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Life after death


( This Document is a draft send your comments to improve it).

Death is when the soul leaves our body, it happens to all humans, it is unavoidable. But death is not to be feared, this life is just a test, we can pass the test by praying, doing good deeds and by following the path of Islam. One of the main concepts of Islam is that there is life after death, on the day of judgement it will be decided whether you will go to heaven or hell, this will depend on your good and bad deeds. Hell is a place of fire and torture; this is where the disbelievers, people who did not believe the message of Allah will go. Sinful Muslims may also go to hell but they will be eventually granted heaven.{How sinful Muslims will go to Jannah, CLEARIFY} The people who were good in life, the believers, will go to heaven a place were they will have heavenly and holy beverage{WHY THIS WORD, USE AN ALTERNATE WORD} and whatever food they wish to have. There is some dispute over whether disbelievers will ever enter heaven{who said it is disputed, you have already answered this question above} but the people who have done good for the world, people such as Nelson Mandela who fought for people all over the world, who made a difference, might enter heaven. Now we will go into some detail on the day of judgement, this will be the day that all sins and good deeds will be remembered some sign of the day of judgement are: children will not listen to their elders, people will shout in the mosque and the poor will become rich. The angel micaael will blow the horn and the angel izrael will take out our souls, there will be a massive open space where all of the people of the earth will stand on the day of judgement, their souls will be weighed to see how good and bad deeds they have committed.

The Quran has referred to the day of judgement a lot in the Suras that I have summarised, there are a lot of references to the day of judgement in the 30th sparah and this could be because of the fact that the day of judgement is the last day.

I conclude by stating that you{one} should avoid sin to enter paradise. By Shahid Farooq

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