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Cake Box - 店舖 開業投資及 回本期 (For Reference)

Size: Gross area 78 sq.ft.

冷氣、消防、牌照 Ventilation, Fire, Licence --
店舖裝修、設計、傢俬 Shop Renovation, Design & Furniture HK$60,000
冷凍儲存櫃及其他設備 Freezer & other Equipment --
轉手費(包括牌照) Transfer Fee (including License) HK$50,000
舖租 (2個月按金,202平方呎) Rent (2 months deposit, 202sq.ft) HK$32,000
入貨及其他按金 Inventory and other deposits HK$50,000
水電按金 Utility deposit HK$10,000
三年特許經營加盟費 3 years Franchise Fee HK$70,000
店舖策劃行政費 Project Administration Fee HK$35,000
首月舖租、管理費 Advanced Rent, Management Fee HK$19,049
開業宣傳費 Grand Opening Fee HK$20,000
流動營運資金 Operating Cash HK$20,000
總開業投資額 Total Opening Investment HK$366,049
- 舖租及按金 Less Rent & Deposit - HK$131,049
實質投資 HK$235,000

estimated based on monthly turnover : 100,000

產品成本 Food Cost (38%) HK$38,000

舖租 Rent ($16000 or 19% turnover) HK$16,000
差餉 Rates HK$585.8
冷管費 Management + Cleaning Fee HK$3,049
工資 Salary (16%) HK$16,000
專利費 Royalty Fee (3%) HK$3,000
行政及宣傳費 Admin. & Promotion Fee (3%) HK$3,000
水、電、電話費及雜費 Utilities & Misc. Chrg (4%) HK$4,000
每月平均開支 Monthly Operating Expenditure : HK$83,635

每月營業額Monthly Turnover HK$90,000 HK$100,000 HK$110,000
每月開支Monthly Operating Esp. HK$77,235 HK$83,635 HK$90,035
額外租金支出 Turnover Rent Difference HK$1,100 HK$3,000 HK$4,900
純利Net Profit HK$11,665 HK$13,365 HK$15,065
回本期 (月)Return-On-Investment(mths) 20 18 16
* Set-up Cost including one upright freezer ($16,000), Hoarding ($12,000), Decoration ($32,000),
* Assupmtion: Tentative Value of Exts./New Equipment ($50,000), License transferred from existing tenant

*Payment procedure required by City Super: All income from the sales of the product will be collected by City Super Ltd.
and retained by City Super Ltd. After deduction of the fee and related expenses, City Super will issue sales report within
15 days and pay to Licensee within 20 days of the following months.

*** All above figures are subject to + - 10% variance ***


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