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52211519 52211523 Mr.Chaiwat Mr.Chutiwat Kaewyai Sappachaiy

Whats holography?
Holography is the process or technique of making holograms, which are three-dimensional images. A hologram is produced by the interacti on of two beams of laser light (light composed all of the same color, or wavelength), which have b een split from a single beam by a mirror.

Example holography

Principle of Holography
Holographic Principle is about encoding information from (D+1)dimensional space onto Ddimensional space. It can be the interference pattern on a photographic plate from a threedimensional object, or the entropy impressed on the surface of a black hole, or a physical theory translated into another form. Such principle is now embraced by some physicists,

Interference Imaging Holography is "lensless photography" in which an i mage is captured not as an image focused on film, but as an interference pattern at the film.

The Transmission Hologram

The coherent light from the laser is split to form an object beam and a reference beam. The light from the illuminated object and the reference beam form an interference pattern on the film. This pattern (hologram) contains

Viewing a Transmission Hologram Holography is lensless photography. The image is ca ptured in the interference pattern on the film, and the image ca n be reconstructed for viewin g by shining the coherent light of a laser

How it's made Holograms


Materials Practical Holography HNDT Techniques Medical Holography Diffractive Optics


Phone Holography Mail Holography Computer Holography Dictionary Holography Book Holography Memories Holography Equipments

Principle of Holography have 3 steps : 1. Interference Imaging 2. The Transmission Hologram 3. Viewing a Transmission Hologram Holography technology is

Resource of the data http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.

edu/Hbase/optmod/holog.html R15-22-holographic.htm

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