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Northeast - The Lord Himself

East - Lord of Knowledge-Indra

North - Lord of Wealth-Kubera
Southeast - Lord of fire-Agni
Northeast - Lord of Vayu or Air
South - Lord of Death-Yama
West - Lord of night-Varuna
Southwest - Lord of Demons-The Anti God-Niruti
It is a subtle way of indicating where the building should come and where the vacant
space for garden, water bodies etc should be present. The Northeast should be vacant as
the Lord is present there. It is also called DEVA MOOLA or GOD's place.
East stands for knowledge and hence there should be sufficient setback in this
direction for the children to make progress.
North is the place of Lord of wealth.Open area here enriches the family.
South, West and Southwest are occupied by dark forces and to subdue them the
structure should come in this portion of the plot.
Southeast is for kitchen as this is the place of fire.
Northwest is for bath and toilet.
Placement and loading as per these dictates is supposed to bring cheer to the plot

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