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Abstract class in an operational amplifier program

by Janbred Tup on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 7:52am Create a program to output the following in a message dialog (use JOptionPane)

Input voltage = vi (user input in dialog box) Feedback resistance = rf (user input in dialog box) Input resistance = ri (user input in dialog box) Output voltage for inverting amp = vo1 (calculated value)

Output voltage for inverting amp = vo2 (calculated value)

Note: use abstract class for parent class. Define abstract method getVoltageGain in parent class. Child classes: Inverting amplifier Non Inverting Amplifier Like Dislike Share

Janbred Tup ECE 5B: 28 minutes ago Like

Janbred Tup This will be our activity tonight. Pwde nyo na gawin, para maya may time pa tayo code review. 25 minutes ago Like

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