picfures.
___Cifofions [four minimum] in MLA formof on mini-poge, under eoch picfure fhere musf oIso be on MLA cifofion

PIeose see rubric for groding criferio.

CompIefed Projecf:
You &$% compIefe bofh [o] ond [b] beIow:

[o] Since o 5rinted projecf musf furned in, prinfing if in COLOR wiII odd fo ifs oppeoIl The Iibrory hos o coIor
prinfer which you moy occess before, during I-8Iock, offer or before schooI.

[b] Creofe o subpoge in your UMIT III: Lofin Americo fob. TifIe fhis poge: " Lofin Americon Mofion 8rochure". 8e
sure fo Iood oppropriofe picfures on your poge. You musf oIso incIude your four minimum cifofions on fhis poge
in proper MLA formof.

Take pride in your work- make this a true reflection of your best effort!
A B C D F (unacceptabIe)
Content (18-20 points)
Shows an accurate and
precise understanding of
the topic and material.

!ictures and sources
cited in MLA format.

Content (16-17 points)
Shows a very accurate
understanding of the
topic and material.
Some errors, mostly
minor in nature
!ictures and sources
cited in MLA format.

Content (14-15 points)
Shows some
understanding of the
topic and material.
Generalizations only;
no meaningful detail.
!ictures and sources
cited somewhat in
MLA format.

Content (12-13 points)
Shows minimal
understanding of the
topic and material.
Generalizations only; no
meaningful detail.
!ictures and sources
cited somewhat in MLA

Content (0-11 points)
Shows insufficient
understanding of the
topic and material.
Insufficient care taken
to quote material and
responsibly credit it.
Borrowed, in whole or in
part, from work of
another student or
Graphics (9-10 pts)
ntegrates at least 6
graphics into the
pamphlet. All graphics
must be credited to the
correct source if they are
not student-created.
Graphics (8 pts)
ntegrates at least 5
graphics into the
pamphlet. All graphics
must be credited to the
correct source if they are
not student-created.
Graphics (7 pts)
ntegrates at least 3-4
graphic into the
pamphlet. All graphics
must be credited to
the correct source if
they are not student-

Graphics (6 pts)
Graphics are
incomplete, or missing.
Graphics (0-5 pts)
There is no attempt to
integrate graphics into
the pamphlet.
Insufficient care taken
to responsibly credit
graphics. Borrowed, in
whole or in part, from
work of another student
Format (9-10 pts):
Spelling, grammar,
sentence structure
mostly accurate.
Booklet rendered neatly
and somewhat
Format (8 pts):
Minor spelling, grammar,
and sentence structure
mistakes. Booklet
rendered with some
Format (7 pts):
Careless spelling,
grammar, and
sentence structure
mistakes. Neatness is
Format (6 pts):
Serious proofreading
errors and flaws in
sentence structure.
Booklet may be hastily
Format (0-5 pts):
Insufficient care taken
to spell correctly, write
according to normal
customs of grammar.
Little care to follow rules
of project.
Mini-page (8)
Created as directed with
correct Tab name,
correctly affixed citations
and more than one
required picture
Mini-page (6-5]
Set up as directed
with appropriate
picture and affixed
Mini-page [0-4]
Not set up as directed;

Final Score ___________/48

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