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8uslness communlcaLlon

resenLed Lo Slr 8laz Pussaln
8y Plra lkram
nazlsh 1arlq
Wa[lha ShaukaL
Sana SulLan 8ao
Top 10
mysteries oI the
1be most beootlfol tbloq we coo expetleoce ls
tbe mystetloos lt ls tbe sootce of oll ttoe ott
ooJ oll scleoce ne to wbom tbls emotloo ls o
sttooqet wbo coo oo looqet poose to wooJet
ooJ stooJ topt lo owe ls os qooJ os JeoJ bls
eyes ote closeJ Albett lostelo
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #1
Crop C|rc|es
,any people sLlll clalm LhaL
whlle some crop clrcles are
almosL cerLalnly fakes oLhers
are genulnely creaLed by allen
lnLelllgence 1hey polnL ouL
LhaL Lhe arrangemenLs are Loo
complex Lo be creaLed by hand
ln such a shorL Llme
Unexplained Mystery #2
The Pyramids of Egypt
Who 8ullL 1hem???
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #3
8|gfoot (aka Sasquatch)
Would sclenLlsLs be
able Lo flnd hoLo
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #4
UICs] Area S1
local farmer reporLed
seelng a large dark
clrcular flylng ob[ecL
flylng aL wonderful
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #S
1he 8e|mez Iaces
,ore and more faces
conLlnued Lo appear on Lhe
floor of ,arla erelras
klLchen Some were male
some female some large
and some small
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #6
1he Mayan rophecy
1he world may come
Lo an abrupL end
any Llme any day
wlLhouL warnlng
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #7
1he Stonehenge
ne of Lhe greaL unexplalned
phenomena Lhe meanlng of
SLonehenge ls sLlll noL clear
Loday Was lL a Lemple a burlal
ground an observaLory or an
anclenL calendar? WlLhouL a
Llme machlne Lo go back and
ask we may never know
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #8
Loch Ness Monster
1he reporL quoLed a Londoner
who had vlslLed a few weeks
earller as seelng a mosL
exLraordlnary form of anlmal
Lhe nearesL approach Lo a
dragon or prehlsLorlc anlmal
LhaL l have ever seen ln my
Unexp|a|ned Mystery #9
8ermuda 1r|ang|e
1here are a huge number of
dlsappearances LhaL happened
ln very mysLerlous
clrcumsLances falllng beyond
Lhe posslblllLles of human
error equlpmenL fallure or
naLural dlsasLers
Dnexplalned ,ysLery #10
WhaL ls pulllng Lhe unlverse aparL?
1here ls a force aL
work LhaL seems Lo
be operaLlng
conLrary Lo Lhe force
of gravlLy

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