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The Unconditional Love of Pets!

By : Karen Everett Watson

Its impossible to measure the joy that pets bring into our lives.
For many elderly people, pets are their reason to get up each morning! Did you know that pets provide therapy for older adults?

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Research has found that stroke victims recover their speech faster because they talk to their pets.
Assisted-living facilities and nursing homes have discovered the benefits

of having pets around. Many will now allow their residents to keep a pet. Its just good business happy clients are the best advertisement! Elders, who move into a facility with a pet, adjust much easier, making it easier on the staff and less worry on the family.

There are so many health benefits to keeping a pet. They encourage us to keep a schedule. Their need for taking walks can get us out into the fresh air for good

And who doesnt stop to talk to someone

walking their dog. These social connections are vital to older folks who often live alone. For the older adult who has lost their spouse, a pet plays a vital role in working through the grief.

Pets give us a sense of being needed. Older people who have declined in strength and ability still need to

feel that theyre counted on. Pets depend on us for love, food and exercise.
My friend, Irene is in her mid 80s and loves her dog, Sophie. I just need a dog, she said. If Ive been out and come back home, she treats me like the Queen of England!

Experts have found that a pet can help lower blood pressure and ease

the symptoms of depression. And who doesnt talk to their pet? Verbal responses are known to stimulate the brain and help keep dementia at bay. Jim Roswurm, a retired veterinarian, enjoys his two Cairn Terriers.
They have an unbridled enthusiasm for life, he said. Just a joy for living. Its like a spark plug start for me even when this old body is tired. Its impossible to stay depressed when my little dogs bring me a ball or a big, wet kiss.

For an elder who suffers with arthritis or is recovering from an injury,

a pet can also be a part of their therapy. Throwing a dog a ball can help with limited mobility. Brushing their pets hair can improve their grasp. The love and companionship of pets are tonics to our bodies and our spirits! ews/BabyBoomerNews/PublishingImages/Fotolia_295591 4_XS.jpg

So, if you have a lonely elder, the chances are good that a pet would bring them great joy, a better outlook on life and the companionship they need.

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