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Philosophy 2.

Assignment Name: __________________________________ Section/Schedule: _________________________ Degree of Concentration:____________________ Due Date: January 13, 2011

Instruction: A. Change the given propositions into their opposites, be that A, E, I or O Propositions. B. Indicate the name of the logical relation that holds between the members of the pair of categorical statements. C. Identify its corresponding truth-value: true, false or undetermined.

1. All pastas are made with flour. True. A B C

2. No extremists are patriots. True. A B C

3. Some quotations are biblical passages. True. A B C

4. Some cabinet members are not politicians. True. A B C

5. Some clinical instructors are not graduates. False. A B C

6. Some professionals are illiterates. False. A B C

7. No animal rights are human rights. False. A B C

8. All television shows are artistically made. False. A B C

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