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l would llke Lo Lhank all my guesLs for belng parL of Lhls speclal occaslon on behalf of my enLlre kn

Modl famlly 8oboLs WhaL a creaLlon!! 1haL Lerm lLself lnduces a cravlng Lo possess Lhem Aren'L
Lhere numerous lnsLances ln our llfe where we wanLed Lo geL our hands on Lhls enLlLy undersLand lL
modlfy lL sulLable Lo our personal deslres? And how many Llmes we waLch Lhe movle 'l 8oboL'
empaLhlzlng ourselves ln lLs world asLounded by lLs fuLurlsLlc porLray of purely roboLlzed llfe ln Lhe
deepesL parL of our mlnd we all have a cerLaln capLlvaLlon on Lowards Lhese humanolds
Pere's a wonderful opporLunlLy for all Lhose dle hard 8oboLlcs fans Lo deslgn and manufacLure your own
8oboL 1he workshop wlll Leach you Lhe nuances of 8oboLlcs and Lhe requlred guldellnes Lo prepare your
own 8oboL And before l handover Lo ulksha who wlll ouLllne day's evenL l would llke Lo Lhanks all Lhe
guesLs and my dear parLlclpanLs

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