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GENERAL INFORMATION I. Objectives. see eee eet Ir. The Husky Tackle. - +--+ eee tte qir. Terminology. + 6s eee ee rt A. ‘Team. - boo ocop ao 000 B. Line and Linebackers. s+ see + C. Linebackers and Secondary... + - + Iv. Defense - Save Time/Waste Time - - - + + + A. Late in Half and Game... s+ + s+ Bl Save Time. - ++ - eee ett Cc. Waste Time. + eee eee ttt v. Defensive Huddle. . . Re Formation of Huddle B. Procedure. +++ + c. Important. .- ++ yI. Front Area of Responsibility. +--+ +++ yIr. Individual Alignments. -- +++ 500° VIII. Strength and Set Recognition. -- ++ - R. Strength. eee ee tet B. Backfield Set Recognition... + c. Formations. +--+ eee re tte Ix. Offensive Blocks ++ e eset ‘A. Line and Linebackers - . + +++ s+ + B. Secondary. +--+ eter rte x. Offensive Blocking Schemes. . +--+ + XI. Routes Run By Wide Receivers. .- ++ ++ > XII. Routes Run by Inside Receiver. - +--+ = Vorkw so delet 100 101 102 102 105 105 107 107 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 110 ui 1. 112 113 116 116 118 119 120 121 GENERAL INFORMATION Hold opponent to ten points or less. Score or give offense field position (50 yard line plus two times). Get four turnovers. Prevent offensive big-gainer. Stop third down plays (seven of ten). Stop third down and long plays (eight of ten). Allow no touchdown after a turnover. (Sudden change) Average ten yards per punt return, score. 100 In. THE HUSKY TACKLE A. GET UNDER HIM. SQUARE UP - EYES ON BALL. c. WRAP HIM UP. D. UP AND THROUGH. KNOCK THE BALL OUT. 101

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